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Monster Manual Official Bug Thread

Is it intentional that a player promoted to GM can't access their compendium and use their monster manual?
October 03 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
The Compendium is linked to who has created the game, so that player would need to GM their own game to have access to Monster Manual content. 
October 04 (7 years ago)
I just bought the MM right before the update, and now nothing works. Anything I drag out either results in a blank character sheet (the usual) or sometimes it will just randomly copy another character sheet - I had a druid that wouldn't work, and then when I finally got that working, two different kobolds (the base MM and one Volo's) would only display the druid sheet, although it had the kobold picture & bio. 

I'm using Chrome. And it's really frustrating that I finally broke down and spent $50 on something that only worked for one day!
October 04 (7 years ago)
All the monsters I have tried to drag and drop onto a page come up with a players character sheet and have no stats. Tokens are not dropping with the right sizes, giants are showing as medium sizes. This is in a game that is over 6 months old, I am using the latest chrome.
October 04 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
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Mel said:

Could I please get game names for folks that are having issues and also console logs? 
Information on how to collect those can be found here:


Please make sure you have the 5th Ed OGL character sheet selected, and if you are still having an issue after that, please try the steps from this wiki entry
October 04 (7 years ago)
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
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Michael said:
All the monsters I have tried to drag and drop onto a page come up with a players character sheet and have no stats. Tokens are not dropping with the right sizes, giants are showing as medium sizes. This is in a game that is over 6 months old, I am using the latest chrome.
We pushed out a fix for this issue this morning changing the order of operations for certain events. Please let us know if after refreshing the app, if you experiencing this issue again.
October 04 (7 years ago)

Steve K. said:

Michael said:
All the monsters I have tried to drag and drop onto a page come up with a players character sheet and have no stats. Tokens are not dropping with the right sizes, giants are showing as medium sizes. This is in a game that is over 6 months old, I am using the latest chrome.
We pushed out a fix for this issue this morning changing the order of operations for certain events. Please let us know if after refreshing the app, if you experiencing this issue again.

Still seems to be an issue. I added a mage to my map it was fine then I added a guard and no stats. Deleted the guard and pull it again and it was ok. So it's seem intermittent now.
Hi, I have a bunch of macros that I always set for the monsters I pull from the monster manual. These macros usually work perfectly with all MM entries but I've noticed that this doesn't happen with all the Giant monsters (hill giant, stone giant, fire giant etc.). I post an example of the chat output for a specific macro:

here is the global Save Checks macro I use for the monsters. It has worked well till now and still works with the monsters I've used by far. Maybe some attribute is missed from the attributes tab of the giants monsters?
October 05 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Gianmarco - Can you link me the macro you're using? 
Yeah sorry my bad, I forget about it. Here is the macro:

/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Tiri Salvezza}} {{Forza= [[1d20+@{npcd_str_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_str_mod}]]}} {{Destrezza= [[1d20+@{npcd_dex_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_dex_mod}]]}} {{Costituzione= [[1d20+@{npcd_con_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_con_mod}]]}} {{Intelligenza= [[1d20+@{npcd_int_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_int_mod}]]}} {{Saggezza= [[1d20+@{npcd_wis_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_wis_mod}]]}} {{Carisma= [[1d20+@{npcd_cha_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_cha_mod}]]}}

Consider that I just posted an example. That one is not the only macro that doesn't work. I'd to underline that these macros work pretty well with other monsters.

October 05 (7 years ago)

Edited October 05 (7 years ago)
Same issue as Gianmacro. If I run my macro on a monster I have used before the update V2.0 and the API. I get

If i run the same macro on any monster I add after that I get

!power {{ 
--name|@{Selected|character_name} --leftsub|@{Selected|npc_type}
--rightsub|CR @{Selected|npc_Challenge} @{Selected|npc_XP}
--Strength|~R **[[@{Selected|Strength}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_str_mod}** ~R
--Dexterity|~R** [[@{Selected|Dexterity}]]**  **@{Selected|npcd_dex_mod}** ~R
--Constitution|~R **[[@{Selected|Constitution}]]**  **@{Selected|npcd_con_mod}** ~R
--Intelligence|~R **[[@{Selected|Intelligence}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_int_mod}** ~R
--Wisdom|~R **[[@{Selected|Wisdom}]]**  **@{Selected|npcd_wis_mod}** ~R
--Charisma|~R **[[@{Selected|Charisma}]]**  **@{Selected|npcd_cha_mod}** ~R
--PassivePerception|~R **[[@{Selected|passive_wisdom}]] ~R
--Hit Points|~R **[[@{Selected|npcd_hp}]]**  **of** **[[@{selected|hp|max}]] ~R
--Speed|~R **@{Selected|npc_speed} ~R
--Initiative|~R **@{Selected|npcd_dex_mod} ~R

