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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
Some bugs I found with the consolidated skills I wanted to point out: Some default abilities need to be corrected: Influence should be CHA currently it is STR Perception should be WIS currently it is INT Religion should be INT currently it is DEX Society should be INT currently it is CHA Survival should be WIS currently it is CHA When dragging certain skills from the consolidated list on the macro bar they reference the wrong skill. The consolidated Perception skill references the normal Perception skill which causes the modifiers to be incorrect. Apparently in my testing this is hit and miss if this happens and it only seems to affect perception.

Edited 1451333745
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
edit: the defaults are correct in version 0.16, which I submitted saturday.  0.16 was merged to prod, maybe it is not live yet, because it still says 0.14 in my prod campaign. once you see 0.16 then the defaults for cs will be fixed, hopefully that will be today.
Sheet Author
Kristi said: Vince said: Kristi said: So i recently found out that sheets now recalculate everything when opened? Any chance this could be reverted for users with worse computers? And what is that "recalc" box for? Was there some big change that made it necessary? Large sheets like Pathfinder were becoming very taxing on system resources. Sheet workers(javascript) removes the burden of auto-calculated attributes that would normally run the entire time and enables them to only be "re-calculated" when triggered by a change in the calculation.  In theory this improves the sheet's performance.  The recalc button can be used to force a sheet-wide recalculation of auto-calculated attributes which can be necessary when a field doesn't appear to be auto-calculating correctly.  The "big change" was introducing javascript and improving the repeating section/row functionality of Roll20's character sheets.  We're still working the "bugs" out and the need to manually trigger the recalc button will diminish.  Is there any chance you could provide the ability to use older versions of the sheets to users, at least? Pro subscribers can customize a sheet and/or use any version of the sheet available(using the sheet's history) from github, otherwise you must use the current community version of the sheet.  There are also other Pathfinder sheets available but not all attributes will be "cross-sheet- compatible".  Best to test using a copy before changing sheets. What is the issue you are having Kristi?  The sheet "should" be more optimized with the sheet worker additions.  We try to solve any problems/bugs asap and your input is important in making a better sheet.  Thanks

Edited 1451333902
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kristi said: Is there any chance you could provide the ability to use older versions of the sheets to users, at least? in the new update it won't calculate every time a sheet is opened. It will update your sheet from 0.14 to 0.16 and then won't anymore unless we put out a new update to the sheet. So that problem should go away as soon as it goes live, which should be sometime today . After that, you should see a speed increase (assuming you are a GM) , my campaign sped up tremendously with the new sheet. I am not sure if the old sheet will even work due to the upgrade they did to the servers.
Sheet Author
Thanks chris for fixing the defaults. Any thoughts on the perception skill issue?
Sheet Author
Samuel T. said: Thanks chris for fixing the defaults. Any thoughts on the perception skill issue? On cell... can you compare the button names?
Sheet Author
Tonight in game I noticed the same issue with Spellcraft. I'll investigate more tomorrow to see if I can see what is going on.

Edited 1451379267
Sheet Author
Samuel T. said: Tonight in game I noticed the same issue with Spellcraft. I'll investigate more tomorrow to see if I can see what is going on. Just checked, and this is fixed with the latest version (.16) which should go live anytime.

Edited 1451402009
Hi Guys, Would you be able to give me a hand with something please? I've got my campaign finale due for Friday / Saturday that I'm trying to get prepared and I've got a few issues that need to be resolved before we can get rolling properly. (Hah!) With this change, is it still possible to change the formulas without editing the Javascript?  We use a  homebrew system for HP that revolves around effectively having two health bars. Previously I handled this by utilizing the second health bar field available in NPC HP and modifying both HP formulas to correctly simulate the new system. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do this anymore on the new sheet. Something I've always wanted, even with the old sheet, was a couple of miscellaneous formula auto calculating boxes, that work like HP but are just for whatever formula you can come up with. It would be an absolute godsend as nothing else on the sheet is able (As far as I can tell) to do that. If it's not possible to edit the formula anymore, does anyone have any idea of how I could pull it off? I need to figure out either a solution or a work-around before Friday! Thanks for the help everyone.

