I beg to disagree, everybody can make PDFs. You can make fillable PDF forms using only free programs.
If you want to design them yourself, here is how I do it:
I make a .png background using a graphic program (I use Photoshop, but GIMP would work also, of course, or really any graphic program), page size, 150dpi. All the fields names are placed on that background.
Then, I create a new document in Open Office, I import the .png image I have made as background, I define the fillable fields (I mean the places where you can input the values) and export the document as fillable PDF. That's it.
It is that easy and you can use only free programs if you want.
To record a filled character sheet and add images on it, you shouldn't use Adobe Acrobat, but choose instead Foxit (for PCs) or PDFsigner (for Macs).
Being a fillable form means that contents could be changed when needed. Though concerning Hit Points and status, I don't think that it is the role of character sheet, but rather of the token status bar and color bullets.