João Luiz said:
This week I decided to give another try. Bad call. While in preparation of the map, everything was fine. When in play, apart from many lags for every player, another thing that I haven't seen before happened: the TURN tool went crazy.
I had added turns for tokens in two different pages. Usually that works fine for the players. I, as GM, can see tokens from both pages on the Turn Tool, but the players only see the tokens from the pages that they are at. Ok.
But not this time. Not only it wasn't showing the token turns for my players (I could seem them as if they were in GM Layer - they were not) but the players could see the tokens from the other page on the Turn Tool. Like, they were fighting orcs and could see the mercenaries they would have to face latter on. Also when we put the mouse over it it didn't mark the token on the map. Very strange.
They are making changes to how the turn order tool works. I'm sure the yellow box not being there is a bug. The tracker showing tokens added from another page (for players) is something that is intended. I haven't tested it since the change, but I am assuming you would need to keep everything on the other page on the GM layer to keep it from being visible to players. I don't know if this is posted somewhere accessible by everyone, so I will copy/paste part of a post from the Pro forum:
As many may have noticed, there has been an update to the API as it relates to turn order, the turn tracker, and how tokens are added. This change was due to an update to page loading on the VTT.
However, to accomplish this we had to make a change to the internal logic of the Turn Tracker to accommodate tracking tokens across multiple pages. This has introduced the requirement for "_pageid" in addition to "id" and "pr" to be present for each item in the Turn Order and are currently exposed within the API. The "_pageid" property is available on graphics.