Look like they change all the attrib npcd no longer exists as well as str_mod it has changed to strenght_mod.

October 05 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Great, thanks for this info! Checking it out now
Yes I've noticed now that every new monster for which I try to set up my macros gives tha same error output. The bonuses are not detected. The monsters I previously set up work properly with the same macro.
October 05 (7 years ago)
New macro to correct the changes

!power {{ 
--name|@{Selected|character_name} --leftsub|@{Selected|npc_type}
--rightsub|CR @{Selected|npc_Challenge} @{Selected|npc_XP}
--Strength|~R **[[@{Selected|Strength}]]** **@{Selected|strength_mod}** ~R
--Dexterity|~R** [[@{Selected|Dexterity}]]**  **@{Selected|dexterity_mod}** ~R
--Constitution|~R **[[@{Selected|Constitution}]]**  **@{Selected|constitution_mod}** ~R
--Intelligence|~R **[[@{Selected|Intelligence}]]** **@{Selected|intelligence_mod}** ~R
--Wisdom|~R **[[@{Selected|Wisdom}]]**  **@{Selected|wisdom_mod}** ~R
--Charisma|~R **[[@{Selected|Charisma}]]**  **@{Selected|charisma_mod}** ~R
--PassivePerception|~R **[[@{Selected|passive_wisdom}]] ~R
--Speed|~R **@{Selected|npc_speed} ~R
--Initiative|~R **@{Selected|dexterity_mod} ~R

npcd_str_mod changed to strength_mod same as dex con int etc.
The only thing that doesn't work for me is my HP part I get this error.

I think its because there is no value due to the new API feature to roll the HP of the mobs.

Hi Craven, can I ask you if you got some working macros? Even with power cards template. I need just for skills and saving throws. It would be great. Sorry for the little OT.  
October 05 (7 years ago)

Gianmarco V. (Ravencroma) said:

Hi Craven, can I ask you if you got some working macros? Even with power cards template. I need just for skills and saving throws. It would be great. Sorry for the little OT.  

Yes I have saves and skills working for PC and NPC. I have them saved in my Evernote to preserve HTML formatting like & # 125 and such. If you would like a copy I can send to to you send me a private message with a email address and I will send you a copy of the macros but you will need evernote and its a free app. Coping the code to an email or here will loose the HTML formatting. Also if you save the macro the formatting will be processed and if you open the macro again and hit save it will stop working so you will have to copy if back and save it again.
October 06 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Hi folks! 
The updated 2.0 sheet streamlined attributes by 25%, which we're thinking is the majority of the issue.

This may still need to be a bit updated, but there is a list of NPC sheet attributes here -

I'll let you know if I find out anything else, and also if that list helps, please let me know :)

October 13 (7 years ago)

Edited October 13 (7 years ago)
Sean said:
Today when I pull a monster out of the compendium (I have the Monster Manual), all monsters drop in at medium size, the character sheets aren't populated, and the NPC sheet isn't appearing. This is completely not working.
Going on for almost a week now I am STILL having this issue with my monster manual purchase. I am using google chrome. Some monsters work and others do not. It appears to be completely random.
Here is a pitcture of the console in chrome when I place the token.
October 13 (7 years ago)
Roll20 Team

Phillip S. said:

Sean said:
Today when I pull a monster out of the compendium (I have the Monster Manual), all monsters drop in at medium size, the character sheets aren't populated, and the NPC sheet isn't appearing. This is completely not working.
Going on for almost a week now I am STILL having this issue with my monster manual purchase. I am using google chrome. Some monsters work and others do not. It appears to be completely random.
Here is a pitcture of the console in chrome when I place the token.

