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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
I see Chris. If the tokens are linked any bars that are linked to an attribute on the sheet, will be updated via the sheet or if adjusting the token's bar value it will update the attribute. As fart as the crazy formula you see when hovering over the an inline; Samuel's advice of nesting inline rolls is sound. Although we have condensed some of our inline rolls on the Pathfinder sheet, there are probably more that we'll be nesting, and with a recent update, they can include a descriptor as well. e.g. [[1d20+[[@{attack-total}[Attack Total]]] ]] When hovering over the inline it would show the d20 roll + a number[Attack Total] which should help clarify the results.
Sheet Author
Made some changes/additions to the sheet and have it set up in a "beta" campaign if you want to kick the tires and give us some feedback. Thanks - added toggles for Saving Throws to include DR, Resistances, Immunities, Weaknesses, SR, Armor notes, Save Notes, CMD Notes, Defense Notes. - added a toggle for Spell descriptions (repeatable item spells) Not sure how beneficial it is to toggle other parts of the Spell macro... - added iterative attacks to the NPC section. NPC attacks are linked to the Attacks tab, so if you want NPC attacks whispered, you need to add "/w gm" at the beginning of the macro text. Might add a toggle to whisper all attacks which would be good for NPC's. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
When I suggested toggles for the Spell macros earlier in the thread I was mostly thinking of components, range, SR and other things so that the printed macro wouldn't be as long in the chat. Not that it's a necessity or anything.
Sheet Author
Chrys said: When I suggested toggles for the Spell macros earlier in the thread I was mostly thinking of components, range, SR and other things so that the printed macro wouldn't be as long in the chat. Not that it's a necessity or anything. Hi Chrys. I thought I would start with the Spell Description since it's the LARGEST culprit of "chat spam". Toggling the additional Spell attributes is still an option (day job and family time willing...). I will probably add a "global" toggle option for the Spell Button bar as well. Can't have enough options. :-)
i have a question, so if it was covered before, me and my sister are preparing for a long distance campaign and are trying to figure out the pathfinder character sheets, AMAZING BTW, but im having an issue with it that i cant figure out, im trying to move the macros to the roll20 campaign page and i keep getting nothing but errrors non stop, it looks like after i fill in the info and test the button next to the info on the sheet the macro doesnt update underneath is there a way to make the macro update or do i have to manually update that? thanks for the help
Karankwan said: Hi again, I'm currently experiencing some funky issues with the 3D dice and was wondering if someone else is experiencing it. What I'm seeing so far is, that when my players roll their attacks (preset attack buttons, and regular attacks, doesn't matter) I only see the damage rolls, but no attack rolls. I tried putting in new attacks assuming that the update might messed something up, but it's the same issue after the update. I also tried creating new characters since the current ones are imported, but that doesn't help either. The second issue I see happening is when I roll attacks from the NPC section. In that case I do see a single d20 and a damage roll. Only problem is the result on neither of the dice matches the one showing up in the roll template in the chat window. Anyone encountering similar things, or has a clue of what might be going on? I'm DMing two campaigns and have the same issue in both campaigns. Interesting enough, I don't encounter those things in the campaign I joined as a player. /K EDIT: Of course I find out what's wrong 2 minutes after posting... Thanks anyways! I am currently having the same issue if you could enlighten me please do. Additonaly i am having 2 dice being rolled when only 1 should.
Beta campaign looks good. I had another idea for attacks that again is more for GMs than PCs. Under attack type, it might be helpful if combat maneuver was an option, though it might need to be further sub-divided into CM-str and CM-dex for finesse characters. I know I can click the roll button under CMB to make an attack, but if you start getting into things like improved sunder which gets +2 attack and also dmg, then it helps to make an attack item. Macros are of course an alternative, but I'm still inexperienced with that. This is mostly for non-medium creatures, ie NPCs, whose CMB is different from their weapon attack. Thx.