Edited 1451402650
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
yes, you can use your formula, and then put -() and in the parenthesis put the default formula, so that it will subtract the default HP and only use yours. The default should still evaluate to the same as it did in the old sheet. this should be the default value, just put a minus in front front of this and put it at the end of your formula: ((@{CON-mod} * @{level}) + @{total-hp} )
Vince said: Are you saying it's working fine now with a new character Postmodern? Exactly - cause the glitch was only with that one ..He made it from scratch again and working fine now.. :) But we encountered some new glitches with Attack tab..some random weapons empty weapon slots appearing all the time.. :D That is happening for all players, but it's not that annoying so..yeah..
Sheet Author
Postmodern said: Vince said: Are you saying it's working fine now with a new character Postmodern? Exactly - cause the glitch was only with that one ..He made it from scratch again and working fine now.. :) But we encountered some new glitches with Attack tab..some random weapons empty weapon slots appearing all the time.. :D That is happening for all players, but it's not that annoying so..yeah.. I guess that's good and bad news...   If you can figure out a way to replicate making the empty weapon rows appear and report back, that would be much appreciated! 
What's the word on class ability max calculations? I had hoped the new version would fix the issue with comparing values, but it appears to still be broken. Everything else is working well though, so thank you guys for all your hard work!
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I am not sure about the kh1 and kl1, i am not able to get it to work anymore on any sheet. I am pretty sure it used to work. I will get the class abilities upgraded to the new macro where we parse in it javascript, then at least you'll be able to use min(x,y) or max(x,y)

Edited 1451845205
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
just put in pull request 1270 Pathfinder Sheet 0.17 Fix to check on sheet open so it won't recalculate if already upgraded to current version. Update check on sheet open to only update fields affected by version change, starting with 0.14.  Fix to row check/ uncheck for new buffs (Touch, CMD, Checks, Caster Level) now set and reset correctly Speed improved on update ability scores. Put note in attacks section for condition explanations Fix conditions for CS-Perception to match Perception Removed number roller in FireFox, fixed unable to tab or click out of field issue. In Firefox , after editing a field, you will be able to tab or click away and the field will update. Converted "max uses calculation" macro fields to sheetworker parsing, so you can use max and min. this affects the following repeating sections: Class-Ability, Feat, Racial-Trait, Trait fixed and pre-set to 0 the following: checks-cond , Phys-skills-cond, Perception-cond, so ability rolls will work right away instead of reporting an error that those fields are not found.  example: use max(x,y)    max( 1, floor(@{level}/3))  instead of  {x,y}kh1     {1, floor(@{level}/3) }kh1 Known Issues in .17: Sickened condition not applied to damage ability damage and penalties is applied to spells per day when it should not be 
Sheet Author
Main Beta updated: 0.17 <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Please test.

Edited 1451538169
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
For 0.18 I'm working on the spells page. So far I've converted caster level and concentration to shwetworkers, added a check box for combat casting (it just displays a note on the roll), and added a concentration note. I intend on adding a caster level check note too. The updates people have requested : Ability to modify caster level and concentration check per spell. (Probably add a field for each, and then you'd need separate roll buttons, )(another idea would be a button that asks which spell you are casting, and if you are casting defensively, then it could even display the DC, that is probably a lot more work than just separate buttons, and slower) For some spells use spell level = caster level /2, even for kineticist it is not every spell, so I have to think about how to do that. Another tab for level n spells? That's might be best and cleanest looking. &nbsp; Are there any other requests for spells?
I am not sure if this is affecting a lot of people but for some reason in my LC the attribute "checks-cond" is not created and it doesn't allow us to roll our stats.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Try adding a bonus in the check buff column then removing it. That should create the attribute. I did not notice that in testing, I'll add the field for the next update since they have not made it live yet.

