Hello everyone, I'm currently running a game of Dungeon of the Mad Mage, and have some issues with dynamic lightning with it. On top of the lag (which I wont address it, I'll tinker with explorator mode and aFoW on my end), I have a much important issue where the map gets fully revealed to some of my players. Here is a screenshot made by a player as an example : This happened to several of my players, on different maps (we are currently on floor 2, but it also happened on floor 1). Some times, reloading the page on their end (which is quite long considering the map size), or reset visibility on my end will temporarily fix the issue, but not always. Once, it reseted the visibility, but kept the whole map visible in fog : As the problem occurs with several players on several maps, I don't think it's specific to one particular setting of my player. All of us are playing on PC, in Chrome on incognito tabs if this helps. Thinking of dropping the campaign altogether to come back to smaller modules if we cant fix this, as exploration is one of the main appeal of DOTWN. Hope someone can help. Cheers.