@Pentence: Sure! What I figured out so far is, that it seems like there's been a change in the macro texts from previous versions to the current one. The current attack macro text looks something like this: "/w gm &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;@{crit-target} + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + [[ @{total-damage} ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ (@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1))d@{damage-die} + (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{description=@{notes}}}" With some of the square brackets it seems like that the rolls aren't displayed by the 3D dice engine, while they are being processed by the the chat correctly. By changing back to something like the following I was able to display all attack rolls and damage rolls as before: "/w gm &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[1d20cs&gt;@{crit-target} + @{total-attack}]]}} {{damage=[[@{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + @{total-damage}]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[1d20 + @{total-attack}]]}} {{crit_damage=[[(@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1))d@{damage-die} + (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1))]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{description=@{notes}}} @{macro_options}" Hope this will fix your issues. It certainly did the trick for me. PS: Not sure which dice are displayed for you, but from what you're writing I'm assuming it's damage rolls, meaning one of them is the regular damage roll, while the other one is the bonus damage for a possible critical hit. When you're rolling from the NPC section you'll see the attack roll for the crit confirm and the respective bonus damage. Don't ask me why there's a difference though :D /K
Sheet Author
Robert M. said: Beta campaign looks good. I had another idea for attacks that again is more for GMs than PCs. Under attack type, it might be helpful if combat maneuver was an option, though it might need to be further sub-divided into CM-str and CM-dex for finesse characters. I know I can click the roll button under CMB to make an attack, but if you start getting into things like improved sunder which gets +2 attack and also dmg, then it helps to make an attack item. Macros are of course an alternative, but I'm still inexperienced with that. This is mostly for non-medium creatures, ie NPCs, whose CMB is different from their weapon attack. Thx. Good idea Robert. On the beta, I've added CMB as an attack-type option now. I really don't want to create new attributes CMB-str and CMB-dex, so you'll need to select the CMB's ability as usual.

Edited 1434316938
Sheet Author
Karankwan said: @Pentence: Sure! What I figured out so far is, that it seems like there's been a change in the macro texts from previous versions to the current one. The current attack macro text looks something like this: I added the extra space around the inline rolls(Honey Badger's suggestion) on the sheet to solve a format issue we were having with iterative attacks. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Occasionally the formula would post instead of the result. There seems to be some issue with nested inline rolls and roll templates once you reach a certain threshold of rolls. So, if experience formating issues, you might have to add the spaces back in. Another thought, maybe I can leave the extra inline roll spaces for the iterative attack macros and remove the additional spaces for other rolls on the sheet... UPDATE: tried to just leave the extra space around iterative attacks but the format issue comes back. For now I'm leaving the extra spaces around inlines. I think 3d dice still have some issues with inlines and roll templates.

Edited 1434317457
@Karankwan thanks man this has solved part of my issue the d20 displays now but it still rolls double the dice and the numbers shown on the 3d dice do not match the chats. @_@ However this has pointed me in the right direction to figure out whats going on . ________________________________________ New development , i have narrowed the issues i am personally having down to this code. {{damage=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} +[[ @{total-damage} ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 +[[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ (@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1))d@{damage-die} + (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{description=@{notes}}} Which if i am reading this correctly is the damage roll. I have the attack roll working fine for me thus far and the 3D number matches the chats readout properly too. I will keep looking into the issue in case someone else winds up with a similar situation.
Sheet Author
3D Dice not working with multiple nested rolls Seems to be a "thing"

Edited 1434372639
Sheet Author
Just thought I would give an update on some possible upcoming changes to the sheet. Beta Notes: 6/15/15 <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Recently added/changed - added toggles for Saving Throws to include DR, Resistances, Immunities, Weaknesses, SR, Armor notes, Save Notes, CMD Notes, Defense Notes. - added toggles for all Spell attributes (repeating items only for now) will add global toggles for Spell button bar - placed all toggles in an Options[hide/show] directly under their applicable section. - iterative attacks. primary +7 (2-8) - added iterative attacks to the NPC section. NPC attacks are linked to the Attacks tab, so if you want NPC attacks whispered, you need to add "/w gm" at the beginning of the macro text. Might add a toggle to whisper all attacks which would be good for NPC's. Thoughts? - added CMB as an attack-type option. - added spellclass selector (attr_spellclass) to spells to show the proper spellclass of the spell in output. This was previously showing spellclass-0 only. - added (attr_spell_level) to show proper spell's level in output. This was previously showing the caster's level. [ Issue ] DC-mod was previously added to allow for "per-spell" adjustments to DC, so it would be nice to keep it. Currently, only spellclass-0 is used for determining DC output. It would be nice if the DC posted used the proper spellclass for a given spell. Some possible options: 1. Drop the math and just show DC-mod as a +/- mod in output to cue that a modifier should apply to DC 2. Change DC-mod to a DC number field and let the end user input the proper DC 3. add an additional selector field to choose spellclass and keep DC-mod as well. 4. ?
