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Dice Rolling Plans & Suggestions

Hrm, that is an interesting idea. I'll see how it fits into the parser.
Thank you for the quick reply!
Just reiterating a previous suggestion. In light of the Tabletop Forge gang joining Roll20, Is there more of a chance of seeing sortable 2D dice icons in chat for roll results in place of just the numbers, which was one of Tabletop Forge's best dice mechanics? It is essential for systems in which the type of die is important, in addition to the result.
Also a drop down menu to change the colors of result dice icons would be excellent as well.
A requested dice rolling feature: &nbsp;Calculating BODY damage from STUN damage in the HERO System (Champions as well). &nbsp;I posted a thread in the Help sub-forum which explains how BODY damage is calculated. :) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
The developers are looking at all of the TTF features and I believe that sortable 2d dice are on that list.
Since yer back... just reiterating my desire to have grouped rolls with keep high, keep low options. Specifically, I would greatly enjoy being able to roll something like:&nbsp; /roll [2d6, 1d8]KH2 ---------- rolls two six sided dice, one eight sided dice, and adds together the two highest /roll [2d6, 1d12]KL2 -------- rolls two six sided dice, one twelve sided dice, and adds together to two lowest I can currently use /roll 2d6+1d8, but it causes confusion when you roll something like 1+5+2 of which the sum is shown as 8 which is a success, but per actual game mechanics, the true sum would be 7 which is a miss.
Yup, they are on the roadmap :)
Yay! Grouped rolls with those options is essential to running my D&amp;D 4e/Next hack. :)&nbsp;
They are coming Jonathan. I've finally gotten the parser handling grouped rolls. We're still a few weeks away from getting it deployed but it is coming :)
Awesome! I can finally use Roll20 to playtest The Adventure Game.
I really hope the option for custom dice is going to be implemented. Edge of the Empire especially is unplayable in Roll20 without it. I would not mind writing macros for the special dice I need in the mean time. Can a macro make Roll20 echo some text if the result of a die roll is equal to (not greater or lesser than) a specific number?
The usually operator for is equal to is ==. If you can use if then statements then that should work.
(without reading the whole threat) I'd like a&nbsp;possibility&nbsp;to just load a dice rolling system into my campaign (for all players) without having to figure out all the complex roll syntax patterns. /load builtin:sw system: Loaded "Savage Worlds" roll system. Available dice letters: t, T, D /roll t8 =&gt; Trait roll with d6 wildcard die and d8 trait die /roll T12 =&gt; Trait roll with d10 wildcard die and d12 trait die /roll 2D6 =&gt; damage roll with 2 exploding d6 /roll D+D8+D6 =&gt; damage roll with exploding d6, d8 and d&lt;whatever character's strength attribute is&gt;
Because we now have universal game macros, and also player and character specific stats and macros, I have a suggestion for an evolution of the dice roller menu box. I am not sure if a version of this has already been suggested. For games like Mutants &amp; Masterminds 3E, where all of the rolls use the same die, just with various different modifiers vs a difficulty class, it would be very useful to add some simple editable drop down menus to the existing dice roller. The simplest way for this to work would be to, first, have a drop down menu before the dice rolling options with a list of the available characters names (ideally linked to the character). Then the existing number and type of die fields. Followed by the modifier field (which could also be linked to character stats with a drop down menu, but would not have to be). Followed by a further editable drop down menu for stat names or roll descriptions such as "for Toughness," or "for Ranged Damage." And possibly a further drop down menu describing the nature of the target number for targeted rolls, like "vs DC," or "vs Damage." The results of these rolls would then look something like this: " Superman rolling 1d20 + 18 for Toughness vs DC &gt; 30" ( 15 ) +18&gt;30 = 1 Successes You could even make a slight change for single rolls to show "Success" or "Failure" instead of the number of "Successes" just for added detail, but of course this would be gravy. I realize that this is already very simple to do in chat by entering "/r d20+18&gt;30 for Toughness," including an existing drop down menu for character names under the chat window. But, particularly for GMs, if there are a number of characters that you need to roll for, and a number of different descriptors for the rolls for each character, it would be easier just to keep the dice roller open at all times and have all of the character names and roll descriptors in pre-created drop down menus so that instead of typing out each roll, one could generate any roll for any of the characters with 3 or 4 clicks and maybe entering a modifier. If keeping the dice roller window open at all times seems confining to some, the window could also be modified into a horizontal tool bar type configuration that could be placed at the top or bottom of the VTT window to save space. This would add flavor and convenience for all systems, including multiple same die dice pools with targeted rolls, etc.
