Is it intentional that a player promoted to GM can't access their compendium and use their monster manual?
Mel said:
Could I please get game names for folks that are having issues and also console logs?
Information on how to collect those can be found here: https://wiki.roll20.net/Solving_Technical_Issues
Michael said:We pushed out a fix for this issue this morning changing the order of operations for certain events. Please let us know if after refreshing the app, if you experiencing this issue again.
All the monsters I have tried to drag and drop onto a page come up with a players character sheet and have no stats. Tokens are not dropping with the right sizes, giants are showing as medium sizes. This is in a game that is over 6 months old, I am using the latest chrome.
Steve K. said:
Michael said:We pushed out a fix for this issue this morning changing the order of operations for certain events. Please let us know if after refreshing the app, if you experiencing this issue again.
All the monsters I have tried to drag and drop onto a page come up with a players character sheet and have no stats. Tokens are not dropping with the right sizes, giants are showing as medium sizes. This is in a game that is over 6 months old, I am using the latest chrome.
/w gm &{template:default} {{name=Tiri Salvezza}} {{Forza= [[1d20+@{npcd_str_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_str_mod}]]}} {{Destrezza= [[1d20+@{npcd_dex_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_dex_mod}]]}} {{Costituzione= [[1d20+@{npcd_con_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_con_mod}]]}} {{Intelligenza= [[1d20+@{npcd_int_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_int_mod}]]}} {{Saggezza= [[1d20+@{npcd_wis_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_wis_mod}]]}} {{Carisma= [[1d20+@{npcd_cha_mod}]] | [[1d20+@{npcd_cha_mod}]]}}
!power {{ --whisper|GM --corners|10 --format|default --name|@{Selected|character_name} --leftsub|@{Selected|npc_type} --rightsub|CR @{Selected|npc_Challenge} @{Selected|npc_XP} --Strength|~R **[[@{Selected|Strength}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_str_mod}** ~R --Dexterity|~R** [[@{Selected|Dexterity}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_dex_mod}** ~R --Constitution|~R **[[@{Selected|Constitution}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_con_mod}** ~R --Intelligence|~R **[[@{Selected|Intelligence}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_int_mod}** ~R --Wisdom|~R **[[@{Selected|Wisdom}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_wis_mod}** ~R --Charisma|~R **[[@{Selected|Charisma}]]** **@{Selected|npcd_cha_mod}** ~R --PassivePerception|~R **[[@{Selected|passive_wisdom}]] ~R --Hit Points|~R **[[@{Selected|npcd_hp}]]** **of** **[[@{selected|hp|max}]] ~R --Speed|~R **@{Selected|npc_speed} ~R --Initiative|~R **@{Selected|npcd_dex_mod} ~R }}
!power {{ --whisper|GM --corners|10 --format|default --name|@{Selected|character_name} --leftsub|@{Selected|npc_type} --rightsub|CR @{Selected|npc_Challenge} @{Selected|npc_XP} --Strength|~R **[[@{Selected|Strength}]]** **@{Selected|strength_mod}** ~R --Dexterity|~R** [[@{Selected|Dexterity}]]** **@{Selected|dexterity_mod}** ~R --Constitution|~R **[[@{Selected|Constitution}]]** **@{Selected|constitution_mod}** ~R --Intelligence|~R **[[@{Selected|Intelligence}]]** **@{Selected|intelligence_mod}** ~R --Wisdom|~R **[[@{Selected|Wisdom}]]** **@{Selected|wisdom_mod}** ~R --Charisma|~R **[[@{Selected|Charisma}]]** **@{Selected|charisma_mod}** ~R --PassivePerception|~R **[[@{Selected|passive_wisdom}]] ~R --Speed|~R **@{Selected|npc_speed} ~R --Initiative|~R **@{Selected|dexterity_mod} ~R }}
Hi Craven, can I ask you if you got some working macros? Even with power cards template. I need just for skills and saving throws. It would be great. Sorry for the little OT.
Sean said:Going on for almost a week now I am STILL having this issue with my monster manual purchase. I am using google chrome. Some monsters work and others do not. It appears to be completely random.
Today when I pull a monster out of the compendium (I have the Monster Manual), all monsters drop in at medium size, the character sheets aren't populated, and the NPC sheet isn't appearing. This is completely not working.
Phillip S. said:
Sean said:Going on for almost a week now I am STILL having this issue with my monster manual purchase. I am using google chrome. Some monsters work and others do not. It appears to be completely random.
Today when I pull a monster out of the compendium (I have the Monster Manual), all monsters drop in at medium size, the character sheets aren't populated, and the NPC sheet isn't appearing. This is completely not working.
Here is a pitcture of the console in chrome when I place the token.
Thank you Jonathan, your info was useful in helping track down an issue. We've pushed out a tweak that we hope will resolve the issue. Please let us know if you're still experiencing this issue.Jonathan A. said:
My Monster Manual Compendium expansion is having an issue where all the monster sheets are blank. I'm using the OGL character sheet, and when I open a monster sheet the front page is fine, but the character sheet is a blank PC sheet, and when I switch it to NPC that sheet is blank as well. I'm using Chrome on Windows. This morning it was working fine, but today I dragged a Priest from the MM onto the screen and it rewrote the other two sheets as a priest NPC. Then when I went to get originals from the MM they were blank.
You've overwritten the goblin with a mule. You can drop goblin from the compendium onto this character, or delete it from the journal and do a fresh import from the compendium by dropping it onto the VTT.Spaceweasels said:
A problem I noticed on Monday when I was running Storm Kings Thunder. My goblins are mules. I tried grabbing another goblin from the monster manual, but I got the same thing.
Spaceweasels said:
A problem I noticed on Monday when I was running Storm Kings Thunder. My goblins are mules. I tried grabbing another goblin from the monster manual, but I got the same thing.
Here the front page:
That looks normal, but when I get to the goodies page:
Little help?
Craven said:
You will need to delete it from the journal then add a new one from the compendium. I had the same issue.
If you already have copies of these NPCs in your journal, it will pull your existing version instead of freshly from the Compendium. Is that the case here? If so, if you delete or rename the existing versions and re-import from the Compendium, do you get the result you want?DM-Dave said:
Hi Roll20, Trying to add Naga to a map and dont get Tokens just default player tiles, others work just found these 3 dont
Also having issues with Lizardfolk, sharman and king or queen
Steve K. said:
If you already have copies of these NPCs in your journal, it will pull your existing version instead of freshly from the Compendium. Is that the case here? If so, if you delete or rename the existing versions and re-import from the Compendium, do you get the result you want?