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[Script] CombatTracker

Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Evan said: keithcurtis said: If you use an extension such as Stylus, you should be able to change that on-the-fly. That way you wouldn't have to worry about editing each release of the script. Do you have a link to a "best practices/tips" for Stylus with Roll20? I'm not aware of any kind of documentation along those lines. Either I find a specific thing to change, or modify an existing style. The former usually requires some amount of trial and error.

Edited 1544975135
Went to make sure everything was ready for game today, and I'm getting this when I use the start combat command with at least one NPC selected. Two different errors. Not sure what is different to cause them. Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your scripts and click the "Save Script" button and we'll attempt to start running them again.  More info... For reference, the error message generated was:  TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at doTurnorderChange (apiscript.js:11433:55) at sortTurnorder (apiscript.js:11755:9) at rollInitiative (apiscript.js:11337:13) at startCombat (apiscript.js:11295:13) at handleInput (apiscript.js:10932:17) at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:151:1), <anonymous>:65:16) at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:151:1), <anonymous>:70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1634:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147) Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your scripts and click the "Save Script" button and we'll attempt to start running them again.  More info... For reference, the error message generated was:  TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined at checkMarkerturn (apiscript.js:10592:40) at getOrCreateMarker (apiscript.js:10553:19) at removeMarkers (apiscript.js:10211:9) at stopCombat (apiscript.js:10193:9) at handleInput (apiscript.js:9788:17) at eval (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:151:1), <anonymous>:65:16) at Object.publish (eval at <anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:151:1), <anonymous>:70:8) at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1634:12 at /home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:93:560 at hc (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/firebase/lib/firebase-node.js:39:147)
I had the same thing.  It seems to me when I attempted to change the marker image it confused the script.  I uninstalled and reinstalled, then opened the config in game and reset all my settings and that seemed to clear it up...but now the default marker image doesn't work (even though it's listed as the marker image still in the config menu).  It's not *terribly* important but I did kinda like having at least the default marker image if not my custom chosen image.
Chris P. said: I had the same thing.  It seems to me when I attempted to change the marker image it confused the script.  I uninstalled and reinstalled, then opened the config in game and reset all my settings and that seemed to clear it up...but now the default marker image doesn't work (even though it's listed as the marker image still in the config menu).  It's not *terribly* important but I did kinda like having at least the default marker image if not my custom chosen image. Thank you. These steps got me back up and running as well. I had also configured custom markers (just swapping the green and red for now and next). 
Hi there, Thanks for the script, it is wonderful.  Just a quick question, I seem to have messed something up where I can't get the marker image to show on anything?  Any suggestions on fixing this? Thanks,
Adam said: Hi there, Thanks for the script, it is wonderful.&nbsp; Just a quick question, I seem to have messed something up where I can't get the marker image to show on anything?&nbsp; Any suggestions on fixing this? Thanks, Adam, Make sure you are using the correct kind of image link. for images hosted in your library its best to drag them on the table top then click on it so its the active token do a shift z and then right click on that window. If you are using chrome you should be able to copy the image url and paste into a note pad. You need to change the format from original to thumb. Example&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> number here/file folder/original.png?[number here] to&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> number here/file folder/thumb.png &nbsp;Be sure to make sure your not copying any extra spaces as that will sometimes through it off as well in my experience.&nbsp;
Is there a way to get the script to play a macro using roll20 Audio Manager that plays a short audio file automatically each time the turn order changes? I think that would be neat.
Chris P. said: Is there a way to get the script to play a macro using roll20 Audio Manager that plays a short audio file automatically each time the turn order changes? I think that would be neat. Check out this part: Macro Config The macro (ability) should be in the characters abilities tab. Run Macro &nbsp;- Toggle if we should run the macro on a characters turn. Macro Name &nbsp;- The name of the macro. from:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> (I've never used this function so I can't provide further help sorry)
Mark (GM) said: Adam said: Hi there, Thanks for the script, it is wonderful.&nbsp; Just a quick question, I seem to have messed something up where I can't get the marker image to show on anything?&nbsp; Any suggestions on fixing this? Thanks, Adam, Make sure you are using the correct kind of image link. for images hosted in your library its best to drag them on the table top then click on it so its the active token do a shift z and then right click on that window. If you are using chrome you should be able to copy the image url and paste into a note pad. You need to change the format from original to thumb. Example&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> number here/file folder/original.png?[number here] to&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> number here/file folder/thumb.png &nbsp;Be sure to make sure your not copying any extra spaces as that will sometimes through it off as well in my experience.&nbsp; Thanks for the reply Mark, I was actually just hoping to use the original one for now, is that possible?

