Stuff data into decimal places. (e.g. Called Shots for Shadowrun Fifth Edition) ?{Called Shot|Select one:, ?{Select an option|Try again., 00.0000|Ankle, 01.0801|Ear, 02.1001|Eye, 03.1001|Foot, 04.0801|Forearm, 05.0602|Genitals, 06.1004|Gut, 07.0608|Hand, 08.0801|Hip, 09.0603|Jaw, 10.0802|Knee, 11.0801|Neck, 12.0810|Shin, 13.0602|Shoulder/Upper Arm, 14.0603|Sternum, 15.1010|Thigh, 16.0603 || Blast out of Hands, 17.0400|Dirty Trick, 10.0400|Harder Knock, 19.04|Knock Down (Melee Only), 20.04|Shake Up, 21.04|Splitting the Damage, 22.04|Trick Shot, 23.04|Vitals, 24.04 || Engine Block, 25.04|Fuel Tank/Battery, 26.04|Axle, 27.0606|Antenna, 28.0802|Door Lock, 29.0600|Window Motor, 30.0400}|Ankle, 01.0801|Ear, 02.1001|Eye, 03.1001|Foot, 04.0801|Forearm, 05.0602|Genitals, 06.1004|Gut, 07.0608|Hand, 08.0801|Hip, 09.0603|Jaw, 10.0802|Knee, 11.0801|Neck, 12.0810|Shin, 13.0602|Shoulder/Upper Arm, 14.0603|Sternum, 15.1010|Thigh, 16.0603 || Blast out of Hands, 17.0400|Dirty Trick, 10.0400|Harder Knock, 19.04|Knock Down (Melee Only), 20.04|Shake Up, 21.04|Splitting the Damage, 22.04|Trick Shot, 23.04|Vitals, 24.04 || Engine Block, 25.04|Fuel Tank/Battery, 26.04|Axle, 27.0606|Antenna, 28.0802|Door Lock, 29.0600|Window Motor, 30.0400}
AB.xxxx (e.g. PowerCards Roll ID value) = [[ [$RollID] floor(?{Called Shot}) + 0d0 ]]
xx.CDxx (e.g. Called Shot modifier) = [[round(1e2*(?{Called Shot} - floor(?{Called Shot})))]]
xx.xxEF (e.g. DV limit) = [[round(1e2*(1e2*?{Called Shot} - floor(1e2*?{Called Shot})))]]