Hi all. I am working on an update for my custom sheet for Fallout 2d20 after playing with it recently. Let me know if you would like to beta test or have any suggestions. Some of the updates include: NPC skill roll fix (the top free roll button) Level up fix so that HP and Luck are not auto refreshed General font size increase and legibility improvements iPad support (may work for other mobile platforms too) Maybe: I'm deciding whether to lock NPC attacks to the stat+skill chosen. The book confused me here at first since many of the stat blocks didn't add up. Either way I am cleaning up the automation a little bit when you change your numbers. Various small assorted bugs I noticed while fixing other stuff Hit location rollers - need to think about how to implement, but at least the basic humanoid and mr. handy versions Maybe: power armor button for NPCs (I also want to revise the button a bit in general) AP tracking on the sheet (we use tokens, but for anyone who wants it) Survival tracking on the sheet (fatigue, sleep, thirst, hunger, maybe others) I have some notes about skill bugs that I have been unable to reproduce. I need to go back and test more, but any info is appreciated if you have noticed it. Maybe: I may add in some quality of life features that I developed after this sheet like setting your icon in your rolls so it is easy to see who rolled at a glance. Reroll buttons on the rolls, auto damage after attacking, etc. Maybe: I wanted to squeeze in the pipboy style that I meant to do way back at the start, but we'll see. Maybe I'll save it for next update. I want it to give you that classic Fallout pipboy UI feel, which will take awhile to design the components. I don't know if my sheet is still in use with the official one out, but I ended up using it since the official one has bugs on the devices my group uses. Easier to fix bugs on my own work. :)