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Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game by Roll20

Will we ever be able to open an existing character sheet in the builder so we can make changes to it?

Edited 1701919308
There is a problem in the character vault, it is cutting off powers that go below the frame but when you look at the completed hero sheet you can see the power properly.
Nora C. said: kim j. The blue Canary said: i used to have a lot of problems with bot sheet not beeing able to open , just beeing black , roll20 started saying maybe its my system that do not support , but it do , this only happends with marvel do anyone know if its fixed We've recently fixed a bug where a sheet opened from a handout would open to a black screen. Is this what you are talking about? I just tried opening one up and it is coming up as a blank screen.  Is there a reason that things keep breaking?
Hello everyone.  Can someone please tell me why I'm having such a hard time with Marvel Roleplaying on Roll20?  I have watched the tutorials about creating your own roleplaying adventure, but I keep having these problems happen. 1. Character Sheet still loads black and stays black until I leave and reloaded only to have it happen again on different character sheet. 2. Having problems where player who just join the campaign and create a character cannot see the other characters even when I have it set to all players are visible to one another.  3. Adventures don't show up in the Purchase menu. That means adventures can't be viewed while in the campaign or read. 4. Character sheets do not allocation points right when traits and tags are involved for the finished project of character creation. I.E. Battle Ready is not added into overall character sheet and many others. 5. Why can't you copy/save your character sheet and loaded it into another campaign for Marvel Roleplaying. I really dislike having to make another character sheet of the same character every time. Can you help me understand what I'm doing wrong?
Hello, I'm building a campaign for my friends and as I'm creating PCs and NPCs' sheets I'm finding a problem: I can't sort the moves, traits or whatever else so it's easy for us to find them. I've even tried writing it in the order I want them to appear, but it sometimes magically re-sort itself and it's pretty frustrating. Is theres some way to do this that I'm not realizing? And if not, is there any plan to do it friendlier anytime soon? It would be awesome if we could drag and drop like you can do in other sheets.
Couple questions about the page:  - the printed sheets have a spot showing damage reduction, is there one In just not noticing on the page, or will one be added?  - Any update on the builder including the option to take an ability increase at the cost of a power? 
Joseph M. said: Couple questions about the page:  - the printed sheets have a spot showing damage reduction, is there one In just not noticing on the page, or will one be added?  - Any update on the builder including the option to take an ability increase at the cost of a power?  Damage reduction is the little number above the Health and Focus, that has a shield right besides it. The builder is actually very limited. You can't spend power points in abilities or traits, you cannot build custom powers, traits, origins or the like, the powers and tags that say that you can select multiple times can't be actually selected more than one... Most of the time I have to take notes while I'm using the builder so I can fix it later in the actual sheet. I'm taking this opportunity to give another suggestion: I'd find really useful if there would be some place to annotate the character's reach, even if it doesn't exist in the printed sheet. When you're just playing a character you can keep track of your character's reach, but when you're the GM, it's hard to keep track of all your NPC's reach in a battle.

Edited 1705076693
How do I get the attributes and abilities for characters? I am trying to do things like Group Init and I can't get the init modifier for Marvel.
There seems to be a bug where powers loose reference to their Power set so they cannot be filtered with the "filter by power set" option. It seems to be arbitrary, random power sets that are affected, and even after I manually set them to a power set, it will happen again on page reload. I think it is replaced by the Hash Key reference for the string of the Power Set.
The character creator and sheet seems completely broken at the moment. The text for origins, traits etc is missing with the exception of the the odd one, and when attempting to add powers I'm just getting an error and no progress at all. It was all working fine a few weeks ago.
Stem said: The character creator and sheet seems completely broken at the moment. The text for origins, traits etc is missing with the exception of the the odd one, and when attempting to add powers I'm just getting an error and no progress at all. It was all working fine a few weeks ago. Hey Stem, We're currently investigating an issue with the compendium and the sheet where a lot of the data is just not there. We'll let you know more as soon as we know it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This should be working now. Sorry again for the inconvenience. 
That has fixed it, thanks :)
I'm trying to create a pre-build character using the character builder, but there's like 10 of them available. It looks like the ones available for those that haven't bought the core book, which I have... actually I have also the Super-Skrull and Kang campaigns, so I assume I should have all current characters available.
Heya, having an issue where we can no longer click to roll Edge/Trouble in the window (tested on two different campaigns), and not sure why.  It worked two days ago.
I too am having issues with the Edge/Trouble reroll.  Mousing over the die brings up the menu, but the links do nothing.
Edge/Trouble is working again today.
Has anyone had issues where if you try opening a sheet it just comes up as a blank black window? I do a lot of stuff for mulitple chracters per session and its nigh impossible with this bug.
How do I level up a character using the Roll 20 character sheet? For example, I want to include a PL 3 Daredevil, but when I open up the stock version (PL2), I can't find a way to level him up. Suggestions?

