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D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet

API Scripter
Hi Mark, Thanks so much for an awesome sheet - I really like it already and am excited about how fast it is developing! I had a quick request: the PC sheet has a macro option for attacks. I'm thinking of using this to call out to Aaron's Mark script to make targets of attacks super clear in bigger combats, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent option in the NPC sheet... is there a reason why not? Could there be one? Thanks again, Lucian
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Dominic said: If you mean by "tie your class actions to..." the option "Show output options?", then I have to say it doesn't function. The output option is shown, but not rolled :-/ Output items are indeed rolled. Sounds like you may have done it strangely. Please take a screenshot of your class action. Dominic said: Btw.: Can I use the values like "level" in roll-formulas? Yup. Lucian H. said: Thanks so much for an awesome sheet - I really like it already and am excited about how fast it is developing! I had a quick request: the PC sheet has a macro option for attacks. I'm thinking of using this to call out to Aaron's Mark script to make targets of attacks super clear in bigger combats, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent option in the NPC sheet... is there a reason why not? Could there be one? You're welcome! I added them to weapons because someone asked. I could do the same for Actions. I'll add it to my TODO.
Thanks so far. First, I'll give it another try. ;-)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
25th June 2015 Fixed delete buttons so they show on spellbook and quick class resources.
Would it be possible to add Class DC's to the Class Actions Output options? (Much like Dave DC for spells)

Edited 1435249320
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gerwin B. said: Would it be possible to add Class DC's to the Class Actions Output options? (Much like Dave DC for spells) Class actions are open ended. You can put whatever you want in there. Here is the list of spell DCs if you want to reference them. @{arcane_trickster_spell_dc} @{bard_spell_dc} @{cleric_spell_dc} @{druid_spell_dc} @{eldritch_knight_spell_dc} @{monk_spell_dc} @{paladin_spell_dc} @{ranger_spell_dc} @{sorcerer_spell_dc} @{warlock_spell_dc} @{wizard_spell_dc}
Mark said: 25th June 2015 Fixed delete buttons so they show on spellbook and quick class resources. Opps, Misread that as the Quick Class Actions are now in place. Imagine my surprise when I didn't see them after loading the latest code. :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Also on 25th June 2015 Added Class Actions to the Core page for PC sheets
Mark said: Also on 25th June 2015 Added Class Actions to the Core page for PC sheets Awesome! Thanks Mark.

Edited 1435283409
Mark said: @Greg: No idea why tablet renders those buttons weirdly. We've discussed them several times. Could you also screenshot actions on the same devices? And spells? Or just tell me if they work. So I tested the spells out as is and it looks like what doesn't work is the saving throw. Some spells will throw this error and others do nothing. Actions seem to work fine.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I just needed a visual look of spells on tablets. Strange that the buttons work there, but not new weapons. Can you check actions? The error you see is in the inline thing not fixed yet.
API Scripter
Hey Mark, Since it looked like a simple change and I guess your TODO list is already pretty long, I made it myself and have submitted you a Pull Request. I learned about gulp builds in the process (it's been a few years since I've been a developer!) :-) Cheers, Lucian
API Scripter
Another question: how can Sneak Attacks (and similar abilities) be handled neatly? I have the rogue's sneak attack in a class action triggered on melee attacks and ranged attacks, but it makes the output of the attack macro quite hard to parse because of all the implied conditions: Some of this is unavoidable without prompting for whether the attack was made with advantage every time (which I'm not keen on), but it would be nice to somehow be able to suppress the additional critical damage unless one of the attack rolls was actually a critical (in the same way that the main roll template does). Looking through how these class actions are processed I can't think of an obvious way to do it, but then again I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have thought of most of the solutions used in the sheet already, so that probably doesn't mean much!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The only way to supress the crit is to add another variable that triggers on crit. For instance Sneak_attack_crit_dmg. The problem is class actions are entirely general and are very open ended. Likely they should be rewritten to be have very specific parts (like bonus damage, save, save damage, crit dmg, etc) in addition to the bonus part. Then the bonus parts could be handled while allowing for an open ended part as well. I recommend using sneak attack (and all bonuses that happen sometimes) as a class action that is not linked.
Mark said: I just needed a visual look of spells on tablets. Strange that the buttons work there, but not new weapons. Can you check actions? The error you see is in the inline thing not fixed yet. Actions seem to work fine, and the new weapons worked however their output was jumbled. Its strange that the spell damage seems to work, but the saves don't. Anyways will wait for the update to release and then see if anything is unresolved. Thanks again for all the help and efforts.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
26th June 2015 Macro was added to Actions by Lucian. On weapons buttons: It's like your tablet somehow ignores the width of checkboxes. It makes no sense.
Mark said: 26th June 2015 Macro was added to Actions by Lucian. On weapons buttons: It's like your tablet somehow ignores the width of checkboxes. It makes no sense. Nice. so Mark what are your plans with Traits? I noticed my macro died with the removal of the old npc sheet, so before I build one and slam it into all my npcs, I wanted to make sure you weren't going to do something legendary.
Sheet Author
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Revamping traits is indeed at the top of my todo list.
When using the modify option in the spell list, didn't there used to be a red trashcan icon for deleting spell entries? I am not seeing it now, is there something I am overlooking?