Edited 1546788890
Sheet Author
Hey, just a quick question. If I start combat with !ct start or from the menu the first combatant's turn is announced twice in chat. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? This also counts as two turns for condition duration.
Sheet Author
And a second question. Can the message that can be added to a favorite condition consist of more than one word? That seems not to work for me.

Edited 1546808923
Adam said: Mark (GM) said: Adam said: Hi there, Thanks for the script, it is wonderful.&nbsp; Just a quick question, I seem to have messed something up where I can't get the marker image to show on anything?&nbsp; Any suggestions on fixing this? Thanks, Adam, Make sure you are using the correct kind of image link. for images hosted in your library its best to drag them on the table top then click on it so its the active token do a shift z and then right click on that window. If you are using chrome you should be able to copy the image url and paste into a note pad. You need to change the format from original to thumb. Example&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> number here/file folder/original.png?[number here] to&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> number here/file folder/thumb.png &nbsp;Be sure to make sure your not copying any extra spaces as that will sometimes through it off as well in my experience.&nbsp; Thanks for the reply Mark, I was actually just hoping to use the original one for now, is that possible? You would need to reset the combat tracker and then it should reset to the default image. You will need to then redo your settings as they also go back to the default settings but should not affect status info, if you use that in conjunction with the tracker.
Apologies in advance. I'm a novice. Is it possible to set multiple entries for&nbsp;Ini. Attribute? AD&amp;D 2e uses various forms of "weapspeed" for PCs' initiative modifier and "monsterini" for NPCs' initiative modifier.
Jason D. said: Apologies in advance. I'm a novice. Is it possible to set multiple entries for&nbsp;Ini. Attribute? AD&amp;D 2e uses various forms of "weapspeed" for PCs' initiative modifier and "monsterini" for NPCs' initiative modifier. The combat Tracker only uses one variable that you can customize. Its been a long time since I have played AD&amp;D 2E&nbsp; but a lot will depend on which character sheet you are using if any.&nbsp; While Robins script doesn't do this I have used one called Group Initiative done&nbsp; by The Aaron which may offer you some options. Note I actually use both that and the combat tracker for my games and do not really have any issues with either. I set up combat tracker to use status info and use it for the players, and I use Group Init for my NPC/Monsters. &nbsp;
Thank you, Mark. That is exactly what I will do. I appreciate it.
Anyone have an issue where settings arent saving? I toggled the reroll init per round but it keeps toggling off.
Mark (GM) said: Jason D. said: Apologies in advance. I'm a novice. Is it possible to set multiple entries for&nbsp;Ini. Attribute? AD&amp;D 2e uses various forms of "weapspeed" for PCs' initiative modifier and "monsterini" for NPCs' initiative modifier. The combat Tracker only uses one variable that you can customize. Its been a long time since I have played AD&amp;D 2E&nbsp; but a lot will depend on which character sheet you are using if any.&nbsp; While Robins script doesn't do this I have used one called Group Initiative done&nbsp; by The Aaron which may offer you some options. Note I actually use both that and the combat tracker for my games and do not really have any issues with either. I set up combat tracker to use status info and use it for the players, and I use Group Init for my NPC/Monsters. &nbsp; Are you able to document how you have them setup (perhaps a separate thread)? I specifically uninstalled Group Initiative when I loaded Combat Tracker as a I was concerned over conflicts.
