Something that might help the folks who do not like the large box: Currently, the waypoints are expandable, which is super-slick. Maybe the same functionality could be given to the endpoint, but in reverse: defaulting to expanded, but collapsible? This would allow people to more clearly see tokens at the endpoint, which is a major application of the tool. Currently, depending on zoom level, it can cover most or all of a square or even more. Although the plain fact of the matter is that there is never going to be a solution that pleases everyone, this might help reduce that issue. Also, maybe I just noticed it, but I love that the diagonal method and the cell width are included on the toolbar panel. Handy! And the help circle has a link to the page's settings? Chef's kiss! Finally, something that might help with screen real estate here is a more vertical layout, with controls stacked rather than side-by-side. A thin rectangle is easier to work around than a square.