Phillip S.,

Sorry to hear that this is still an issue for you. If you could provide a full console log (just copy paste is fine) as well as the name of your game I would be happy to bring this up to the devs again to see if we can't see what is going on :)
October 14 (7 years ago)
Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://*". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-8/OZVelTgnfxVPVbMhI680i8nfiTQAvXtMM8//yqpCw='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* https://*". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-L63+heK6EG4X6TwJqO7jUtAvhvnAIw9NscPSnRoAq+A='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
app.js?1507909246:31 70
app.js?1507909246:32 TOUCH SUPPORTED: false
app.js?1507909246:32 USING WEBGL ACCELERATION...
app.js?1507909246:32 WEBGL STARTUP SUCCESS
app.js?1507909246:33 Custom Sheet Translation
app.js?1507909246:26 select
app.js?1507909246:26 Switch mode to select
app.js?1507909246:43 Initializing new dice engine with randomness...
app.js?1507909246:43 Using random entropy
app.js?1507909246:46 Compiling sheet...
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: simple
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: atk
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: dmg
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: atkdmg
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: desc
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: spell
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: traits
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: npc
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: npcatk
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: npcdmg
app.js?1507909246:46 Found rolltemplate: npcaction
app.js?1507909246:46 Found webworker script
app.js?1507909246:46 Finding sheet rolls...
app.js?1507909246:48 window resize
app.js?1507909246:32 Final set zoom!
app.js?1507909246:32 UPDATE GL SIZE!
app.js?1507909246:32 Final set zoom!
tutorial_tips.js:7 tuts loaded Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
app.js?1507909246:38 Final page load.
sheetsandboxworker.js?20170926:260 Starting up WEB WORKER
sheetsandboxworker.js?20170926:260 Starting up WEB WORKER
app.js?1507909246:48 Refresh jukebox List!
app.js?1507909246:38 Scan for new plays!
app.js?1507909246:38 Auth'ed.
app.js?1507909246:38 Go post auth!
app.js?1507909246:38 initial setup
app.js?1507909246:48 Refresh jukebox List!
app.js?1507909246:36 T.s
app.js?1507909246:48 Refresh jukebox List!
app.js?1507909246:41 refershing page listings!
app.js?1507909246:38 Got players value...
app.js?1507909246:38 joining game...
15app.js?1507909246:35 Full load page!
app.js?1507909246:38 We have 20 pages
app.js?1507909246:36 Player -KvKuxSL2FVqz0ubM3Nf is offline...
app.js?1507909246:36 Player -KvKv42Mv5ajuW2Y8HLM is offline...
app.js?1507909246:36 Player -KvKv5Jb5y8B3L16JDGR is offline...
app.js?1507909246:36 Player -KvKv6jll2MB2AnPQqxS is offline...
app.js?1507909246:36 Player -KvKvQlnPNON4x6T0PGA is offline...
app.js?1507909246:36 Player -KvLFFfoV__5pYcQf37y is offline...
app.js?1507909246:36 Player -KvLfmeCY9xMudvJHVRV is offline...
app.js:36 Player -KvNKnJ_9aPyiJfL9Zdi is offline...
app.js:36 Player -KvNVd0jd8isqzwdSwc1 is offline...
app.js:36 Global Volume: 100=1
app.js:36 Player -KvNpRfhpKmuNi-AE4dO is offline...
app.js:36 Player -KvOc3L2HSEAgLzydpEE is offline...
app.js:36 Player -KveIn_Y2BWDHQIhXfQ6 is offline...
app.js:36 Player -KwH1giCO4vOOEFJYs86 is offline...
app.js:38 Deferred finish joining...
app.js:31 Firebase Online
app.js:45 Loading Roll20 Chat Event Handlers
app.js:46 Refresh Journal List!
app.js:46 Search took 19ms
/editor/updatefromrt/2617826 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
app.js:38 handle page changes
app.js:38 false
app.js:34 Do refresh link cache!
app.js:38 Scan for new plays!
app.js:46 Refresh Journal List!
app.js:46 Search took 139ms
app.js:38 init active page!
app.js:35 activate page!
app.js:43 Descending into madness...
jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
get @ jquery.1.8.2.min.js:2
app.js:48 Refresh jukebox List!
thumb.jpeg Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
app.js:35 Graphics: 17
app.js:35 Paths: 0
app.js:41 refershing page listings!
/campaigns/sharelink/2617826 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
app.js:35 Reorder by ZORDER
app.js:35 Swapping to
2app.js:31 new lamp [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0000020B5B586560]RENDER WARNING: Render count or primcount is 0.
app.js:35 Reorder by ZORDER [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0000020B5B586560]RENDER WARNING: Render count or primcount is 0.
app.js:35 setting src
app.js:30 Cols: 4 Rows: 4
app.js:30 Took 72ms to generate cache. [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0000020B5B586560]RENDER WARNING: Render count or primcount is 0.
app.js:48 Body drop!
app.js:48 drop on upper canvas
app.js:48 Compendium item dropped onto canvas!
app.js:48 [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0000020B5B586560]RENDER WARNING: Render count or primcount is 0.
app.js:35 Reorder by ZORDER [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0000020B5B586560]RENDER WARNING: Render count or primcount is 0.
app.js:48 window resize
app.js:32 Final set zoom!
app.js:32 UPDATE GL SIZE!
app.js:32 Final set zoom! [.Offscreen-For-WebGL-0000020B5B586560]RENDER WARNING: Render count or primcount is 0.

