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Official [AD&D 2E Revised] Update thread

Thank you! Yes, it would be useful to know how the modifier is calculated. 
Peter B.
Sheet Author
The most direct way of finding the formular is to inspect the Hit  button (right click -> inspect -> look at the value  field in the HTML). The complete formula changes a little bit based on if you are using Melee or Ranged and if you are using Standard or Players Options, so there are a total of 4 formulas. Here is the Standard Ranged formula: [[ [[@{ThAC02}]]-(1d20cs>@{crit-thresh2}+([[(@{attackadj2})+((@{strengthhit})*@{strbonus2})+((@{dexmissile})*@{dexbonus2})+(@{prof-level2})+(@{range-mod-attack})+(@{weaptype-slash2}*(@{armortype-slash}))+(@{weaptype-pierce2}*(@{armortype-pierce}))+(@{weaptype-blunt2}*(@{armortype-blunt}))+(@{temp-attackadj})+(@{misc-mod})]]))]] As described above the formula is split into three parts: The ThAC0, the Roll and the Modifier. They are given here below: ThAC0 [[@{ThAC02}]] Roll 1d20cs>@{crit-thresh2} Modifer ([[(@{attackadj2})+((@{strengthhit})*@{strbonus2})+((@{dexmissile})*@{dexbonus2})+(@{prof-level2})+(@{range-mod-attack})+(@{weaptype-slash2}*(@{armortype-slash}))+(@{weaptype-pierce2}*(@{armortype-pierce}))+(@{weaptype-blunt2}*(@{armortype-blunt}))+(@{temp-attackadj})+(@{misc-mod})]]) The modifier has to take A LOT into account therefore the formula for calculating it is rather long. I will try and break it down here: (@{attackadj2}) The number written in the Attack Adjustment field. This is generally where you write down magical bonuses for weapons, such as a Long Bow +2 Default value is 0 ((@{strengthhit})*@{strbonus2}) The Hit Adjustment bonus from high strength, multiplied with the checkbox for is strength bonuses should be included or not (1 or 0) if the checkbox is unchecked then value will be 0 and therefore the entire term be 0 Default value is 0 (strength not included) for ranged weapons ((@{dexmissile})*@{dexbonus2}) The Missile Adjustment  bonus from high Dexterity, multiplied with the checkbox for is Dexterity bonuses should be included or not (1 or 0) if the checkbox is unchecked then value will be 0 and therefore the entire term be 0 The default value is 1 (dexterity is included) for ranged weapons (@{prof-level2}) Your bonus/penalty based on your proficiency level with a weapon. If you are Nonproficient or Related, then you will get a penalty (negative value) if you are proficient then you will get no change (0) if you are specialized or have mastery then you will get a bonus (positive value) The default value is Proficient / 0  (@{range-mod-attack}) The penalty for attacking at different ranges. If you attack at Short range, then you get no penalty. If you attack at Medium range then you get -2, if you attack at Long range, then you get -5 The default value is Short / 0 (@{weaptype-slash2}*(@{armortype-slash})) (@{weaptype-pierce2}*(@{armortype-pierce})) (@{weaptype-blunt2}*(@{armortype-blunt})) The bonus / penalty for using a weapon type vs an armor type. This is a very  optional rule in the Players Handbook, that makes it either harder or easier to hit an enemy if your weapon type (Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning) is used against a certain armor type. This is activated by checking the armor type of the opponent in the liste above the weapons. This system is very finicky, as it cannot automatically determine in what way the player uses his weapon. So if a weapon is P/S vs a Chain Mail, then the player will first need to check the Chain Mail checkbox, and ensure that all other armor checkboxes are unchecked. If the player decides to go in for a Slashing attack, then the player will have to uncheck the Piecing checkbox so that only the Slashing checkbox is active and then click the Hit  button to roll the dice. This entire system is turned off by default (all armor types are unchecked) and I do not think that anyone is actually using it.  (@{temp-attackadj}) This is the Attack modifier written in the Temporary Buff / Curse  table, next to the ThAC0 table. This can be used if you are hit by a Bless  spell giving you +1 to hit for some rounds. Then you do not have to keep adding +1 to the roll. Just just have to remember to reset the values ones the combat is over / the buff runs out, which from my experience is easy to forget. The default value is 0 (@{misc-mod}) This is the modifier from the popup, when the button is clicked, asking for a miscellaneous modifier. This is generally used when you DM says: "Make an attack roll with +2". Then you can just click the button and write "+2" in the popup and it will be added to the roll The default value is 0 All of the modifiers have been summed up for the mouser over to avoid having to read a text like this: 18 - 11cs>20+0+(0*0)+(0*0)+0+0+(0*0)+(0*0)+(0*0)+0+0 which is not helpful at all. Instead it just reads as you showed above 18 - 11cs>20+0 which, I know, is more obfuscated, but it is a lot easier to read. I hope this helps!
Yes, very much so. I've put that to the players and I'll try to get them to use the character sheet more rather than making rolls outside it.  For one thing, I'm arithmetically challenged and have never properly understood how THAC0 works.

Edited 1656187422
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Lexin said: Yes, very much so. I've put that to the players and I'll try to get them to use the character sheet more rather than making rolls outside it.  For one thing, I'm arithmetically challenged and have never properly understood how THAC0 works. You sound like my wife. Whenever anything with numbers comes up she just goes blank her brains stops working. I am the complete opposite. I love numbers, and formulas and all that stuff. Figuring out how to proper calculating everything is fun for me :D Thank you for opening up and telling me this. I always just assumed that everyone playing DnD was into numbers, tables, and obscure modifiers, as the game is so number heavy in its core. If your players like to use physical dice, then I know that some sheets for other game systems allow the players to roll a physical dice and write that in a pop up. Then the sheet takes over and does all the math afterwards, writing the final result. I have not investigated how much work it would take for such an implementation on this sheet, but I know that it will be a lot! xD

Edited 1656509478
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Player’s Options Craziness! v4.10.0 Hello guys! It has been a long time coming, and it is finally here! The great Player’s Options update of 2022. Github PR:&nbsp; Pull Request Added support for PO Critical Hits: System I and II Support for the Critical Hits: System I, rolling damage dice once and doubling the result. Critical Hits: System II This has only been implemented for players for now, as the monsters and henchmen attack tables are missing too many fields to resolve the effect of the crit.&nbsp; Support for the for the Critical Hits: System II. This uses a rather big roll template, so a lot of pop up question needs to be answered before the result can be shown. Fields for weapon Size and Type have been added to the damage and ammo sections used specifically for the Critical Hits: System II. This checks your weapon size vs the target size, your weapon type, rolls for location, severity, and damage. All of the information is printed in a roll template, and if any keywords are present, then notes are shown on how as to how to fix them. If a critical hit causes triple damage that is also included in the damage roll. Special rules for bows and crossbows has also been implemented as described in the Combat &amp; Tactics. Arrows and crossbow quarrel / bolt are considered Medium size, despite being Small. Heavy crossbow quarrel / bolt are considered Large. The code searches the weapon name for either “arrow”, “bolt” or “quarrel” and also checkes for “heavy”. If your weapon name does not include any of these, then the regular size of the weapon will be used.&nbsp; Arrow Heavy Quarrel / Bolt If a weapon has no type such as the Whip, then only the damage will be rolled If a weapon has no damage, then the effect will be rolled If a weapon has no type or damage, then you should really think about getting a new weapon! :D No type No damage No nothing The roll does not handle all the checks to see if the target actually gets hit (fails a save vs. Death) that is up to you to handle all that before rolling the effect. Added support for spell critical hits This functions as above but for spells using the Spells &amp; Magic book.&nbsp; This is available both to players and monsters . It is not available to henchmen , as they use the simple spell section. This roll has quite a few more popups for you to resolve as the rules are more complicated and simply cannot be automatically resolved. One major factor here is the potential damage of a spell, as many spells have complicated damage formulas. As described in the book, if the target is of size Huge or Gargantuan, then the size of the spell will be reduced by 1 or 2 sizes, reducing the number of locations it hits. I am just gonna come out and say it. Who ever came up with this is a crazy guy. If you get hit by a spell with severity Mortal then you will need to be in very good favour with your favourite God to survive.&nbsp; You have to survive a spell that at maximum damage will deal more than the double of your Max HP as damage, therefore it on average should deal your Max HP in damage.