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UDL 1.0 Updates, Bugs, & Feedback


Edited 1614670559
hi! so i just got the premium features of roll20 and now im setting up my scenes with dynamic light (not legacy). it looks ok on daylight maps so far (also streamed ones), but im having huge issues on this night time camp site (its a stream that i included with vtt enhancement suite). If i give a player token night vision DIMMING, it does not see anything. like, dimming night vision just does not work at all, no matter 1m or 20m. thus, ive got to select SHARPEN mode which.. doesnt look good AND causes issues. furthermore, i feel like tokens should not see each others token "live vision"?! or do they share vision generally? or do they? if so, that should be adjustable by setting. Ive documented each setting here <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , selecting each token and shortcut STRG + L to check their vision. ive spent hours to fix it but i just cant... maybe im blind for the actual simple solution already and i hope for your help. thank you so much edit: so i just got the idea to use the static battlemap of that scene and it works like a charm, also with dimming. it looks like, logically, roll20 uses the map layer only to calculate lighting? ok. however, now the animation does not appear animore, even tho i move the map to map layer and "to back". is there a way to do this? picture of same instance with static map on map layer "to back", with animation still running in background (sound plays) but not visible at all because it is overruled by map layer : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1614669798
Mike J
Marketplace Creator
I know it has been mentioned in the thread, but I figured I would provide my example as well. I am 100% on the new Dynamic Lighting and have turned off all Legacy lighting. I now have the issues where the DM view hides the grid when there is overlapping vision. So I found a way to solve the issue, but does impact the lighting.&nbsp; If you set the Night Vision to 60' and then select night vision effect "Dimming", and finally set the dimming to 0, it shows correctly: So it seems that there is something to the dimming value.&nbsp; If set to 30, the amount of impacted lighting area is just within 30' of the token.&nbsp; So areas that are dimmed are not impacted by this grid hiding.&nbsp; For now Ill just leave the night vision set to 60' and the dimming set to 0. As I said this sort of solves the problem.&nbsp; With 2 tokens it still works fine, but the more tokens with night vision that are close to each other, the larger the dead space gets. Ultimately, there is definitely some issue with how the new Dynamic Lighting interacts when multiple tokens' dynamic lighting overlap.
I'm really disappointed in you guys. your "rollout" of UDL 1.0 is embarrassing. The system clearly isn't ready and you're not doing yourself any favors by forcing it out in a broken state and treating your customers like children when they complain about it. What's going on? This isn't good business, if anything it feels like an egocentric creative lead without employees willing to say no. I don't think I'm alone in saying that unless UDL sees serious changes (fixes), and your communications sees a serious increase in transparency, I'll be leaving your platform with LDL.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
Hi folks! Some quick updates:&nbsp; The Fog Of War setting has moved from the Legacy Lighting tab to the Page Details tab in Page Settings. Hopefully this will help resolve some of the confusion around whether or not Fog Of War is included in the sunset (it’s not.) I’ve attached a screenshot for clarity:&nbsp; The Firebase Optimization that I was discussing with y'all last week is now live! Please let me know if you have any unreported issues that pop up as a result of this push, though user impact should be minimal.&nbsp; Thanks again everyone! I am still working on bug reporting and working with the team on getting you all some updates re: the current status with the API and the token ghosting effect bug.&nbsp; Some Personal Responses:&nbsp; Izzmad: Does this problem persist if you turn off VTT Enhancement Suite? We currently cannot speak to how unauthorized extensions affect Roll20. If so, and this page is unable to help answer any questions, reach out through the Help Center and I can help you troubleshoot there!&nbsp; Mike J: Thank you for the workaround! Compiling this to forward to our Dev team, awesome work.
I just want to remind everyone that when you use dynamic lighting that characters wont be able to see anything if their tokens aren't assigned to them first.&nbsp; I know, its a stupid comment, but litterally had the same issue and that was the problem for me
One of my players can see the entire map: GM layer, all tokens, everything fully visible. Another can't see anything at all. We are playing RotFM and they are currently in Sunblight. Needless to say, this is unusable. I've left the map with UDL on for now, in case you want to look at the game to debug, but I'll switch it to using legacy lightning before our next session.