sorry if there has been discussion of if before, but any chance of adding a "Mythic" section for the Mythic rules?
Sheet Author
Hi Crumpitboy. I don't recall a specific suggestion to add Mythic "enhancements" to the sheet. I'm not familiar enough with the Mythic rules additions to comment on what exactly would need to be added to accomodate the Mythic ruleset. Typically the community sheet tries to stick to core unless an easily integrated feature can be added that is optional e.g. some of the recent Unchained additions. Can you give some specific examples of how the Mythic rules could be added as optional features to the PF sheet?

Edited 1434696216
Sheet Author
I want to reiterate what Vince said and also add that for us to add something to the sheet it should be optional to use and it should pass the "can I do this with the current sheet" test. If you can then we don't need to bloat the sheet with a new feature. For example, due to the nature of how skill points are calculated it would have been impossible to truly do the unchained background skills because the sheet in its old state would have insisted that you were wrong even though you were doing it correct for your particular rules. It's my belief that the sheet shouldn't have to be in error for your rules to work as long as you are following pathfinder rules. This necessitated us adding in the possibility for the background skill variant along with other variants. The automated bonus progression variant is an example of a variant where you can already accomplish it with the current tools so we didn't need to add a new thing. Could we have? Absolutely. Would it be time effective to implement? Absolutely not. Obviously Vince and I aren't perfect in our analysis of what would be good to implement and what wouldn't so as Vince said, show us an example of something that mythic adds to the game that you either can't do with the current sheet or is extremely tedious to do and we'll consider implementing a solution.
I am hoping this is the correct spot... but is the legacy template still being updated? there is a change i would like to recommend, if possible.
Sheet Author
Hi Chase. The legacy sheet hasn't had any changes in a long time. Because it's a community sheet, anyone with Mentor level can make changes. What are you looking for exactly? Maybe we can help.
Hello, I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but is there any possibility of changing the macros of the skills to textarea fields instead of text fields. Text fields makes it rather difficult to swap to different roll templates or include api stuff that requires multi-lines. I was wondering if the Hero Labs character importer script work with the newest version. Also, the new skills on the sheet is making it very hard to alter the macros without altering every single macro associated with that skill (often on three different version of that skill). Ugh, is there a way to do this quickly that I am missing or is it just an inevitable result of using these new skill thingies?
Sheet Author
Hi Toby. I'll test out changing the skill macro text to textarea to help with multi-line macros. Good suggestion. I have no clue if the Hero Labs import script works with the PF sheet... ;-( Do you have a link to the script? Anyone with a HL account willing to test this out? Additional skill attributes were added for Consolidated Skills (same attribute names, but preceded by "CS-") The rest of the skill-based attributes are the same regardless of where on the sheet they are input/modified. Unless you are using the consolidated skills system, you can just ignore those attributes. You can use the "All Skills" tab to update/change macros if you don't want to jump between Adventure and Background skills. Appologies if I'm not understanding the question. Cheers

Edited 1434922553
The macros for the adventure and background scripts seem to be just copy and pasted to fill in the "All Scripts" Section. That means if I want to use a different macro for the say ... bluff.. I have to change it in several places or roll 20 gets really really confused and doesnt register the change to the macro. A little irritating. ------- An additional question; how exactly do I use those repeating section buttons on the token bar. if I add them as new abilities they give me errors, even if I fill out every single field. so I cant simply type out %{selected|repeating_weapon_0_Attack} and stick it in a new character ability and use it as a token action. Which is the only way it works for me, (otherwise I'd have to add it as a macro bar, which.. yeah not so good for managing npcs in large groups.) Also, when I change the macro for the weapons and use the button it still dispays the old macro? Wut? Sorry if these questions have been asked, I'm very new to the PF sheet and the pathfinder forum threads are... huge. If it involves changing things on the code of the sheet, I think I can manage that.
