Greetings! Here's the feedback thread for the Charactermancer Level Up! Please read the Known Issues before posting, in case the issue you're encountering has already been logged.
Known Issues (Updated Jan 15 2019)
Charactermancer Level Up supports the SRD and PHB (with some notes below) and the Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica. As announced in the Roadmap, Xanathar's Guide to Everything will be supported very shortly. We are now actively working on adding Volo's and Mordenkainen's to the Charactermancer.
- When you make a selection and click "Next," the selection is saved. If you go back and change the selection, it won't apply the change to. You'll have to exit out of the Charactermancer Level Up, selecting "Discard and Exit," and relaunch it to start over and make your new choice.
If you level up a character and multiclass, then re-run the Charactermancer Level 1, the multiclass won't be removed completely. Its features and hit points will be removed, but Charactermancer Level Up will think you have the additional class for purposes of leveling. In the sheet's settings (gear icon), uncheck the additional classes before running Level Up.Selecting class features will not disable previous/current choices. Nothing will prevent you from selecting the same Fighting Style twice, for example. Choosing the same feature twice should have no effect on the sheet.
You cannot replace class features (example: Eldritch Invocations, monk elemental disciplines) when leveling up.
Previously chosen expertise proficiencies aren’t grayed out.Spell slots will not update on level up. You can temporarily fix this through the sheet settings (gear icon) by adding Spell Slot Modifiers.(Fixed Jan 10)- When multiclassing with more than one spellcasting class, the spell selector does not know which class uses which spell. Double check the spellcasting ability and class in the character sheet for each spell by going to the Spells tab and clicking the gear icon next to the spell. This also sometimes results in duplicate spells, such as when selecting a spell that you already get (like a domain spell) as a spell from the other spellcasting class.
Hit points per level are not accounted for when calculating hp for hill dwarves and similar features that add hit points per level.Pre-requisites do not validate (except for level requirements on Eldritch Invocations and monk Elemental Disciplines)
The optional rule Feats is not supported. However, you can drag and drop feats from the compendium onto your character sheet after completing the Charactermancer. Note that, for now, doing so doesn't mechanically change your character sheet; it just adds the item to your Features list on the character sheet.
Level caps on classes haven't been implemented; you can have 20 levels in each class.
The Review slide is not complete and a more informative version is coming in a future update.
- Leveling up a custom class is not supported. In addition, adding a multiclass to a custom class is not supported.
- If you don't own the Player's Handbook and only have access to the SRD, some class and racial features won't be applied by Level Up. While we think we've found all of them, if you find something that isn't being applied and isn't in the Known Issues lists, please comment in this thread with it, including whether you own the PHB or not.
If your character sheet still has the default values of "10" in the ability scores, ability score increases will break. Fix this by entering an ability score in the character sheet (even if that value is "10").(Fixed Jan 10)After multiclassing, rolling your hit dice for the additional classes will always roll a "d0." While waiting for the fix, please roll manually.(Fixed Jan 10)
Class-Specific Known Issues (Updated Jan 8 2019)
- Barbarian: Brutal Critical will not modify your attack rolls.
- Druid: Circle of the Land: When selecting your circle spells at later levels, it will not remember your previous choice for land type and you will have to reselect it.
- Fighter: Champion: Improved Critical and Superior Critical will not modify your attack rolls.
- Warlock: Eldritch Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Eldritch Spear, Repelling Blast will not modify the spell roll.
- Divine Spellcasters: The number of spells you can select and therefore prepare may be inaccurate due to domain and oath spells. You can drag and drop spells onto your character sheet after finishing to add them to the spells you might prepare after a long rest.
- Rogue:
Expertise is not being applied to Thieves' Tools in either the Charactermancer Creator or Level Up. You can fix this after finishing Charactermancer by adding it to your tool proficiencies, clicking the gear icon next to it, and selecting "Expertise" for the proficiency level.(Fixed Jan 10)