Trivia said:
Archmage - the Monster Manual is designed for the official 5E OGL sheet only. We do not offer support on community sheets.
Permafrost said:
When using the shaped sheet to drag out creatures from the MM(such as "Archmage") none of the spells are populated.
Thank you Dave! I started having similar issues and this was the root cause. I had just enabled "Use Window popouts for characters" but did not put them together until I saw this. Updated and it works again.DM-Dave said:
5 hours later.....
Found the Issue!
Game setting - Use window popouts for characters
Chrome was blocking the pop outs for "some" windows and if it did resulted in the issue...
Added roll20.net to allow popups
Same here. Nice to know that the Roll20 team is working in this bug.
Kirsty said:
When I search for creatures in the compendium, many are coming up twice. It's not a big deal as they all seem to be there and I can still drag and drop them into the game.
I am running into a small issue with some of the monsters from the Monster Manual. Some work perfectly fine, but for example when I open the "Cultist" from the compendium and see this: https://gyazo.com/8e54c522c274fbedbec10c6cf6214e5e I then try to open the sheet and this is the sheet when i try to look and roll from the cultist from the MM https://gyazo.com/f75635790a1d3b9bb8445c06480a50bb . I dont know if this is a known bug or if its something on my end but the only new thing I have done is purchased a subscription here.
Jon D. - The Monster Manual is designed for the Official 5E OGL sheet, it looks like you are using the 5E Shaped Sheet. You will need to post any issues in that forum, as we are unable to assist with community sheets.
Hi Jon,
There is currently an issue with the Shaped Sheet dragging from the Compendium. The workaround for the moment is to create the creature as you have done, switch to NPC, and then drag the creature onto the open sheet as a drag and drop. That will fill in all fields properly.
(Sorry for the momentary derail Trivia, but I thought Jon might see his answer here. Delete this if you feel it's needed.)
That's totally fine Keith! Thank you for being so helpful :)
(I wish I could know all the workarounds for all the community sheets too but I gotta do other work! ;D)
After monkeying with monsters a bit (making a Orc War Chief a Spell Caster), it will not let me whisper its spells... or rather its one spell I gave it: Thunderwave.
@KeithCurtis Thanks for the note about drag n drop being broken for MM and Shaped sheet. That was really messing up my game. I hope they fix it soon. Instant dragging and support for Shaped Sheet were my criteria for buying the MM in the first place.
Hey, I'm experiencing a lot of Bugs with the monster manual (I am using the OGL character sheet). I'm on a mac, using chrome game, link here https://app.roll20.net/join/278246/9L_-kw
If I drag a monster in, none have clickable stats, just blank character sheets. Is there a way to fix this issue?
Joe said (elsewhere):
I recently purchased a copy of the Monster Manual for 5E from the Marketplace and have been trying to use it in my game. I am attaching a picture of the way certain monsters appear on the table top when I drop and drag. I 1st brought over a Giant Badger ... no icon appears on the tabletop, other than the "blue man" and no entry appears in the games journal. The second is for a Giant Bat (entry right below the Giant Badger in the compendium), as you can see this works fine and I have a related entry in the journal. Not sure what is going on, is it a glitch or bug or what. I haven't tried them all but the Giant Badger isn't the only monster that I can't use at this time. Any help would be appreciated.
GenKitty said:
Joe said (elsewhere):
I recently purchased a copy of the Monster Manual for 5E from the Marketplace and have been trying to use it in my game. I am attaching a picture of the way certain monsters appear on the table top when I drop and drag. I 1st brought over a Giant Badger ... no icon appears on the tabletop, other than the "blue man" and no entry appears in the games journal. The second is for a Giant Bat (entry right below the Giant Badger in the compendium), as you can see this works fine and I have a related entry in the journal. Not sure what is going on, is it a glitch or bug or what. I haven't tried them all but the Giant Badger isn't the only monster that I can't use at this time. Any help would be appreciated.