&nbsp; You then have to survive an effect roll that has a 23% chance of rolling 12 or above on 2d8, which in nearly all cases directly kills you. If the roll hits 13 or above (15% chance), you get the effect from a 12 roll and you somehow manages to survive that, then spells gets another hit with another effect using the 2d8 roll, which of course can hit another time again if the roll is good. Here is just a single hit that hits the leg, moving to the abdomen and up through the torso. And that was just a single hit. If the spell were Huge or Gargantuan, then the base spell will have multiple hits, all capable of adding additional hits. You are going to be dead, dead, dead. Dead, incinerated, dissolved, exploded, imploded, removed, wiped clean of this earth, sent to the moon and back. You are not coming back from this one! Added section for Special Talents and autofill A section for Special Talents from the Player’s Option: Combat &amp; Tactics, have been added to the proficiency tab. Special Talents are a bit of an odd ball middle child, as it stands right in the middle between Proficiency Slots and Character Points systems, standard Ability Scores and subability Scores. Therefore the UI for it is a bit overloaded, in order to try and encompass everything at once. For the ability score, the sheet looks up if you have filled out any of the Player’s Option subability scores, If you have, then it uses the relevant subability score. If you only use the standard ability scores then the relevant standard ability score is used. For people using the proficiency slots system, you can see how many slots a special talent costs and a total of all slots spent on talents. You also see the ability score and modifier is for the roll.&nbsp; Sadly I cannot subtract the used proficiency slots from the weapon / nonweapon proficiency slots total, as some of the Special Talents can only be bought with nonweapon proficiency slots, while others can be bought with both weapon and nonweapon proficiency slots. This makes things too complicated to automate, so I leave this calculation for the users of the system. I cannot hold your hand forever :) For people using the character point system, you can see how many points a special talent costs, as well as a sum of how many points you have spent on talents in total.&nbsp; The base rating for a talent is added. The modifier is found based on the the standard / subability score value, by checking Table 44 in the Skills &amp; Powers book. This is not stated explicitly anywhere. Table 44 is only described as being used for proficiencies, but since Special Talents in general are old proficiencies that have been converted into talents, I think that it makes sense to use the same modifier. Special talents character points spent have also been added to the character point tracker on the Character -&gt; Info -&gt; Tracker page Added Traits autofill and updated design Before After Traits now autofills character points and ability score. The modifier is not auto set as traits in general do not have any modifiers. These are from the Skills &amp; Powers book Added Disadvantages autofill and updated design&nbsp; Before After These are from the Skills &amp; Powers book Added more Weapons Added weapons from the Complete Wizards Hardbook Added weapons from Combat &amp; Tactics Note for firearms As the Arquebus from the PHB, a lot of the firearms in the Combat &amp; Tactics book have open-ended damage. In the PHB, when you roll the damage die for the Arquebus, it is an exploding die ie. if you roll a 10 on your d10, you roll another d10, and keeps going until you roll something else. You then add all the dice together for a summed result. For instance 10+10+7 = 27 damage. This was super easy to add to Roll20. For the firearms in the Combat &amp; Tactics book, they all work a little different. You roll your damage as normal, and then you also roll your knockdown die, a d8. If the knockdown die rolls a 7 or an 8, then you roll an additional damage die and knockdown die. You keep going like this until the knockdown die rolls 6 or lower. Then all the damage dice are added together. As for the knockdown value, to see if the target is knocked down, only the first knockdown die counts. The rest of the knockdown dice are only used to see if additional damage is rolled. This is rather complicated to implement in Roll20, so the way I have gone about it was to use the following formular d8cs&gt;7!&gt;7 This rerolls the knockdown die if the roll is 7 or greater, and also marks it as a crit. Now it is possible that the first roll is a 7, and the next roll is a 1. Then the rolling would stop and the total would be shown as an 8. However since one of the rolls were a crit and another was a fumble, the roll will show up as “important” with a blue border. This will help you to quickly read if additional damage needs to be rolled: Green / Blue roll -&gt; 1 or more crits: Roll additional damage dice. Read knockdown value from the first dice Red roll -&gt; First roll fumbled: No additional damage or knockdown. Green Blue Red Note for a lot of weapons in the Combat &amp; Tactics All other special properties of weapons, such as Crossbow’s armor-piercing effect, or firearms double penalty for range modifiers have not been implemented. You are responsible for handling these kind of things. Added weapon from Skills &amp; Powers General notes for weapons When I started this project I assume that each weapon would only be described once in a single book and each additional book would only describe new weapons. If for some reason a weapon was described in multiple books, it would of course have the same statistics. Boy was I wrong! There are so many inconsistencies between books, and even some within the same book! I have decided that I will not do any ruling on changes between books, as any chance could be a typo, nerf, buff, update, balance change. Therefore I have develop a system to let you handle it. I have gone back through every single book and added that book's version of each weapon. This also means that if you want to use a weapon that was described in the both the thief's and ranger's handbook, either of the books will activate it. Previously only the books that described it first, in this case the thief's handbook, would activate it. If you have multiple books active on your sheet, and a weapon is present in both books, but with different stats, then a pop up will ask you what version of a weapon to use. So all of you who prefer to use some of the “updated” stats from the Combat &amp; Tactics for some weapons, such as the Crossbows, but keep the stats for other weapons can now choose on a case by case basis. The popup takes into account what fields are being set, so if two weapons are the same for Hitting the target, but not for damage, then this will be reflected in the pop up Light Crossbow - Hit and Range Light Crossbow - Damage and Knockdown If you want to see the underlying data you can see it all here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Added spells from Spells &amp; Magic Added Lorloveim’s creeping shadow spell from ToM So apparently I missed this one when doing the Tome of Magic. Whoops! Added Nonweapon proficiencies from the Spells &amp; Magic book The same logic used for weapons have been implemented for nonweapon proficiencies to determine what version of a proficiency to use when there are multiple with the same name. The data can be seen here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Added option to use the rearranged Priest Spheres from the Spells &amp; Magic book The PO: Spells &amp; Magic book took a good hard look at all the priest spells and what sphere they were placed in, and rearranged them around in order to fix some mistakes. An example of this is the 4th level spell Reflecting Pool, that have been moved from the sphere of Divination to the sphere of Elemental (Water). Removing clerics from accessing it, making it druid exclusive. If the rearranged spheres is active, it will overwrite the options above for the Complete Druids and the Complete Necromancers sphere extensions, as these have been taken into account when rearranging the spheres. If the rearranged spheres is active, it will also be used for determining spells to add when using the “Add Priest Spells” button. This option can be used without having the Skills &amp; Powers book active. Then it will only rearrange the spells that have been activated in the other books. Original spheres Rearranged spheres The spells with new spheres can be seen here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Only spells that have been rearranged is shown. All spells that remain in their original spheres have been left out of the overview. Added option to use the rearranged Wizard Schools from the Spells &amp; Magic book The PO: Spells &amp; Magic book changed some of the wizard spells around to ensure that all wizards have access to some base spells, by introducing the school of Universal Magic. Previously some of these base spells would be unavailable to specialists of the opposite school. This also effectively removes the Lesser Divination school, as these spells either have been moved to the school of Universal Magic or another school. Some other spells have also been moved around a bit. Original schools Rearranged schools On top of that this also adds the Schools of Effect (Elemental water, fire, earth air, dimensional, force, shadow) and School of Thaumaturgy. (Alchemy, Artificer, Geometry, Song, Wild Magic) Original schools With schools of Effect and Thaumaturgy The spells with new schools can be seen here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Updated design for Potions, Dusts, and Scrolls Before After Fixed monster additional attacks initiative Before After So I apparently implemented the monster additional attacks incorrectly. When rolling these, the monster would not get added to the turn tracker. I fixed this, however one side effect is that monster initiatives are now always rolled hidden to the GM, and do not follow the Public / To GM toggle.&nbsp; No fields have been removed, only moved around. The fields have been moved around so that quantity is not next to a button and now have a proper heading showing what the field is for. That is it for this time Pheew! That was quite a bit update! I hope you guys will play around with all the changes and have some good fun!
