Hi RJGrayLight - thanks for taking the time to highlight what you liked, and providing details for the issues you're still experiencing. We have a couple of fixes in the works for the performance-related items like loading and lag that we'll be pushing out over the next couple of weeks; we've also be taking a look at the couple of other dynamic lighting and token behaviors you shared. RJGrayLight said: What I like. 1. Can Shrink tokens to 1/2 and 1/4 size with ease now! 2.
Can rotate tokens more easily now that the tool to rotate tokens is on
the corner! (still gets stuck under the gear icon when zoomed 200% or more and rotated 90° counter-clockwise) 3. Better Ping that's a LOT easier to see! 4.
When using the Pen tool to draw, I can see the line being drawn before I
accept it, making it a LOT easier to set up dynamic lighting and
getting rid of a lot of guessing that used to be done! Issues I've been having. 1.
Some Dynamic Lighting shapes, such as the ellipse, are severely offset
to the right or reveal things inside of them when they are close to the walls. 2.
No directional indicators for one-way dynamic lighting. This was a
feature before jumpgate, but for some reason jumpgate removed it and now
it's a guessing game for which side is which. 3. Loading times are
slower across the board for all maps with dynamic lighting enabled.
Almost completely preventing some from accessing certain maps. 4. Permamant and Explorable Darkness can cause the entire map to go black if a token is selected when attempting to add. 5.
When attempting to move tokens, they will sometimes freeze in place, or
disappear altogether, until you click elsewhere or refresh the page, at
which point they update. 6. When setting up doors and windows on a
map with smaller cells (50px or smaller instead of 70px), the icons
retain their max size of 70px, instead of updating their max size to be
whatever the current cell size is. This causes multiple squares to be
completely covered, preventing access to anything underneath it. 7.
Token Sides appear to be disabled once you assign a token to a sheet
now. Meaning that you can't tie a flippable token to a specific
character sheet at this time. 8. Some tokens, created from jpg or png
images not already within roll20, appear to everyone on the map
regardless of the lighting, even if it should be completely hidden. It's
as though it's on it's own layer that's above the token and lighting
layers. But when placing it in the Map or GM layers, it seems to work as
it should, though with above-average fidelity. 9. Larger maps with lots of dynamic lighting (over 100 unique lines) will sometimes cause the entire webpage to flicker unctrollably on the GM's side, specifically whenever a player moves a token or draws something off-screen for the GM. When this happens, all interaction with the page is prevented, including chat, compendium, etc. Only browser aspects that are not a part off the roll20 website are interactable. Resets upon refreshing the page. Refreshing page's cache ( CTRL+F5 ) only seems to cause more frequent repeat issues. 10. Players have reported significant lag with opening and closing doors and click-dragging their own tokens more than 3 spaces at a time, sometimes having to wait up to 10 seconds to accurately see whether or not they opened or closed a door or moved their token to the correct spot. Of note, these are all confirmed on Firefox v.125.0.3 (64-bit) Google Chrome v124.0.6367.119 (Official Build) (64-bit) Windows 10 Home A game with custom sheets, maps, and tokens (Nothing premade by Roll20 or marketplace except the token markers)