I literally saw that particular update post which is now what im assuming was originally referenced just a minute before writing this post. whoops. [Edit] Looking over the changes that were made, i noticed the PF2 Action Symbols are finally up on the top of the page, but do not seem to be used elsewhere. but with that in mind: Add Drop-Down Menu to display action symbols in all Feat/Spells/Attacks --Many feats are, themselves, actions or activities, as are some attacks! being able to select an appropriate Action symbol to display in the chat readout in the sheet listing itself is a great visual reminder for the action requirement differences for a regular Strike [1] versus Power Attack [2]. Examples: Moment of Clarity (Barbarian feat, 1 action, CRB page 88) Liberating Step (Champion feature, reaction, CRB page 107) Power Attack (Fighter Feat, 2 actions, CRB 144) You're Next (Rogue Feat, Reaction, CRB 183) Shattering Strike (Monk feat, 2 actions, CRB 165) Add way to call Skill checks and Class DC in Strikes/Feats --Many feats also allow a player to make a strike and a skill check, or call for a check or save from the target versus the players skill or class DC. While there's likely a way to do this already in the notes of attacks, I'm currently the only one in my game with the knowledge or will to tinker with calling on sheet workers and it would save me, and others as well, a great deal of time to have something for this on the sheet (This one is probably more of a doozy, so I'd deffo expect this to get put on a backburner, until more pertinent issues are dealt with) Examples: Tangled Forest Stance (Monk feat, target reflex/Acrobatics/Athletics vs User Class DC, CRB 163) Dragon's Rage Breath (Barbarian feat, reflex vs Class DC, CRB 90) Debilitating Bomb (Alchemist Feat, Fortitude vs Class DC, CRB 78) Dragon Roar (Monk feat, Will save vs Intimidation DC, CRB 161) Knockdown (Fighter Feat, Athletics to trip as part of a Strike, CRB 146)