This guy changelogs! Thanks for adding all the grizzly ways I can hurt your character with a crit, Peter!
Wow! I'm dazzled by all this information. You must have worked so hard to input it all.
Color me impressed!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Lexin said: Wow! I'm dazzled by all this information. You must have worked so hard to input it all. I have worked hard. This took 5 months to get all in place. Every aspect of this update was a huge time sink. I am so glad to finally release it :D
Peter B.
Sheet Author
So since I am now done with the Player's Options, I was thinking about giving the Psionics a stab. Before I go too deep into research, I would like to know if there is a demand for it? I have already been asked about by two players,&nbsp; Maarken &nbsp;and&nbsp; Shonuff Cor , but if there are anymore psionic lovers out there, please let me know. To implement this and get it right, I will need your feedback more than ever, to help guide me and interpret the rules. So please leave a comment here or write to me directly if you are interested :)
Hi Peter.&nbsp; Gold tells me you're responsible for some of the great assistances we've gotten in my dark sun group.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm a DM on a reasoanbly substantial dark sun pick up server and we use psionics a lot.&nbsp; The original founder of the server (and myself) use the Player's Option psionics.&nbsp; Two of our other regular DMs have us switch to Complete Psioncs Handbook system for their games.&nbsp; Assitances for both systems would be highly apreciated.&nbsp;&nbsp; The thing to note about the Player's option psionics is that there's a little known bit of errata for it which makes it much more playable.&nbsp;&nbsp; Even with the errata there's a great deal of frustration among players of telepathic characters because there's no way to be subtle RAW with player's option psionics.&nbsp; I've written a fix for it which still needs playtesting.&nbsp; I'm happy to share that, too, but it sounds like the most important feedback I have to offer you is:&nbsp;&nbsp; A.&nbsp; There is call for 2nd edition psionics on Roll 20.&nbsp; We've got over a hundred people in our server, but admittedly it's more like 20 who are active.&nbsp;&nbsp; B.&nbsp; Please implement the official player's option errata.&nbsp; I'll try to find it for you.&nbsp;&nbsp; grrr...&nbsp; Can't find it and my old link is broken. I think it may have been in Dragon Magazine 202?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1656666373
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Tenshi said: Hi Peter.&nbsp; Gold tells me you're responsible for some of the great assistances we've gotten in my dark sun group.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm a DM on a reasoanbly substantial dark sun pick up server and we use psionics a lot.&nbsp; The original founder of the server (and myself) use the Player's Option psionics.&nbsp; Two of our other regular DMs have us switch to Complete Psioncs Handbook system for their games.&nbsp; Assitances for both systems would be highly apreciated.&nbsp;&nbsp; The thing to note about the Player's option psionics is that there's a little known bit of errata for it which makes it much more playable.&nbsp;&nbsp; Even with the errata there's a great deal of frustration among players of telepathic characters because there's no way to be subtle RAW with player's option psionics.&nbsp; I've written a fix for it which still needs playtesting.&nbsp; I'm happy to share that, too, but it sounds like the most important feedback I have to offer you is:&nbsp;&nbsp; A.&nbsp; There is call for 2nd edition psionics on Roll 20.&nbsp; We've got over a hundred people in our server, but admittedly it's more like 20 who are active.&nbsp;&nbsp; B.&nbsp; Please implement the official player's option errata.&nbsp; I'll try to find it for you.&nbsp;&nbsp; grrr...&nbsp; Can't find it and my old link is broken. I think it may have been in Dragon Magazine 202?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hello Tenshi I don't know if I am responsible for your assistance in your dark sun group, as I do not think I have done anything for supporting dark sun directly, but I guess a lot of my work is also useful for dark sun players! :) Sounds great to hear that more than two people are interested in the Psionics. It will give my work more purpose. Please take into consideration that I have absolutely no experience with the psionics. So whenever you describe something, please do not assume that I know any of the the context or why it is important. What I know as of right now is that there are two quite different rulings for psionics. The Complete Psionics Handbook Player's Option: Skills &amp; Powers That is the extend of my knowledge. I have basically looked at the sheet and seen that there are two different sets of input fields. From your message I can losely gather the following: There are actually more like 3 rule sets for psionics The Complete Psionics Handbook Player's Option: Skills &amp; Powers Player's Option: Skills &amp; Powers Errata As I do not know what the errata includes or how it affects play, I am unsure if this is widely accepted as the "correct" way to play or if there is a divide in the community and that some people prefer to play without it. The only thing I can compare it to is the updated weapons statistics from the Combat &amp; Tactics book. Some people see each book as a "patch" that updates and overrules all previous books, thus making the C&amp;T the primary source. Other people see the PHB as the primary source and any other book as options or extensions. To handle this, I implemented a system that allows players to choose the stats they prefer, and thereby play the way they prefer to play. So in order to understand the errata I need a lot more knowledge about what it is and how it affects gameplay. You also describe that there's a great deal of frustration among players of telepathic characters because there's no way to be subtle RAW Now I have no clue what this means for the player. I do not know how telepathic characters work, or why they want to be subtle or why it is important or cool to be so. If this is something I need to know, to make a good implementation of the rules then you need to explain it to me what it is, why it is important and how it would be achieved either online or in the real world around the table. Then I can try and find the best way to present it in Roll20. I plan on doing some interviews with players who use psionics in their games to get a better understanding of the flow of the game and class. My hope is to find som experts in the field and get a breakdown of mechanics, frustrating bookkeeping, cumbersome combat scenarios, and stuff like that. As of right now I am just reading through the psionics and PO S&amp;P book to get a base understanding of psionics, so that I can enter a discussion with minium amount of knowledge.
Hi Peter B. I have 2E psionics (CPH) incorporated in my custom sheet. Psionics requires its own template because it’s not just a simple check. There are failures, successes, critical failures [usually on a 20], critical successes when you roll exactly what you need, and sometimes a special result on a roll of 1. To make matters more complicated, you can add points to your skill level with certain abilities, so although I don’t think this is spelled out in the book it makes sense that your “critical success” chance should also improve. (i.e., if you formerly succeeded on a roll of 15 and that was your critical success roll, then if you improve that ability to 16 you should really get a critical success on a roll of 15 OR 16.) So, if you don’t want to reinvent the wheel, I can send you a template that makes all that work. Also, if you want to play around with it to see it in action, I can copy a game, invite you, and give you a psionic character to play around with.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Thank you. I would prefer to play around with it with you do you can better expansion it all :)&nbsp;
Peter B. said: So since I am now done with the Player's Options, I was thinking about giving the Psionics a stab. Before I go too deep into research, I would like to know if there is a demand for it? I have already been asked about by two players,&nbsp; Maarken &nbsp;and&nbsp; Shonuff Cor , but if there are anymore psionic lovers out there, please let me know. To implement this and get it right, I will need your feedback more than ever, to help guide me and interpret the rules. So please leave a comment here or write to me directly if you are interested :) Hey Peter, I am one of the player in Shonuff Cor's game and currently running a Psionicist. I've always been a big fan of psionics. I'd be glad to give you feedback.&nbsp; &nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Jason K. said: Hey Peter, I am one of the player in Shonuff Cor's game and currently running a Psionicist. I've always been a big fan of psionics. I'd be glad to give you feedback.&nbsp; Thank you! I appreciate it. Ill reach out In a week or two when i have read through the books

Edited 1657913568
Peter B.