That is the complete console log and the game name is "Thrum of Chaos".
October 14 (7 years ago)
Roll20 Team
Phillip S.

Thank you for that, I have submitted a bug ticket to bring up to the devs at our next meetings! :)
October 16 (7 years ago)

Edited October 16 (7 years ago)
My Monster Manual Compendium expansion is having an issue where all the monster sheets are blank. I'm using the OGL character sheet, and when I open a monster sheet the front page is fine, but the character sheet is a blank PC sheet, and when I switch it to NPC that sheet is blank as well. I'm using Chrome on Windows. This morning it was working fine, but today I dragged a Priest from the MM onto the screen and it rewrote the other two sheets as a priest NPC. Then when I went to get originals from the MM they were blank.
Here's My Browser Log:
October 17 (7 years ago)
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Jonathan A. said:

My Monster Manual Compendium expansion is having an issue where all the monster sheets are blank. I'm using the OGL character sheet, and when I open a monster sheet the front page is fine, but the character sheet is a blank PC sheet, and when I switch it to NPC that sheet is blank as well. I'm using Chrome on Windows. This morning it was working fine, but today I dragged a Priest from the MM onto the screen and it rewrote the other two sheets as a priest NPC. Then when I went to get originals from the MM they were blank.
Thank you Jonathan, your info was useful in helping track down an issue. We've pushed out a tweak that we hope will resolve the issue. Please let us know if you're still experiencing this issue.
Thank you! It seems to be fixed now. 
October 18 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Thanks Jonathan, that's so good to hear! :)
October 18 (7 years ago)
A problem I noticed on Monday when I was running Storm Kings Thunder. My goblins are mules. I tried grabbing another goblin from the monster manual, but I got the same thing.

Here the front page:

That looks normal, but when I get to the goodies page:

Little help?

October 18 (7 years ago)
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator

Spaceweasels said:

A problem I noticed on Monday when I was running Storm Kings Thunder. My goblins are mules. I tried grabbing another goblin from the monster manual, but I got the same thing.
You've overwritten the goblin with a mule. You can drop goblin from the compendium onto this character, or delete it from the journal and do a fresh import from the compendium by dropping it onto the VTT.
October 18 (7 years ago)

Spaceweasels said:

A problem I noticed on Monday when I was running Storm Kings Thunder. My goblins are mules. I tried grabbing another goblin from the monster manual, but I got the same thing.

Here the front page:

That looks normal, but when I get to the goodies page:

Little help?

You will need to delete it from the journal then add a new one from the  compendium. I had the same issue.
October 19 (7 years ago)

Craven said:

You will need to delete it from the journal then add a new one from the  compendium. I had the same issue.

Yeah, that's what I ended up having to do. I had to rebind all the goblin tokens on the map to the new goblin sheet.