I have the same problem just with Ancient gold dragon and zombie
Hey Crombir and Joe,
A few questions for you! :)
What is the name of the game you are having this problem in? Does it happen in a new game?
Are you the GM or Player in the game?
Is compendium sharing enabled at all?
What Browser/OS are you using, does it persist on a different browser or computer?
Thanks for the report, this has now been fixed, please do list any more issues you come across so we can address those too :)
Nim said:
The NPC Character sheets (5e OGL) are not populating with compendium data properly with some actions. See the scorpion's "Sting" for example.
Drespar, sorry for the delay in replying - I have been traveling for work and haven't had a chance to catch up.
Here are my answers to your questions:
1. The name of my game is Tal'Dori Before or After Copy. When I purchased the MM, I converted my players to the supported character sheet.
2. I am the GM
3. Yes, compendium sharing is enabled
4. I use Fox Fire as my gaming browser. I haven't tried it with any other browser, nor do I feel that I should have to - the products purchased should work on all supported browsers, or a disclaimer made on the Marketplace about the browsers that will support the product. Don't mean to be snarky, just the way I feel. I only use my personal laptop for gaming.
Any suggestions / insights you can provide will be appreciated.
Drespar said:
Hey Crombir and Joe,
A few questions for you! :)
What is the name of the game you are having this problem in? Does it happen in a new game?
Are you the GM or Player in the game?
Is compendium sharing enabled at all?
What Browser/OS are you using, does it persist on a different browser or computer?
Hi Joe,
The request to try another browser is not an attempt to get you to use another browser as a fix for the problem. But it is a valuable tool in diagnosing. For example, it if works in Firefox but not in Chrome, they know that the problem likely lies in a Chrome setting or extension. If it fails in both browsers, the problem is probably not browser dependent, and the devs can concentrate on other solutions.
Thank you for that information :)
After having a chance to look at your game I think I have pinpointed the problem (Crombir this may also apply to you). I noticed that you already have a "Giant Badger" entry within your journal as a druid form with custom artwork. This will typically interfere with the drag and drop functionality since it thinks the entry already exists within the game.
If you change the name of the druid form to something along the lines of "Giant Badger (Druid)" and attempt to drag and drop again does that work for you?
Joe said:
Drespar, sorry for the delay in replying - I have been traveling for work and haven't had a chance to catch up.
Here are my answers to your questions:
1. The name of my game is Tal'Dori Before or After Copy. When I purchased the MM, I converted my players to the supported character sheet.
2. I am the GM
3. Yes, compendium sharing is enabled
4. I use Fox Fire as my gaming browser. I haven't tried it with any other browser, nor do I feel that I should have to - the products purchased should work on all supported browsers, or a disclaimer made on the Marketplace about the browsers that will support the product. Don't mean to be snarky, just the way I feel. I only use my personal laptop for gaming.
Any suggestions / insights you can provide will be appreciated.
Thanks, that did work. I had attempted to archive the tokens but that didn't work ... thanks for the assist.
Drespar said:
Thank you for that information :)
After having a chance to look at your game I think I have pinpointed the problem (Crombir this may also apply to you). I noticed that you already have a "Giant Badger" entry within your journal as a druid form with custom artwork. This will typically interfere with the drag and drop functionality since it thinks the entry already exists within the game.
If you change the name of the druid form to something along the lines of "Giant Badger (Druid)" and attempt to drag and drop again does that work for you?
Joe said:
Drespar, sorry for the delay in replying - I have been traveling for work and haven't had a chance to catch up.
Here are my answers to your questions:
1. The name of my game is Tal'Dori Before or After Copy. When I purchased the MM, I converted my players to the supported character sheet.
2. I am the GM
3. Yes, compendium sharing is enabled
4. I use Fox Fire as my gaming browser. I haven't tried it with any other browser, nor do I feel that I should have to - the products purchased should work on all supported browsers, or a disclaimer made on the Marketplace about the browsers that will support the product. Don't mean to be snarky, just the way I feel. I only use my personal laptop for gaming.
