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Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game by Roll20

Has there been a fix for free users not being able to use the shared compendium yet?  As of now, I still can't seem to make that feature work.
I'm currently a free user and it is working for me and my players.

Edited 1691816091
Mark B. said: Has there been a fix for free users not being able to use the shared compendium yet?  As of now, I still can't seem to make that feature work. It's not working for my players either.
I messaged support. sent them a link to my game.  it's working now.
What do you guys think of this custom sheet I made for my in person players...anyone wan to have a crack at making a form fillable one for Roll20. I can assist in the graphics department just not the coding.
I'm trying to create a brand new character but I can't seem to be able to save it. Also, is there a way to apply modifiers from  from damage reduction or others modifiers?
I can't tell if this is related or not, but I have an issue on a character sheet where there are two "blank" powers. I realized a mistake in a build, deleted two powers and added two custom powers. When I noticed the blank powers, I removed them, closed the sheet to save, reopen the character and the blank powers are back. All the other powers the character should have are there, they simply have two additional blank powers I can't get rid of. Tried logging out and coming back to the session. Blank powers remain. Might be related to saving. For damage reduction you aren't really targeting a specific character, you are just rolling dice. In order to apply damage reduction, a damage roll would have to target a specific character. As far as I can tell, you can't target a character with the way the dice are currently set up. Would be nice if there was some kind of macro designed to modify a dice roll before rolling.
I manage to save a character. When creating a new one if I use the arrow at the bottom of the character creation tool, the character "sticks". Now, I'm trying to figure out how to make changes in characters. I'm trying to update Daredevil to rank 3 but the character sheet is not updating his defenses and attack dice.
How do you edit Ability scores for prebuilt characters (maybe any characters? For example, I want to make Johnny Blaze so I copied Robbie Reyes into my game. Since I want Johnny at Rank 4, I need to remove 5 Ability points (from the Rank up rules in reverse). When I click on the Ability Score Cog I can only edit the Base score but that only changes the Non-Combat score: Original: Edited: New: If I adjust any of the Bonus options, nothing is updated either. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Thanks!
Some features that would be a huge improvement The ability to select a die from chat to reroll for an Edge or Trouble A section to add weapon attacks and power attacks that have modified stats When toggling a Condition from the sheet it would apply the icon symbol to the linked token The ability to adjust Max Focus and Max Health When not using a square character image have it centered in the image box on the character sheet or resize the image box to fit images that are rectangular Some way to denote when you have an Edge for your Initiative (if there is a way it's not obvious) Some sort of user input prompt when rolling an attack to be able to adjust the Damage Multiplier (when targets have a defense rating, etc.) and the Damage Bonus (when spending extra focus to increase a power's effect, etc.). This is probably where you would put a selection for Normal, Edge, and Trouble style roll followed by modifiers to the Damage if it's an attack.  Some minor bugs I've noticed When building a character from the built-in creator sometimes it pulls from the Playtest options and I have to delete the sheet and create a new one (sometimes multiple times) to have it pull options from the Core rulebook When dragging a Character from the compendium onto the map sometimes it just creates a blank sheet with the normal options to edit the sheet, pull a pre-generated hero, or use the built-in creator. When pulling a pre-generated character from a blank character sheet sometimes it has a very limited list to choose from, probably the ones available during the Playtest it seems that the issue of people not having access to their marketplace purchase is just the sheet is pulling from the wrong source sometimes or is not loading all content from the Compendium. All these issues happened when I tried to make characters and mess around with the sheets with no other players and I bought all the content on the marketplace as well as having access to the Playtest materials during that time.
Looks like the sheets are potentially bugging again. I'm seeing very limited occupations, powers etc. Is there anyway to get it to stop pulling from the playtest?