Edited 1614791802
Katie Mae🔮
Roll20 Team
Austin S. - Thanks for this great reminder! I forget when setting up my own games, so it's always helpful to bring up.&nbsp; Duane G.- Thank you for saving the game for us! We've gone ahead and made a copy of the game for our team to investigate, so you can now edit your game however you'd like.&nbsp;

Edited 1614801076
Hello Everyone. I've skimmed through sooooooo many posts about dynamic lighting, but no answer has worked. Game: Adventures of ShoreShack Map: 'Test' or 'Overview CC1-4 (copy)' ... but many others don't seem to work a well.&nbsp; I have a game tomorrow evening, and gosh darnit. I've screenshotted all my settings.I cannot get anyone to have vision... even if Daylight Mode = On Emits Bright Light = On &amp;&amp; Bright Light Distance = 100ft With control+l Nothing... Black Screen Page Settings: Tried with both FOW On/Off. Funny enough. Token disappears from player view if it's set to On.&nbsp; Daylight Mode = On Added additional screenshots to next post HELP! When "rejoining as player"

Edited 1614799990
Continuation from previous post. I think too many screenshots for 1 post. Character Setting: Token Settings: (Tried with just vision, but also with strong light) . . . . I then adjust the token to produce Bright Light = on &amp;&amp; Bright Light Distance 100' Before Control + l With control + l Feared it was just the control+l functionality not working... but rejoined as player, and still get a black screen