Sheet Author
Changing an attribute (including macro text attributes) updates that attribute regardless of where you updated it. You shouldn't have to change the macro anywhere else except for the Consolidated skills since they are completely different attributes. If you change Bluff's macro text on the Adventure tab, it will also change on the All Skills tab. You can't drag/drop/or call the repeating item button rolls from an ability macro. They can only be used from the sheet. This is a limitation of repeating items. Advantage, you can modify the macro text. The button bars were included in the sheet so that you can call those sheet rolls from outside the sheet. You can also drag/drop them to the macro quickbar at the bottom of the editor. The problem here is that the sheet roll macros are "hard coded", written into the sheet. You can edit the sheet if you like. Many people do this for powercards.

Edited 1434934349
Hrm, no... I will probably create an alternate version of the sheet and create 1-10 weapons to fill in each. I cant be constantly opening the sheet to fire off a weapon attack. Which I was probably going to do anyway, because I like having info for critical fails, (for firearms mostly). Repeating sections suck (in their current incarnation), for all but the most limited of situations. Spells is.. unfortunately one of those uses.) I hate them with an unending and enduring passion. If I cant use them with a selected token (on the token bar at the top), they are worthless to me as a GM, but meh thats me just ranting, pay me no mind. As for the skills, no it doesn't I had to change BOTH or else when I used the roll button it used the old version of the template that came with the sheet. Thank you for the help, I hope someday I can return the favor some day.
Sheet Author
As for the skills, no it doesn't I had to change BOTH or else when I used the roll button it used the old version of the template that came with the sheet. I'll have to look into that. Unfortunately the repeating sections have their limitations. Please voice your opinion on this suggestion (as I have multiple times...) Official support for repeating sections in character sheets I agree that it would be much nicer to access all rolls "off-sheet"

Edited 1435007585
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Posted in the repeating section thread! Yea that would be nice, especially if you could set defaults in the repeating sections. There's a lot that could be done. For each new attack they add my players can't remember to put zeros in fields and then they ask me why it's not working. I even made and posted this video but it didn't help. Which I partly understand, no one takes time to watch videos or read "how to fill out a sheet" when it's for work, let alone a hobby.

Edited 1435036409
Sheet Author
The same questions always pop-up about the idiosyncrasies of repeating items (fieldset). Thank you for commenting. If roll20 is able to figure out how to fix some of the shortcomings of repeatable items the character sheets would benefit immensely.
How goes the beta testing by the way? My players are pretty eager to be able to use the Iterative attack stuff.
Sheet Author
All the beta changes have been added as of yesterday. As soon the servers update they'll be live.
While I was modifying the sheet for my use I noticed some small issues, with how the sheet is working. 1) The weapon section has the attack type listed as "None, Melee or Ranged" Presumabily I guess this is meant to be either No Stat boost, Dex stat or Str stat to the attack rolls. There are some feats that add INT or WIS instead. I think there is some spellcasting feats that actually change this to Cha as well for touch. 2) The consolidated skills CS-Religion doesn't calculate properly because of a missing (incorrectly named attribute). It is looking for CS-Religion-Item. There is no such attribute on the character sheet. The item field for religion is incorrectly named to CS-Society-Item. 3) The spells fields, have information for more than one spellcasting class, however when you go to the repeating section, only one repeating section exsists. Not three, this wouldnt be a problem except the execution macro has hard-coded information that refers directly to non-repeating fields for "{spellclass-0-level......}" Which could cause a problem unless some note was listed on the character sheet for players and gms to alter it to reflect the correct variable. My assumption is that you are working on tweaking the repeating sections for spells, and will implement different ones for each spell casting class in the future. Otherwise you would have added a field in each repeating section that would indicate what spellcasting class the variables should be referring to, such as a selection input. 3) Nevermind. I just re-read some of the forums, and saw that you know about repeating sections and spellclass-0- issues. 4) Another issue with spells, the DC attribute is not always the same one that is used for determining bonus spells, and yet when you change one the other changes to match. I hope this is helpful information, if not, or if it is already known, I apologize.
