This is partly me trying to justify last night’s recon of Isis’s Ticket against how Charoux would have handled things, since, had he known there was no formal ticket, we never would have left port until there was . It’s also me trying to outline Charoux’s issues with the precedence of one ticket over another, and issues with the Archduke’s ticket, as proposed. “Oh, come off it , Charoux, what’s the problem now ? This is a phenomenal deal I negotiated!”; Sebastien was clearly frustrated at yet another business decision that he and Charoux didn’t see eye to eye on. Charoux himself was irritated as well; to Charoux, if no one else, any time Imperial Law or Imperial Nobles were involved, Sebastien’s head seemed to swell. “The problem, is that while it’s a great deal financially , morally , it’s pretty careless. Once again, a ticket you’re at the center of conflicts with the Isis Ticket.”. Sebastien, incredulous, scoffed at Charoux’s adherence to the Company’s agreement with Isis. “Isis has no formal ticket with Artemis Group. It’s nothing more than a mutual agreement of words in foreign space! It has no legal standing within Imperial Borders!”. Charoux countered, “Do you really think I’d let a potential foreign agent on board the Ares without a formal legal agreement binding for what purpose and under what terms she was there?”. Sebastien chided, “That was Darrian Space! Darrian Law doesn’t apply here!”. Charoux, frustrated by the Imperial Bureaucrat, insisted, “The finest Darrian mathematicians consistently conclude that Darrian Contractual Manifolds are superior legal protection mechanisms, and...”. Sebastien, frustrated by Charoux’s Darrian gibberish, insisted, “The existing Treaty between the Darrian Confederation and the Imperium does not cover enforcement of Darrian Contracts outside Darrian Space ! If the legalese isn’t Imperial , it has no bearing !”. Since Hane was serving as the Company Lawyer at the time, Charoux called Hane in; apparently, the matter was simply neglected on account of the flurry of new hires. Annoyed, Charoux concluded, “Fine; but that’s our mistake, not our client’s . Isis’s Ticket, legal details notwithstanding , still has precedence. We can’t be seen as throwing out a client’s job just because a big influential whale comes by with a better offer. It would mean we have no integrity. Our clients wouldn’t be able to trust us to hold our ground in the face of temptation. The Duke’s Ticket will conform to the existing terms of Isis’s Ticket, or we won’t accept it.”. Suppressing the urge to throttle Charoux for his obstinateness, and trying to remain convincing, Sebastien tried to impress upon Charoux the advantages of fulfilling the Duke’s ticket as outlined; “Charoux, I put a lot of work into getting us this ticket with the man, who, like it or not, is going to be running this entire sector ! He may not be the Archduke we wanted , but he’s the Archduke we’ve got ! And, what’s more, we’ve got a fantastic deal here! We’ll be making out like bandits, and we’ll be the first in line with a fantastic bonus, if he needs another job done! And Maarg will be dead, so Isis will get what she wanted too!”. Perceiving that, once again, Sebastien had neglected a few key details, Charoux took it upon himself, once again, to do the tedious job of reminding him; “Isis hired us to get justice for the Colonel; that means whoever executed it, and whoever ordered it. What happens if we find out the Archduke was behind it? Or if Maarg is just a convincing scapegoat, and not directly responsible? How do we get justice for the Colonel then , if we’re fulfilling the Archduke’s Ticket of suppressing all that information? She also wants the students to be set free , whereas the Archduke wants them shipped straight to him . You know what we call keeping sophonts against their will and shipping them from one place to another in Darrian Space? Sophont Trafficking. What do they call it in Imperial Space?”.