I wish to compliment you, Hoyer, on some well-considered upgrades to Diana P. D&D 3.5 character sheet. It is making life less messy for us diehard D&D 3.5 players here on Roll20.
I had started taking advantage of the fact that any field in these sheets can (usually) take an equation rather than a value to do some of the housekeeping automatically, in much the same way you do on the Arcane Spell Failure (arcanespellfailure) field. For example, based on class levels, I could calculate base saves for each class and put the equations into the base save fields and it would automatically update them with changes in level. If, for instance, I have a rogue as the first class, I know that rogues have good Reflex saves but poor Fortitude and Will saves, so I use the equation [[ floor( @{level1} / 2 ) + 2 ]] in the reflexbase field and [[ floor( @{level1} / 3 ) ]] in the fortitudebase and willbase fields. Then, whenever the rogue increments the level1 field, the base saves automatically adjust accordingly. Naturally, one can simply append clauses to those equations in the case of multiclassing.
I do likewise for calculating base attack bonuses (BAB), using [[floor( @{level1} * GAP )]], where GAP ("Good-Average-Poor") is 1 for good BAB (fighters, rangers, paladins, etc.), 0.75 for average BAB (clerics, rogues, warlocks), or 0.5 for poor BAB (wizards, sorcerers, etc.).
Therein lies a bit of a problem: the equation does not entirely work with the new Action sub-tab. It comes out perfectly in the tooltip, and it works for single attack and damage rolls, but when doing auto-calculated full attacks, only the first attack is displayed. I've tried enclosing the equation in calculation brackets [[ ]], parentheses, and both ( [[ ]] ) and it just doesn't display more than the first attack.
However, I don't think it is worth fixing this particular problem—at least not by figuring out how to get my kludge equation to work. Since you're tracking more class information in the classes section below the header, how difficult would it be to add four columns to the classes table, perhaps as drop down lists for BAB (Good/Average/Poor), Fortitude saves (Good, Poor), Reflex saves (Good, Poor), and Will saves (Good, Poor)? Then you could have an auto-calculate toggle checkbox for those next to the one for auto-calculating hit points, and the results could be summed from each of the five classes, skipping any where the class name (class1, class2, class3, class4, or class5) is a null string. That way, just changing the level1 through level5 fields would automatically adjust base attack bonuses and base saves at once.
Speaking of this, I don't think the skill point total columns are calculating correctly. They seem to be using this equation:
totSkillPoint[N] = hitdie[N] * ( skillPointLiv[N] + skillPointBonus[N] )
Where [N] is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Since skill points are more properly related to class level and first level characters receive four times as many skill points, the equation should be:
totSkillPoint[N] = ( level[N] + 3 ) * ( skillPointLiv[N] + skillPointBonus[N] )
For where [N] = 1, since this is typically the class in which a character gains his first level. Subsequent classes (where [N] is 2 through 5) can use:
totSkillPoint[N] = level[N] * ( skillPointLiv[N] + skillPointBonus[N] )
All other tests of your new Action sub-tab seem to be coming through with flying colors. There are some typos, particularly in the Action Tab Description section. I will not be specific right now as this post is running long enough. Still, if you would like some editing assistance, feel free to call on me. I like the direction you are taking this sheet and am happy to assist.
Thanks again for your considerable contribution to the community of old version 3.5 users.