Edited 1451632096
hey guys its me again. &nbsp;So I am trying to add some spells to my character in my game and once I generate a new spell I can add all the text to it but once I assign it to a class "ex: class 1 = my wizard levels" it refreshes the sheet and copies over a slot somwhere above deleting all the old content. &nbsp;"Ex: I assign the spell Bleed to class one, and it will rewrite my prestidigtation spell." &nbsp;I hope I said all that right let me know if I can explain further. its rewriting over my older spells

Edited 1451642454
Sheet Author
Courtney R. said: I am not sure if this is affecting a lot of people but for some reason in my LC the attribute "checks-cond" is not created and it doesn't allow us to roll our stats. There's an issue with the sheet that will be fixed with the next update. &nbsp;Manually adding(using the Attributes & Abilities tab of the journal) the attribute "checks-cond" with a value of 0 worked as a temp fix for me.
Sheet Author
Miro said: hey guys its me again. &nbsp;So I am trying to add some spells to my character in my game and once I generate a new spell I can add all the text to it but once I assign it to a class "ex: class 1 = my wizard levels" it refreshes the sheet and copies over a slot somwhere above deleting all the old content. &nbsp;"Ex: I assign the spell Bleed to class one, and it will rewrite my prestidigtation spell." &nbsp;I hope I said all that right let me know if I can explain further. its rewriting over my older spells I can't replicate your issue Miro...? &nbsp;So it's hard to for me to give a suggestion. &nbsp;;-( The Class selector (N/A, Class 0, Class 1, Class 2) is only used in the spell output(macro-text&gt;@{spell_options}&gt;pf_spell) to display the spell's class of origin. &nbsp;It's not used in any computations so it "shouldn't" be causing issues. This sounds like it might be another repeating section bug. &nbsp;This is a suggestion from the Bugs forum( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) Riley D. said: Magik said: I'm still having the issue where when a new Attack entry is added that after I make the first change to the entry (which is my case is the "Enh" value and hit the tab key) that it reorders the entry in the list of entries and it copies the values from one of the entries. I'm only able to reproduce this for a pre-existing character that has old entries where $X is 0, 1, 2, etc. So this problem may go away if I recreate all old entries. That is a bit of work since I have 16 old entries and the java worker update doesn't seem to have much of a character sheet performance enhancement for attack entries. It may be the more entries that you have, the longer the delay between changes. Magik Delete the rows that the new entry is "jumping" above. So if you have rows 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and when you make row 6 it jumps up between row 3 and row 4, delete row 4 and 5 (the ones it jumped above) and it will fix the problem.
Vince said: Courtney R. said: I am not sure if this is affecting a lot of people but for some reason in my LC the attribute "checks-cond" is not created and it doesn't allow us to roll our stats. There's an issue with the sheet that will be fixed with the next update. &nbsp;Manually add(using the Attributes & Abilites tab of the journal) the attribute "checks-cond" with a value of 0. I already did that and let my players know beforehand! I am learning!
Sheet Author
Courtney R. said: Vince said: Courtney R. said: I am not sure if this is affecting a lot of people but for some reason in my LC the attribute "checks-cond" is not created and it doesn't allow us to roll our stats. There's an issue with the sheet that will be fixed with the next update. &nbsp;Manually add(using the Attributes & Abilites tab of the journal) the attribute "checks-cond" with a value of 0. I already did that and let my players know beforehand! I am learning! We all are. &nbsp;;-)

Edited 1451649406
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ok the fix for Courtney's bug is in .17 now. You may also have a similar problem with some skills, the temp workaround for that is: toggle Blinded on and off &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... i need more test cases, i must have only tested the roll after first creating a buff or condition that affected all skill and ability checks.&nbsp;it now will set &nbsp;those to 0

Edited 1451658518
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Miro said: hey guys its me again. &nbsp;So I am trying to add some spells to my character in my game and once I generate a new spell I can add all the text to it but once I assign it to a class "ex: class 1 = my wizard levels" it refreshes the sheet and copies over a slot somwhere above deleting all the old content.&nbsp; I have started seeing bizarre behavior with repeating sections again, I just saw it a few times yesterday. But I can't replicate them they just happen randomly. Unfortunately this is nothing we have control over (we have made no changes to the repeating spells since October at least - long before the update) The thread for repeating sections&nbsp; is found here .
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Another improvement for 0.18 I'm thinking about is notes based on conditions. Some conditions directly modify attributes so it's not needed, but some have other effects, such as invisible: ignore DEX to AC when fighting characters using sight, or deafness: 20% spell failure when casting spells with somatic components. etc. Maybe a checkbox in the config to turn conditional comments on and off. what do you think?&nbsp;
Another request, it appears that the Spell-Like Abilities on the NPC tab only roll as whispers to the GM. Any chance of changing that to be an optional setting?
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There should be a setting on the config to change all npc rolls to "public" (there is another setting for the pc pages) &nbsp;is it not working?&nbsp;
chris b. said: There should be a setting on the config to change all npc rolls to "public" (there is another setting for the pc pages) &nbsp;is it not working?&nbsp; It works, I just did not see the setting there before. Thanks Anyways, another request, I am trying to make a macro which has a dropdown for every spell and spell-like ability that my character sheet has filled out. First is this possible, and if so, how would this be accomplished? I tried out the following: ?{What do you wish to cast?|Cure Light, @{repeating_npc-spell-like-abilities_$0}|Shield of Faith, @{repeating_npc-spell-like-abilities_$1}} &gt;&gt; This does not appear to work because the two are not attributes, so I tried with with hashtags as shown below instead, but they also do not work. ?{What do you wish to cast?|Cure Light, #{repeating_npc-spell-like-abilities_$0}|Shield of Faith, #{repeating_npc-spell-like-abilities_$1}}