Sheet Author
More Roll templates! 4.11.0 Github PR: Pull Request Hello everyone. I got another update for you all. You all seemed to enjoy the change from basic rolls to Roll templates, so I decided to continue down that road and add a bunch more roll templates. Roll templates for Proficiency checks Before After Roll templates for character and monster surprise check Before After Character Monster I tried to use the built in success checker made by Roll20. It functions, but it is really not ment for humans to read. It is more useful when doing math. Roll templates for character and follower rogue skills Before After Character Henchman When doing this I also noticed that the rogue followers were adding the Misc Modifier incorrectly to the roll. Previously a positive modifier (+10) would be added directly to the dice, and thereby decreasing the chance for success, while a negative modifier (-10) would improve the chance for success. This has been fixed, so that a positive modifier now improves the chance for success, and a negative decreases it. Before After Roll template for monster morale check Before After So my first go at a morale roll was really bad. I wanted to try out Roll20 inbuilt success detector. It is great for math, but it really isn't ment to be used for human readable output. It really needed an update. Thank you Maarken for pointing this out to me. Added whisper type to monster spell effect Before After Note the blue background color means that the message is public. The green/yellow background color means that it is only for the GM. *Correction*: So this trick does not actually work for those spells that contain newlines in their spell effect. Only the first part will be whispered to the GM. The next part will be public. I do not think there is a way to solve this with my current setup. I will investigate further for the future. Added whisper type to monster spell critical effect Before After Note the blue background color means that the message is public. The green/yellow background color means that it is only for the GM. I assume that a DM might want to let their players stew a bit when they realises they just got critically hit by a spell Improved a bunch of spell templates to increase readability So a lot of the spells were pretty hard to read. I went through a bunch of them (not all!) and improved those that needed it the most. I mainly focused on making the damage and healing section more explicit in how or when the damage is applied. Here are some examples: Before After The almost complete list of spells that got a little update is here: Flaming Sphere Melf's Acid Arrow Summon Swarm Flame Arrow Melf's Minute Meteors Evard's Black Tentacles Ice Storm Wall of Fire Wall of Ice Cloudkill Chain lightning Death Fog Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Finger of Death Incendiary Cloud Bigby's Crushing Hand Meteor Swarm Fire Aura Vitriolic Sphere Flame Blade That is it for this time! I hope you all enjoy all the new templates and that it will make you games easier to run for players and DM alike!
These changes are brilliant, thank you!&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Lexin said: These changes are brilliant, thank you!&nbsp; You are welcome :)&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Hey guys. I had an idea that I would like to bounce off of you guys. I have been thinking of adding another primary tab to the characters sheet, which should act as a DM screen. This screen can hold information and buttons for: Item saving throws Hit points of items (chars, doors, ropes) Morale tables Encounter table Encounter reaction table NPC Spell costs Gem and objects of art value table Other stuff that I can come up with, or that you might want listed :) I would probably make a checkbox to show / hide the DM screen tab, as a lot of the information should not be directly available to players. I would like to hear what you think, and if you have any ideas of what to put on such a page :)
I think that sounds helpful, though I don't know what you would add to the page.

Edited 1658838903
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Firefox datalist support! 4.12.0 Github PR: Pull Request Hello everyone. I have been asked before to make more support for Firefox, now my own DM have asked me the same, and recently I have been forced to use Firefox myself. The experience on Firefox really was no good, so I have worked to make better support for it. Example of the change Before After This is definitely more useable and it allows players to search for weapons. The same logic have been made in the following errors: Added Firefox support for Weapons auto-complete for Characters, Henchmen, and Monsters Added Firefox support for Weapon proficiencies auto-complete for Characters Added Firefox support for Nonweapon proficiencies auto-complete for Characters Added Firefox support for Spells auto-complete for Characters and Monsters Added Firefox support for Classes auto-complete for Characters Added Firefox support for Rogue armor auto-complete for Characters Added Firefox support for Languages auto-complete for Characters Added Firefox support for Priest spheres auto-complete for Characters Added Firefox support for Special Talents, Traits, and Disadvantages for Characters Added Firefox support for Monster Morale, Intelligence, and Frequency auto-complete About the presentation: As far as I can tell, there is nothing I can do about how the list is presented. This is completely controlled by Firefox. It is not as pretty or as informative as on Chrome, but at least it works for searching now instead of showing nothing. That is it for this time A quick and sweet update. I hope the Firefox users out there will enjoy this change :)
As useful as that might be having all the DM screen information available for the DM on a character sheet. I was wondering if the CS would remain stable with all that information compiled into it..? I currently use handouts as a DM screen, I have a master handout that has links for sub-handouts to hold that information.
BilBo 2 said: I currently use handouts as a DM screen,&nbsp; That is very clever, how did you do it?
Sheet Author
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Peter B.
Sheet Author
BilBo 2 said: As useful as that might be having all the DM screen information available for the DM on a character sheet. I was wondering if the CS would remain stable with all that information compiled into it..? I currently use handouts as a DM screen, I have a master handout that has links for sub-handouts to hold that information. Yeah you. Might be right. Though html does not take up much space.&nbsp; To be honest, I had an idea for an improvement to The PO crit tables and that require that I had item saving throws some where on the sheet in order to link to that button in the chat, for easy access. Since I needed saving throw My mind kinda went down The rabbit hole about what Else could be added.&nbsp;
Hey, I've been using these character sheets for my games for awhile but all of a sudden now it only fills out same areas with white text making the text invisible. I've tried making a new character sheet and making a new game but it's like this no matter where I try to make a sheet. Any help?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Rev said: Hey, I've been using these character sheets for my games for awhile but all of a sudden now it only fills out same areas with white text making the text invisible. I've tried making a new character sheet and making a new game but it's like this no matter where I try to make a sheet. Any help? Can you tell me what browser you Are using and what version? Also what OS you have. I test in Chrome and Firefox on Windows and iOS.&nbsp; I do not test in any other chromium browser of any kind or brand
Sheet Author
Roll20 made some changes to the vtt today that caused styling issues on a multitude of character sheets.&nbsp; They also reacted quickly to rectify the issues ASAP.&nbsp; Guessing this might be related...
Peter B.
