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Roll Templates - Output Value


Edited 1437695860
I could not find anything through searching it up. When I make a roll such as /roll 6d10>7 I receive an output that states "# Successes". I can then drag that output to the initiative bar for use. However, when I use a Roll Template the value that is the output from the roll cannot be dragged to the initiative bar. Is there any plans to make them the same? Also I justs noted the same thing with Roll Tables. I am using a modified version of the Exalted roll table for Scion. The output value is not draggable.
Workaround: @{selected|name} receives [[6d10>7 &{tracker}]] successes on their initiative roll!

Edited 1437707491
I was able to fix it for what I needed! New Macro: &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{Join Battle= [[?{Modifier|0} &{tracker}]] }} Instead of @{selected|name} it needed to be @{selected|character_name} I put it into a roll template and it now looks like this: Layla Cunningham Join Battle 8 Thank you again :)