This is the start of a new thread. I've wanted to do this for a long time since CombatMaster has gone way beyond alpha. Please post here for CombatMaster questions, etc.
The newest version can be found here: There is currently an issue with the one click on Roll20 Github. It will not work. Until it's resolved, use this above link. Use the RAW button to copy and then paste into a new script within your game. NOTE: This issue has been fixed. One click is working. Version 2.36
To start Combat Master type !cmaster --main. There's a help icon in the upper right corner for each menu that you see within CM. Click on it if you have questions about that part.
There's tons of posts surrounding macro/api calls and everything else you might think about in the older thread of Combat Master located here:
What is Combat Master?
I combined Combat Tracker and Status Info together. You cannot run either Combat Tracker or Status Info with Combat Master. Keeping the original functionality provided by Robin, there are menus to tailor initiative rolling, stepping through the turnorder, a configurable player turn timer, control over announcements of a players turn in chat, how conditions are displayed, as well as any number of conditions or spells that you wish to track and easily assign, including concentration spells. Menus have been added to make adding and removing conditions quick. Macros can still add or remove conditions if needed.
Combat Master will track concentration, the caster, the duration and notify the GM if the caster requires a con save to maintain the concentration. Spells and conditions can be assigned or removed easily and quickly using the main CM menu. CM can also detect when spells are cast and auto-add that spell, if you wish, to Combat Master.
Combat Master allows for integration with other APIs such as Token Mod or CharSetAttr. It also integrates with Token Condition API. Providing the API is written in a way that will accept a token id, character id or character name, that API can be integrated.
External API calls are made at the beginning of a Round, each Turn, when conditions are assigned and when they are removed.
You can export from Combat Tracker (not all versions supported) and import into CM. You can also export CM from one game to another.