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[Script] CombatTracker

DeathTracker and Concentration are the other two that are related for me. DT so that it auto adds dying, dead or bloodied condition and Concentration which adds a status and auto rolls each time you take damage.
My condition macro (only put 2 conditions so it doesnt ocupy the whole screen, also, its in portuguese): !ct add ?{Escolha a Condição|Acelerado,acelerado|Assustado,assustado ?{Duration|0}}
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Combat Master already does a reroll of initiative each turn.  Group Initiative is now integrated with Combat Master.  So either way, already does what you want.   As far as being multiple times in the turn order?  You'll have to stick with The Aaron's script for that one.  
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Victor B. said: I need sample APIs/Macros that people will want CM to execute so I can test this out.  Then I'm about ready to publish.  TokenCondition isn't integrated yet, but everything else can go into Beta.   Condition tracking is what I'm most interested in, unfortunately. :( I have a complicated macro for it now, but it tracks by sheet, not token.
Sheet Author
Victor B. said: Combat Master already does a reroll of initiative each turn.  Group Initiative is now integrated with Combat Master.   I thought that had been mentioned, but was too lazy to go look it up.  Since that script works fine with GI (run immediately after GI), it should (hopefully) work just fine with CM then.  Time will tell.
keithcurtis said: Condition tracking is what I'm most interested in, unfortunately. :( I have a complicated macro for it now, but it tracks by sheet, not token. The script still has other methods for applying and tracking conditions, TokenCondition is only one of a few methods.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
But the previous version is not compatible with the new token marker API control, I am given to understand
That's right, but the new version will be able to even without TokenCondition. That's the script that uses tokens as status indicators? I could be wrong, but from what I understand, CombatMaster will still have integration with libTokenMarker and TokenMod, letting it use the new custom markers :)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Probably using the wrong terminology. I meant the part of CM that controls condition tracking and marking.

Edited 1581544553
And Victor since you asked for examples, the macros I currently use and plan to use with these functionalities will be ChatSetAttr commands. Here's some examples that interact with the Pathfinder by Roll20 sheet: On applying Fatigued condition to the character linked to the selected token (replaces the Exhausted condition) !setattr --sel --condition_fatigued#1 --condition_exhausted#0 --- On applying custom condition that cancels related conditions (modifies attributes stored on a macromule character) !setattr --mute --sel --repeating_buff_$4_toggle#0 --repeating_buff_$5_toggle#0 --repeating_buff_$6_toggle#1 --repeating_buff_$7_toggle#0 ! !setattr --name macro --@{selected|token_name}|+1 ! --- On applying Drained condition !setattr --sel --condition_energy_drained#?{EnDrain|1} ! /w gm [Lower Drain](!modbattr --sel --condition_energy_drained#-1) | [Raise Drain](!modbattr --sel --condition_energy_drained#+1) ! --- At start of specific character's turn using character name, to remove a custom condition that only lasts one turn !setattr --mute --name Zephrine Forteza --repeating_buff_-LX3zR7MtHEBcyknMPC5_toggle|0 --- On removing a custom condition on a specific character using character ID !setattr --charid -LVbl1DS2xaECeH_eklG --repeating_buff_-LXwMUZMTRvre69Po-no_toggle|0
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
CM uses the new TokenMarkers.  TokenCondition is a slight different way of assigning conditions to Tokens.  Instead of the token status icons (where you can right click and assign either the default icons or any new uploaded icons), you create a char sheet and assign a default token to it.  Then you drag and drop onto a token on the map and that will follow the assigned token as the token moves.  With Token Condition you can control size of the default icon you're dragging on another token and other various things.  It's a great way to assign torches/lanterns quickly.  It's a great way to assign mounts (double size the token you are assigning it to and the mount is always in back).  I was hoping for The Aaron to build me a way such that you can use CM to assign Token Conditions.  That will be coming.   CM still does the normal condition tracking.  Highlight a token, assign the condition.  The icon assigned to the token will be either a Roll20 Default or the new Token Markers depending on what you setup.  The condition will still be tracked by duration/direction, etc.  