Also, for M&amp;M 3E, the ability to edit how the resulting successes are counted would be quite useful. Setting up degrees of success and failure based on the difference between the target number and the number rolled (1 to 5 above the DC = 1 degree of success, 6 to 10 = 2 degrees of success, etc.) would be great. The result of similar rolls as above could then be: " Superman rolling 1d20 + 18 for Toughness vs DC &gt; 30" ( 15 ) +18&gt;30 = 1 Success (1 degree) " Superman rolling 1d20 + 18 for Toughness vs DC &gt; 30" ( 20 ) +18&gt;30 = 1 Success (2 degrees) " Superman rolling 1d20 + 18 for Toughness vs DC &gt; 30" ( 2 ) +18&gt;30 = 0 Failure (2 degrees) This would also be useful for other systems in which the difference between target numbers and the numbers rolled is important.
Re-post from the update thread. Thank you for adding the dice icons!!! That has been my #1 request since Roll20 was launched. However, I have a suggestion for a further evolution of this feature. For systems like Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, what would be ideal is to be able to roll a disparate pool of dice like (3d6 and 1d4 and 2d8 and 1d10 and 1d12) and for all of those dice to be displayed in an array that can be sorted as needed. Unless I am missing something, it seems that the way it is now, one can only sort between dice of the same type, so I can sort my resulting d6's into any order (because the results are contained in the same set of parentheses), but I cannot drag my d12 and one of my d8's in between two of my d6's. If it is possible, please demonstrate the correct syntax. To avoid too much clutter in chat, I suggest leaving the display of results the way it is without the icons (just the numbers as before), and then having an option to display a box under the normal display of result numbers which shows all of the dice icons (with result numbers on the die as you have already done) for that entire rolled pool in one big sortable array in which all the dice, regardless of type or result, can be freely sorted with one another. You could then include options in settings to check boxes for how you want your results displayed: standard, sortable array, 3D dice, etc. So each GM could decide how to streamline their chat display of results. For a Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game one could just set it to display the array only. Where as for other systems one might want to display both the standard math and the array together, or no array. Displaying the result numbers and a sortable array of icons separately would seem to give the general versatility for any system in which the type, result, and order of dice is important.
Wow, so many requests I feel a little guilty asking for one… but only a little ;) &nbsp;I just found Roll20 while looking for a way to remote play Fiasco (was there ever an RPG better suited to virtual play?) and got so excited when I saw the 3D dice checkbox. &nbsp;I rolled my virtual d6 and it did its thing and then promptly vanished. &nbsp;Sad panda. &nbsp;I made some tokens (awful surprised there were no existing dice tokens) instead and it kind of works dragging them on the table after a die roll so this isn't a deal breaker. &nbsp; I understand there is work being done for custom die faces and it would be swell if as part of that initiative there could be an option to leave the 3D dice on the table to be moved around. &nbsp;I'm sure other systems would benefit from being able to manually sort and distribute their virtual dice as needed.
There is work being done around dice-as-tokens. Not sure how far away it is.
As a person mentioned above, the small groups of Exalted players would like a way to mark their rolls so that we can get our "10s count as two successes" rule.
Love roll20. Love the tabletop feel it gives my group who has members temporarily abroad. I WISH we could use the 3D dice, but all five of us consistently crash when any one of us has 3D dice turned on. We're all using the latest version of chrome and playing through a Google Hangout (because we can't get voice to work through just roll20).
Sadly there is little we can do on our end to make the 3d dice "better". It is completely constrained by the browser, os, computer, and graphics card it is running on.
