Hello! I am playing a campaign where we switch the DMs using the Plot Points style of play found in the Dungeon Master's Guide, The Gods Must Be Crazy. Following this, various players can become the DM throughout a session. Roll20 typically works well for this since we can promote and demote players to/from GM status.
I figured buying the Monster Manual would make this process go much more smoothly for the group since we our encounters are generally randomly generated on the fly. We are running into an issue however, where only my account is able to use the Monster Manual properly. The issue is detailed below:
My account that purchased the Monster Manual can drag a monster, such as a Goblin, from the Monster Manual into the game. This creates the token and journal entry as expected. If we switch GMs, then the new GM runs into an issue where the token doesn't generate. For example, if they drag a Goblin Boss from the monster manual into the game, it creates the journal entry, but not the token. It seems to have no image for the monster's journal avatar and token.
We can remove the nonexisting token and replace it with another token, but we obviously would prefer to just use the tokens that come with the Monster Manual. It adds a lot of time to find a suitable image and then set it up appropriately for use in game.
Should we expect for players who are promoted to GM in my game to be able to use the Monster Manual in the same way I am able to?