Can we change the names of the Iterative attacks on the chat output? Like Attack 2 -&gt; Second Attack (-5) ?
Sheet Author
Chrys said: Can we change the names of the Iterative attacks on the chat output? Like Attack 2 -&gt; Second Attack (-5) ? For the iterative attacks, you can change anything after "{{Attack=..." The roll template has formating and "roll logic" assigned for attack, attack2, attack3,...,attack8. So you could change your 2nd iterative from "{{Attack2=..." to "{{Attack2=Foo Attack..."
Sheet Author
Toby said: While I was modifying the sheet for my use I noticed some small issues, with how the sheet is working. 1) The weapon section has the attack type listed as "None, Melee or Ranged" Presumabily I guess this is meant to be either No Stat boost, Dex stat or Str stat to the attack rolls. There are some feats that add INT or WIS instead. I think there is some spellcasting feats that actually change this to Cha as well for touch. 2) The consolidated skills CS-Religion doesn't calculate properly because of a missing (incorrectly named attribute). It is looking for CS-Religion-Item. There is no such attribute on the character sheet. The item field for religion is incorrectly named to CS-Society-Item. 3) The spells fields, have information for more than one spellcasting class, however when you go to the repeating section, only one repeating section exsists. Not three, this wouldnt be a problem except the execution macro has hard-coded information that refers directly to non-repeating fields for "{spellclass-0-level......}" Which could cause a problem unless some note was listed on the character sheet for players and gms to alter it to reflect the correct variable. My assumption is that you are working on tweaking the repeating sections for spells, and will implement different ones for each spell casting class in the future. Otherwise you would have added a field in each repeating section that would indicate what spellcasting class the variables should be referring to, such as a selection input. 3) Nevermind. I just re-read some of the forums, and saw that you know about repeating sections and spellclass-0- issues. 4) Another issue with spells, the DC attribute is not always the same one that is used for determining bonus spells, and yet when you change one the other changes to match. I hope this is helpful information, if not, or if it is already known, I apologize. Hi Toby. Any issues with the sheet should be brought up here. So no worries. 1. We recently added the attack type, CMB as well for finesse-based attacks. You can change the primary ability used for Melee, Range, and CMB in the top of the Attacks tab. You can also use the attack and damage mods to make adjustments. 2. Definitely will need to fix that. Thanks 3. All three spell classes use the same repeating spell levels. Not really any benefit for creating 3 separate repeating sections(maybe for organization...) However this would also be 3x's the code! A new field has been added to the repeating spells, " Class ". Here you can denote the spell class of the spell. This is only used for the spell statblock output to indicate what class this spell is being cast as. This works for the repeating spell macro, but we need to update the button bar macros as well. (on my todo list) Also, there is a DC toggle in the options as well. Which can be used to choose the correct spellclass for DC. This only works for repeating spell items. I've tried to figure out how to include these toggles for the spell button bar, but since the attributes are all repeating items it's not possible unless repeating items get an update from roll20. For now, spells from the button bar do not have toggleable options and they will only show the DC for spellclass-0. I may be able to include the DC for all 3 classes by default regardless. More research needed. 4. Please excuse my ignorance. I wasn't aware that a caster's primary attribute determined by their class could be different than the one that's used to determine the bonus spells for that class. Can you give an example? Thanks for your input Toby.

Edited 1435246185
How do we roll the iterative attacks? I checked the boxes for include iterative attack 2 and 3 but when I click the dice symbol, it only rolls the first attack. I also tried clicking the associated repeatable dice symbol and again, it only rolls the first attack. I tried logging out and back in and trying the same thing, but again, only the first attack was actually rolled. EDIT: By the Way, the Saving Throw Options that I tried out worked just fine.
