Hello to all, My D&D group has been considering adopting Roll20 into our face-to-face sessions for quite some time. We've recently decided to run Tomb of Annihilation, and the DM baton has been passed back to me. I spent almost a week researching what Roll20 would have to offer and how best to implement it. Thanks in no small part to this community, I decided to take the plunge and begin preparations. Since making this decision, I've been researching macro syntax, implementing the 5e Shaped Sheet into the game, and slowly adding in API Scripts as I encounter a need and then discover a pre-built solution (you guys are amazing). The issue I'm having this morning is related to the optional "Meat Grinder" rule in Tomb of Annihilation, whereby Death Saves have a DC of 15 rather than 10. My group elected to adopt this rule, but I cannot find a config option or workaround to allow me to implement this rule into the Death Save Manager of the Shaped Script. I've actually found what I believe to be the solution in editing the API Script directly, but am extemely hesitant to do so without at least making this post to request guidance. What I've found, within DeathSaveManager is: switch (result) {
case 1:
failureCount += 2;
case 20:
failureCount = 0;
successCount = 0;
this.roll20.setAttrWithWorker(options.character.id, 'HP', 1);
this.reportResult('Death Saves', `${options.character.get('name')} has recovered to 1 HP`, options);
if (result >= 10) {
else {
} My belief is that making the following edit will serve to enable this rule: if (result >= 15) {
else {
} Could you please confirm this to be the case, or point me towards an alternative method of implementation? I'd hate to edit the code and then have to remember to do so again after implementing any future updates to the API Script. I apologize if this topic has been addressed previously. I made an effort to comb the previous posts and did not encounter a resolution. Thank you for your time!