Rabulias said: Would there be any chance of "genericizing" this macro by including a textarea field like "savingthrownotes" to the D&D 3.5 sheet? Maybe but no promises. I was thinking about that the other day, but there's no place to shoe-horn a field for that in nicely; it would require a change in the layout of the Saves/Combat/Notes section. Which could be done but not in the terribly near future since I'll be out of town etc. And I haven't decided how I would want to change that section/how it should look. I actually have taken to using the Notes tab for character macro notes. Since there are two sections there I use the bottom one for generic notes to keep track of stuff and the top one for notes which get used in macros. The fields are: @{repeating_notes1_0_note1date}
@{repeating_notes2_0_note2body} for the first and second note sections respectively. So the hunter has, for example, the first 6 (to allow for future expansion) of his notes1 opened and filled in with his favored enemy bonuses; the bonus itself in the date column and the enemy type in the note-body column (with Future Enemy filled in for the ones he doesn't have yet). That allows me to build macros like: &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{skillflag=true}} {{name=@{character_name} }} {{check=Survival check:}} {{checkroll=[[1d20 + [[@{survival}]] +?{Find/Follow Tracks?|No, 0|Yes, 1}*2[Search Synergy with Tracking] +?{Favored Enemy Bonus?|None, 0 |@{repeating_notes1_0_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_0_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_1_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_1_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_2_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_2_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_3_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_3_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_4_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_4_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_5_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_5_note1date} }[Fvrd enemy bns] ]] }} {{notes= Favored enemy bonus if applicable. }} (he has sufficient Search skill to get the Tracking synergy bonus so that is also accounted for) His weapon damage might look like: 1d8cs>9 +[[@{weapon2damagestat}]][weapon dmg stat] +@{weapon2enh}[Weapon Enh] +@{weapon2specialize}[Weapon Specialization] +?{Favored Enemy Bonus?|None, 0 |@{repeating_notes1_0_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_0_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_1_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_1_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_2_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_2_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_3_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_3_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_4_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_4_note1date} |@{repeating_notes1_5_note1body}, @{repeating_notes1_5_note1date} }[Fvrd enemy bns] +?{Other Damage Bonus?|0}[Other Damage Bonus] oh and if you want a bear of a macro, this one is a multi-spell attack. More of a proof of concept than anything since it has Flame Strike, Obscuring Mists, Body of the Sun, Call Lightning, and both a cast and an attack for Produce Flame in it (and I didn't verify that I have all the various calculations correct as well as taking a few shortcuts based on the character I was using for my testing): &{template:DnD35Attack} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{fullattackflag=[[?{Full Attack?|Yes, d1|No, 0d1} ]] }} {{fumbleroll=**Fumble:[[d20]]**}} ?{Touch attack|ranged, 0|melee, -2} ?{Which spell? |Produce Flame-Attack, {{pcflag=true}} {{subtags=throws the flames. }} {{attack1=She hits touch AC [[d20 +[[@{rangedattackbonus} +?{Touch attack} ]][bab] ]] }} {{critconfirm1=Crit?:[[d20 +[[@{rangedattackbonus} +?{Touch attack} ]][bab] ]] }} {{damage1=for [[1d6 +[[{@{casterlevel},5}dh1]] ]] fire damage. }} {{critdmg1=+[[1d6+[[{@{casterlevel},5}dh1]] ]] adt'l fire damage. }} {{attack2=A2 hits touch AC [[d20+[[@{rangedattackbonus} +?{Touch attack} -5]][bab] ]] }} {{critconfirm2=Crit?:[[d20+[[@{rangedattackbonus} +?