Edited 1614801572
Sorry to pile on. But also, if I use Legacy Lighting... my player's can see the lighting correctly, BUT player's cannot see their tokens.&nbsp; Funny enough, they can still move them... but blindly have to use their changing curser to figure out where the tokens are. Map: Overview CC1-4
GreenTikiFire P. said: Sorry to pile on. But also, if I use Legacy Lighting... my player's can see the lighting correctly, BUT player's cannot see their tokens.&nbsp; Funny enough, they can still move them... but blindly have to use their changing curser to figure out where the tokens are. Map: Overview CC1-4 I've encountered that issue with LDL and players not being able to see their tokens. I've found deleting the token and dropping a fresh token on the map generally resolves that issue.
Jay R. said: GreenTikiFire P. said: Sorry to pile on. But also, if I use Legacy Lighting... my player's can see the lighting correctly, BUT player's cannot see their tokens.&nbsp; Funny enough, they can still move them... but blindly have to use their changing curser to figure out where the tokens are. Map: Overview CC1-4 I've encountered that issue with LDL and players not being able to see their tokens. I've found deleting the token and dropping a fresh token on the map generally resolves that issue. Thanks for the Reply Jay. Gave it a try, but didn't resolve. I'll post if I figure out anything.
GreenTikiFire P. said: Jay R. said: GreenTikiFire P. said: Sorry to pile on. But also, if I use Legacy Lighting... my player's can see the lighting correctly, BUT player's cannot see their tokens.&nbsp; Funny enough, they can still move them... but blindly have to use their changing curser to figure out where the tokens are. Map: Overview CC1-4 I've encountered that issue with LDL and players not being able to see their tokens. I've found deleting the token and dropping a fresh token on the map generally resolves that issue. Thanks for the Reply Jay. Gave it a try, but didn't resolve. I'll post if I figure out anything. When my tokens lose vision like that I just refresh the browser and it comes back. If still persists maybe clear your browser cache, close the whole browser and reopen with the token and setting already in place.
Don't know if this has been covered, but here goes. I created a new Curse of Strahd game with UDL. Dropped an NPC token on some of the Castle Ravenloft maps to explore and try out the features and use Ctrl + L to see through the eyes of the token. Every so often I lose my ability as DM to see the map and either have to click around blindly to find the token and see through its eyes or reload the map.&nbsp; I imagine this will be very inconvenient when I'm running a game with a full roster of players online. Top image is my view as DM when the bug happens. Bottom image is view seen through the token.
DECIMUS said: GreenTikiFire P. said: Jay R. said: GreenTikiFire P. said: Sorry to pile on. But also, if I use Legacy Lighting... my player's can see the lighting correctly, BUT player's cannot see their tokens.&nbsp; Funny enough, they can still move them... but blindly have to use their changing curser to figure out where the tokens are. Map: Overview CC1-4 I've encountered that issue with LDL and players not being able to see their tokens. I've found deleting the token and dropping a fresh token on the map generally resolves that issue. Thanks for the Reply Jay. Gave it a try, but didn't resolve. I'll post if I figure out anything. When my tokens lose vision like that I just refresh the browser and it comes back. If still persists maybe clear your browser cache, close the whole browser and reopen with the token and setting already in place. Thanks for the suggestion. Just tried it in a private browser and still get the same.
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
It is difficult to tell from your images, but it looks like you are maybe on a Mac using Safari as your browser? (The one full shot looks like Safari to me, but I haven't used my Mac computer at work since the pandemic started and have been home on my PC, so I might be off on my Mac-App-Dar). If so, give Chrome or Firefox a try. Safari isn't supported by Roll20, and can do some weird things. If you are already on Firefox or Chrome, sorry for the useless suggestion :) GreenTikiFire P. said: Hello Everyone. I've skimmed through sooooooo many posts about dynamic lighting, but no answer has worked.
Skimmed through this post, and the old one for bugs, don't see what I need, so I'll ask the question.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have been casually watching the conversations about UDL, but not using it due to the various bug reports out there (I am a proud late adopter who waits for new to become debugged and stable) .&nbsp; Just started a new campaign in UDL to get familiar with it as LDL is now sunsetting.&nbsp; UDL appears to be missing a feature, I can no longer reset the explorer revealed areas on the map.&nbsp; My process to ensure that I've set all of my light barriers properly (and potentially hidden the villains behind columns, etc.) is to drop a character token on my map when I'm done and use the Ctrl-L function to "see through his eyes".&nbsp; Then move him around the map and make sure that he can see what I want him to see with night vision goggles or low light vision and that he can't see things that I indented to be hidden until the appropriate time.&nbsp; Then (in LDL), once I have the map working correctly I used to be able to delete the token and use the reset fog for the map and all of the revealed areas would become unrevealed.&nbsp; Basically, return the map back to the pre-played state. Now, interestingly enough, if I copy the map page (which I also do regularly when the heroes are returning to a location later in time and things are different), the explorer revealed areas of both maps (the original and the copy) are reset and no explorer areas revealed on either.&nbsp; Of course, the explorer mode in UDL and the advanced fog of war in LDL both appear broken and don't work. As far as I can tell, with UDL, once areas are revealed through the explorer function there is no way to reset the map and hide them again.&nbsp; When will this function be returned, or, have I missed something and don't know what I'm doing and somebody can point out my error? Thanks!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The options are in the flyout menu of the reveal tool. You can set the tool for permanent or explorable darkness, and use the commands there to conceal, reveal or reset.
This may have been mentioned previously, but there's too many bug posts for me to go through. Using UDL (no LDL set up at all) and I use an API script (tokenmod) to add lights to characters via a macro button. If I add (or turn off) a "torch" (20' bright and 20' dim light all around) onto a token it all works fine. If I add a "lantern" (60' bright and 60' dim light in a 100 degree cone) onto a token it IGNORES the directional parameter and has light all around. However, when I edit the token, it is correctly set up (directional light, 100 degrees). If I change the 100 degrees to something else (e.g. 99 degrees) then it does work fine. However, if I then turn on the torch again, it has the correct distance, but it uses the directional amount even though direction has been turned off. If I edit the token and manually turn on and then off the directional light, it works again (until I do the above again). In summary, it seems to be ignoring the "directional" toggle and value for "emits light" if set via an API rather than manually. I'm sure this used to work (a couple of weeks ago) as it was working when I set up the macros in the first place!