Simon, for one of my characters with an attack macro that I'd modified, I had to add the @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} section to the end of the macro, at which point the iteratives worked. Perhaps your macros also need to be manually updated?
Vince said: 3. All three spell classes use the same repeating spell levels. Not really any benefit for creating 3 separate repeating sections(maybe for organization...) However this would also be 3x's the code! --&gt; From my perspective having 3x the code would be preferable, the organization alone of keeping duel-spell casting classes separate is a nightmare as it is. Trying to put two in the SAME repeating section... No thanks.. But, this is only my opinion. 4. Please excuse my ignorance. I wasn't aware that a caster's primary attribute determined by their class could be different than the one that's used to determine the bonus spells for that class. Can you give an example? ----&gt; Not off the top of my head for pathfinder, perhaps it is my ignorance of the pf system. I could give you a large number of examples from 3.5. Thanks for your input Toby.
Sheet Author
Simon said: How do we roll the iterative attacks? I checked the boxes for include iterative attack 2 and 3 but when I click the dice symbol, it only rolls the first attack. I also tried clicking the associated repeatable dice symbol and again, it only rolls the first attack. I tried logging out and back in and trying the same thing, but again, only the first attack was actually rolled. EDIT: By the Way, the Saving Throw Options that I tried out worked just fine. Zan Thrax said: Simon, for one of my characters with an attack macro that I'd modified, I had to add the @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} section to the end of the macro, at which point the iteratives worked. Perhaps your macros also need to be manually updated? Exactly what Zen said, if you have an existing macro it will not be updated. You will have to do that manually. Toby said: Vince said: 4. Please excuse my ignorance. I wasn't aware that a caster's primary attribute determined by their class could be different than the one that's used to determine the bonus spells for that class. Can you give an example? Not off the top of my head for pathfinder, perhaps it is my ignorance of the pf system. I could give you a large number of examples from 3.5. From my understanding of pathfinder I have never seen a class that behaves this way. If you have an example from pathfinder I would be very interested in seeing it.
Sheet Author
Consolidated Skill Religion has been fixed. Thanks Toby <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Is there a way to make iterative attacks work off of a macro in the Abilities tab, guys? Or will it only function when using the button right next to the weapon? Try as I might, I cannot seem to get my macro to pop up the iterative attacks. I feel a bit silly to even ask, it's probably one of those issues with the repeating buttons. I have to ask, though. I was so looking forward to this update and now I'm frustrated that I cannot figure out how to make it work the way I'd like.

Edited 1435453278
Sheet Author
Joshua F. said: Is there a way to make iterative attacks work off of a macro in the Abilities tab, guys? Or will it only function when using the button right next to the weapon? Try as I might, I cannot seem to get my macro to pop up the iterative attacks. I feel a bit silly to even ask, it's probably one of those issues with the repeating buttons. I have to ask, though. I was so looking forward to this update and now I'm frustrated that I cannot figure out how to make it work the way I'd like. It's an issue with the repeating fields. ;-( The toggles for iterative attacks exist solely in the realm of the repeating attack and are not accessible from outside the repeating item. For the same reason you can't drag/drop or call a repeating item's macro from outside the sheet, iterative attacks can only be used from the repeating item's sheet roll. Repeating items really need to be expanded. It's possible to include the entire iterative attack macro within an token/ability macro. You won't have toggles(you have to include the number of iterative attacks you want and build on your macro as needed for each additional attack). You could make a separate macro for each # of iterative attacks you want/need. You will probably need to toggle the iterative attack mod from the repeating item to ensure the attribute is created. Here's a token/ability macro that includes a 2nd iterative attack for weapon row 0 &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{repeating_weapon_0_name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_0_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_0_notes}}} @{macro_options} {{attack2=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} ]] + [[ ( (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ) + @{repeating_weapon_0_iterative_attack2_value} ]] ]]}} {{damage2=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm2=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} ]] + [[ ( (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ) + @{repeating_weapon_0_iterative_attack2_value} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage2=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] ]]}} Tiny maco right? Now add the additional code for 8 attacks and this macro is HUGE! Have fun. UPDATE: If you go to the Beta campaign I created 4 iterative attack token/ability macros for "Who Dat" that you can copy/paste. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> UPDATE 2: Just updated the macro above... my bad. Good catch Joshua. The attack property is case sensitive and they needed to be lowercase in order for the roll template(pf_attack) to recognize them . I had A ttack2, A ttack3, A ttack4, etc in the token/ability macro. I've updated the beta campaign macro for Who Dat and I'll update the post above. Thanks
Howdy folks. My first time using character sheets and my whole group is a bit stuck on attacks. There's probably something I overlooked in the FAQ/Wiki but, clicking the d20 by an attack does nothing. All blanks are filled out. If we leave anything blank, we get an error, but if it's all filled out, there's no output at all. What did we miss?
