Hey Keith,
didn't realise a fix had gone in yesterday, just checked and it's... doing some weird things.
It's certainly not AS bad, but there are still some issues.

In the image above you can see the gumshoe has walked around a building, the room to the right with the car has an open door at the south side allowing the "Explorer Mode" to show the ghosting, but the room in the top left is completely cut off and he shouldn't be able to see any of it. However, if you can see, SOME of the room has appeared in Explorer Mode. In the previous issues, it was showing the whole interior of the building. I've double checked for "cracks in the curtains" of the light walls and not been able to find any.
That view is from my GM view on Chrome.

THIS is from a Player view on my dummy account using Firefox... (The weird triangle of light at the bottom is from another token)
No Issue.

This is after about ten seconds of banging the token into the walls... the full interior has switched to that anoying Ghosting that I was having the problem with.
To be fair I was trying to break it, but on the other hand... it broke fairly eassily.
keithcurtis said:
Hi Tommy!
I think that was addressed in the April 19 update. Are you still experiencing it?
Fixed a bug where if you were moving tokens with Preview as Player mode enabled, and you had Explorer Mode enabled, it could cause Dynamic Lighting to break.