Evan said: Mark (GM) said: Jason D. said: Apologies in advance. I'm a novice. Is it possible to set multiple entries for&nbsp;Ini. Attribute? AD&amp;D 2e uses various forms of "weapspeed" for PCs' initiative modifier and "monsterini" for NPCs' initiative modifier. The combat Tracker only uses one variable that you can customize. Its been a long time since I have played AD&amp;D 2E&nbsp; but a lot will depend on which character sheet you are using if any.&nbsp; While Robins script doesn't do this I have used one called Group Initiative done&nbsp; by The Aaron which may offer you some options. Note I actually use both that and the combat tracker for my games and do not really have any issues with either. I set up combat tracker to use status info and use it for the players, and I use Group Init for my NPC/Monsters. &nbsp; Are you able to document how you have them setup (perhaps a separate thread)? I specifically uninstalled Group Initiative when I loaded Combat Tracker as a I was concerned over conflicts. Setting the both up can be done from the oneclick install, you shouldn't have any conflicts in doing so. The real trick is setting up The Aaron script with the correct bonus groups for it to use.&nbsp; Documentation on that can be found here&nbsp; and there have been some others threads asking how it works examples 1 2 3 4 5&nbsp; . While these won't specifically how to set them up in tandem it will provide basic understanding of how it works. If you need more specifics you can pm me directly and I can go over it with you. As with any api you install I do suggest testing because there is no guarantee you won't get one, but so far I have not. Robin script is simple that its very intuitive and simple in design.&nbsp; Regards,&nbsp; Mark (GM)
Derek L. said: Anyone have an issue where settings arent saving? I toggled the reroll init per round but it keeps toggling off. I have not, if its not saving I would suggest normal API script troubleshooting, Try disabling it then re-enabling it.&nbsp; Can even delete and reinstall it as well. If it still persist, create a new temp game see if it duplicates. If it doesn't then disable all your scripts in the game having an issue, then turn it on see if it duplicates, adding each api script 1 by one , if you add them all back an it works, great, but if it stops working after adding the last one, its likely conflicting with last one you just added or its combination of scripts running in tandem.&nbsp;
Derek L. said: Anyone have an issue where settings arent saving? I toggled the reroll init per round but it keeps toggling off. Yes I am! I swear I turned it on, then it was off. I turned it on last session and now it's off again. Something odd going on there for sure. IIRC I am using the dev (not one-click) version of the script.&nbsp;
I'm using the Shaped Sheet with the ShapedScript. This script works wonders, but now that I've determined that I need to utilize the ShapedScript's ammo recovery feature , I find that using CT disables this functionality. This is the case even if I have CT set to stop combat on close of the turn tracker window and close it manually. With CT disabled the ShapedScript does it's thing properly.&nbsp; Is there a way to make these two scripts work together?&nbsp;
I accidentally discovered this in yesterdays session. I hit the macro button that triggered the !group-init -clear command with the GroupInitative script. This promts the ammo recovery feature. Tested it again now.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I wanted to ask for features. It's a great script. - The ability to turn whisper GM only for non-player tokens, not all tokens. - The ability to hide names in announcements, so players only see the token image, no name.

Edited 1553574709
I was looking at using this script for a Savage Worlds game and was wondering if anyone know how or it this would work when using cards for initiative instead of numbers? Ideally with the draw each turn.