Edited 1710312330
I don't think there is a direct method to level up, I just rebuild the character from scratch at the new level.
Can we get the details on roll templates? 
Is it planned for there be a way to access the character builder again after creation and level up using that? It's great so keen to use that rather than the sheet or rebuilding character again.
I still stuck at character creation. I get request pending for everything beyond abilities. (Origins, Powers, etc). 
I am also stuck with "Request Pending". Is this normal with Roll20? This is my first experience with it.
Scott S. said: I still stuck at character creation. I get request pending for everything beyond abilities. (Origins, Powers, etc).  Shag1379 said: I am also stuck with "Request Pending". Is this normal with Roll20? This is my first experience with it. Hey all,   We're looking into this now - certainly not normal, but we can't seem to reproduce the issue on our end.  If you wouldn't mind trying a couple additional steps to help us identify the issue / see if it resolves, we'd appreciate it! Try logging out of Roll20 and logging back in; then attempting to create a character once more.  Try disabling all browser extensions and giving it another go. Thanks for your help and patience!

Edited 1715193445
The trying to use default roll template doesn't work anymore in game where MMRPG is set as the game. Can we also get the info for the marvel roll templates so we can write macros that use the MMRPG theming. TY
Do we know if the Roll 20 team are going to add the new recently released free X-men 97 character sheets to the system I know other services have and it would be nicer than having to build them all in?
Dan E. said: Do we know if the Roll 20 team are going to add the new recently released free X-men 97 character sheets to the system I know other services have and it would be nicer than having to build them all in? This would be nice!
How soon can we get THE MURDERWORLD THAT TIME FORGOT in the Roll20 marketplace?
JayBezz said: How soon can we get THE MURDERWORLD THAT TIME FORGOT in the Roll20 marketplace? Hey JayBezz, We're currently in discussions with publishers to seek permission to offer free unlocks across Roll20 and Demiplane. Once everything is worked out and permission is received we'll make an announcement.
From the Demiplane Discord: Fuzzy_on_the_Details — 06/04/2024 1:33 PM With Demiplane now in the same family as DriveThru, might we see “The Murderworld That Time Forgot” available as a PDF on DTR (like the Roll20 original Superskrull adventure is)? Mellie Doucette — 06/04/2024 1:34 PM We can certainly look into it--it'll take a bit more doing than going the other way, as our adventure was built solely for the Demiplane/digital approach, and we don't have a PDF version!
Hi Roll20 dev team How can I give my players access to the pre-gen heroes in my modules? Also, I have to set a player for a character sheet when I initially create it and cannot assign to a player after that initial set-up unlike in D&D 5E where I can edit who has access to sheets.
Gehrigan said: Hi Roll20 dev team How can I give my players access to the pre-gen heroes in my modules? Also, I have to set a player for a character sheet when I initially create it and cannot assign to a player after that initial set-up unlike in D&D 5E where I can edit who has access to sheets. Hey Gerighan, If this is in a VTT game, the process to assign a player to a sheet & give a player access to a sheet should both be the same as 5e games, clicking edit in the top right corner of the character sheet pop out window.  I might need some additional information about where and how you're seeking to manage this.  
Is there some way to reorganize the order of powers, traits, or tags. Not having the ability to move things around like we can on almost every normal sheet seems really weird, and really hindering.
Hi guys, I can't seem to make the Average Civilian character to work. Everytime I drag it on the map the character's sheet load indefinetely. Have you experienced the same problem? I tried both on a Windows pc and on a Chromebook, same result.
I can't get into my character sheet as of today.  I'm the owner of the game but not GM but this is a new development 
I know its known just reiterating that Spirit of Vengeance still seems to be broken as it doesn't give any powers or allow the selection of powers when chosen as a origin. The average civilian character sheet just doesn't work, it gets stuck at loading and when you attempt to drop the token it doesn't have the picture or the stats. Hoping you can address all of this rooting for you and this game!
Noirenigma said: I know its known just reiterating that Spirit of Vengeance still seems to be broken as it doesn't give any powers or allow the selection of powers when chosen as a origin. The average civilian character sheet just doesn't work, it gets stuck at loading and when you attempt to drop the token it doesn't have the picture or the stats. Hoping you can address all of this rooting for you and this game! Hey Noirenigma, Average Civilian should now be fixed and working correctly!  We'll update when Spirit of Vengeance has been addressed, that is indeed a known issue and on our radar.   JayBezz said: I can't get into my character sheet as of today.  I'm the owner of the game but not GM but this is a new development  Hey JayBezz, We're having some difficulties recreating this issue.  If you can, double check the character's permissions settings, and check that your GM can open the sheet.  Either way, I'd advise opening a help desk ticket so we can work with you to get the information that will help us figure out what's going wrong here.  
Hey, Bronson...if you're updating us on known issues, when are we going to see the ability to change the order of powers/traits/tags, so we can actually organize these sheets? Bronson H. said: Noirenigma said: I know its known just reiterating that Spirit of Vengeance still seems to be broken as it doesn't give any powers or allow the selection of powers when chosen as a origin. The average civilian character sheet just doesn't work, it gets stuck at loading and when you attempt to drop the token it doesn't have the picture or the stats. Hoping you can address all of this rooting for you and this game! Hey Noirenigma, Average Civilian should now be fixed and working correctly!  We'll update when Spirit of Vengeance has been addressed, that is indeed a known issue and on our radar.   JayBezz said: I can't get into my character sheet as of today.  I'm the owner of the game but not GM but this is a new development  Hey JayBezz, We're having some difficulties recreating this issue.  If you can, double check the character's permissions settings, and check that your GM can open the sheet.  Either way, I'd advise opening a help desk ticket so we can work with you to get the information that will help us figure out what's going wrong here.  
I removed the character from the game and will re-add them but it was not a change in GM permissions according to game GM
Starr Saphyre said: Hey, Bronson...if you're updating us on known issues, when are we going to see the ability to change the order of powers/traits/tags, so we can actually organize these sheets? Hey Starr,      Thanks for the suggestion, I've re-raised this to the team and we'll review it.  Agreed that's an important feature.
The Character Creation wizard for Marvel Multiverse seems broken.  There are no Powers or Power Sets listed at all for my character (and I've tried multiple times, with the Jumpgate Beta and without).  In looking at the various Origins, some of them have Power Sets listed and others don't.  But I selected one that did have Power Sets listed.  Still, there are no Power Sets or Powers I can choose from.
I'm attempting to make a rank 2 villain and have 4 power points left over. However I don't see a way to transfer these points to Ability Scores or Traits. Am I missing something?

