John P. said: I have identical symptoms, with the roll20AM audio only playing on Round #1 instead of the start of each round. I have CombatMaster v2.48, what should I try next? Or is this feature intended to only play on the start of combat on Round #1? BTW - I've made the player ribbon mistake three times, resulting in a panic resetting of CombatMaster, so I've gotten extra practice. Quinn Dexter said: First I want to thank you for the effort putting into this script. I just have a minor question, I did not find an answer for. I am playing around with roll20am, as I want to set this great Dong from "Glass Onion" on the beginning of each round {{!roll20AM {{--audio,play|NewCombatRound}}}} Nevertheless, I plays the Sound (4 Seconds long) only at the beginning of the first round. For turns (beginning of each turn) it works perfectly, but for rounds, as said only the first time. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Many thanks in advance. I get around this by manually entering in "Round" that increments +1 every turn on the turn order tracker. For some reason, Combat Master only initiates the sound on the first round instead of each round, even though I have it set for each round. But when I manually enter my own "Round" tag on the tracker, it plays a sound each round as intended. The pic below shows my "manually" entered Round tag and the Combat Master round tag. Not sure why the manually entered version works.