Edited 1556843429
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Folks, I made his combattracker and statusinfo work along with add and remove macros that enables me to quickly assign the condition (which can be custom using statusinfo), duration, direction (whether the number is increasing or decreasing or never changes).&nbsp;&nbsp; combattracker 0.2.7 had a bug that I couldn't get around causing an ID error so I went back to version 0.2.5.&nbsp; &nbsp;Also, there was another bug that caused combattracker to step on other APIs that I was running.&nbsp; I fixed that.&nbsp; There was also another issue with direction (up down or no change) that I was able to fix.&nbsp; Finally, he had some looping issues causing combattracker to act a bit funny in certain situations.&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm currently working on a way to get combattracker to use an initiative value OTHER than the standard OGL5e version.&nbsp;&nbsp; Since these are Robin's scripts I'm not going to publish anything but since he's been away for a while and until he is back, if you want what I have, then PM me.&nbsp; You'll need my versions of combattracker, statusinfo (I forced integration of the two) and tokenmod (latest and greatest).&nbsp; If you have issues, then PM me as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; By creating the statuses within statusinfo, they are automatically brought into combattracker and you can reference the name of the condition as you entered it into statusinfo.&nbsp; &nbsp;As the condition is assigned, the description of that condition shows in chat, so if you want a quick way to reference rules for these conditions, add them into statusinfo for each condition.&nbsp;&nbsp; Add Macro !ct add ?{Condition|Ablaze,ablaze|Advantage,advantage|Bleeding,bleeding|Blinded,blinded|Broken,broken|Dead,dead|Deafened,deafened|Entangled,entangled|Fatigued,fatigued|Fear,fear|Frenzy,frenzy|Grappled,grappled|Hatred,hatred|Poisoned,poisoned|Prone,prone|Stunned,stunned|Surprised,surprised|Terror,terror|} ?{Duration|1} ?{Direction|0}&nbsp; !ct remove ?{Condition|Ablaze,ablaze|Advantage,advantage|Bleeding,bleeding|Blinded,blinded|Broken,broken|Dead,dead|Deafened,deafened|Entangled,entangled|Fatigued,fatigued|Fear,fear|Frenzy,frenzy|Grappled,grappled|Hatred,hatred|Poisoned,poisoned|Prone,prone|Stunned,stunned|Surprised,surprised|Terror,terror|}

Edited 1556850570
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Alright, so I got the ability to roll init using Combattracker against any set of attributes Changes to Robin's scripts so far 1) Combattracker was being invoked by any and all other APIs running.&nbsp; This would cause CT to fail and bring down your API server causing your other APIs to crash.&nbsp; This has been fixed 2) Using version 0.2.5 because 0.2.7 fails every time and I don't want to fix that.&nbsp; This means the ability to roll something other than a D20 for init will have to manually set in the code and I'll show you how 3) Direction is working (increase/decrease/no change) using duration&nbsp; 4) Looping fixed so it doesn't behave strangely at times 5) Fields other than initiative_bonus now work.&nbsp; HOWEVER, you can't use a derived field as that isn't actually stored on the character sheet.&nbsp; So if you have base fields that make up the derived value you want to use for initiative you add each field as it is named (by looking at the attributes section of any character sheet in your game) in the ini attribute field for CT config, comma delimited, and it will now scroll through these comma delimited fields to add them up into the final initiative.&nbsp; Then the roll is applied.&nbsp;&nbsp; Again PM me if you want this code.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1556856557
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
After consideration, I'm not going to publish these changes to Roll20 out of respect but I will post a link for you to download.&nbsp; Directions on what to do are on github.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> A note on rolling Initiative from Combat Tracker.&nbsp; It assumes you have a token tied to a character sheet.&nbsp; One of the issue I fixed is that if you didn't it would fail and bring down all your APIs.&nbsp; That's been fixed.&nbsp; So if you forget to tie a token to a character sheet, that token will be skipped on the Initiative roll.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you are using my versions and finding errors or bizarre behavior please PM me.
Hi Victor, sounds like you improved on a lot! Does this version still allow re-roll of initiative every round?
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes but I haven't tested it.&nbsp; So if you find issues, let me know
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I've applied fixes to Robin's latest release 0.2.7.&nbsp; I've removed the extra logging that I put in, the upgrade statusinfo message as well as the Observer Token Change message Here's the link:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1558696441
KS Backer
Hi Victor, I've noticed something. So far we have used a version of Combat Tracker 0.2.7 edited by ConnorSolo that tracked advantage on initiative - this latest version do not. Is this possible to add? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks for all your hard work on this great script.