Edited 1614962164
Chris A. said: This may have been mentioned previously, but there's too many bug posts for me to go through. Using UDL (no LDL set up at all) and I use an API script (tokenmod) to add lights to characters via a macro button. If I add (or turn off) a "torch" (20' bright and 20' dim light all around) onto a token it all works fine. If I add a "lantern" (60' bright and 60' dim light in a 100 degree cone) onto a token it IGNORES the directional parameter and has light all around. However, when I edit the token, it is correctly set up (directional light, 100 degrees). If I change the 100 degrees to something else (e.g. 99 degrees) then it does work fine. However, if I then turn on the torch again, it has the correct distance, but it uses the directional amount even though direction has been turned off. If I edit the token and manually turn on and then off the directional light, it works again (until I do the above again). In summary, it seems to be ignoring the "directional" toggle and value for "emits light" if set via an API rather than manually. I'm sure this used to work (a couple of weeks ago) as it was working when I set up the macros in the first place! I experienced the same problem.&nbsp; To fix this, I open the Token properties page directly turn on/off some of the directional options and then save to get it to appear correctly. Also, I can't find the parameter names for the following UDL settings: Tint Color Night Vision Effect (None, Dimming, Sharpen) Low Light Brightness (Slider) Light Multiplier I've built an Excel workbook that will construct the TokenMod macro syntax, based on your personal lighting setup.&nbsp; Each of the columns defines a type of light source (Torch, candle, night vision, bullseye lantern, ...). When the macro runs, it will present the user a drop-down box of light source types and apply the settings to the selected token.&nbsp; If I can get the additional fields, I'll post it for others to use/improve.&nbsp; Result: !token-mod ?{Vision|Reset , --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light |Normal, --off has_night_vision emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; |Dark Vision (60'), --off emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision&nbsp; --set night_vision_distance#60 |Dark Vision (90'), --off emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision&nbsp; --set night_vision_distance#90 |Dark Vision (120'), --off emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision&nbsp; --set night_vision_distance#120 |Candle (Carried), --off has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#5 low_light_distance#10 |Candle (Stationary), --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#5 low_light_distance#10 |Torch (Carried), --off has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#20 low_light_distance#20 |Torch (Stationary), --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#20 low_light_distance#20 |Lantern (Carried), --off has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 |Lantern (Stationary), --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 |Bullseye Lantern, --off has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_limit_field_of_vision&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 limit_field_of_vision_center#60 limit_field_of_vision_total#60 |Flashlight, --off has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_limit_field_of_vision has_directional_bright_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#50 low_light_distance#50 limit_field_of_vision_center#60 limit_field_of_vision_total#20 |Camp Fire, --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#70 low_light_distance#70 |Bon Fire, --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#100 low_light_distance#100 |Fez (Soft Light), --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_night_vision emits_bright_light has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on emits_low_light&nbsp; --set low_light_distance#20 |Street Light, --off has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --on emits_bright_light emits_low_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#50 low_light_distance#10 |Spot Light, --off has_night_vision has_limit_field_of_vision has_limit_field_of_night_vision&nbsp; --on has_bright_light_vision&nbsp; emits_bright_light emits_low_light has_directional_bright_light has_directional_dim_light&nbsp; --set bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 directional_bright_light_center#90 directional_bright_light_total#20 directional_dim_light_center#90 directional_dim_light_total#30 |}
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I believe that is the list of attributes that have not yet been exposed to the API.

Edited 1614969968
keithcurtis said: I believe that is the list of attributes that have not yet been exposed to the API. Thanks for the quick reply.&nbsp; I for one am anxious to see them drop the legacy DL so we can move forward.&nbsp; I didn't jump into Roll20 as a GM until this last fall (COVID) and DL is complicated by itself without having to navigate 2 different implementation paradigms.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Any idea when they'll expose more of UDL to the API?&nbsp;
Not really a bug report perse, but definitely a request that would improve usability.&nbsp; A numerical reference on the slider for low light would be very nice.&nbsp; When generating my dim lights for players I don't use the default setting, I turn it down a bit.&nbsp; It is difficult to get them all the same.&nbsp; If the slider bar put out some form of numerical reference (1 - 10, 1% to 100%, whatever) that would be nice.&nbsp; It doesn't need to be a field we can type in as far as I am concerned, just output a numerical value for the slider would be great.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Hello everyone!&nbsp; Thank you for your patience as we continue to work on bug fixes, especially those of you who are still waiting for updates about API. “We’re working on it!” is all I can say about the API fixes for now!&nbsp; Some personal responses:&nbsp; Johnny S. &amp; GreenTikiFire P. - I’ve reached out via PM for further info regarding your issues!&nbsp; Michael D.- Thank you for the suggestion! I’ve forwarded it to the team.&nbsp; Anyways, I’ll see you all around next week! Have a good weekend folks. (:

Edited 1615009716
For the love of all that's holy, stop this nonsense now!&nbsp; Every time I see a new communication about this new lighting feature i wearily try it again, and inevitably waste a couple hours trying to make it work for a few maps.&nbsp; To this day I have never seen this feature work well enough to use it on a single map for my games.&nbsp; It's a good thing I try this beforehand because I end up with function and performance that would be completely unacceptable in software where I work.&nbsp; It fails to deliver the basic premise, it causes data loss (players see things they shouldn't or don't see things they should), and has terrible performance.&nbsp; I have a gaming rig that actually spins up the fans just to cope (almost nothing else does except heavy gaming).&nbsp; I will be very happy if I NEVER see this function again.&nbsp; And now you want to tell me you want to drop the only other lighting system THAT WORKS? Just picking a date isn't going to make it work.&nbsp; I pay for my subscription and this is the absolutely worst thing about roll20.&nbsp; I'm already looking for another platform to move to.&nbsp; If you take away the lighting that works, I'm done.&nbsp; Kudos to Brian C for documenting several of the issues I've seen.&nbsp; He must work QA somewhere, because they're detailed and substantial. I cannot understate my degree of dissatisfaction with the new lighting.&nbsp; Don't want it.&nbsp; Keep it.&nbsp; Don't you dare take away a critical feature that works.

Edited 1615155078
I was asked to repost this here. I'm seeing artifacts being left behind when revealing large areas which can break the tokens visions using Ctrl+L. It was sugested that this might be a GM-only issue but after further testing, this appears to affect players as well. Detailed description of the problem: I'm having some issues with the UDL feature and getting some unexpected behaviour. I've setup a test which i'm able to consistently repeat in multiple browsers with screenshots below. The left screenshot is of the GM view, the right is the token view (Ctrl + L). I'm trying to setup the map in a way where the players can see the entire map, but greyed out and also be able to clearly see what their token can see. (as seen in step 3). I've been playing around with it for a while and can't figure out how to consistantly achive this. The artifact box that is added after revealing a large area (step 2) is also very odd and doesn't seem to be the intended behaviour of this feature. There doesn't appear to be anything important in the Chrome's console log except for 1 item that occurs during step 4 when the token vision breaks. All other entires happen while the page is loading, nothing while i'm revealing areas or interacting with the token. "WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: bindBuffer: attempt to use a deleted object app.js?1614965534:591" Description of setup: Browser: tested on the latest versions of Chrome, Chrome Incognito (no addons) and Firfox (no addons) OS: Windows 10 API: I had scripts running on the game when I took the screenshots but have since tested this on a clean game with no scripts running and got the same result. To reproduce the problem: 1. I have reset the explorable area and droped the token onto the page 2. I used the 'Reveal explorable area' tool to reveal the entire map. It reaveals the map but it then immiadtely adds a unexploded artifact box in the middle of the selected area. 3. Using the 'Reveal explorable area' tool again to reveal the artifact box will get rid of it, but I need to do this twice as it gets re-inserted after the first time. The end result is how i'm trying to get the map to look 4. If I change the page and come back to the test page, it re-inserts the artifact box but this time also breaks the tokens vision 5. To fix the tokens vision I have to reload the browser page (F5) which the map back to how it looks in step 2 6. This is the token and page settings. The 'Daylight mode', 'Update when Token Drop' and 'Night Vision' setting don't seem to make a differnece whether they are on/off with this bug.
Is it already possible to emulate the darkvision in the dark/dim light of d&amp;d 5e rules like LDL? or is it still not possible to emulate it yet?&nbsp;
As far as I know, the most recent communication from Roll20 regarding 5e darkvision was by Drespar on February 22nd: Additionally, we hear you 100% on an option for 5E rules-as-written dark vision and hope to add that as an option sometime soon. Currently we have a system agnostic solution in place, but we’re planning on adding to that. We can’t promise it will be prior to LDL going away, but it’s definitely on our list. I think for now you just set 60 feet of night vision. Someone who is more familiar than I am with UDL might be able to give better advice regarding additional settings such as dimming or tints.
Hey please include a option to have the token models sight range be all that he can see and make his bubble of sight follow him around wherever he goes like in legacy lighting, without this feature it will be almost impossible to keep my games running smoothly.
Hi Michael! Thank you for this report ! I was able to reliably reproduce this on my end and the team is aware. I have also made sure to update the top post with this report as well. Rober, you can emulate the LDL version by setting the token up as such: Vision: ON Night Vision: ON Night Vision Distance: 60ft Tint Color: Not 100% necessary. You can set to a gray or another color to make things a bit darker. I would advise against black currently as overlapping black tint improperly covers up the map from the GM perspective. Night Vision Effect: Dimming Dimming Start: 0 This will emulate Darkvision as it would be set up in LDL.
Hey Alec, Just want to be sure I understand, are you looking for a&nbsp; "vision limit" that prevents tokens from being able to see beyond a certain distance? I don't believe this is possible in LDL. In my current testing, no settings I use are accomplishing this feat. As soon as "Has Sight" is enabled in LDL, the vision will extend indefinitely. Light sources that have "All Players See Light" are then visible to any token with "Has Sight" enabled. "Enforce Line of Sight" being active on a page will cause Dynamic Lighting lines to obscure light sources with LDL, but it does not place any sort of "vision limit" on tokens on the page. I may be misunderstanding, so any clarification would be very helpful so we can keep looking into it :) Alec W. said: Hey please include a option to have the token models sight range be all that he can see and make his bubble of sight follow him around wherever he goes like in legacy lighting, without this feature it will be almost impossible to keep my games running smoothly.
I am encountering a bug on the Token properties Drop-down.&nbsp; When I select the creature name/type in the "Token represents" dropdown, it freezes up.&nbsp; Then it give me a wait/exit option.&nbsp; And then I loose the page.&nbsp; PLEASE FIX.