Sheet Author
vÍnce said: Roll20 made some changes to the vtt today that caused styling issues on a multitude of character sheets.&nbsp; They also reacted quickly to rectify the issues ASAP.&nbsp; Guessing this might be related... It is good to hear that Roll20 did a thing, because I haven't changed parts here for a long time. For now I will wait and see if it fixes itself. Thank you for informing me and the 2E player base :)
Hi Peter, Thank you for doing this! I did not expect to find such a comprehensive sheet for AD&amp;D 2e on roll20.&nbsp; This is terribly impressive! A question and a bug report.&nbsp; First the question: What is Arc?&nbsp; I am scratching my head, and sifting through Spells &amp; Magic, and can't seem to find anything.&nbsp; Maybe I am missing something, I haven't played 2e in 20 years and am only getting back into it. Second: Bug reports.&nbsp; Frequently when I input an Intelligence Score and it populates the fields, it only gives the characters 1 language no matter what Intelligence Score is inputted.&nbsp; Also, with Constitution: Frequently when I input a Constitution Score, it glitches and says error on System Shock, Poison Save, and Regeneration. It says in the notes Invalid health.&nbsp; I want to say this happens when I put in a Constitution of 15 or higher. Now, you may have fixed this already because I was just trying it out in the sheet again to take a screen shot and didn't have these problems.&nbsp; But in the event that this is the first you are hearing of this, I figured I should let you know. Thanks for all the hard work!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Hello Brian B! Thank you for your kind words! I always try to make the best sheet possible, at least functionally :D Brian B. said: Hi Peter, Thank you for doing this! I did not expect to find such a comprehensive sheet for AD&amp;D 2e on roll20.&nbsp; This is terribly impressive! A question and a bug report.&nbsp; First the question: What is Arc?&nbsp; I am scratching my head, and sifting through Spells &amp; Magic, and can't seem to find anything.&nbsp; Maybe I am missing something, I haven't played 2e in 20 years and am only getting back into it. Short answer: &nbsp;I don't know Long answer:&nbsp; To be honest with you, I do not know. The thing was there when I took over the sheet. I have not used any of the Player's Option &nbsp;books myself, so I am not familiar with their content. I think it might stand for Arcane? It is used to count how many spell points (or what it is called) you have totally, and how many you have left. I do not know how spells are memorised or tracked using those rules, so I am sadly of little help. If you do not use the Spell points system, but use the classic spell slots system, then you can just ignore it. Second: Bug reports.&nbsp; Frequently when I input an Intelligence Score and it populates the fields, it only gives the characters 1 language no matter what Intelligence Score is inputted.&nbsp; Also, with Constitution: Frequently when I input a Constitution Score, it glitches and says error on System Shock, Poison Save, and Regeneration. It says in the notes Invalid health.&nbsp; I want to say this happens when I put in a Constitution of 15 or higher. Now, you may have fixed this already because I was just trying it out in the sheet again to take a screen shot and didn't have these problems.&nbsp; But in the event that this is the first you are hearing of this, I figured I should let you know. Thanks for all the hard work! This is because the ability scores on the Standard and the Player's Option tabs are shared, and the sub ability scores&nbsp;on the Player's Option tab takes precedence over the standard ability scores. If you click over to the Player's Option tab, you will find that the sub ability score&nbsp;for Constitution, Health, has some invalid value, either below 1 or above 25 or not a number at all. You are having the same problem with the Intelligence score. It looks like from your description that on the Player's Option tab the sub ability scores&nbsp;of Intelligence, Knowledge, has some valid value, which overwrites the number of languages and the %-chance to learn a spell. My best advice to resolve this for your game, is that everyone agrees on a system to use, either the Standard or the Player's Option. If you use the Standard system, then make sure to clear all the sub&nbsp; ability scores on the Player's Option tab, so that they do not interfer. If you use the Player's Option system, then make sure to set all the sub&nbsp; ability scores on the Player's Option tab, so that the correct values are read, as some values change even if the standard and sub&nbsp; ability score have the same value. One example is rogues. Even if you have, say 16 in Dex and 16 in Balance, your thieving skills will get a different modifier, as the sub&nbsp; ability scores gives less bang for the buck, than the standard&nbsp; ability scores I hope this answers your questions! :)
Thanks much!&nbsp; I appreciate that you took the time to reply.&nbsp; With regard to the Spell Points: Yeah, I can't figure out that Arc at all.&nbsp; To be fair, there are actually multiple different systems of Spell Points in Spells &amp; Magic, but they all work MOSTLY the same.&nbsp; It's odd.&nbsp; I will tinker with it when I have time, and if I can figure out how they interface I will let you know. As for the other things: It's just weird because I haven't been using the Player's Option Stuff for the most part, though I did check the box with them in the books tab.&nbsp; That must be what's complicating it, as I have "Skills and Powers" checked off as something that can be referenced, but am for the most part using the standard rules.&nbsp; Ok.&nbsp; Thanks again!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Brian B. said: Thanks much!&nbsp; I appreciate that you took the time to reply.&nbsp; With regard to the Spell Points: Yeah, I can't figure out that Arc at all.&nbsp; To be fair, there are actually multiple different systems of Spell Points in Spells &amp; Magic, but they all work MOSTLY the same.&nbsp; It's odd.&nbsp; I will tinker with it when I have time, and if I can figure out how they interface I will let you know. As for the other things: It's just weird because I haven't been using the Player's Option Stuff for the most part, though I did check the box with them in the books tab.&nbsp; That must be what's complicating it, as I have "Skills and Powers" checked off as something that can be referenced, but am for the most part using the standard rules.&nbsp; Ok.&nbsp; Thanks again! No worries. The sheet is advanced so offering some support is The minimum I can do untill I get more dokumentation done on the wiki page About the spell points: I do know how the fields interact with each other mechanically, but if those mechanics reflect the rules in the Book I don't know.&nbsp; As for The PO: Checking the player's options box on the setting tab, it has no effect on the ability scores. The checkbox only affects the listen values below it, ie spells, proficiencies and so on.&nbsp; I cannot tell you how the values on the PO ability score tab got set, but somehow they did. Did it work to clear All the sub ability score fields, or is The problem still prevelent?&nbsp;

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Honestly, it doesn't seem to be repeating so I can't tell you.&nbsp; I will, however, screenshot it if it happens again. And yes, the fields do interact with each other.&nbsp; Though I cannot figure out Arc, I have decided to make use of it, as I am using the Channeling system from Spells &amp; Magic which functions slightly differently than the other Spell Point systems.&nbsp; Essentially, I am using the Arc slot in each memorized spell to list the Spell Point Cost, and leaving the spell point cost slot empty unless the spell is actually cast (unlike other Spell Point systems which require you to assign your spell points to "fixed" and "free" magicks in advance, Channeling has you spend them as you use them).&nbsp; So Arc serves no real purpose aside from a point of reference (for me) at the moment.&nbsp; But hey, it's a good point of reference to have! Edit: For anyone else who is reading this, the Channeling system actually works really well with Birthright's described magic system, as Wizards draw on Mebhaighl.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Next Update: Psionics (Beta Test) So the work for the next update has come quite some way and is soon™️ ready for release. If anyone is interested in testing the upcoming features, feel free to do so. There are macros for all the psionic powers from the Complete Psionics Handbook, and a new roll template to handle the presentation. Not all powers have been tested, so please report back if you find something is missing Here is the link for the test game: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Brian B. said: Hi Peter, Thank you for doing this! I did not expect to find such a comprehensive sheet for AD&amp;D 2e on roll20.&nbsp; This is terribly impressive! A question and a bug report.&nbsp; First the question: What is Arc?&nbsp; I am scratching my head, and sifting through Spells &amp; Magic, and can't seem to find anything.&nbsp; Maybe I am missing something, I haven't played 2e in 20 years and am only getting back into it. Spell Arcs were part of an alternative way of doing magic from the Forgotten Realms' Arcane Age supplements - most notably Netheril: Empire of Magic. Long story short magic was a lot more prevalent and powerful in the history of the Realms and they added a system to it that reflected that where rather than X slots per level you had a number of 'arcs' which was the maximum number of total spell levels you could cast in a given day.
