It might be worth throwing one's vote/ideas behind this suggestion, which is similar and has more votes? Folders in addition to Tags for ALL Resource Management
Anyway, I'm putting a vote on this one, too! Great idea, very needed.
I will admit that the absence of this singular feature is really putting a huge stall on my use of roll20. I use roll tables a lot to expedite GMing, and often I end up with so many that most of my tables get lost in the absolute ton of them I have, making them hard to search for and tinker with if needed. And it seems that I am not the only one, so I am really anxious to see when/if this can be implemented.
Just encountered this issue when I was copying over a large number of tables for flavor and such from the DMG for 5e, only to discover I had absolutely no way to organize them. Not going to go back and fix it, now, because I'm not interested in spending that much time deleting and re-making tables just to re-order them.
+1, please add the ability to sort tables.
I'll gladly add my vote to this feature request. I honestly can't believe that the rollable tables don't automatically sort by name like the macros do, especially after 3+ years of people asking for it. It's a real pain trying to figure out whether or not you've already made a specific table, simply because there's no order to the list.
Thom d said:
+1 I'm kind of surprised this isn't a feature yet.
This simple QoL update would have been timely three years ago, when I first made this topic. I gave up on waiting for updates and found greener pastures. Every once in a while I'll join a Pick up group for a one-shot or a shorter campaign and I read over the replies to old threads I made like this one and, oh boy... I am so not regretting switching platforms
I handle a lot of downtime random tables through roll20 and it is rapidly becoming a cluttered mess. At the very least the option to sort alphabetically would go a long ways towards mitigating the navigation difficulty for my players.
I just started to prep a few Random Encounter Tables and not having a way to rearrange them in an order that match my campaign is killing me...
So I'd like to join the bandwagon of asking for a way to do so. Thanks!
Even just a filter for the Collections tab (like the ones already in the art/journal/compendium tabs) would be super helpful. Would allow quick access to bloated rollable table/deck/macro lists.
Yes +1
please do usability study across Roll20 VTT and make-available the Folder drag-and-drop system for various areas that lack it now.
Bring that same organizational functionality that Journals / Characters / Handouts has, to the other Side-Panel and Top-Panel content-listing areas of VTT.
+1 Jumping on board here. How is this not a feature? Even the simplest way to sort rollable tables in alphabetical order would be an improvement.
+1. I'm starting to use a lot of rollable tables, too, as I enjoy the ability to shift token pictures for RP.
Can we have the ability to ARCHIVE rollable tables in addition to organizing them? Sometimes I only use them very infrequently.
I will be honest, it dumbfounds me that there is no way to do this. People have dozens if not hundreds of tables. The ability to move them, to organize them is basic Ease of Usage. What bothers me is that now that I am actually using Roll20 more and more, there are so many small things like this. It's like they do not care about making anything easy. Just rely on API Script writers to do it for them
+1 Totally agree. Please implement at least a basic alpha-numeric re-sort option. I'm also dumbfounded how long patrons have been asking for this and nothing has been done to address it - is it that difficult?
And while we're at it, all the Collections (Macros, Decks, and Rollable Tables) should be re-orderable; or at least alpha-numeric by default.
+1 ; 5 years later and still no way to organize all these tables! I'm making a hex-crawl where EVERYTHING is randomly generated, but trying to manage all the tables is currently impossible.
Using rolltables for iso tokens, and being able to reorganize the tables and the items would be a godsend.