Any suggestions / insights you can provide will be appreciated.
I seem to be having trouble with the monsters in my game. If I import a monster like usual by dragging and dropping, it opens a character sheet (not NPC). When I then re-drag the monster into the sheet it populates, but without spells for soellcasting monsters. For example, I add a hag. It opens as a blank character sheet, which I then have to change to an NPC sheet. When I drag the Hag token into this sheet, it makes an NPC with the correct stats, but the spell list is blank.
Anyone else experiencing this? This is for the OGL sheet by the way, not shaped.
Hi Lloydski,
This is an issue that quite a few users have been mentioning. We are currently investigating the cause as it has been difficult to reproduce on our end. Could you provide the following information?
Thank you!
Lloydski said:
I seem to be having trouble with the monsters in my game. If I import a monster like usual by dragging and dropping, it opens a character sheet (not NPC). When I then re-drag the monster into the sheet it populates, but without spells for soellcasting monsters. For example, I add a hag. It opens as a blank character sheet, which I then have to change to an NPC sheet. When I drag the Hag token into this sheet, it makes an NPC with the correct stats, but the spell list is blank.
Anyone else experiencing this? This is for the OGL sheet by the way, not shaped.
Hi Drespar!
I am the GM in the game. It is called Tomb Of Annihilation, and it happens on any monster I drag and drop from the compendium. My browser is Chrome running on win10.
It does persist with compendium sharing off.
Thank you!
Drespar said:
Hi Lloydski,
This is an issue that quite a few users have been mentioning. We are currently investigating the cause as it has been difficult to reproduce on our end. Could you provide the following information?
- Name of the game
- What is being dropped
- Browser/OS
- Are you a GM or Player?
- Is compendium sharing on? Does it persist if you turn it off?
- Console log capturing when the creature is dragged onto the tabletop.
Thank you!
Gotcha! Thank you for that info :) If you could provide a console log (for info on how to access that you can check here). It will be a huge help in identifying a common thread among the other reports!
Once I have that I will be able to append your info into our existing ticket.
Thank you for that info! I have appended it to our existing ticket :)
Lloydski said:
Sorry for taking so long in my reply! Here is the console log. It is very long, as I tried it with several monsters. Only the Allosaurus came out normally, all the others were PC sheets:
Lloydski - I'm going to hide your console log so users don't need to scroll past it to post issues, but please know that all of the support team can see it :)
I'm having an issue with some "category" monsters like Lycanthropes and Dragons. I drag tokens onto the map, but the tokens are connect to any monster. When I open the entry in the journal, it opens to an empty PC character sheet. Ancient Red Dragon, Adult Red Dragons, all red dragons actually. And Wererats.
Other dragons and lyncathropesseem to work ok.
This is a known issue that we are actively investigating. I do have a few questions and requests if you could fill it out below? Thank you!
As for a workaround, some users have stated that dragging the creature into the empty sheet seems to populate it correctly.
Dan S. said:
I'm having an issue with some "category" monsters like Lycanthropes and Dragons. I drag tokens onto the map, but the tokens are connect to any monster. When I open the entry in the journal, it opens to an empty PC character sheet. Ancient Red Dragon, Adult Red Dragons, all red dragons actually. And Wererats.
Other dragons and lyncathropesseem to work ok.
Some monsters, from Monsters Manual, are not populate correctly, where the function drag and drop doesn't work. They don't have a npc sheet and do not generate a journal's entry, neither have the token working. See the example bellow:
I'm using the OGL sheet, and some monsters work. I notice this problem on the monsters:
- Pixie
- Tiger
- Giant Constrictor Snake
- Giant Elk
- Giant Spider
I have the same problem just with:
- Pixie
- Tiger
- Giant Constrictor Snake
- Giant Elk
- Giant Spider
GenKitty said:
Joe said (elsewhere):
I recently purchased a copy of the Monster Manual for 5E from the Marketplace and have been trying to use it in my game. I am attaching a picture of the way certain monsters appear on the table top when I drop and drag. I 1st brought over a Giant Badger ... no icon appears on the tabletop, other than the "blue man" and no entry appears in the games journal. The second is for a Giant Bat (entry right below the Giant Badger in the compendium), as you can see this works fine and I have a related entry in the journal. Not sure what is going on, is it a glitch or bug or what. I haven't tried them all but the Giant Badger isn't the only monster that I can't use at this time. Any help would be appreciated.