Edited 1451696873
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
the pattern is: "repeating_"+section +"_" +id+"_"+writeField so @{repeating_npc-spell-like-abilities_$0_name} is the name of the spell.&nbsp; the roll ends in _roll, etc to put it inside a ?{x_display,x_value|y_display,y_value| .. &nbsp;} you will need to escape any instance of | and ,&nbsp; see the Nesting Macros section here for details on how to do that&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp;
I just updated my character, and it's not calculating hp properly. &nbsp;2 Classes, the first adding 13 hp, the second adding 5, 3 class levels and 14 CON - shows max hp as 19. (?!) Also, I got Alertness and added the +2 feat bonus to both Perception and Sense Motive. &nbsp;Perception's "Total" field updated properly, Sense Motive's did not. &nbsp;I changed the Feat Bonus to +9 to test, and, it isn't updating.

Edited 1451834249
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jason I cannot replicate either problem. My sheet shows 24 hp for your exact set of values, and when I update feat or anything for sense-motive they are working. For hp, check to make sure you have no Energy Drain levels. That subtracts 5 for each level. 24-5 is 19, which might account for it. For sense-motive, I am not sure what could be the issue .. sometimes when this happens there is another attribute with the same name but different capitalization. I would look in the attributes and abilities tab for attributes named &nbsp;"sense-motive", "sense-motive-feat" etc instead of "Sense-Motive" which is the correct capitalization
I am having problems with the repeating fields in the Class tabs. &nbsp;Everytime I try to add a new item, it moves back up the list to where another previously existing field was, deletes that older field and replaces it with a blank one, and in some attempts, the section where you are supposed to see the name of the class you selected in the repeating field disappears. I am thinking that I may have to create the character sheet again from scratch (which would be a huge pain in the ass).
Don't know if it's a bug or if it's something I missed with the new formulas. But Spell Resistance doesn't show up when I use a quick-bar button on spells, but it does show up when I use the character sheet button. SR is ticked in Options
I am not sure if someone has already mentioned these particular errors but I noticed that any modifiers to Touch AC, CMD (both normal and Flat-footed CMD), and to Cast (for spellcasting) from the buffs sections are not being applied. &nbsp;I checked all of the character sheets and this particular issue is present in each sheet.

Edited 1451872497
Sheet Author
Lars W. said: Don't know if it's a bug or if it's something I missed with the new formulas. But Spell Resistance doesn't show up when I use a quick-bar button on spells, but it does show up when I use the character sheet button. SR is ticked in Options Found the bug for this. &nbsp;The Option for toggling SR notes outside of spells was causing a conflict. &nbsp;We'll get it fixed. Thanks.&nbsp;
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
said: I am having problems with the repeating fields in the Class tabs. &nbsp;Everytime I try to add a new item, it moves back up the list to where another previously existing field was, deletes that older field and replaces it with a blank one, and in some attempts, the section where you are supposed to see the name of the class you selected in the repeating field disappears. I am thinking that I may have to create the character sheet again from scratch (which would be a huge pain in the ass). don't recreate the sheet, everyone is having problems on all the different character sheets. it is some problem with roll20, not our sheet in particular. see the bugs forum there are 2 threads on it right now, (they include the word "madness" :) )
Not sure if it's a known issue; but trying to do any Ability score check comes back with "No attribute was found for @{character name|checks-cond}"