Edited 1615285605
Hi everyone, Adding this item here to keep together with other UDL related items. Summary Adding a token with extended darkvision to a map with Explorable darkness appears to reveal the explored area to other player tokens. In the screenshots below I have two player tokens: Human Barbarian - with 15 feet nightvision Elf Ranger - with 60 feet nightvision Screenshots (a) Initial Here is the starting view for the Human Barbarian (after an explorable darkness reset), everything appears correct. (b) Movement Here is the view if the Human Barbarian moves 3 squares to the south, everything appears to update correctly. (c) Add Elf Token Here is what happens when I simply drag the Elf Ranger token onto the map. There are some strange darkened squares/boxes that appear, however these vanish if I click elsewhere on the map. Other than this the vision appears correct as I have control of both characters. (d) Check Human Barbarian vision Here is what is visible if I check the vision for the Human Barbarian token (Ctrl + L). Now the Human Barbarian token appears to see everything the Elf Ranger token is able to see, while it should only have the sight it had at step (b). I hope this is useful.

Edited 1615286092
Hi everyone, Summary Tinted Nightvision appears to ignore the map "GM Darkness Opacity" setting. In the screenshots below I have one player token: Elf Ranger - with 30 feet darkvision Screenshots (a) Initial Nightvision with no tint and 50% opacity Here the player token has Nightvision set-up with no tint, and the map has a "GM Darkness Opacity" setting of 50%. As DM I can see the Nightvision circle. (b) Initial Nightvision with no tint and 0% opacity Here I change the opacity to 0%, and as the DM I correctly do not see the Nightvision circle anymore. (c) Initial Nightvision with red tint and 50% opacity Here the player token has Nightvision set-up with red tint, and the map has a "GM Darkness Opacity" setting of 50%. As DM I can see the tinted Nightvision circle. The red tint is not applied to the entire Nightvision area. I suspect this is due to my having "dimmable from 0 feet" activated, it appears the tint is only applied to the core "non-dimmed" part of Nigthvision when viewed as the DM (I did not test this methodically, also see below). A couple of odd things I did not check methodically happened here: I reset the explorable darkness, and the map appeared to become "too bright" for a while here, but this is not the object of the report and hence I did not investigate this further. When I put down the token again (after the darkness reset) I had multiple darkened rectangles appear on the map, these vanished when I deselected the token,&nbsp;&nbsp;but this is not the object of the report and hence I did not investigate this further. (d) Initial Nightvision with red tint and 50% opacity Here I change the opacity to 0%, and as the DM I still see the tinted Nightvision circle. It appears that the untinted element of Nightvision has indeed vanished as per the opacity slider, however the tinted portion stays on screen. I hope this is useful. (e) Dimmable tint brief test This is not a methodical test, but I briefly logged in as a player to see if the tint was applied to the "dimmed" portion of the night vision when I rejoined as a player and it does appear to apply the red tint partially (it does not seem to when I am logged in as a DM). However as per the screenshot some off "box" artefacts appear. The boxes appear to change when I move the token (sometimes there no boxes, sometimes 2, sometimes 3) - not tested methodically.
Hi there, I am facing a bug with UDL. I've tried to document it here. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It may have been discussed before but the list of comments here is too overwhelming. For the comments that I looked at, my problem is different. I can't join a UDL map as a GM. I get a loop of the funny texts when starting a map, but it never finishes.
I experience all of the same things that Francesco describes here, only in my case I am using the "Light Multiplier" under Advanced Settings to effect 3.5/PF1 styled Low-Light Vision. One token, set to the stock 100% light multiplier (as for a human), sees as expected. If a second token with 200% light multiplier (to emulate an elf's low-light vision) is set on the map, both tokens now interpret light sources as if they had a 200% light multiplier. This happens when "Can be edited and controlled by" is set to "All Players" or multiple (but not all) players. If set to a single player, the token behaves as expected even when new tokens are placed. Setting tokens to be controlled by all players is the only way I am aware of to allow player tokens to share vision. This isn't a big deal if the two tokens mostly share the same line of sight to some distant object off in the dark, but if they don't share the same line of sight, it's kind of a problem. Francesco said: Hi everyone, Adding this item here to keep together