I have a question about the possibility of something in the sheet - I have a player who's playing a specialty priest which allows them to cast one school of wizard spells (using their priest spell slots) alongside their regular priest spells. Because I can't easily auto-populate the wizard spells on the priest page because of the way the auto-lookups happen I've just added those wizard spells to their wizard spells page on the sheet. Is there a way to tie the two sets of spell slots together so that when they set a spell from either page as memorised it reduces a 'shared' pool of spell slots? Or would I need to just manually add the relevant wizard spelsl to the priest spell page?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Balfuset said: Brian B. said: Hi Peter, Thank you for doing this! I did not expect to find such a comprehensive sheet for AD&amp;D 2e on roll20.&nbsp; This is terribly impressive! A question and a bug report.&nbsp; First the question: What is Arc?&nbsp; I am scratching my head, and sifting through Spells &amp; Magic, and can't seem to find anything.&nbsp; Maybe I am missing something, I haven't played 2e in 20 years and am only getting back into it. Spell Arcs were part of an alternative way of doing magic from the Forgotten Realms' Arcane Age supplements - most notably Netheril: Empire of Magic. Long story short magic was a lot more prevalent and powerful in the history of the Realms and they added a system to it that reflected that where rather than X slots per level you had a number of 'arcs' which was the maximum number of total spell levels you could cast in a given day. Thank you for the input. I might update the heading or split spell points and Arc into two different sections, for a more accurate heading. Balfuset said: I have a question about the possibility of something in the sheet - I have a player who's playing a specialty priest which allows them to cast one school of wizard spells (using their priest spell slots) alongside their regular priest spells. Because I can't easily auto-populate the wizard spells on the priest page because of the way the auto-lookups happen I've just added those wizard spells to their wizard spells page on the sheet. Is there a way to tie the two sets of spell slots together so that when they set a spell from either page as memorised it reduces a 'shared' pool of spell slots? Or would I need to just manually add the relevant wizard spelsl to the priest spell page? A super interesting question! As of right now each pool of spell spots for priest and wizard have a hard separation. There are simply too many kits / specialists, with too different mechanics, to try and combine the sections. Assume that the priest can use his slots for either Wizard or Priest spells exactly as he se fit (spending all on either Wizard or Priest, or doing 50-50 or anything in between), I would suggest adding the wizard spells to the priest page. It will take a little bit of copy pasting, but it shouldn't take too long. Make sure to still have the Wizard caster level &nbsp;set as the wizard spells, unless you edit them, still look for this field for level scaling. After you have done this, you might notice that the template does not show the level of the spell being cast, ie. "Level 1 Wizard". The field to hold the spell level is hidden on the Priest spells to keep the design similar to the Wizard spells. When the autofill happens, it "cheats" a little bit and sets the value of the hidden field. If you want this value set, you will have to do some HTML trickery and get the field to show. Right click the input field next to Sphere &nbsp;and click inspect. You will see an &lt;input&gt; element in the HTML that is Display: none; Uncheck the checkbox to get the field to show. This is not ideal. I will probably change up the priest spells later on to make this field more accessible, if people have a need for this.
Balfuset said:&nbsp; I have a question about the possibility of something in the sheet - I have a player who's playing a specialty priest which allows them to cast one school of wizard spells (using their priest spell slots) alongside their regular priest spells. Because I can't easily auto-populate the wizard spells on the priest page because of the way the auto-lookups happen I've just added those wizard spells to their wizard spells page on the sheet. Is there a way to tie the two sets of spell slots together so that when they set a spell from either page as memorised it reduces a 'shared' pool of spell slots? Or would I need to just manually add the relevant wizard spelsl to the priest spell page? A super interesting question! As of right now each pool of spell spots for priest and wizard have a hard separation. There are simply too many kits / specialists, with too different mechanics, to try and combine the sections. Assume that the priest can use his slots for either Wizard or Priest spells exactly as he se fit (spending all on either Wizard or Priest, or doing 50-50 or anything in between), I would suggest adding the wizard spells to the priest page. It will take a little bit of copy pasting, but it shouldn't take too long. Make sure to still have the Wizard caster level &nbsp;set as the wizard spells, unless you edit them, still look for this field for level scaling. After you have done this, you might notice that the template does not show the level of the spell being cast, ie. "Level 1 Wizard". The field to hold the spell level is hidden on the Priest spells to keep the design similar to the Wizard spells. When the autofill happens, it "cheats" a little bit and sets the value of the hidden field. If you want this value set, you will have to do some HTML trickery and get the field to show. Right click the input field next to Sphere &nbsp;and click inspect. You will see an &lt;input&gt; element in the HTML that is Display: none; Uncheck the checkbox to get the field to show. This is not ideal. I will probably change up the priest spells later on to make this field more accessible, if people have a need for this. I somehow thought that might be the best solution before I asked, but it's good to have the clarification. Fortuantely because it's only ever a single school of wizard spells they get the amount of copy-pasting isn't huge :D I'm just going to have to remind the player that the rules for limited wizard spellcasting for specialty priests that have it is no more than 75% of slots on wizard spells. I absolutely get that there's just too many different kits and specialties to handle this one particular edge case (which I imagine is unique to the Forgotten Realms rules anyway) so I appreciate the response! :D
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Balfuset said: I'm just going to have to remind the player that the rules for limited wizard spellcasting for specialty priests that have it is no more than 75% of slots on wizard spells. Yeah, I feared that there was some minimum / maximum slots that was allowed to be used on wizard spells. If the rules had just been 2 slots max on wizard spells, then it would have been easier to handle, or if the priest "lost" 2 priest spells, and "gained" 2 wizard spells, then it would have been even better for how the sheet works. But a ratio is really hard to handle programatically. I hope you figure it out, and have a good time gaming using the sheet.

Edited 1703060157
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Psionic Core update! 4.13.0 Githup PR: Pull Request Hello everyone! It is time for another update, and a big one this time! Over the past year or so requests for more Psionic support have been requested from multiple people. This update aims to help all of you though readers out there become the real Professor X you were always ment to be! I want to give a huge thanks to&nbsp; Maarken &nbsp;and everyone at the A PUGs lief Dark Sun Campaign HUB &nbsp;Discord, for helping me find references to various books with rulings, and help decide how to handle all the wonderful edge cases that Psionics bring. A huge thank you to you guys! Without it would not have been possible to make this! Basic support Added proficiency advancement macros for psionic Weapon Nonweapon Added nonproficient attack penalty for Psionics Added notes for Psionic saving throw modifiers Added fields for number of disciplines, sciences, devotions, and defense modes Only Disciplines are different in that the revised rules limits the total number of disciplines to 5. There are therefore two macros to choose from, only different being the max number the formula can output. These fields are shared between the Psionic Core and Psionic S/P, as the formulas are the same for Sciences, Devotions, and Defense modes.&nbsp; The formula for Devotions have been extended beyond the 20th level, given in the Complete Psionics Handbook, by using the rules from the Dragon Kings Dark Sun campaign book, p. 75. Note the total Devotions at level 21 seems like a typo as, level 20 has 25 devotions, but level 21 only has 22 devotions. I assumed that the total number at level 21 should be 27, as it seems like, they added 2 to 20.&nbsp; Disciplines, Sciences, and defense modes still follow the same formula so no need for change here. Complete Psionics Handbook p. 12 Dragon Kings p. 75 Updated the Psionic Core tab with headers power fields Before After No old fields have been removed. They have only been moved around a bit to make the fields more readable. I have had many people ask me on how to fill out the fields for psionic powers. Hopefully with some headers it will be easier to fill out. This of course comes complete with helpful datalists for ability score references An arrow button has been added to access to the macro field.