Edited 1581545368
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks Persephone.  To be clear, all of these would be global macros with substitution strings built in.  No need to have them as abilities (unless you want).   This will be supported by creating a substitution string for Character Name !setattr --mute --name Zephrine Forteza --repeating_buff_-LX3zR7MtHEBcyknMPC5_toggle|0 This will be supported by creating a substitution string for Character ID !setattr --charid -LVbl1DS2xaECeH_eklG --repeating_buff_-LXwMUZMTRvre69Po-no_toggle|0 The -sel would need to convert depending on use to either token id (if supported) or char id/char name and I know they are both support.  This could be assigned at the condition.  So you assign a condition and that cancels everything else !setattr --mute --sel --repeating_buff_$4_toggle#0 --repeating_buff_$5_toggle#0 --repeating_buff_$6_toggle#1 --repeating_buff_$7_toggle#0 This would be changed to char id, but could also be assigned to a fatigue condition (for example)  !setattr --sel --condition_fatigued#1 --condition_exhausted#0 Using the above fatigued example, I'd assign it to a condition.  I'd remove the -sel and use this !setattr --charid charid1 --condition_fatigued#1 --condition_exhausted#0  Then you create substitution string for charid1 and it will replace it with the character id when you assign the fatigue condition.  I need more samples.  Macros perhaps not calling APIs?  
I don't use roll20AM but I could see usefulness in a trigger at combat beginning to start a "battle music" track and at end of combat for a "victory sound" or something perhaps a good test macro may be a generic loot table roll for combat end? Im not sure what kind of macros you'd want to run turn by turn or round by round
Mik Holmes
Marketplace Creator
Victor; as someone who doesn't use any scripts/macros would need to execute from CM, is there any chance of an alpha being released without the CM-executed macro support?
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Thanks for the clarification Victor. I actually use TokenCondition for mounts and torches. I just got confused over the similarity between many of the "token—" scripts. I'm looking forward to a better way to track conditions using token markers, and I think CM will do an excellent job.
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Currently CM only supports beginning of round and beginning of each turn for each active players.  There's some need for this as OnMyTurn, written by TheAaron does the same thing.  However, if there's not a need for this, I can switch them to beginning of combat/end of combat.  

Edited 1581611295
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have an alpha version out there.&nbsp; I created a new thread.&nbsp; Please post there.&nbsp;&nbsp; Thread found here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Phillip G.
Sheet Author
Just started playing with CombatTracker. Very impressive script. My group is playing Pathfinder 2nd edition. If you were not aware, this version of the game allows the use of different skills to determine initiative based on actions and abilities. I was wondering if there was any way to get the script to run an embedded sheet macro instead of the 'random integer' + static bonus command. I'm not very clear on how to write scripts, so there may not be a way for this to happen, but I figured this would be the best place to ask.
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Phillip, CT (at least my version that is on my github and combines Combat Tracker and Status Info) is no longer being supported.&nbsp; I've upgraded it to Combat Master with many enhancements and abilities to call macros/other apis.&nbsp;&nbsp; You can find Combat Master thread here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> As far as different abilities/skills, you can specify a comma delimited list of attributes to include in the initiative roll.&nbsp; So for path finder, under initiative attribute, enter attribute1,attribute2, etc If it's variable between characters, then no CT nor CM will support that.&nbsp; However, Combat Master now integrates with Group Init.&nbsp; Group Init allows for different ways of rolling initiative.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Any way to add a macro to execute AFTER the turn of the character?

Edited 1583730132
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Combat Tracker is no longer support by me.&nbsp; Someone else can certainly take up that mantel.&nbsp; The current version on Roll20 is 2.5.&nbsp; I took that far beyond combining CT and Status Info into a single script.&nbsp;&nbsp; Combat Master is what I support and no, I don't support macros AFTER the turn the of character.&nbsp; That would have to be manually done
Is Combat Master API script supported? New to Roll20 but the command !cmaster does nothing? what am i missing?

Edited 1587150845
The thread for Combat Master is linked by Victor above. The command is !cmaster --main I recommend installing the latest version (2.09) which you'll find in that thread, as the one-click version currently has issues
The 2.09 CM Alpha works great for me. Very stable, few issues. Would definitely recommend over the one-click at the moment.
Using the latest version of combat tracker and when I do !ct start it always shows the first PC twice in the chat. It works normally after that. Anyone know how to fix this bug?
Greetings all! A few problems: Alex A. said: Using the latest version of combat tracker and when I do !ct start it always shows the first PC twice in the chat. It works normally after that. Anyone know how to fix this bug? I have the exact same issue. Also, I have an annoying issue where the program regularly crashes when my players are connected and we are fighting. If I am test fighting alone, it does not happen. When my players join and I get playing, the program constantly crashes in the method "handleGraphicMovement", line 497. Basically, it says it cannot read property "id" of undefined, so it sees obj as undefined either on line 502 or line 506, but not all the time, it's something that happens over time. This crash keeps repeating even when I am not in combat. I tried restarting my sandbox several times, to no avail. I think I finally fixed it by just adding this: if(obj == null) return; I added this right after the if(!inFight()) return; This checks if what it is trying to move is undefined or null, and returns, as it obviously cannot move the marker to a null object. I'll report on whether this works or not and if it breaks anything else.
Also, even though it is no longer supported, does anyone have a link to the lastest version of CombatTracker, modified by Victor? Thanks.