with other UDL related items. Summary Adding a token with extended darkvision to a map with Explorable darkness appears to reveal the explored area to other player tokens. In the screenshots below I have two player tokens: Human Barbarian - with 15 feet nightvision Elf Ranger - with 60 feet nightvision Screenshots (a) Initial Here is the starting view for the Human Barbarian (after an explorable darkness reset), everything appears correct. (b) Movement Here is the view if the Human Barbarian moves 3 squares to the south, everything appears to update correctly. (c) Add Elf Token Here is what happens when I simply drag the Elf Ranger token onto the map. There are some strange darkened squares/boxes that appear, however these vanish if I click elsewhere on the map. Other than this the vision appears correct as I have control of both characters. (d) Check Human Barbarian vision Here is what is visible if I check the vision for the Human Barbarian token (Ctrl + L). Now the Human Barbarian token appears to see everything the Elf Ranger token is able to see, while it should only have the sight it had at step (b). I hope this is useful.
Is there a how to video on this new dynamic lighting? I'm having massive lag, I had 4 or 5 maps that I loaded yesterday and then they all spit out onto another map I was making today.
Vega said: Is there a how to video on this new dynamic lighting? I'm having massive lag, I had 4 or 5 maps that I loaded yesterday and then they all spit out onto another map I was making today. Hi Vega What browser are you using?&nbsp; I find Chrome lags massively, Firefox works a charm.&nbsp; I don't have anything special as a PC, AMD RX570 GPU, Win10, 16GB RAM, i5-9400F CPU @ 2.9GHz and my internet is a solid 55Mbps D/L and 18Mbps U/L Can't speak for Mac as have never tried with one. Check settings and make sure only tokens that need vision have it set as "On" ie only PCs since as DM you can see everything anyway. Other than that, these are the only settings I use: I would agree with earlier posters that if you have any info in the LDL tab it seems to throw a spanner in the works.&nbsp; I haven't played for a while but when we last played our only issue was the loss of grid when 3 or more night vision circles overlap.&nbsp; This can be overcome to a degree by upping the opacity of the grid, but as you can see from an earlier post of mine, a jury-rig of a fix for me was to simply add a Photoshop grid to the map layer.&nbsp; I don't like Explorer Mode, personal preference, but that seems to also heft a sizeable wrench in the works judging by other posts. Hope that helps?
API Scripter
Having constant issues - literally dozens of use cases at this point.... I can break DL basically on command - its so bad it blows my mind its considered "production" ready. A surefire way to destroy your map (forever) is to stretch lines of DL.&nbsp; Draw a box, stretch it around, and voila, your map is broken until you delete it and start over completely. I also get TONS of artifacts (DL pretending its there, when it shouldn't be) - such as adding a light source to GM layer, then remove it (object disappears and DL does not.) is there a way to "force" a DL layer reset? So that it recalculates all the boundaries again? 90% of the issues seem to be a disagreement between server and map.
I have been using LDL system which worked pretty well since I began as a pro user. When they announced the new system I was curious how it would work out, but since they rolled it out, it has been a really bad replacement for the LDL system. I am sad to see LDL being removed even before the UDL is even done and would strongly suggest that the Roll20 team make sure that if they are letting us only have the new system, then it should be better than the previous one, and working properly. So far it is a hot mess.&nbsp; I understand that this sounds like just angry ranting, but I feel everyone I talk to agrees that the new system is bad and do not wish to use it, until it is functionally better.&nbsp;
aside many of the others problems discussed, I'm also having this one, that i didn't see any prints here (sorry if it was already reported): Observations: A. UDL is on with Explorer Mode&nbsp; B. Both tokens are player characters, both with nightvision 6m and dimmering start at 1m The issue: 1. They are placed on oposite sides of a tavern (or whatever) 2. With Ctrl+L on PC1 his vision seems fine at first&nbsp; 3. With Ctrl+L on PC2, same thing, at first 4. Than PC1 moves and explores the inside of the tavern 5. Now, with Ctrl+L on PC2, he can see the inside of tavern as if he had explored --------------------------- I haven't tested this with the players yet, we are still using LDL on our regular game. If that doesn't happen for them, it is a little better. But it is still so bad, for depending on the map it gets dificult for me as GM to track what each player has already discovered. This never happens with LDL. Any thoughts? Thank you all.