Edited 1692194119
API Scripter
I'm noticing that traits that come with an origin or occupation are not listed once the character creator is complete - a rank 3 character can select 3 "extra" character traits as an alien origin outsider, but supposedly comes with Connections, Fresh Eyes,  and Stranger. Those are not listed once the character creator is complete, meaning the character only has the "extra" traits they selected, none from the origin or occupation. Additionally the pre-selected traits are not removed from selectable traits... is this intentional?  Also, the "Suggested occupation" for "High Tech: Cybernetics" is "Tech Reliance" - likely supposed to be a trait, as it is in "High Tech" and "High Tech: Android" - it is also listed as a suggested occupation for "High Tech: Battlesuit" Additionally: There's no way to simply check a box or click something to get to "base" stats for characters that transform, or have Tech Reliance that is removable, etc. There's also no separate way aside from "Notes" to record any of this additional information. This feels like an incomplete feature of the game itself, rather than a deficiency in the sheet. Should players have a second Rank 1 sheet for their untransformed/unsuited character, if they're otherwise "normal humans?"  Come to think of it, this wouldn't work for a high tech character that had other traits that are, say, Rank 3 limited, like, say, Logic - which for a Rank 1 character would be 4, while for Rank 3 would be 6. Does the character get less smart when not in their suit? Does the second character sheet just have unspent power points?  Also, some power sets or powers supposedly require certain tags, and certain tags require certain power sets/origins - yet we don't pick tags until the last step, but at the same time power selection doesn't seem to be limited by requiring these traits. Maybe this is linked to the pre-picked traits not showing up in the final character sheet? Not sure. Again, not sure if this is a character sheet or overall game issue. 
Player Here stilling having an Extremely Watered down Version from my GM whenever I used the Character Builder, then after can't edit my Character's Rank 
I can't tell if not being able to edit pre-existing characters are a "feature" or a "bug".  Does Marvel not want us messing with their ranks and powers? I plan on doing a massive overhaul to adjust characters and so far I can't do it. 
Chopstyx said: I can't tell if not being able to edit pre-existing characters are a "feature" or a "bug".  Does Marvel not want us messing with their ranks and powers? I plan on doing a massive overhaul to adjust characters and so far I can't do it.  I hope it is a bug.  I am wanting to increase Hawkeye rank.  I do not agree with his build, and want to increase his rank to 3
I'm planning on making about 80% of the characters be rank 3 and 4. Save 5 for near cosmic level characters, and 6 for cosmic. 2 will be for brand new heroes and 1 for regular humans.  That way Daredevil (3) can compete against Spiderman (4) instead of now where he'd lost not last 10 seconds, and stop issues like how Bullseye (as a 2) isn't the world's deadliest assassin because all he could really stop is Aunt May. At least as 3s and 4s combat can be competitive and everyone is useful on a team. As it sits now, Hawkeye will basically just be giving Thor help actions because he's useless fighting anything that'd challenge Thor. 
I'm having an issue with the Character builder not giving me all the power sets despite having the core rulebook and sharing my compendium with my players.
Anyone seeing a way to "level up" or edit a finished character other than "restart character builder" and start from scratch?
I'm not sure if this is new, but it seems when I drag powers from the compendium onto any character, click away, and click back the powers disappear and are are replaced with a "blank" power. If I log out and log back in, the blank power disappears the state is reset to as if I didn't add anything at all. A workaround is I can manually add powers instead of dragging and dropping and things seem to save; however, this kind of defeats the purpose of paying for tools.
Just got all my players on for a session zero to build characters, and all of the sudden no one can get past ability scores in the character builder. Just says "request pending" on everything
It seems my charactermancer is only showing options from the playtest, despite buying the full core rulebook from Roll20. I saw posts mentioning this week's ago as well as a supposed fix. Is there a new issue? I've tried the solutions provided to those previously with no success.

Edited 1692628920
API Scripter
Uncanny 3 requires Rank 4 and Uncanny 2, and Uncanny 4 requires Uncanny 3 and Rank 3. I believe this to be an error. This would mean you can never have Uncanny 3 without being Rank 4. 
Ryan H. said: I'm not sure if this is new, but it seems when I drag powers from the compendium onto any character, click away, and click back the powers disappear and are are replaced with a "blank" power. If I log out and log back in, the blank power disappears the state is reset to as if I didn't add anything at all. A workaround is I can manually add powers instead of dragging and dropping and things seem to save; however, this kind of defeats the purpose of paying for tools. Hey Ryan, I'm trying to reproduce this now and having no luck. Could you list a step by step reproduction along with your OS and Browser?
Any word on fixes for these issues?
My players cannot even start the character builder apparently. I can do it just fone but when they make a character it doesnt open the sheet or display then options. 
I'm sure they are still working on fixing things, but it's gotten pretty quiet here and on Discord about what is still being worked on, what we can expect, and even what we have to live with since it's unclear if somethings are either bugs or features. 
Forum Champion
Hi Chopstyx,  When you say "on Discord" where are you referencing?  As far as I am aware there is no official Discord server for Roll20. 
We have played a few times with my group and I have created a bunch of villains not included in the core book with the character's creator and everything seems to be working as intended for us. The only thing I would suggest is to export created PCs as a backup since I had some of my players accidentally wipe their PCs sheet by opening the setting wheel and relaunching the character's creator.  
Forum Champion
Papa said: We have played a few times with my group and I have created a bunch of villains not included in the core book with the character's creator and everything seems to be working as intended for us. The only thing I would suggest is to export created PCs as a backup since I had some of my players accidentally wipe their PCs sheet by opening the setting wheel and relaunching the character's creator.   Hi Papa,  You can already do this by going to your Character Vault and importing characters at any time. 
Any news on sheet updates? Would be nice to be able to adjust max focus and incorporate powers automating into the sheet if it isn't going to be editable. 
Cableguy said: Any news on sheet updates? Would be nice to be able to adjust max focus and incorporate powers automating into the sheet if it isn't going to be editable.  It looks like a few things have been fixed.  You can now pop them out.  It is not adding your non combat bonuses to your attack roll anymore.  I have also noticed that if a character is in someone's journal and not editable that it does not open to the character sheet anymore.  So it is slowly getting fixed.  Though I agree if we knew what is being fixed and what is fixed already would be great.
has anyone been having issues with the character sheets just sitting at a black page after loading? Refreshing will normally allow me to open up 1 sheet and no more which is a bit of a problem. Tried clearing my cache etc 
Bryce the Magnificent said: Cableguy said: Any news on sheet updates? Would be nice to be able to adjust max focus and incorporate powers automating into the sheet if it isn't going to be editable.  It looks like a few things have been fixed.  You can now pop them out.  It is not adding your non combat bonuses to your attack roll anymore.  I have also noticed that if a character is in someone's journal and not editable that it does not open to the character sheet anymore.  So it is slowly getting fixed.  Though I agree if we knew what is being fixed and what is fixed already would be great. Yeah having changelogs would be amazing. 
When it comes to tokens for pre-made characters. You cant edit any of the defaults or it gets rid of the image for the token leaving it blank. This means setting mooks bars to health or focus makes it the default image for some reason. 

