Victor B. said: Status Update: CombatMaster has been a virtual rewrite. The mechanics of managing combat are pretty solid. Group Init is integrated. TokenMarkers are integrated using The Aarons libTokenMarker API. I've added logic to invoke API/Roll20AM/Macros. If you want to invokve a Macro or API or Roll20AM, there are 4 timing points for these calls, beginning of round (or start of combat), beginning of turn (using the token of the player currently active in turn order), when adding a condition to a token(s) when removing a condition from a token(s). External objects (macros/apis) will be invoked by entering the full API command string into CombatMaster or the name of the Macro. The API must be able to support receiving a token id, character id or character name. A string ("charid1" for example) of your choice will be added into the API/Macro command string where the token id, character id, character name usually goes and you'll tell Combat Master that this string is a token id, character id or character name. During execution, Combat Master will look for this string (or strings, you may have multiple substitution strings to support different APIs) and whether it's a token id, character id or character name and substitute in the correct value before sending the command to chat. For start of combat or round, Combat Master will loop through turn order and apply all "Character" based macros/apis to all "player controlled" characters using the substitutions defined above. CM will apply the "All" based macro/apis to all characters and NPCs within the turnorder. The hope here is that by using user defined substitution strings, Combat Master can support a wide range of APIs and Macros. Send me some sample API calls, Macro Calls, Abilities that you are constantly having to invoke so I can test out some of them and verify this will work. Awesome, I can't wait to try this!