Edited 1615599315
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
It should not happen with your players. The revealed area is player based, not character based. Ctrl L won't test for that. Use a&nbsp; Dummy Account &nbsp;instead. To check your specific concern, you might need two dummy accounts.
cant do anything, nobody can load in, extremely long loading times and an inability to control mic and camera, camera turns itself off immediately upon entering the game as well.&nbsp;
Had an issue with my session the other night. Randomly a couple players at different points just lost complete vision, everything going black. Even when I took away vision and gave it back, all they got back was Explorer mode grayscale. I had to disable dynamic lighting completely, then re-enable so they have proper vision again. I have to do that twice during our 3 hour session.&nbsp; As far as I know, nothing unusual was being done with token movement or settings. And I wasn't messing with any dynamic lighting or the lighting layer prior to the issue.
Light Multiplier not working Page settings are very simple; UDL turned on - everything else off I set up a token with Vision on and Nightvision as below (Light Multiplier 100%). Selecting token and using Ctrl-L. So far, so good. Now, changing only Light Multiplier as below. Expectation is Nightvision range and dimming start are doubled. As you can see, no change whatsoever. Images are screenshots from Chrome but look the same in Firefox. I've even tried fiddling with the Emits Light settings. Am I missing something? It's not listed as a current bug.
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Unless I am mistaken, the Light multiplier doesn't work that way. It multiplies light, not vision. So if a given light source emits 20 feet of bright light, the character with a x2 multiplier will see it emit 40 feet.

Edited 1615666604
I also have a problem with the multiplier in UDL. It doesn't multiply the light as it used to in LDL. Here is an example (and I'm not using Nightvision, just the regular vision): In LDL , if a human character (1x multiplier) emits a 6m normal light, he sees this: but his elf buddy (with 2x multiplier) sees the double amount of light : perfect ! With UDL , the human character (with 100% light multiplier and emitting a 6m normal light) sees this: but the elf (200% light multiplier) sees the same... Anything I'm doing wrong ? Thanks in advance !

Edited 1615681586
I'm too worried about breaking my games to switch over, but it sounds like -- if there isn't already -- some tooltips explaining what does what on UDL would be handy.

Edited 1615684728
Katie Mae🔮
Roll20 Team
Hi there folks!&nbsp; &nbsp; I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend, and thank you as always for your patience! We’ve been quite busy working away on features and fixes that I will be able to announce Soon TM. Until then, I’ve been going through and logging your most recent reports, and will be reaching out to those who I need more information from via PM!&nbsp; &nbsp; Some Personal Responses:&nbsp; James M. - This issue isn’t related to Dynamic Lighting. I recommend reaching out to the Help Center for, so we can help you troubleshoot!&nbsp; Francesco - Thank you for these reports! Adding them to our existing database.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - Wow, thank you for sending this incredibly helpful video. This is the first I’ve seen of this issue, and I’ve forwarded it on to the Devs!&nbsp; James S. - I’m sorry you’ve been unable to load into your game! Please reach out to the Help Center so we can help you get up and running again.&nbsp; Coldin - Apologies that you had such trouble running your game! If you feel comfortable, please reach out to the H elp Center so that we can take a look at your game.&nbsp; Edward R ., Doug E. and Baptiste B. - Thanks for bringing this information about the Multiplier to my attention! I will speak with the Devs about it on Monday and see if they have any insight.&nbsp; &nbsp; Again, thank you everyone for the feedback and for helping each other as well. See you all next week!