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Character sheet not linking to added token art.

So, I am planning to have a darts competition in my game. I've taken a bunch of default 5e commoner tokens and duplicated them ~10 times. Post which I have updated their dex stat, name, token art. If I drag and drop the token, the art is correct, but it still represents default commoner token. I even tested with a generic empty token, with just the name, dex and art updated. The art is correct, but it has no name and no character sheet attached to it. I've tested this with Brave and Edge browser.
When you duplicate a character or NPC token, the duplicate remains linked to the original character sheet. To fix this do the following: Drag one of the new tokens onto the map and double-click it to open the token menu. In the "Represents character" drop-down, select the proper character sheet, then save changes. Leave that token selected . Then, open the character sheet and select "Edit" near the top right. Under the token art, select "Use Selected Token", then save changes.
It works! Thanks a lot