Runt's right that we haven't signed on any dotted lines, and that's a damned good thing, considering how dodgy this whole thing is becoming. Yeah, Sebastien's Ticket does have an Imperial Warrant behind it, but it also allows for taking Maarg down if he resists. Seeing as he's almost certainly going to resist with all he's got, that's probably not going to be a problem. If he does surrender... well, I guess we'll have to see how that goes. I'm sure as hell not going to kill an unarmed, non-resisting Imperial citizen in cold blood. Because we're committed, I won't try to stop anybody from killing him, but that's as far as I can go. And we'd better find a way to make the execution look like an accident if we don't want to become outlaws. I think Sebastien and his backers would be satisfied as long as we can prove that Maarg was behind the nuke on Darrian, and that he didn't get away. Not happy, maybe, but satisfied. I think they'd be much happier if we could also confirm whether or not Duke Norris okay'ed the hit, and that much happier still if could get the name of the assassin and/or catch or kill her. I guess if we're not making a point of trying to keep Maarg alive, Isis won't be so much of a problem. She'll be invested in rescuing whatever unwilling psions we find, as well as those hard copies of the psionics manuals. I'm hoping that will keep her in check, and that Hane and Charoux can keep her from killing Maarg before we can get whatever info we still need from him. My idea of sending Jeff in with the Stealth Team was that he's more precise with his weapons than either Runt or Gev, not to mention that the two vargr's area of effect attacks would be more useful in the frontal assault than sneaking around inside the institute. All three of us also have grav assist to keep us highly mobile. As far as the remote ops go, I was thinking that Jeff could be using microbots for recon and sabotage, while Dr. Simone can control the Ares 'bots that go with us. I'm worried that Stealth Team might lose comms inside the facility, so I want Jeff to be right there, whereas I'd rather keep Dr. Simone out of the direct conflict in case we need patching up later. The Support Team will be relatively nearby, linked in by the battle computer, or at least by normal comms and video feeds. The Admiral can help with tactics and computers, with Sebastien covering comms and countermeasures. They'd also be the ride out for at least some of us. I'm thinking that we're going to need two vehicles. The Assault Team comes in with the Support Team, while the Stealth Team comes in with a separate vehicle with so that they can sneak in thru the secret passage while the Assault Time knocks on the front door. We'll also need the additional room of an additional vehicle for whatever detainees we can rescue. We may also have to fail to stop Isis and the rescued psions from stealing the second vehicle to escape after they kill Captain Maarg.