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Print Character Sheets

Hm, this is a feature I definitely need. :o +1 from my side @Devs - DO IT, Or I'll do it :D
+1 Seriously How is this not a thing...????
Got to this thread when I searched if this was possible. 6 years after the first post and not yet implemented... :-(
+1. I mean, it seems obvious. If there is a reason other than trying to lock in players, it would be be good to hear.
+1 It would be nice to print out character sheets just to have in front of me without tying up screen space for other things in Roll20.
+1. This would be an amazing feature. Be helpful in all aspects for any player an/or dm.
How is this still not implemented.  Aside from it just being nice to have printed character sheets in an online session, I and I think others sometimes use a hybrid way of using roll 20 to have a table top game while taking advantage of some of the more convenient digital features.  Please implement this!
We need this. I just helped a friend to create a character, and then couldn't print it out for her. She plays offline. She is a beginner. It was frustrating.
Marketplace Creator
With as many VTTs coming out and new ones on the horizon, you would think this one would have been an option already made in Roll20. This may actually be a deal breaker for me. I mean Roll20 is a great tool but not having access to your work when the internet is down is really concerning. 
+1 very frustrating not to be able to do this & run hybrid games with laptop/hard copy now we can meet in person again in the UK

Edited 1624861897
+1 As many others have said there are times when you get to play in person and want a copy of the character sheet for that, and if the Internet is down for one person then person games might be necessary.  Does anyone know what 'obstructed" means, like they don't want to implement it? 
Peter B.
Sheet Author
I love how no one   reads the comments! It has been stated by Vince and me multiple times that this is possible as of right now. If you want the D&D 5th edition sheet by Roll20 to get updated to be printable, feel free to keep throwing your votes on this thread. But for all of the community sheets (not a "By Roll20" sheet) you need to contact the sheet author and get them to update the sheet to be printable. Writing / voting here will never make all sheets printable by magic . Hard work is needed for every single sheet.
If you want the D&D 5th edition sheet by Roll20 to get updated to be printable... +1
It is 11 pages of comments, but yea, I did reread the previous page when I saw the "obstructed" tag. Still a +1 from me.
Me and my whole group would be gratefull!
Could we have a method of exporting character sheets to be PDF? So a person can have a paper copy of their characters. Also, could we have a way to import from PCGen?
Sean G. said: Could we have a method of exporting character sheets to be PDF?  I'm in favour of this, too. 
Sean G. said: Could we have a method of exporting character sheets to be PDF? So a person can have a paper copy of their characters. Also, could we have a way to import from PCGen? I'm in favour of this but I can see several problems with it, besides that still leaves us with the problem that each character sheet template has to be set up like that which isn't something Roll20 can do since it is up to the individual sheet makers to do.
If they ever make character sheet printing a feature, you can print to PDF on most modern operating systems natively.  There's no real need for an actual export which may go beyond what can be done from a journal entry. Importing from PC-Gen would be something the character sheet's creator would have to implement.  It's doable depending on the export options in PC-Gen.  The Shadowrun sheet, for example, offers Chummer import capabilities.  My guess is not enough people still use PC-Gen for a sheet author to be interested in undertaking the task. 
Sheet Author
PF Community sheet can import PCGen with a little pre-edit to work with the PFC script.  Does require Pro for API scripts. And again, liie the new print features, each sheet must be edited to accommodate...
+1 !! This should be a no brainer feature :)  (Yeah, i know it is electronic gaming, but it's based on Pen and Paper baby ! :D, some folks may still need that paper at times ! )
+1 (or I guess +5 counting all my players)
+5 counting my players too! This should be a feature for sure.
+7 (me and my players).
100% would love this.
+5 Flaming Vorpal with a 25 Ego . . . .and +10 active players .  .Wow, I am adding my 2 cents worth to the 11 pages and 6 years already here.  Being able to export that which we create to PDFs or some kind of full image is for me just a way of organizing and storing my roll20 data, which I have been accumulating since 2012.  My roll20 online information for my homebrew world is getting a bit difficult to manage.  Storing the data on my hard drive will GREATLY help me manage the information, and also create content for sale in roll20 marketplace. There are MANY uses to a feature like this.  I'm not even talking about linking to the purchased content.  I'm just talking an image of a character sheet that includes the pages and data that are surface.  This way there is no lost sold data, just an image of what to top pages of the character sheet look like for editorial and recollection purposes.