&nbsp; The new field is a big textarea, making is easier to read and write macros directly on the sheet. The macro field now being a textarea, might require you to update your Macro libraries, wherever you save them. When writing a Roll Template macro, it is not allowed to have newlines between each attribute of the Roll Template This will not work &amp;{template:2Edefault} // newline not allowed {{name=Psionic Power}} // newline not allowed {{init cost=20 PSP}} // newline not allowed {{maint. cost=5 PSP}} This will &nbsp;work &amp;{template:2Edefault} {{name=Psionic Power}} {{init cost=20 PSP}} {{maint. cost=5 PSP}} Previously this was not a problem, as the old field was an input field (input fields does not support newlines) which effectively removed them, causing faulty macros to work. Two new fields have been added for maintenance cost and for enhanced powers modifiers. Enhanced powers are described further below. Added autocomplete for the Psionic powers from The Complete Psionics Handbook To make it even easier to add powers to your Psionic character, full autofill have been added, working the same way it does for spells. This has probably been my most requested feature, so enjoy! But wait, there is more! Added all new 2Epsionic Roll Template for Psionic Powers Success Failure Not only does it show the information about the power, it also makes a power check roll and informs about the success and failure. For added bonus it also handles the 1, Power Score, and 20 rolls 1 minimum effect Power Score 20 effect The Power Score and 20 effect, has both been included in the macro, as I saw them as fun additions to the system, and as for how they are described they seemed like the least optional rule of all the optional rules. If you dislike them, then just ignore the result. It is currently not possible to turn them off. Some powers are not rolled by the player but are secretly rolled by the DM. These are handled liked this Note: &nbsp;There are not level scaling implemented for any of the powers by default, like there is for spells, because out of out about 160 powers only 2-4 powers had some form of scaling. This was simple too little to demand support for such logic. And finally, not every single power have been tested, so if anyone is broken, please let me know so that I can fix it :) Some technical stuff The 2Epsionic roll template was specifically designed to work in the Psionic Core tab. The button to roll the template is not a normal roll button, that just spits out whatever is written in the macro field. It is an action button, that utilises Custom Roll Parsing (CRP) to look at the rolled result and handle special edge cases. Edge cases Power Score below 1 This allows for handling of edge cases for powers. Ie. if due to modifers, your final power score is below 1, then a roll of “1” always succeeds (Psionics Handbook p. 11) Rule Roll template Power Score exactly 1 Now if the power score is exactly 1 and the roll is 1, then it is ambiguous if you should get the minimum effect or the Power Score effect, but since you did roll the Power Score exactly the Power Score effect is gained, as you did roll your power score number. Power Score above 19 Reading the rules above, it states that a roll of “20” always fails, so what if a power score becomes so great that it goes above 19? The Psionics Handbook does not state anything other than that the power fails, but two later Dark Sun books clarify this edge case. Dark Sun Boxed Set / Dark Sun Campaign Setting p. 38 (Released 1991) 
The Will and the Way p. 65 (Released June 1994) The Dark Sun Boxed Set basically trades risk / reward for consistency, while The Will and the Way has its cake and eats it too! Since The Will and the Way was released later than the Dark Sun Boxed Set, I decided to go with this. Also it just makes it more fun to keep being able to roll the Power Score result. Power score 20 failure Note that the Power Score value now has an asterisk . This is shown whenever the Power Score value has been modified in anyway, by the CRP, before it is shown. Mousing over the Power Score shows the original calculation so that you can verify it for yourself. Enhanced powers There are multiple ways of increasing a the power score of a psionic power not all of these consider a power to be enhanced : Meditative Focus, Nonweapon Proficiency - Psionic Handbook p. 19 This increases the power score of all powers in a discipline by 2 points. This is not considered an enhanced power. Enhancement, Metapsionic Devotion - Psionic Handbook p. 98 Works like above, and again, despite the name, is not considered an enhancement. In The Will and the Way p. 28 there is a Psionic kit called the Tribal Psionicist . This kit gets a power via the Wild Talent rules, and can also learn the the same power. If a Psionicist learns a power that is a Wild Talent or vice versa, then that power becomes Enhanced , and gets a +4. The new field for Enhanced Power Score is designed for exactly this scenario (or other scenarios if you rule it like that). Enhanced powers get a wider range for the Power Score result and also ignores the negative effect of rolling a 1. Power Score 1 is regular success I have heard of players using the same rules when a player decides to Relearn a power and thereby increasing its power score by 1. This gives it a little more bang for the buck, by also getting a higher chance for the power score effect. Enhanced Edge cases Now if an Enhanced power gets a power score above 19, then 19 becomes the new power score number and the +4 is counted down from there and it also removed the effect of rolling a 20.&nbsp; The Will and the Way p. 65 (Released June 1994) Template output Thus an Enhanced Power that has a Power Score above 19, suffer no ill effect of a 1 or a 20, and gets a wider range for Power Score result. This is truly a powerful power to possess! 1 regular success 20 regular failure Added Roll Template output to the power check button. Before After The old power check roll, was really limited in its output, so it has been upgraded to work the same as the full template, but only show the Power Check information. The button uses all the same logic as presented above, so all edges are handled in the same manor. Added nonweapon proficiencies from the Psionics Handbook General Psionic specific The psionic specific proficiencies have been added to both the psionic specific psionic proficiency tracker and the general nonweapon proficiency tracker. The psionic specific proficiency tracker also have gotten the counter for remaining slots, making it easier to keep track of how many slots you have left, across the tabs. Added The Complete Psionics Handbook to the Sheet Settings tab, and to the Game Settings Sheet Settings Default Sheet Settings To get access to all of this new stuff, you of course have to activate the book, just like any other. Quality of life changes Added Notes for Dexterity modifier to saving throws Added foldable notes for saving throw modifiers This was added to let the notes be available when any text is written in the Details field. Added logic for getting the correct level when setting progression macros Say you have a single class Cleric, that is using the @{level-class3} field to keep track of your levels (as the sheet nudges you to do), when you select you macro for Thac0 it uses @{level-class1} by default. This new logic check your levels, and if you only have a single level with a valid value, that level will be automatically chosen for you. So this: (22-(ceil(@{level-class1}/3)*2)) Automatically becomes (22-(ceil(@{level-class3}/3)*2)) // note the change to the level-class. If you play a multi-class / dual-class character, then the sheet will ask you for what level to use. This logic has been implemented for the Thac0, Weapon profs, nonweapon profs, and all the Psionic progression macros. If you have manually edited the macro to use two different levels for your scaling, then it will not ask for which one to use, as it assumes that you are a super user and that you know what you are doing :) Added reminder to select a Wizard / Priest caster level when adding a spell. This reminder is handled with an info box as spell caster level is not always related directly to your classes level. You might find a magic item, casting a spell at a certain level, or be a class such as a paladin or ranger that cast at a lower level than your current. This will hopefully prevent a few errors from raising when casting spells Fixed the background color of input fields back to white Roll20 updated the base CSS making all fields (except dropdown) slightly gray. This resulted in the disabled and readonly fields where not distinguishable from the fields that could be interacted with. This was it for this time! This was quite the mouthful to handle, especially for someone who have never touched Psionics before. I hope that with this you are all ready for your psionic contests and can dominate the battle field of the mind! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1663892275
Hi, I am going to be DMing a 2nd ed game and I wish to create attack and damage macros I can use with monster tokens referencing the Monster Sheet.&nbsp; it would really help save time.&nbsp; I especially like this format,&nbsp; which would allow me to select the monster token, the target token, then select a weapon from the monster list of attacks/weapons (if possible) any help would be tremendous.&nbsp; thank you!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
gabriel b. said: Hi, I am going to be DMing a 2nd ed game and I wish to create attack and damage macros I can use with monster tokens referencing the Monster Sheet.&nbsp; it would really help save time.&nbsp; I especially like this format,&nbsp; which would allow me to select the monster token, the target token, then select a weapon from the monster list of attacks/weapons (if possible) any help would be tremendous.&nbsp; thank you! I When you write "i like this format" Are you missing a screenshot or something, because I am not sure what what "this" exactly refers to. I am not entirely sure what you want to achieve. Could you post a screenshot or a mock up of what you would like.&nbsp; As far as I know it is impossible to make a macro, that when you select 2 tokens it reads a different value from each associated character sheet.&nbsp; I have however heard of macros where you first select the attacking token, then click the attack button and finally select the target token. I haven't tested them myself, but I think that it is possible.&nbsp;

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Richard @ Damery
API Scripter
gabriel b. said: Hi, I am going to be DMing a 2nd ed game and I wish to create attack and damage macros I can use with monster tokens referencing the Monster Sheet.&nbsp; it would really help save time.&nbsp; I especially like this format,&nbsp; which would allow me to select the monster token, the target token, then select a weapon from the monster list of attacks/weapons (if possible) any help would be tremendous.&nbsp; thank you! gabriel, if you use different "prompt fields" in the @{target} statements, you can read two different fields on two different character sheets using sequential clicks.&nbsp; The difficulty is then getting the list of weapons/monster attacks to drop down for you to select from. Targeting can be done like this &nbsp; (the fields used can be whatever data you want to return) : macro code ... @{target|Select the monster that is attacking|token_id} ... some macro code ... @{target|Select the opponent|token_id} ... some more macro code ... The player would then be prompted to select the token representing the monster doing the attack, and then the token representing their opponent, each with different prompts at the top of the map window. Alternatively, put a macro like this as an token action button on each Character sheet. A token action button will then appear at the top of the map window when the token representing the character is selected, and when clicked a prompt will ask for the opponent (again, the fields used can be whatever data you want to return): macro code ... @{selected|character_id} ... some macro code ... @{target|Select the opponent|AC} ... some other macro code ... You can also get multiple fields from a character sheet in one click, by using the same prompt text: macro code ... @{target|Select attacker|token_id} ... more code ... @{target|Select attacker|thac0} ... yet more code ... @{target|Select the opponent|AC} ... more code ... @{target|Select the opponent|HP} ... etc Alternatively, you can install the RPGMaster APIs for Peter's sheet and it will provide all the attack functions under buttons and give you weapon selection lists and much, much more!