Thanks for the quick response guys.
December 11 (7 years ago)
Will there be an update to Populate Npc Spell sheet lists for the Monster manual Npc tokens and cards, or i am required to go though and add them all manually?
December 11 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Aaron - for the time being, creatures and NPC's from Compendiums do require manual spell entry. 

In the future we may be able to update this so Compendiums populate these lists, but I currently have no date defined for this as it requires dev time.
December 11 (7 years ago)
Thank you Trivia, for the quick response, I will have to start working on entering there spells during my downtime.
February 16 (7 years ago)

Edited February 16 (7 years ago)
Hi Roll20, Trying to add Naga to a map and dont get Tokens just default player tiles, others work just found these 3 dont
Also having issues with Lizardfolk, sharman and king or queen 
February 16 (7 years ago)
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
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API Scripter
Compendium Curator

DM-Dave said:

Hi Roll20, Trying to add Naga to a map and dont get Tokens just default player tiles, others work just found these 3 dont
Also having issues with Lizardfolk, sharman and king or queen 
If you already have copies of these NPCs in your journal, it will pull your existing version instead of freshly from the Compendium. Is that the case here? If so, if you delete or rename the existing versions and re-import from the Compendium, do you get the result you want?

February 17 (7 years ago)

Edited February 17 (7 years ago)

Steve K. said:

If you already have copies of these NPCs in your journal, it will pull your existing version instead of freshly from the Compendium. Is that the case here? If so, if you delete or rename the existing versions and re-import from the Compendium, do you get the result you want?

Hi Steven,

I am using the storm kings thunder module and created custom maps for personalized player quests, when I drag the Naga from the Compendium nothing happens and it appears in the Journal and Naga was not in the Journal previously. If I then drag the Guardian Naga to the Map from Journal the Token appears but dose not have Bars prepopulated like others and it is like a player in the journal not monster stats. If I drag a Goblin from the Compendium which is already in the journal from SKT to the Map is works fine Token is there with Bars...

5 hours later.....
Found the Issue!

Game setting - Use window popouts for characters
Chrome was blocking the pop outs for "some" windows and if it did resulted in the issue...
Added to allow popups


For some reason I can't seem to import the Druid NPC from the Monster Manual to my journal. Everything else seems to be working fine. At first I thought it was just a MM issue, since Volo's creatures would copy from the compendium to the journal normally, but other creatures from the MM also seem to work fine with the exception of the Druid.
March 02 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Evan - Have you deleted out all other versions of the Druid from your journal before dragging another copy in?
As far as I know I haven't had any other versions of it in my journal.
March 05 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Evan - what is the name of the game you're experiencing this issue in? :)
Nomanisan Island Adventures
March 07 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Hi Evan, I see there is a "Druid" under the Monsters folder. Have you tried deleting that entirely and then re-dragging from the Monster Manual?
March 20 (7 years ago)
Are some abilities designed to be spell-like, but not populated as spells? (since spells don't populate... though I hope that changes soon.) Maybe the "attack" type should have a "spell" instead of just Melee/Ranged?

For example, the Young Red Dragon has an ability, "Flame Breath", which should roll 16d6, and have a Saving throw of 17 DC Dex. But clicking the ability just puts the text of it into the chat (because it's not marked as an 'attack',) as well "Fire Breath" isn't in the compendium if I search to add it as a spell. Sure I could add/roll it myself, but the main reason I bought the MM was for the convenience for things like this. :)

Any chance I'm just missing something?
March 20 (7 years ago)
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
You can set a spell as innate or spell like ability here:
March 20 (7 years ago)
Ah, that'll do it. Though it is a bit of a pain to have to craft them all by hand since they aren't even listed as spells. Hopefully these will come with the day that spells are auto-populated!

Thanks for the reply, Steve!
March 23 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
When "Giant Spider" is pulled from the monster manual, the web attack populates, but leaves out the description. I've tested this across a couple of games and it has been a consistent error.

March 24 (7 years ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Thanks Kirsty - This is an issue popping up very rarely in the MM. I've escalated to the dev team and it looks like this issue is on the list to take care of in an upcoming update. 
March 24 (7 years ago)
Sheet Author
Honestly, Trivia, it's the only mistake I've found. The Monster Manual on Roll20 is an outstanding product. It has saved me hours and hours of time! Thanks for putting this issue on the update list!