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Print Character Sheets

Yes to this, one of my players almost deleted his sheet whole leveling up and it suddenly occurred to us that we have no backups and nothing printed since we went virtual.
This still a thing? +1
Does this support printing a character sheet still? Many tools allow this already! I enjoy tracking my campaign and using roll20 for in person fog of war but players need paper character sheets!
+1 from me! I can't believe this is not possible yet.
+1, it is possible. If you can make an HTML page you CAN make it print...

Edited 1614942833
Peter B.
Sheet Author
∇ince said: Looks like one of the roadblocks to printing our character sheets may have finally been removed. Now on Dev Server: Character Sheet Enhancements! As Vince said this is going to be possible in the future. However it is up to The individual sheet author to implement this.  So after the above changes goes live, you all need to contact the sheetauthor who maintains the sheet you use and ask them to add this feature 
Thank you Roll20 for taking on this critical upgrade. This is the only thread I track and it's a big relief to hear it's in development.  I've been screenshotting and using a glue-stick to hack a sheet together for in person... I feel like an orc trying to play the hurdy gurdy.  Orcward.
+1 Please add this to Roll20.
+1 3
+1 make this happen
+1. 6 years and still waiting

Edited 1615338783
Sheet Author
I hear you... but todays update should open the door, allowing us sheet authors the ability to code for a "printable" version of a sheet. Just need to learn how that's done exactly and start editing existing sheets for it. <a href=",SheetFormatting" rel="nofollow">,SheetFormatting</a> Print styling You can print a character sheet by opening it in a separate window and using the browser or devices native print functions. As a note, character sheet styling and some data may be missing or affected. We now support&nbsp; the print media query , which should allow sheet authors to style their sheets specifically for when a user wants to print them.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
As Vince said. The new featuers are live and printable sheets can now be developed! :&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> OBS OBS OBS! This does not mean that sheets can be printed as of today. Sheet authors need to implement the probler CSS and styling before printing can be done. Contact your "local" sheet author for these changes :)
+1 Please please please, my type a brain wants to put it in a binder
Yes printing sheets is needed
+1 this! I have spent hours trying to find another way to get my character sheet saved to my computer to no avail.&nbsp;
YES! Printable character sheets are a much needed addition.
Sheet Author
I'm expecting roll20 to close my suggestion soon, since it appears that sheets now have the capability (new code must be implemented by sheet authors...) to make a version of the sheet printable.&nbsp; I have not tried converting a sheet for print, so I personally cannot comment on how difficult this is to implement.&nbsp; I would imagine that there would be a direct correlation to the complexity of the sheet.
Umm... So... When is the Standard D&amp;D 5e Sheet going to be made printable? And... How do you make it happen? Like, where is the Print button?

Edited 1619842555
Sheet Author
Adding the code for printing needs to be done per sheet by a volunteer(s) for community-created sheets(98% of the available sheets/systems) or by roll20 for the sheets they created/maintain.&nbsp; Might be best to make requests for adding printing support in the Character Sheets &amp; Compendium sub-forum directly to get the attention of sheet authors.
I just spent a bunch of time building character sheets for an online convention game. It would be really nice if I had some way of saving the characters outside of Roll20.
+1 Also, why can't we vote up more than 3 suggestions? And you can't post a suggestion if you've voted up 3 suggestions!
Joe said: +1 Also, why can't we vote up more than 3 suggestions? And you can't post a suggestion if you've voted up 3 suggestions! The number of votes you have to upvote suggestions or make new suggestions is dependent upon your membership level.&nbsp; Free members get the fewest and Pro members get the most, but all are limited.&nbsp; The rationale is to make users cast their votes for the things that are most important to them, instead of everyone upvoting everything that sounds like a nice idea but might not be that useful overall.
Yes, please!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but for those of us that are looking for the 5e sheet to be printable, we're at the whims of the Roll20 team rather than community volunteers or sheet maintainers, yes? As for that sheet, the Roll20 team is the sheet author? The non-answers to if this will ever be made possible continue:
SOLVED this is a work around.&nbsp; If you open up your character sheet in roll20, then go to your desktop and right-click and choose "display properties", in the window that pops up, set your screen to "portrait" instead of landscape.&nbsp; The controls will be weird but it's temporary.&nbsp; Adjust your sheet to fit your screen, screen&nbsp; shot. Windows key + D to return to desktop and right-click, set it back to landscape...print character sheet.&nbsp; Bewm done.
+1 C'mon, maybe we need to call on all of our friends on Discord, twitter etc to chime in on this?
yes please +1

Edited 1622414537
Are we still waiting for this?&nbsp; My game's dead and I'd like to port out this PC of mine.&nbsp; This honestly should've been a baked-in feature for the site.
You can print a character reasonably well by going to print preview in your browser and reducing the % until you get everything on one page.&nbsp; Or you can export it to the character vault to import it into another game.
Dude...How is this not already a thing? Even with page print i need to fiddle way too much for something that should be so simple.&nbsp; +1 on this.