I'm noticing that traits that come with an origin or occupation are not listed once the character creator is complete - a rank 3 character can select 3 "extra" character traits as an alien origin outsider, but supposedly comes with Connections, Fresh Eyes, and Stranger. Those are not listed once the character creator is complete, meaning the character only has the "extra" traits they selected, none from the origin or occupation. Additionally the pre-selected traits are not removed from selectable traits... is this intentional? Also, the "Suggested occupation" for "High Tech: Cybernetics" is "Tech Reliance" - likely supposed to be a trait, as it is in "High Tech" and "High Tech: Android" - it is also listed as a suggested occupation for "High Tech: Battlesuit" Additionally: There's no way to simply check a box or click something to get to "base" stats for characters that transform, or have Tech Reliance that is removable, etc. There's also no separate way aside from "Notes" to record any of this additional information. This feels like an incomplete feature of the game itself, rather than a deficiency in the sheet. Should players have a second Rank 1 sheet for their untransformed/unsuited character, if they're otherwise "normal humans?" Come to think of it, this wouldn't work for a high tech character that had other traits that are, say, Rank 3 limited, like, say, Logic - which for a Rank 1 character would be 4, while for Rank 3 would be 6. Does the character get less smart when not in their suit? Does the second character sheet just have unspent power points? Also, some power sets or powers supposedly require certain tags, and certain tags require certain power sets/origins - yet we don't pick tags until the last step, but at the same time power selection doesn't seem to be limited by requiring these traits. Maybe this is linked to the pre-picked traits not showing up in the final character sheet? Not sure. Again, not sure if this is a character sheet or overall game issue.