Edited 1451868564
I can verify NyteRavynn's issue.&nbsp; I had a game at 2pm EST today (Sunday) and we all noticed that along with the missing @{|checks-cond} attribute, all the "Class Skill" checkboxes were missing on our sheets. Easily resolve by manually creating the @{checks-cond} attribute and setting it to zero, but we couldn't figure out any manipulation of the sheet to get it to re-calculate/re-create the missing attribute on its own.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
yes the checks-cond will be fixed in the next release
So I have a suggestion/request. Would it be possible to include in the base spell template to show the amout of uses remaining from the prepped line? So that if I prepared 2.... cure light and cast one, once I remove one use it would show on the spell card
Hey all so I'm super new to actually using this. I was supposed to run games on here forever but it never got off the ground. I litterally have no clue what I'm doing but I think something happened with the character sheet. Anyone want to PM me and teach a rookie the ropes that would be great and if you know why the sheet isn't acknowledging the ability scores that too would be amazing.
Shauncey M. said: ... great and if you know why the sheet isn't acknowledging the ability scores that too would be amazing. If you're referring to the Ability Checks&nbsp; (the roll buttons next to STR, DEX, etc)&nbsp; that's a known bug that will be fixed in the next sheet update.&nbsp; If that's not what you're referring to, please provide the specific details of what you're trying to do and what errors you're encountering.
Sheet Author
Shauncey M. said: Hey all so I'm super new to actually using this. I was supposed to run games on here forever but it never got off the ground. I litterally have no clue what I'm doing but I think something happened with the character sheet. Anyone want to PM me and teach a rookie the ropes that would be great and if you know why the sheet isn't acknowledging the ability scores that too would be amazing. Welcome Shauncey. &nbsp;Here's a little info to help get you started. &nbsp;You may get some PM help as well... we have a very friendly community on Roll20. You're best bet is to do some reading; here's a great quote from the super knowledgeable and ever helpful Genkitty that should help get you started. GenKitty said: Ahoy, aaron o! Welcome to Roll20 :) To get kicked off right, I'd suggest watching our introductory video series, Introduction to Tabletop RPGs series , which covers the general idea of how they are played, which game to choose and then find a group of fellow gamers. Secondly, for the Virtual TableTop itself we have a Tutorial that shows you how to use the various parts of the software.Additionally, starting your own test game to play with the controls is an excellent way of getting used to the software, and you really can't break anything I promise! Thirdly, check out the Looking For Group Tool and Looking for Group Forum daily for games that may be of interest to you. Fourth, be sure to completely fill out your User Profile . Your Bio is where you have a chance to catch a GM's eye with a well-written statement about yourself Enjoys Playing is important for two reasons: Every entry you put here is a data-point for The Orr Group Industry Report of games being played, and it lets other people looking at your profile know a bit more about you Actively Seeks Group For is where you can add yourself to the Player Directory for systems you want to play We have a wiki that grows weekly and is very much worth exploring. Feel free to ask any questions you have about Roll20 by posting in the various sub-forums on their particular topics (Don't stress about putting topics in the right sub-forums, we mods really don't mind moving topics when needed!) Happy gaming! Search and/or post back to the forums with specific questions and you're sure to get lot's of help. &nbsp;Cheers&nbsp;

Edited 1451937384
Thank you that is a lot of help Vince. Also Mark G. that is exactly the problem, that and it doesn't use the modifier in it's other portions of the game. like @{INT-mod} in the wizard spells. I stumbled blindly and have been picking up a lot. I'm watching the videos now I'll look into it more and see what I can do to fix it myself.
Sheet Author
Shauncey M. said: Thank you that is a lot of help Vince. Also Mark G. that is exactly the problem, that and it doesn't use the modifier in it's other portions of the game. like @{INT-mod} in the wizard spells. I stumbled blindly and have been picking up a lot. I'm watching the videos now I'll look into it more and see what I can do to fix it myself. We've recently made some MAJOR changes to the sheet to accommodate Roll20's latest updates. &nbsp;We are still working thru some of the bugs and the sheet will improve with each update.&nbsp;
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
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