Douglas - Can I have you answer the same questions Drespar asked above?
Drespar said:
This is a known issue that we are actively investigating. I do have a few questions and requests if you could fill it out below? Thank you!
- What is the name of the game that is having the issue?
- Are you a GM or Player?
- Does the game have Compendium Sharing active?
- What is your Browser/OS?
- Could you provide a console log capturing when you try to drag in the token?
- Lastly, a comprehensive list of what is not working would be very much appreciated
As for a workaround, some users have stated that dragging the creature into the empty sheet seems to populate it correctly.
Drespar said:
This is a known issue that we are actively investigating. I do have a few questions and requests if you could fill it out below? Thank you!
- What is the name of the game that is having the issue?
- Are you a GM or Player?
- Does the game have Compendium Sharing active?
- What is your Browser/OS?
- Could you provide a console log capturing when you try to drag in the token?
- Lastly, a comprehensive list of what is not working would be very much appreciated
As for a workaround, some users have stated that dragging the creature into the empty sheet seems to populate it correctly.
Dan S. said:
I'm having an issue with some "category" monsters like Lycanthropes and Dragons. I drag tokens onto the map, but the tokens are connect to any monster. When I open the entry in the journal, it opens to an empty PC character sheet. Ancient Red Dragon, Adult Red Dragons, all red dragons actually. And Wererats.
Other dragons and lyncathropesseem to work ok.
The following Monsters in the Monster Manual do not auto populate as monsters with clickable attacks, stats, etc. The monster character sheet opens as a Player character sheet and nothing is populated. It's all zero. Here's a list of the monsters I've tried that have this issue:
here's an example of how it opens when clicking on the Wererat Character Sheet tab
Thank you for that info Dan! I did manage to try and test the issue, unfortunately I was unable to replicate the issue. If you delete the current journal entry and token and try dragging in again does that allow them to populate?
- Pixie
- Tiger
- Giant Constrictor Snake
- Giant Elk
- Giant Spider
I solved the problem. I had a same name for another sheet, manually created. I excluded the old, and then import the new one.
Trivia said:
Douglas - Can I have you answer the same questions Drespar asked above?
Drespar said:
This is a known issue that we are actively investigating. I do have a few questions and requests if you could fill it out below? Thank you!
- What is the name of the game that is having the issue?
- Are you a GM or Player?
- Does the game have Compendium Sharing active?
- What is your Browser/OS?
- Could you provide a console log capturing when you try to drag in the token?
- Lastly, a comprehensive list of what is not working would be very much appreciated
As for a workaround, some users have stated that dragging the creature into the empty sheet seems to populate it correctly.
Drag and drop feature for the Cultist entry does not bring token over, but rather a blank image token. I am not sure if this is a known issue or not. Thank you.
Drespar said:
Thank you for that info Dan! I did manage to try and test the issue, unfortunately I was unable to replicate the issue. If you delete the current journal entry and token and try dragging in again does that allow them to populate?
That did the trick. Remvoed the entry/token and added it back in. Looks to be correct now. Appreciate the help!
Kiester said:
Drag and drop feature for the Cultist entry does not bring token over, but rather a blank image token. I am not sure if this is a known issue or not. Thank you.
It's possible you dragged it over previously and somehow deleted the token art or unhooked it from the sheet. A subsequent drag from the MM would bring in a generic token (i.e. you'd get your journal version). If you delete the entry for Cultist from your journal tab, and drag in a fresh copy, it should come in intact.