Edited 1694103419
Nora C.
Roll20 Team
Hey folks, I'm gonna be bringing up the changelogs concern with the team tomorrow, but here's a list of everything the Sheet Dev team has done for Marvel in the past few weeks: Power options in the character builder are now reduced when an Origin mechanically limits your choices (e .g . Atlantean and Alien : Skrull ) Minor visual tweaks to the sheet landing page Deleting a custom power set while it is being filtered for in the Powers panel now clears the Power Set filter Added support to re -roll with Edge or Trouble from a roll result Added visual effects to re -rolled roll results Added a "Show Character Name with Rolls " toggle to sheet settings Deleting a power no longer leaves a blank power item in your powers section Tags acquired from origins /occupations are no longer selectable as duplicates in character builder Powers now list what power set they 're from in the sheet Users without edit permissions can now only see the sheet 's profile view Avatar images are now being centered The text fields in the Bio and GM notes on the profile view are now editable Stopped sheets from adding their page navigation to the browser 's "back " history : hitting the browser 's "Back " button now properly sends users back to the page they were on before entering the VTT Added Support for multiple Origins/Occupations Traits and Tags from Origins and Occupations make it to the sheet from the character builder Fixed the attack calculation when rolling damage to use the correct modifier Fixed an issue where the builder would break for certain origin selections Cableguy said: Any news on sheet updates? Would be nice to be able to adjust max focus and incorporate powers automating into the sheet if it isn't going to be editable.  There are two tickets currently in development that cover these. Modifiers for Max Health/Focus should be out first, followed by custom override controls for all ability and damage scores. Once those are both out, players ought to be able to fully homebrew a pregen character. We're still actively working to make this sheet as enjoyable as we can. Thank you for your patience through the last month.

Edited 1694087591
Nora C. said: Hey folks, I'm gonna be bringing up the changelogs concern with the team tomorrow, but here's a list of everything the Sheet Dev team has done for Marvel in the past few weeks: Power options in the character builder are now reduced when an Origin mechanically limits your choices (e .g . Atlantean and Alien : Skrull ) Minor visual tweaks to the sheet landing page Deleting a custom power set while it is being filtered for in the Powers panel now clears the Power Set filter Added support to re -roll with Edge or Trouble from a roll result Added visual effects to re -rolled roll results Added a "Show Character Name with Rolls " toggle to sheet settings Deleting a power no longer leaves a blank power item in your powers section Tags acquired from origins /occupations are no longer selectable as duplicates in character builder Powers now list what power set they 're from in the sheet Users without edit permissions can now only see the sheet 's profile view Avatar images are now being centered The text fields in the Bio and GM notes on the profile view are now editable Stopped sheets from adding their page navigation to the browser 's "back " history : hitting the browser 's "Back " button now properly sends users back to the page they were on before entering the VTT Added Support for multiple Origins/Occupations Traits and Tags from Origins and Occupations make it to the sheet from the character builder Fixed the attack calculation when rolling damage to use the correct modifier Fixed an issue where the builder would break for certain origin selections Cableguy said: Any news on sheet updates? Would be nice to be able to adjust max focus and incorporate powers automating into the sheet if it isn't going to be editable.  There are two tickets currently in development that cover these. Modifiers for Max Health/Focus should be out first, followed custom override controls for all ability and damage scores. Once those are both out, players ought to be able to fully homebrew a pregen character. We're still actively working to make this sheet as enjoyable as we can. Thank you for your patience through the last month. Thanks for the update. Has nothing to do with homebrewing a pregen so muchbas their are traits that increase the max such as Battle Ready but the solution would also help with homebrew as well :D
It seems the re-roll edge/trouble button isn't quite working. It seems to nearly always come out with the same value. I rolled 8 6's in a row which seemed odd and was what the original value had been. 
Xae said: It seems the re-roll edge/trouble button isn't quite working. It seems to nearly always come out with the same value. I rolled 8 6's in a row which seemed odd and was what the original value had been.  It is. Edge rerolls and keeps the best result. It just means you did not get an M in those 8 rolls. I was using Digital Dice and it clearly showed what I rolled, but kept the result that was better. 
Envyus said: Xae said: It seems the re-roll edge/trouble button isn't quite working. It seems to nearly always come out with the same value. I rolled 8 6's in a row which seemed odd and was what the original value had been.  It is. Edge rerolls and keeps the best result. It just means you did not get an M in those 8 rolls. I was using Digital Dice and it clearly showed what I rolled, but kept the result that was better.  ohhh! thanks for clearing that up!

