Hello there!
Roll20 recently announced on our blog that we have now considered Updated Dynamic Lighting to have reached 1.0 status. This new forum post is intended to be a living document that follows the progression of UDL as we continue beyond its 1.0 state, and will be updated frequently. (Usually by me, hi! I live inside this thread now.) This forum post will include:
New Feature Announcements
Bug Fix Reports
Answers To Your Questions About UDL (Ask away!)
The questions and bugs were all pulled from the last Updated Dynamic Lighting Thread, and I’ve included footnotes back to the original reports. Thank you for your feedback and contributions. They’ve been so helpful in the process of working to make UDL something that works for your games.
Answering Your Questions:
When will I lose access to Legacy Dynamic Lighting? (1)
The team at Roll20 is still deciding on the best date that works for both our team and our users. When that date is solidified, you’ll be the first to know. We promise to give you at least three months of notice, so you have time to make arrangements.
Why does Legacy Dynamic Lighting have to go away? (1)
Legacy Dynamic Lighting simply wasn’t built to evolve with our platform over time. Keeping it would hinder performance, and we want to make sure we’re using our resources to focus on improvements.
What Needs Worked On:
GRID: We’ve received reports of Players and GMs losing sight of the grid when using characters with night vision. (1, 2, 3) [STATUS: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED ]
VISIBILITY: We’ve received reports of Players and GMs losing their sight, or experiencing tokens disappearing, after moving specific tokens. (1, 2, 3) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
DIMMING: We’ve heard your feedback about UDL not providing enough dim lighting for your gaming occasions, and are looking for the proper solution. (1) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
LAG: We are continuing to monitor reports that general lag is what’s stopping you from using UDL. This has been an issue that we have been putting out incremental fixes for since UDL began; we are still assessing ways to further improve performance. (1) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
RING/BULLSEYE EFFECT: There is a documented issue where some light sources have a ring/bullseye effect to them. Initial reports indicate that this may be a hardware issue, but we are still collecting info about this bug. If you’re experiencing it, please reach out! (1) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
PAGE REVEAL: This is an old problem that we believed to be fixed, but are keeping an eye out to make sure it hasn’t reappeared. If you’re experiencing this issue, let us know. Collecting games where this is occurring is the most helpful thing for the dev team! [STATUS: COMPLETED]
PAGE FREEZING: There have been reports of UDL freezing games. We’re still collecting information about this bug. If you’re experiencing it, please reach out! (1) [STATUS: IN PROGRESS]
NIGHT VISION: There are parts of night vision that still need to be fixed, like night vision tokens overlapping and animated tokens having a ghost like effect on the gm layer. (1) [STATUS: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED]
- JAGGED LINES: Some usage of UDL can cause jagged lines on the fringes of token vision. We are currently working on an anti-aliasing solution. (1, 2) [STATUS: IN PROGRESS]
- SETTINGS: There are reports of UDL settings not saving. (1) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
- CTL+L CRASH ON PAGE SWITCH: When switching between pages with UDL to pages with LDL, pages can crash. (1) [ STATUS: COMPLETED]
- TOTAL LIGHT VALUE ERROR: There is a circumstance in which altering light values can cause it to return the wrong total value.[1] [STATUS: COMPLETED]
- TOKEN SNAP LIGHTING: When a token is snapped to grid during drop, it can cause the light to become misaligned. (1) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
- LIGHTING BREAK LINE: There are some reports of a break line occurring between bright light and low light. (1) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
- LDL TROUBLES: Some people have reported an increase of problems using LDL. If you’re experiencing this issue, please contact the help center or make a new post in the bug forum! This thread is going to stay focused on UDL. (1)
- NIGHT VISION/DIM LIGHT: Dim light overlapping Night Vision makes Night Vision look darker. (1) [STATUS: IN PROGRESS]
- CTRL+L TOKEN SWAPPING: Using Ctrl+L on a token, does not allow for using Ctrl+L on another token, until deselecting the first. (1) [STATUS: COMPLETED]
- TURNING OFF UDL AFFECTS OTHER PAGES: Related to "Page Reveal" from above. If the GM toggles UDL off on a page different from the one active for GM OR players, UDL is toggled off on active pages. (1, 2, 3) [STATUS: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED]
- NIGHT VISION TINT: Overlapping Night Vision Tints for black or sufficiently dark colors, can completely obscure the map. (1) [STATUS: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED]
- CTRL+L REVERSING ON PAGE SWAP: When swapping from a page with UDL while using Ctrl+L on a token to a different page with UDL, this can cause the Ctrl+L functionality to become swapped. Upon attempting to use Ctrl+L on another token, and then deselecting, the map will go dark and tokens disappear. [STATUS: COMPLETED]
- DYNAMIC LIGHTING LAYER HIGHLIGHT: In the toolbar menu, the Dynamic Lighting layer is not highlighted while actively on the layer (1) [STATUS: CONFIRMED AND QUEUED]
- DARKNESS OPTIONS MISSING IN DAYLIGHT MODE: Turning on Daylight mode causes darkness reset options to no longer appear. (1)
- REVEAL TOOL LEAVES PATCH OF DARKNESS: Using the reveal tool on large enough areas for some maps leaves behind a patch of darkness which seems to return. (1) [STATUS: INVESTIGATING]
- LIGHT MULTIPLIER: There seems to be an issue with the Light Multiplier not showing properly in certain use cases. [STATUS: IN QA]
If you are still experiencing a bug that we have marked as fixed, or a new one, please reach out to us! If you’re still having an issue from the previous thread that isn’t listed above, please let us know as well. The best way to do so is by reaching out through our Help Center, but if you report a bug here I may DM you for more information.
Latest UDL Updates:
- [02/16/2021]: New Dim Light Slider on live!
- [02/16/2021]: Bug Fix For Lighting Break Line
- [02/20/2021]: Hotfix For Explorer Mode Bug
- [03/16/2021]: Circles For UDL Now Live On Dev!
- [03/26/2021]: Dev Update!
- [04/27/2021]: Update For Legacy Dynamic Lighting Sunset Planning