Hi, Finderski,
Just a quick heads up about the initial concern here, that a small-but-vital percentage of total users who improve the site and contribute to Roll20's success may not feel heard.
The suggestions forum isn't the only way we decide what to work on; it's just the one that all 3 million+ users have some access to, so it's the most democratized way to get visibility on a suggestion. Sheet authors and API script authors have other ways (especially the Character Sheet and API forums) to give feedback and suggest improvements. These don't need to reach 200 votes to be enacted, and in fact may never reach the suggestions forum to be voted on at all. Similarly, a suggestion on the forums doesn't need to reach 200 votes to be enacted, either; that's just the threshold at which a staff member will come in and respond to the thread at least once a month with an update (even if the update is "nothing to report.")
I hope that helps give more context. I'm not saying this is a bad suggestion or anything like that-- just that there's a "workaround" for the initial concern.
Finderski said:
I currently have 9 votes available to cast. There is nothing on this list that is more important to me than some of the character sheet suggestions. Because very few people are sheet authors and many of the players play 5e, so those types of suggestions will be hard pressed to ever each 200 votes. I would appreciate the ability to put my additional votes to items that really matter to me.