Edited 1694439434
Nora C. said: Ryan H. said: I'm not sure if this is new, but it seems when I drag powers from the compendium onto any character, click away, and click back the powers disappear and are are replaced with a "blank" power. If I log out and log back in, the blank power disappears the state is reset to as if I didn't add anything at all. A workaround is I can manually add powers instead of dragging and dropping and things seem to save; however, this kind of defeats the purpose of paying for tools. Hey Ryan, I'm trying to reproduce this now and having no luck. Could you list a step by step reproduction along with your OS and Browser? I don't know if Ryan found a fix, I'd love to know what it is if he did because I have players about to rank up and I don't want them to hit this bug.  It appears to be doing it with powers and traits.  I am having the same issue, I have tested with several NPCs I have made and a character sheet one of my players made. The steps to recreate are as follows, to the best of my knowledge: Create a character or NPC with the character builder, complete all steps, and click 'Finish'. Open the character sheet from the journal. Drag and drop a power or trait from the compendium into the appropriate field in the character sheet. Close the character sheet. Re-open the character sheet and see that the item you added has disappeared. I have tested in Chrome and Edge, and both are up-to-date.  I also cleared my browser cache in Chrome and hit the same result.  I am using Windows 10 22H2.  Hopefully, we can get this diagnosed and fixed soon.
I am attempting to bring people in from the compendium and dropping them onto the page. All NPC's are as though a blank sheet
Character sheets have been broken since Friday. Any update on when things will be back up working? 

Edited 1694647655
I tried adding the suggested Initiative global macro by copy-pasting the %{selected|INITIATIVE} but it's not working at all. Nothing happens when I click the button. I am selecting the token, and then pressing the macro and nothing.
Also, none of the tokens are on the maps, except for the token map. The bank, safehouse, AIM labs, and Rooftops don't have any tokens on them, on the GM layer OR token layer.
players in my game can only access the quick start character builder even though i have bought the full game and everything is set to the full game with compendium sharing on. Has something changed?

Edited 1694754635
API Scripter
Still running up against a few issues:  According to the rules, the total Attribute and Power Points are interchangeable, one-for-one, meaning a player could theoretically use all 4+5 points for powers, or for attributes - the charactermancer does not allow this.  Having "Battle Ready" is supposed to add 30 Focus, however it doesn't do so, and there is currently no way to edit the base Focus total to account for this.  The lack of some automation is causing confusion in how some multipliers and the like are applied. Currently, Accuracy, Brilliance, etc. all have to be added manually after all points are spent and the character is "completed."  This may be a rules clarification, but because of some lack of automation, some features are unclear. Having "Flight I" and "Speed Run I" - "Flight I" says it means your combat movement is Rank x Run Speed, while "Speed Run I" says your run speed is now Rank x Run Speed - does this mean "Flight I" + "Speed Run I" means your combat flight speed is Rank x Rank x Run Speed?  The amount of manual fiddling might be just a drawback or flaw except that some things that require manual modification cannot be manually modified once the charactermancer is complete.  It would be useful to have some way on specific attributes to track which ones have edge for all non-combat actions or some way to indicate edge.  It would be useful to have a way to track used "reaction" - especially for those characters who have multiple reactions (combat reflexes, speed powers rank 4) 
It also says you can "drag abilities to the bottom of the character page" but nothing happens when you do.