I understand those limitations, but it seems unlikely that it is completely constrained to the performance of the browser, os, computer, and vid card if five completely different and up to date systems all crash consistently whenever 3D dice are in use. Most video applications don't have that kind of restrictive requirements for something as simple as a picture of dice rolling.
Sadly WebGL is still relatively new technology and there is a lot more overhead having browser side JavaScript render 3d graphics via the WebGL APIs than there is having pure C execute on an OpenGL or DirectX stack.
Since i didn't notice the "official" status of this thread, i'll repost my suggestion here. This was also requested by other players for the exhalted system. Mattia B. said: The new OWoD 20th anniversary games made a small change on the classical Storyteller dice exploding mechanics, wich is currently usupported by the dice roller but should be pretty easy to implement. When the player is entitled to explode a roll, every 10 (on a Xd10 roll) counts as 2 succeses instead of one, without the need of further rolling. Currently there is no way to represent it with roll20 mechanics, but i do think implementing it shouldn't be to hard. --- Example of a possible implementation: Automatic Exploding Dice ( V20-Style Exploding Dice ) The 20th anniversary edition of Vampire, the Masquerade &nbsp; (and some other systems) use a special style of exploding dice where the the additional dices are not rolled, each one giving instead an additional success to the roll. To represent this the !a option will add a non-exploding dice with the maximum possible outcome for each exploded dice of the original roll. To explode 7d10 with this option you would do /roll 7d10!a A common V20 roll would count the number of successes (and failures) in the roll, compared to a target difficulty, for example /roll {8d10!a}&gt;6f1
I know we have the 'standard roll', the 'gm roll', and there has even been talk of a 'secret roll' (which is an idea I like, making the results hidden to everyone except the GM, including the roller). &nbsp;What I'd be interested in seeing is a simple check box, or even key press that chooses the output type for macros. EXAMPLE: I have all of my macros built for all basic rolls. &nbsp;Occassionally, the GM will ask for one of those rolls to only be sent to him, or will want to make the roll himself so it's hidden from me. &nbsp;If I could press the macro button to roll it standard, ALT+the same macro button to roll it hidden, and SHIFT+the same macro button to roll it to just me and the GM, that would help simplify things. &nbsp;Alternatively, a check box that makes any macros/rolls appear as Open/GM/Hidden would accomplish the same thing. &nbsp;As of now, I either manually type the rolls, or have to build two macros for rolls that are regularly done both visibly and to the GM. Effectively, you would be looking at changing all output from a macro from /roll to /gmroll or /hiddenroll.
As a DM, I would love to have a way for the individual dice to NOT show up and just get my result. I used to do this in MapTool. I could roll up character/npc stats on the fly and have them come out like this: STR&nbsp;15 INT&nbsp;13 WIS 12 etc... instead of : DM (GM):&nbsp; (To GM) rolling (4d6sdkh3r1) STR ( ( 6 + 6 + 5 + 3 ) )&nbsp; =&nbsp; 17 DM (GM):&nbsp; (To GM) rolling 4d6sdkh3r1 INT ( 6 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 1 ) = 13
*This has been moved from another thread. I have made these suggestions before, but this time I have mocked up images to make my meaning completely clear. Please forgive the repetition.* I have been making suggestions for ways to evolve the roll20 dice mechanics to make them friendly to cortex (Marvel Heroic Roleplaying) and other systems in which the type of die, result, and sorting of dice are important. There has been a major step forward in the form of die icons with results given in chat. These are some of my test rolls when I was messing around with it after the update. As it is now, the die icons are sortable via drag and drop, but only within their set of parentheses. So if you roll "5d12" you can sort your resulting d12s in any way you like. But if you roll "4d6+5d12", while you can sort your d6s and your d12s separately, you cannot sort them amongst each other. What I have suggested as a next step is that either we be given the ability to sort the die icons between the parentheses, or more simply, that the die icons be separated from the mathematic expressions in the results. So, have the option to leave the results as they were previously, simply with numbers, but to turn on a sortable dice array to be shown after the regular result numbers. I have mocked up what I mean here. The die icons in a separate box below, which are sortable in any way needed. I also suggested that this be one of a list of advanced dice options, so that a GM could go into the campaign settings and check the dice options that they need for their campaign: normal results, sortable array, 3D dice, etc. Then it would be possible to display only the sortable array for results, which would be the minimum needed for the cortex system. Cortex's other features like choosing dice for totals and effects, etc. are easily done without the need for coding in any other mechanics, if the dice are truly sortable regardless of type. We can do the math in our heads, and remember that the left most sorted dice are for the total, etc. However, my further suggestion of being able to right-click on individual die icons and change their color, in addition to free sorting, would make roll20 completely cortex friendly. I have mocked up what I mean here. Here the results are displayed only as a sortable array, and the dice have been sorted and changed in color. Using cortex terminology, the purples can represent the total, we can do the math ourselves for a total of 18, the yellows can be effect dice (after the spending of some plot points to keep extras), and the 1 on the d10 is of course an opportunity. I think that asking to be able to perform math operations on selected dice, like choosing two of the resulting die icons to be added for a total, is asking too much. Being able to sort the dice freely is paramount, and being able to change their color, while not necessary, would give all the functionality needed for Cortex and any other system where die type, result, and order are important. I would like to hear what the dev team thinks about this further evolution of the dice mechanics. Thoughts?