Edited 1435484528
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API Scripter
MysterX said: When using the modify option in the spell list, didn't there used to be a red trashcan icon for deleting spell entries? I am not seeing it now, is there something I am overlooking? This bug is fixed in the latest code. See June 25th.
Lucian H. said: Another question: how can Sneak Attacks (and similar abilities) be handled neatly? I have the rogue's sneak attack in a class action triggered on melee attacks and ranged attacks, but it makes the output of the attack macro quite hard to parse because of all the implied conditions: Some of this is unavoidable without prompting for whether the attack was made with advantage every time (which I'm not keen on), but it would be nice to somehow be able to suppress the additional critical damage unless one of the attack rolls was actually a critical (in the same way that the main roll template does). Looking through how these class actions are processed I can't think of an obvious way to do it, but then again I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have thought of most of the solutions used in the sheet already, so that probably doesn't mean much! I just add Sneak Attack as a 2nd damage to the attack and ignore it if the conidtions aren't met. Then it checks for the crit for me.
So, my Monster NPCs used to have all their rolls hidden and whispered to the GM. However it looks like that got reset and all of them are now rolling publicly. Was this caused by a recent update? Or will this happen with each update?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
DM Korgul said: I just add Sneak Attack as a 2nd damage to the attack and ignore it if the conidtions aren't met. Then it checks for the crit for me. I was going to suggest that as it works, but I didn't want to encourage it as it prevents you from using it on a flaming weapon and is forced to always show. If it works for you then that's fine. I'd recommend sneak attack as a class resource.

Edited 1435526044
Sheet Author
API Scripter
DM Korgul said: So, my Monster NPCs used to have all their rolls hidden and whispered to the GM. However it looks like that got reset and all of them are now rolling publicly. Was this caused by a recent update? Or will this happen with each update? Nothing has changed. Monsters were set to be rolled openly by default for a long while - likely since this sheet started. There is no way they all reset. That said I'm exploring the option of changing this via JS. EDIT: Minifying did indeed reset all of this. It stripped out the space in the select option which makes the values all wrong. I really wish I had set this up properly to begin with.. I'll fix this.
I see, thank you for the speedy response. I probably posted something similar in the importer thread. (I never realised you created the shaped sheet AND the importer. :P )
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I don't have time to look at this tonight, but I will look at it tomorrow. Some options to fix it: Try to prevent minificaiton Setup the selects to be changeable as they should've been in the first place. With this I'd want to be able to edit the values via API.

Edited 1435527835
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We LOVE using your sheet, it was what pushed us to go from 2e to 5e on here :) I have a small, but perhaps odd request, which not sure if anyone else could even use, or need or too much/worth the hassle. We are using custom ratios on the money charts. instead of 100/10/2/1/*10 we are doing straight 10 to 1 on each to end up with 1000/100/10/1/*10 as our GM wants to keep that oldschool 2e "gold is very very valuable, and your well off if you have a few gold" feel going. As it is now, we are doing it the cumbersome way of setting custom sheet, and updating the html/css every time you push an update and then going back in and editing the line that does the 'total gold value' calculation. Not sure if it would be popular enough, or if anyone else alters the money ratios for their game, but if so could we grovel for an option in the 'settings' tab for custom ratio values to 1G? That defaults to book values so those that dont care about it can just use it out of the box, but others could tweak it?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
William R. said: We LOVE using your sheet, it was what pushed us to go from 2e to 5e on here :) I have a small, but perhaps odd request, which not sure if anyone else could even use, or need or too much/worth the hassle. We are using custom ratios on the money charts. instead of 100/10/2/1/*10 we are doing straight 10 to 1 on each to end up with 1000/100/10/1/*10 as our GM wants to keep that oldschool 2e "gold is very very valuable, and your well off if you have a few gold" feel going. As it is now, we are doing it the cumbersome way of setting custom sheet, and updating the html/css every time you push an update and then going back in and editing the line that does the 'total gold value' calculation. Not sure if it would be popular enough, or if anyone else alters the money ratios for their game, but if so could we grovel for an option in the 'settings' tab for custom ratio values to 1G? Thanks for the feedback! It's not significantly challenging so I'll look into it this next week. Should be fairly easy.