Edited 1723271210
I been having problems with the character sheet for sometime where players can't see one another characters or import character sheets from the Marvel Multiverse RPG site which is sad. But the latest problem has been using Surprise Power trait for our new X-men adventures campaign and we can not choose the power from this benefit. Can someone please look into these problems? Let me clarify that statement. So when you create a new character with the pick your character feature it will not allow you to use Surprise Power trait benefit where you are allowed to choose a power that you couldn't have at your rank. Also its having a problem when calculating bonus for some powers like Agility bonus form Sixth Sense. I know just use the edit your own character sheet but it's easier when you have to create NPC's and Villains 
can we have SKULK updated in the reactions section so it reflects the rule update if possible?
Okay. I know everyone is aware of the issue, these compendiums are not synching up with our accounts for whatever reason. Can we please get a sort of estimate for when a fix might be released? Many thanks!
Calories said: I'm attempting to make a rank 2 villain and have 4 power points left over. However I don't see a way to transfer these points to Ability Scores or Traits. Am I missing something? I don't have that option, either. The only we could make it happen was adjusting the sheet once the character sheet was completed. Also, we need a better way to "level up" a character. There, I said it.
Eiric E. Padráig said: Okay. I know everyone is aware of the issue, these compendiums are not synching up with our accounts for whatever reason. Can we please get a sort of estimate for when a fix might be released? Many thanks! It sounds like you're having an issue with your compendium sharing, but without knowing more about the problem, we can't be sure of how to fix what's happening. If you submit a help desk ticket , our User Experience team can figure out what's happening and raise it to the right people!
is roll20 going to be implementing an advancement tracker/a way to work with the new advancement system in the latest book? Would make leveling up MUCH easier