Hey Folks, Sorry that it's taken a while for us to update this thread. As some people in this thread have identified, this is now possible with the new CSE, and I'm happy to announce that we're starting the work to make this a possibility across the 'by Roll20' sheets, including the D&D 5e sheet. So, that being said, here's how this process will look: There will be a period of research where we gather the various use-cases for this, so we can understand exactly what folks are looking for from a printed sheet. Once we're sure on what exactly it is that we want to deliver, we'll have to do some adaptation to the way that many of these sheets work to allow us to accurately print them. That will be followed by a development process where we actually do the work, and a lengthy QA process that hopefully won't kill too many trees in the process. Once we've done all that, and your freshly printed character sheets are in your hands, we'll then (and most importantly, in my opinion) release some documentation for Sheet Authors, explaining how they would best achieve some of these things themselves, in the hope that people will be able to roll these changes out to the community sheets we all love and use so much. I've moved the status of this ticket into 'Researching' to indicate this new progress; although it is possible to do, right now, we won't consider this done until the sheets we are responsible for are ready to be printed. Please feel free to raise concerns or questions. I'll watch this thread and do my best to contribute where I can. Happy gaming!
Found this 6 year old thread and it just so happens that 4 hours ago there's a response. Can't wait to print my sheets. My only concern for the sheets, specifically the D&D 5e sheet, is that the character feature & traits can be quite long. When printing, it would be nice to have a way to trim certain things, like keep the name, hide the description. That being said, excited to see any implementation of this as I'll be running a hybrid campaign where I'll have maps, notes, and sheets on Roll20, but do my battles on a mat with real life people in the same building.
Sheet Author
Thanks for the update Nic.  This is great news.  There are many use cases within this suggestion already, so that "might" help expedite the research component... ;-)
For a 6 year old wishlist item, I think it would be great if some serious resources were put to the research and knock that out of the park in a week or so. Please keep us updated, Nic.
Nic B. said:  I'm happy to announce that we're starting the work to make this a possibility across the 'by Roll20' sheets, including the D&D 5e sheet. That's awesome to hear. I'm sure it's going to be a process, since some people want to have "All the THINGS!" printed, and some people are going to want less. I'm looking forward to see what your team comes up with. 
Looking forward to this!
What are you waiting for Roll20? Listen to your fan base, make this happen. We love what you provide us keep up the great work by adding this feature.
Nic B. said: Hey Folks, Sorry that it's taken a while for us to update this thread. As some people in this thread have identified, this is now possible with the new CSE, and I'm happy to announce that we're starting the work to make this a possibility across the 'by Roll20' sheets, including the D&D 5e sheet. So, that being said, here's how this process will look: There will be a period of research where we gather the various use-cases for this, so we can understand exactly what folks are looking for from a printed sheet. Once we're sure on what exactly it is that we want to deliver, we'll have to do some adaptation to the way that many of these sheets work to allow us to accurately print them. That will be followed by a development process where we actually do the work, and a lengthy QA process that hopefully won't kill too many trees in the process. Once we've done all that, and your freshly printed character sheets are in your hands, we'll then (and most importantly, in my opinion) release some documentation for Sheet Authors, explaining how they would best achieve some of these things themselves, in the hope that people will be able to roll these changes out to the community sheets we all love and use so much. I've moved the status of this ticket into 'Researching' to indicate this new progress; although it is possible to do, right now, we won't consider this done until the sheets we are responsible for are ready to be printed. Please feel free to raise concerns or questions. I'll watch this thread and do my best to contribute where I can. Happy gaming! Thanks Nic! Is there any update from the past month? Would love to print it all. 
Definitely need a way to print a sheet. The tablet did not work for some reason tonight and the DM had to bring my sheet up on his computer and I had to ask him what was on it. A new character I barely know for a new game. I definitely want to continue to update the character online though and save it in game. 
+1 .