Sorry, the weapons query was a lot harder than I thought, I haven't finished it yet Mark. x.x If ya want to go take a shot at it, go ahead, I've been a tad busier than usual lately. I might try coding one up again though once some time frees up. ^^ The best way to CURRENTLY nest macros is via chat buttons, w/ an example above in my preview of Advanced 5E Macros 3.0. It's clunky as hell, as you'd need to select the query, THEN select the button though, so ew. I might work something out w/ a template macro and attributes, so players can easily tweak custom macro settings by modifying the Attributes on their character sheet, but still, clunky as hell. What were ya guys planning to do with those query macros? For the 5E sheet, saves, checks, and skills are done, and soon weapons. Spells can't be done (currently), but I'm seeing if there's a workaround. xP We could very well replicate it, if not come pretty darn close to what you want to do. Text with inline rolls is super super easy. Also, thanks for the catch Ed! I'll be sure to check up on that bug sometime, I swore negative modifiers worked last I checked. x.x