{Touch attack} -5]][bab] ]] }} {{damage2=for [[1d6+[[{@{casterlevel},5}dh1]] ]] fire damage. }} {{critdmg2=+[[1d6+[[{@{casterlevel},5}dh1]] ]] adt'l fire damage. }} |Produce Flame-Cast, {{spellflag=true}} {{subtags=gestures and [flames](<a href="http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Produce_Flame" rel="nofollow">http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Produce_Flame</a> ) as bright as a torch appear in her hand!}} {{check=The flames last for @{casterlevel} minutes and can be hurled 120 feet as a thrown weapon }} {{checkroll= (ranged touch attack; no range penalty) or used to strike with a melee touch attack. }} {{notes= No sooner are the flames hurled than a new set appears in her hand. Each attack reduces the remaining duration by 1 minute. Does not function underwater. }} |Call Lightning, {{pcflag=true}} {{subtags=calls down a 5' wide, 30' long vertical bolt of lightning. }} {{attack1=Any creature in the target square or path is affected, taking }} {{damage1= [[3d6]] points of electrical damage. }} {{notes=[[100+@{casterlevel}*10]]' range from starting position. If outdoors and in a stormy area (rain, clouds and wind, hot and cloudy, even large+ air elemental's whirlwind), the bolt deals [[3d10]] points of electrical damage. Does not function underwater. DC [[10+[[@{wis-mod}]]+3 ]] reflex save for half damage; caster level check = [[1d20+@{casterlevel}[caster lvl]+@{spellpen}[spell pen] ]] vs spell resistance. }} |Body of the Sun,{{spellflag=true}} {{subtags=casts Body of the Sun and bursts into flame.}} {{check=Flames extend 5' in all directions illuminating the area. }} {{checkroll=[[ [[{@{casterlevel}/2,5}dh1]]d4]] points of fire damage are taken by all around her. }} {{notes=The flames last for @{casterlevel} rnds, DC [[10+2+[[@{wis-mod}]] ]] reflex save for half damage; caster level check = [[1d20+@{casterlevel}+@{spellpen}]] vs spell resistance. }} |Flame Strike, {{spellflag=true}} {{subtags=smites her foes with a [Flame Strike](<a href="http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Flame_Strike" rel="nofollow">http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Flame_Strike</a> )!}} {{check=A 10' r column of divine flame roars downwards at a location within [[100+@{casterlevel}*10]] feet of Tathar. }} {{checkroll= [[([[{@{casterlevel},15}dh1]])d6]] points of damage are dealt to all within the flames. }} {{notes=Reflex save, DC=[[10+4+[[@{wis-mod}]] ]] for half damage; half of damage is flame, half is divine power and not subject to resistance to fire-based attacks. (caster level check = [[1d20+@{casterlevel}+@{spellpen}]] vs spell resistance for fire half).}} |Obscuring Mist, {{spellflag=true}} {{subtags=casts an [Obscuring Mist](<a href="http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Obscuring_Mist" rel="nofollow">http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Obscuring_Mist</a> ).}} {{check=A 20' tall bank of mist rises in a 20' r around her, lasting for @{casterlevel} minutes. }} {{checkroll= The vapor obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5'. A creature 5' away has concealment (20% miss chance); creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance and attacker cannot use sight to locate target). }} {{notes=A moderate (11+mph) wind such as from Gust of Wind disperses fog in 4 rnds, a strong (21+mph) disperses it in 1 rnd. A Fireball, Flame Strike or similar spell burns away the fog in the explosive or fiery spell's area; Wall of Fire burns away the fog in the area in which it deals damage; does not function underwater. }} |Entangle, {{spellflag=true}} {{subtags=casts [Entangle](<a href="http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Entangle" rel="nofollow">http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Entangle</a> ). }} {{notes= Grasses, weeds, bushes, roots, even trees wrap, twist, and entwine around creatures in a 40' r area up to [[d1*400+40*@{casterlevel}]] feet away, for up to @{casterlevel} minutes. The creatures are held fast and entangled. Full round DC20 Str or Escape Artist check to break free and move at half speed. Creatures who make a DC [[10 + 1 + [[@{wis-mod}]] ]] Reflex check are not entangled, but still move at only half speed. Each round, the plants once again attempt to entangle all creatures which have avoided or escaped entanglement. }} } (and I think it should work without having to remove spaces thanks to The Aaron's comments on html entities in another thread. :D ) Edit: see the entry below for the macro