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sure thing, but I'm not seeing a link to code in that thread.&nbsp; I'm assuming Connor posted it somewhere else?&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1558701425
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
BTW, I've been posting in Statusinfo&nbsp; Version 0.2.82 is out here:&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Incorporated Robin's 0.2.7.&nbsp; Fixed a bug where assigning the same condition to a token (with a higher or lower duration or a higher or lower direction) wasn't working.&nbsp;&nbsp; Outstanding: There's still an intermittent failure issue where the API crashes in handling Graphic Movement.&nbsp;&nbsp; This script has become pretty stable for me.&nbsp; Very few crashes (with the exception of the one above).&nbsp; It does require that tokens are setup correctly (they are all assigned to a character sheet, etc.).&nbsp;&nbsp;
Victor B. said: BTW, I've been posting in Statusinfo&nbsp; Version 0.2.82 is out here:&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Incorporated Robin's 0.2.7.&nbsp; Fixed a bug where assigning the same condition to a token (with a higher or lower duration or a higher or lower direction) wasn't working.&nbsp;&nbsp; Outstanding: There's still an intermittent failure issue where the API crashes in handling Graphic Movement.&nbsp;&nbsp; This script has become pretty stable for me.&nbsp; Very few crashes (with the exception of the one above).&nbsp; It does require that tokens are setup correctly (they are all assigned to a character sheet, etc.).&nbsp;&nbsp; There was a bug in Combat Tracker wherein "automatically reroll ini p. round" was not being remembered (ie. you had to turn it on every time you reloaded Roll20/started the API sandbox). Are you able to take a look at that one? I can log as a bug in your github if that helps for your VC.
Evan said: Victor B. said: BTW, I've been posting in Statusinfo&nbsp; Version 0.2.82 is out here:&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Incorporated Robin's 0.2.7.&nbsp; Fixed a bug where assigning the same condition to a token (with a higher or lower duration or a higher or lower direction) wasn't working.&nbsp;&nbsp; Outstanding: There's still an intermittent failure issue where the API crashes in handling Graphic Movement.&nbsp;&nbsp; This script has become pretty stable for me.&nbsp; Very few crashes (with the exception of the one above).&nbsp; It does require that tokens are setup correctly (they are all assigned to a character sheet, etc.).&nbsp;&nbsp; There was a bug in Combat Tracker wherein "automatically reroll ini p. round" was not being remembered (ie. you had to turn it on every time you reloaded Roll20/started the API sandbox). Are you able to take a look at that one? I can log as a bug in your github if that helps for your VC. I thought that was solved in the recent release?
Victor B. said: Sure thing, but I'm not seeing a link to code in that thread.&nbsp; I'm assuming Connor posted it somewhere else?&nbsp;&nbsp; Ack, I'm trying to post it here but it seems that the script is too big. I will see if I can find a directlink somewhere.
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Make a gist in github.&nbsp; They are easy and free.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Victor B. said: Make a gist in github.&nbsp; They are easy and free.&nbsp;&nbsp; Not that easy! ;) I sent you a PM instead.
Victor B. said: Sure thing, but I'm not seeing a link to code in that thread.&nbsp; I'm assuming Connor posted it somewhere else?&nbsp;&nbsp; Hey Victor, I'll see about posting my modified version of the script here or on a gist in github (I agree that its not the most intuitive process!) sometime soon. It's really just a simple edit that lets it track rolling with advantage when one uses the 5e OGL sheet, but not with any other sheet sadly. I could maybe adapt it for the Shaped sheet if I find the time.
Ravenknight said: Evan said: Victor B. said: BTW, I've been posting in Statusinfo&nbsp; Version 0.2.82 is out here:&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Incorporated Robin's 0.2.7.&nbsp; Fixed a bug where assigning the same condition to a token (with a higher or lower duration or a higher or lower direction) wasn't working.&nbsp;&nbsp; Outstanding: There's still an intermittent failure issue where the API crashes in handling Graphic Movement.&nbsp;&nbsp; This script has become pretty stable for me.&nbsp; Very few crashes (with the exception of the one above).&nbsp; It does require that tokens are setup correctly (they are all assigned to a character sheet, etc.).&nbsp;&nbsp; There was a bug in Combat Tracker wherein "automatically reroll ini p. round" was not being remembered (ie. you had to turn it on every time you reloaded Roll20/started the API sandbox). Are you able to take a look at that one? I can log as a bug in your github if that helps for your VC. I thought that was solved in the recent release? Which release? I have 0.2.7 currently and it still loses the setting. I'm going to try Victor's version so I'll see if it's gone.