hi again, thanks for the previous answers.&nbsp; on another topic, I was going through macros people shared and came across a macro that listed multiple effects of a spell which came up as a drop-down option.&nbsp;&nbsp; here is a sample of what it was:&nbsp; {{effects= ?{Spell effect?|Flaming Arrows, &nbsp;@{selected|token_name} turns [[@{selected|level-class1}/5*10]] arrows or bolts in to flaming missiles for [[1]]rd. If they are not loosed within one round, they are consumed by the magic. The arrows inflict normal damage, plus [[1]] point of fire damage to any target struck. &nbsp; |Fiery Bolts, &nbsp;[[floor(@{selected|level-class1}/5)]] **Fiery Bolts** shoot from @{selected|token_name}'s hands causing [[1d6]]hp piercing damage plus [[4d6]] points of fire damage. 1/2 damage on save vs. spell.}}} I was wondering if a similar thing can be done with 2Esave template but instead have all the save options for monsters.&nbsp; this way, I have 1 button to click when selecting a monster, then have a dropdown to select the save for that monster to roll.&nbsp; I tried, but it's not quite working: &amp;{template:2Esave}?{Saves vs. |Poison, {{savevs=Poison}} @{selected|token_name}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|monpoitar}]]}} {{saveroll=[[d20?{Situational Modifiers|+0}]]}}&nbsp; &nbsp; |Spell, {{savevs=Spell}} @{selected|token_name}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|monspetar}]]}} {{saveroll=[[d20?{Situational Modifiers|+0}]]}}}

Edited 1664097806
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter
gabriel b. said: hi again, thanks for the previous answers.&nbsp; on another topic, I was going through macros people shared and came across a macro that listed multiple effects of a spell which came up as a drop-down option.&nbsp;&nbsp; here is a sample of what it was:&nbsp; {{effects= ?{Spell effect?|Flaming Arrows, &nbsp;@{selected|token_name} turns [[@{selected|level-class1}/5*10]] arrows or bolts in to flaming missiles for [[1]]rd. If they are not loosed within one round, they are consumed by the magic. The arrows inflict normal damage, plus [[1]] point of fire damage to any target struck. &nbsp; |Fiery Bolts, &nbsp;[[floor(@{selected|level-class1}/5)]] **Fiery Bolts** shoot from @{selected|token_name}'s hands causing [[1d6]]hp piercing damage plus [[4d6]] points of fire damage. 1/2 damage on save vs. spell.}}} I was wondering if a similar thing can be done with 2Esave template but instead have all the save options for monsters.&nbsp; this way, I have 1 button to click when selecting a monster, then have a dropdown to select the save for that monster to roll.&nbsp; I tried, but it's not quite working: &amp;{template:2Esave}?{Saves vs. |Poison, {{savevs=Poison}} @{selected|token_name}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|monpoitar}]]}} {{saveroll=[[d20?{Situational Modifiers|+0}]]}}&nbsp; &nbsp; |Spell, {{savevs=Spell}} @{selected|token_name}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|monspetar}]]}} {{saveroll=[[d20?{Situational Modifiers|+0}]]}}} On this one I think you'll perhaps need to escape some of the brakets, e.g. '}}' will need to be '&amp;#125;&amp;#125;', otherwise the macro terminates the outer roll query early.&nbsp; I think the vertical bars will be OK (as the chat roll interpreter parses data fields @{...|...} first), but you could always try escaping those as well ('|' = '&amp;#124;') The Macros &nbsp; help on Roll20 Help section has a full explanation.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
gabriel b. said: hi again, thanks for the previous answers.&nbsp; on another topic, I was going through macros people shared and came across a macro that listed multiple effects of a spell which came up as a drop-down option.&nbsp;&nbsp; here is a sample of what it was:&nbsp; {{effects= ?{Spell effect?|Flaming Arrows, &nbsp;@{selected|token_name} turns [[@{selected|level-class1}/5*10]] arrows or bolts in to flaming missiles for [[1]]rd. If they are not loosed within one round, they are consumed by the magic. The arrows inflict normal damage, plus [[1]] point of fire damage to any target struck. &nbsp; |Fiery Bolts, &nbsp;[[floor(@{selected|level-class1}/5)]] **Fiery Bolts** shoot from @{selected|token_name}'s hands causing [[1d6]]hp piercing damage plus [[4d6]] points of fire damage. 1/2 damage on save vs. spell.}}} I was wondering if a similar thing can be done with 2Esave template but instead have all the save options for monsters.&nbsp; this way, I have 1 button to click when selecting a monster, then have a dropdown to select the save for that monster to roll.&nbsp; I tried, but it's not quite working: &amp;{template:2Esave}?{Saves vs. |Poison, {{savevs=Poison}} @{selected|token_name}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|monpoitar}]]}} {{saveroll=[[d20?{Situational Modifiers|+0}]]}}&nbsp; &nbsp; |Spell, {{savevs=Spell}} @{selected|token_name}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|monspetar}]]}} {{saveroll=[[d20?{Situational Modifiers|+0}]]}}} For The macro above, the saveroll is The same for all the different saves so I would only define that once in the start, right after The 2Esave part. You also have a selected|token_name just floating around. That should probably be put into the character parameter. Ill give you an example

Edited 1664184280
Peter B.
Sheet Author
So the attributes does not need to come the exact same order as defined on the wiki. This frees you up to first write all the common attributes, and then leave the dynamic ones for the end like this &amp;{template:2Esave} {{character= @{selected|token_name} }}&nbsp; {{saveroll=[[d20?{Situational Modifiers|+0}]]}}&nbsp; ?{Saves vs. |Poison, {{savevs=Poison}} {{savetarget=[[@{selected|monpoitar}]]}} |Spell, {{savevs=Spell}} {{savetarget=[[@{selected|monspetar}]]}} } Try this instead. I have not tested it myself, so you might still hit the same issues as Richard mentioned above with the multiple curly brackets closing the pop up option too soon. It might also be that the pipes are closing the pop up menu too soon. You will have to make some more tests with that
Peter, you are awesome.&nbsp; &nbsp;I have a question for you.&nbsp; &nbsp;Are you going to eventually have the saves auto change with levels? or will it always need to be entered?