Wow, Vince. That's quite a chunk of code! Thank you so much for your prompt reply and thank all of you mods for the sheet, I've really benefited from your work.
Sheet Author
Thanks Joshua. Mark, can you click the appropriate attack button bar macro(0-26) and get an attack? If you get an attack from the button bar, can you check the macro text of the repeating item attack and post a copy of it here if you are still having issues? How about other sheet rolls, so they work?
Here's the macro text for the first attack: &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{crit-target} ]] + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + [[ @{total-damage} ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ (@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]]d@{damage-die} + [[ (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{description=@{notes}}} @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} And the preset attack buttons give me this error: No attribute was found for @{Hen'Tai|repeating_weapon_0_attack} No attribute was found for @{Hen'Tai|repeating_weapon_0_damage} Gives both errors twice. All editable fields have values and a token linked to the character sheet is selected when I click the roll. Other buttons seem to be ok. TIA
Never mind. We're all a bunch of idiots and probably not smart enough to play this game. &gt;.&lt;
Sheet Author
Mark G. said: Never mind. We're all a bunch of idiots and probably not smart enough to play this game. &gt;.&lt; Join the club. :-p Game on.
Vince, I just noticed something: with the string of code given on the Beta campaign, the damage all comes up labelled damage under the first Attack. I noted the code has them labelled damage2, damage3, etc. Is the {pf_attack} template not recognizing a numeral after damage?

Edited 1435453150
Sheet Author
Joshua F. said: Vince, I just noticed something: with the string of code given on the Beta campaign, the damage all comes up labelled damage under the first Attack. I noted the code has them labelled damage2, damage3, etc. Is the {pf_attack} template not recognizing a numeral after damage? Good catch Joshua. The attack property is case sensitive and they needed to be lowercase in order for the roll template(pf_attack) to recognize them . I had A ttack2, A ttack3, A ttack4, etc in the token/ability macro. I've updated the beta campaign macro for Who Dat and I'll update the post above. Thanks
I feel the need to point out a potential stylistic flaw, the more iterative attacks you add, the greater the amount of space it takes up in the chat window. With the roll template using such huge font size and the line spacing what it is with the full 8 attacks being used it will scroll off the top of smaller screens. I would be able to see them all, but many of the players I work with dont have the luxury of a $300 large screen monitor. And even with my screen its still a bit... much. I submit it would be much better if the iterative attacks were laid out something like this: At1 At2 At3 At4 At5 At6 At7 At8 ATK: ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## vs AC DMG: # # # # # # # # Conf: Using a more modest 10pt font instead of 12 or 14pt which is what I guess is being used now. If if its not feasable to set the layout to horizontal, at least consider reducing the font size and line-height so it doesnt scroll off the screen.
Sheet Author
I agree that throwing all 8 attacks at once eats chat real estate for breakfast. Like Eloelle 's post above( link ), and your diagram, a horizontal layout may work. The width of the chat window has to be considered also. Personally, I often jokey my chat window width throughout the game, but I would like to try and keep all roll template output within the default width that the editor offers. A redesign of the roll templates is probably in the cards. When it comes to design, it's difficult to please everyone. I'll play around with the iterative attacks and see if I we can't tighten things up and maybe work a compact horizontal design as well.