Well here we go again. Tried a session last night, it was better than a month ago, but still somewhat of a disaster. Unbelievable.
We have me (DM) and 4 players connected, 3 of them are all in the same city as me, 1 of them is in Hawaii. We play with video and chat, and when we first started, we chatted for several minutes to see if it would break. Everything was good, so we started our session. About 5 minutes in, I lost sound to one of the local players. He had to hit 'reconnect' for me to receive sound from him. 5 minutes later, lost sound again. Sometimes when he'd hit 'reconnect' other players would lose sound to other players, then they'd have to hit 'reconnect'.
Basically, while the video seemed to work well this time (occasional black flickers), the audio was whack-a-mole several times. We'd finally get it to work...for awhile. This is a somewhat better experience than previous attempts for the past 3 months but extremely aggravating.
But here's the worst part. I have read about some people just ditching webRTC and using Google Hangouts, so as our session was about to close (we only did 1 encounter because to play any more would have given me a brain aneurysm dealing with whack-a-mole audio), I launched roll20 via Google Hangout. I was greeted with a popup saying roll20 would no longer work after April 2017!!!! WTF!!!!
Why in the Nine Hells would you guys no longer support roll20 app via Google Hangouts when you know very damn well this is one of the only viable options people have to get around your flat out shitty and failed attempt at an in-house voice/chat system? I suppose you are just wanting roll20 to eventually become a thing of the past as you drive your customer base to go look for other options..options that actually work! I'm all for new features, but it all means nothing if your existing implementation doesn't work.
Your guys' logic makes no sense whatsoever. And you can't claim it's a network issue on my end because openTok worked flawlessly for me, and when we test using google hangouts, our video/chat is also flawless. The problem is on YOUR side. Period. webRTC should have been thoroughly stress tested in Beta, and then stress tested again to ensure it was flawless before forced down our throats.
I read before that openTok was no longer a viable solution for roll20 to remain profitable. You mind sharing some $$ figures with us? I'd like to know how much it would cost to bring it back. Seriously. I'd consider throwing some more money out to support including openTok again if it meant having the same experience on roll20 as when I first joined.