Edited 1588054990
VoltDriver said: Also, even though it is no longer supported, does anyone have a link to the lastest version of CombatTracker, modified by Victor? Thanks. I don't, but I'd really recommend his CombatMaster script instead.&nbsp; I was using CombatTracker up until a few days ago, when it started giving errors every time I tried to move a token.&nbsp; I checked out Victor's CombatMaster script ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , see 1st post for GitHub link), and I'm honestly blown away by how much better it is.&nbsp; Conditions are hella easy to add, everything looks more polished, there's a bunch more options (half of which I'll never use but I totally can see how others would want them).&nbsp; I'm really sad I didn't try Master before Tracker. [EDIT] VoltDriver said: Also, I have an annoying issue where the program regularly crashes when my players are connected and we are fighting. If I am test fighting alone, it does not happen. When my players join and I get playing, the program constantly crashes in the method "handleGraphicMovement", line 497. Basically, it says it cannot read property "id" of undefined, so it sees obj as undefined either on line 502 or line 506, but not all the time, it's something that happens over time. This crash keeps repeating even when I am not in combat. I tried restarting my sandbox several times, to no avail. I think I finally fixed it by just adding this: if(obj == null) return; I added this right after the if(!inFight()) return; This checks if what it is trying to move is undefined or null, and returns, as it obviously cannot move the marker to a null object. I'll report on whether this works or not and if it breaks anything else. Also, this was the issue I was facing with Tracker.&nbsp; Using Master, I had no such issues.
Is there a way to permanently turn off the Turn Timer? My GM hates it and does not want to use it, but it keeps turning itself back on on every new map and it's driving him insane
Gears, yes you can turn off the timer!&nbsp; Use the command in the chat box !ct This will bring up a GUI menu in the chat that you can use to easily modify the parameters. Including TURNING the TIMER OFF completely! Cheers!
Wakushka C. said: Gears, yes you can turn off the timer!&nbsp; Use the command in the chat box !ct This will bring up a GUI menu in the chat that you can use to easily modify the parameters. Including TURNING the TIMER OFF completely! Cheers! This is what my GM has been doing, but it seems to turn itself back on every time we reload a map Is there a way to turn it off by default?
I don't know if you are tracking but this API is no longer supported, and when things are updated on Roll20 this could end up breaking this API permanently, but the CombatMaster API is the upgrade for Combat Tracker and it can be found here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Gears said: Is there a way to permanently turn off the Turn Timer? My GM hates it and does not want to use it, but it keeps turning itself back on on every new map and it's driving him insane you can enter&nbsp; !ct config &nbsp; then select Timer Config, then set the timer to false. That should turn it off entirely. Not as Jerry said, Combat Tracker is no longer actively support it does function and available in the one click install. The link provided is to Combat Master, which does a lot more but its commands are completely&nbsp;different. The biggest difference is Combat Master combines Combat Tracker and Status info into one script, and add other more updated token condition features that were not possible when Robin originally created this script.&nbsp;
Mark (GM) said: Gears said: Is there a way to permanently turn off the Turn Timer? My GM hates it and does not want to use it, but it keeps turning itself back on on every new map and it's driving him insane you can enter&nbsp; !ct config &nbsp; then select Timer Config, then set the timer to false. That should turn it off entirely. Not as Jerry said, Combat Tracker is no longer actively support it does function and available in the one click install. The link provided is to Combat Master, which does a lot more but its commands are completely&nbsp;different. The biggest difference is Combat Master combines Combat Tracker and Status info into one script, and add other more updated token condition features that were not possible when Robin originally created this script.&nbsp; Thank you for the pointer to CombatMaster! If you have scripts that depend on CombatTracker, will those still work with CombatMaster? Also, my GM turns off the timer on every map using the Timer Config, but that's the thing that keeps turning itself back on on every single time we load a new map
That will depend on which scripts, statusinfo is combined into Combat Master so its no longer needed. Concentration also by robin probably will have issue, though in the Combat Master Thread there are tweaks and work arounds that can be done to get it to work. Combat Tracker Timer shouldn't be doing that I Still use Robin version in my games as I am waiting for the updated version of Combat Master to Hit the OneClick install.&nbsp; My best suggestion would be disable all other scripts except for combat master and then test it. See if the timer config is respected. If its the only script running and still have the same issue, try disabling and enabling or uninstall and reinstalling it.&nbsp; If it starts working correctly with other scripts disabled, start turning other scripts one by one until it breaks. When it does its usually the last one you enabled that might have a conflict with.&nbsp;