I've noticed that some of my macros aren't working consistently: I'll select either a button in the quick bar or the small dice icon in the collections tab and nothing happens unless I click on the button or icon several times, and sometimes that doesn't even work. I have API heartbeat running and it shows that the sandbox has not crashed. I keep a separate browser tab open in case I need to restart the sandbox, but checking that tab also shows that the sandbox has not crashed. If I restart it anyway, it doesn't always make a difference. The problem seems to only happen with macros that call specific character sheets. A macro similar to: !token-mod {{ --set bright_vision|on night_vision|on night_vision_distance|60 night_vision_effect|nocturnal night_vision_color|transparent has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_center|360 directional_bright_light_total|0 light_color|transparent --ignore-selected --ids @{target|token_id} }} works fine, but one like this: !token-mod {{ --ignore-selected --set emits_bright_light|off bright_light_distance|0 emits_low_light|on low_light_opacity|20 low_light_distance|75 has_directional_bright_light|off directional_bright_light_center|360 directional_bright_light_total|0 light_color|transparent --ids @{Ambient_Light|character_id} }} Only works half the time. I have similar problems with a druid wildshape macro that used to work flawlessly but now doesn't. This again is a macro that affects a specific character sheet. Could this be related to the slow loading of character sheets that I and another GM that I know have been experiencing lately?