Evan said: Ravenknight said: Evan said: Victor B. said: BTW, I've been posting in Statusinfo&nbsp; Version 0.2.82 is out here:&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Incorporated Robin's 0.2.7.&nbsp; Fixed a bug where assigning the same condition to a token (with a higher or lower duration or a higher or lower direction) wasn't working.&nbsp;&nbsp; Outstanding: There's still an intermittent failure issue where the API crashes in handling Graphic Movement.&nbsp;&nbsp; This script has become pretty stable for me.&nbsp; Very few crashes (with the exception of the one above).&nbsp; It does require that tokens are setup correctly (they are all assigned to a character sheet, etc.).&nbsp;&nbsp; There was a bug in Combat Tracker wherein "automatically reroll ini p. round" was not being remembered (ie. you had to turn it on every time you reloaded Roll20/started the API sandbox). Are you able to take a look at that one? I can log as a bug in your github if that helps for your VC. I thought that was solved in the recent release? Which release? I have 0.2.7 currently and it still loses the setting. I'm going to try Victor's version so I'll see if it's gone. Sorry for not being clear. I meant Victor's latest release.
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I don't use auto-reroll functionality.&nbsp; Please let me know if the problem is still there.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Ravenknight said: Hi Victor, I've noticed something. So far we have used a version of Combat Tracker 0.2.7 edited by ConnorSolo that tracked advantage on initiative - this latest version do not. Is this possible to add? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks for all your hard work on this great script. Victor B. said: Sure thing, but I'm not seeing a link to code in that thread.&nbsp; I'm assuming Connor posted it somewhere else?&nbsp;&nbsp; Hey Raven and Victor! Sorry that I took so long to do so, but here's my version of Robins Script that allows rolling with advantage on the 5e OGL sheet, adding die bonuses to initiative, whispering npc rolls to the GM only, and adding a picture of the token to chat announcements among other small changes. It is based on the 0.2.7 build of the script so it might not have all the fixes that Victor added, but most of the edits I made should be fairly easy to import over to his new version. If you have any questions or issues let me know! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks Connor.&nbsp; I've got your changes in for advantage.&nbsp; You also have an if/else 1d4 logic in your code.&nbsp; Is the 1d4 a house rule of some type?&nbsp; Not sure what that code is for.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Victor B. said: Thanks Connor.&nbsp; I've got your changes in for advantage.&nbsp; You also have an if/else 1d4 logic in your code.&nbsp; Is the 1d4 a house rule of some type?&nbsp; Not sure what that code is for.&nbsp;&nbsp; Yeah, you're absolutely right! I think its a trait from Wayfinder's guide to Eberron, but one character gets to roll 1d4 and add it to his initiative. It's not a common rule so it doesn't have to be included in your version or anything.
Can somebody tell me if there's an easy way to add a token in to the combat tracker initiative after it's done? I tried just rolling them in manually but then it didn't sort properly after.
Josh M. said: Can somebody tell me if there's an easy way to add a token in to the combat tracker initiative after it's done? I tried just rolling them in manually but then it didn't sort properly after. No easy way if you want to keep their correct initiative and sorted. I usually add new tokens by right-clicking and use "add-turn" on the token menu. That puts them at zero and below the others but its still kinda wonky to be honest.

Edited 1559612009
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, if someone has the token selected rolling initiative off the character sheet works and will replace whatever is in the turnorder or add to it.&nbsp; Also you can right click on the token and click add turn, you can then simply type over the initiative number within the turnorder window and hit enter to manually set the initiative You need to either drag drop the new addition within the turn order window to the correct initiative location or you can go to turn order settings and click the order button (ascending or descending).&nbsp; There's nothing that will auto sort new additions
Okay, I have a new issue. The marker that's supposed to be around the tokens just isn't there, and no amount of resetting or deleting and re-adding the script will fix it. And when I try to change it to a different image it just bugs out the script. I like the default marker, any idea why it's not working?