Plox Titus said: In Dark Heresy based games (FFG) there is a "number of successes" feature related to skill tests. If I roll a 43 against a target of 80, I succeed with 3 degrees of success, 1 degree for each "10" I beat my target by. 50 vs 80, is also a 3 degree, whereas 51 vs 80 is only 2 degrees of success. Hope that I have explained that sufficiently, but it would be a fantastic boon to our campaign. Thanks and keep up the great work. There is a way to do it, although not as neat an outcome as most people are liking. The syntax required for the formula on a "fate by degrees" roll is as follows: /roll (A+B-1d100)/C where A is the stat being rolled against, B is any modifiers and C is the ruler for degrees (usually 10). For example: Ballistic Skill of 47, plus 10 for steady aim would be /roll (47+10-1d100)/10 which could give a result of (57 - [63] ) / 10 = -0.6, a standard failure or (57 - [26] ) / 10 = 3.1, three degrees of success
Add another like JonathanTheBlack. I dearly want to be able to roll dice within the bounds of an emote, and have the result, only, show, but explicate on a tooltip.&nbsp; I just finished a session with 5 friends and we all spent 15 minutes trying to figure if it was possible, in lieu of playing.
Yeah... that would be nice. Type: /me charges into the fray and swings his hammer at the orc [#MeleeStrike +2]! Jonathan the Black charges into the fray and swings his hammer at the orc [20]! Mouseover the [20] and it would show: Jonathan the Black rolled 1d20 + 6 + 2 (12 + 6 + 2) = 20!
Roguebot said: Plox Titus said: In Dark Heresy based games (FFG) there is a "number of successes" feature related to skill tests. If I roll a 43 against a target of 80, I succeed with 3 degrees of success, 1 degree for each "10" I beat my target by. 50 vs 80, is also a 3 degree, whereas 51 vs 80 is only 2 degrees of success. Hope that I have explained that sufficiently, but it would be a fantastic boon to our campaign. Thanks and keep up the great work. There is a way to do it, although not as neat an outcome as most people are liking. The syntax required for the formula on a "fate by degrees" roll is as follows: /roll (A+B-1d100)/C where A is the stat being rolled against, B is any modifiers and C is the ruler for degrees (usually 10). For example: Ballistic Skill of 47, plus 10 for steady aim would be /roll (47+10-1d100)/10 which could give a result of (57 - [63] ) / 10 = -0.6, a standard failure or (57 - [26] ) / 10 = 3.1, three degrees of success Actually can just roll 1d100 - stat and if it's negative you have succeeded and if postive failed and the degrees are in the tens. Eg you make an ag test with a stat of 54 and roll 47 then 47-57=-10. Then ignre the 0 and you have 1 degree of success. Or if you like a positive number to mean success then just reverse the stat and roll to stat. We use 1d100 - stat (or skill) and our system is an advanced/evolved version of WFRP 2nd edition.