Edited 1435528129
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That would be awesome, I know its a niche type request, and I normally could handle it myself as its a small change, just your sheet is so complex and all encompassing, it likes to choke the custom tab when you use it that way at times :). Also forgot to mention, not sure if its intended, but in the new weapons 'bonuses' is the only one that gets applied regardless if its toggled. For example you can fill in attack, emote, dmg, etc and grey it out, and it ignores it until its 'checked', Bonuses always gets read and used. We have a barb that was trying to just set bonuses for frenzy/rage and toggle it as he need it, but say you set +4 atk in bonuses and toggle it off, it still reads it and uses it in the output.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Frenzy should be done via the Bonuses & Penalties, really. It does always apply. I will set it to not.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thats fine, dont need to change it. The core tab bonuses and penalties is how we decided to do it. have him set it 0, or bonus, as needed. No need to change the sheet for that, just wasnt sure if it was working as you planned. if it is then all is well :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
William R. said: Thats fine, dont need to change it. The core tab bonuses and penalties is how we decided to do it. have him set it 0, or bonus, as needed. No need to change the sheet for that, just wasnt sure if it was working as you planned. if it is then all is well :) It shows on the weapons tab as well. Bonuses should change though - their way of working isn't intended. It should be dependent on the toggle.
So, Mark, :) buddy... sorry to add to your workload, but when I try using the Multiattack macro with Whisper options turned on, I get the message: "Unable to find a player or character with name: GM/w" but if I click the attacks individually, it whispers them to me just fine.
First, let me say the shaped sheet has been a god send for me since I started using it. I much prefer the layout to the previous sheet. There are so many nice things making the game run more smoothly as a result. One (hopefully) minor thing that would be nice to have on the NPC sheet is for the attack save to include an option for "escape" in addition to strength, dex, et al. A lot of the grappling attacks in the MM set an "escape" dc, which would be a dex or strength save at the player's discretion. It's not necessary at all, but it would be a nice option to have. Similarly, on the NPC sheet, it'd be nice to list how many times a day an ability may be used in the "action" section. Again, this is pretty minor, but it'd be helpful for creatures that have innate spellcasting that permits each spell be cast a certain number of times a day rather than using spell slots like the PCs. An unrelated question I have is whether anyone else has run into a problem using the multiattack option on the NPC sheet? On some of the newer monsters I've put in, the multiattack is only tacking on the damage modifier and is no longer rolling the damage dice. When you look at the output, it returns "Rolling 0+3+(0)+(0)+0d0=0+3+(0)+(0)+()". I'm using %{selected|meleeattack1} in the multiattack section. That same code works fine with previous monsters I've used. The attack itself works fine as well when rolled off the sheet so it's only something happening with the multiattack.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
DM Korgul said: So, Mark, :) buddy... sorry to add to your workload, but when I try using the Multiattack macro with Whisper options turned on, I get the message: "Unable to find a player or character with name: GM/w" but if I click the attacks individually, it whispers them to me just fine. Same issue as output options.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Brian B. said: First, let me say the shaped sheet has been a god send for me since I started using it. I much prefer the layout to the previous sheet. There are so many nice things making the game run more smoothly as a result. Thanks! I'm glad you and others like it! :) Brian B. said: One (hopefully) minor thing that would be nice to have on the NPC sheet is for the attack save to include an option for "escape" in addition to strength, dex, et al. A lot of the grappling attacks in the MM set an "escape" dc, which would be a dex or strength save at the player's discretion. It's not necessary at all, but it would be a nice option to have. In general a save is meant to be treated as a "save or effect". The escape stuff should be specified in the effects - that's how the importer does it as well. Brian B. said: Similarly, on the NPC sheet, it'd be nice to list how many times a day an ability may be used in the "action" section. Again, this is pretty minor, but it'd be helpful for creatures that have innate spellcasting that permits each spell be cast a certain number of times a day rather than using spell slots like the PCs. Spells should be done on the spellcasting page, not action page. NPCs do indeed not use spell slots, but tracking how many spells used there might not be the best choice either. It would work for single NPCs that you'll use once, but wouldn't work if you have 5 of the same spellcasting NPC. To do that route I'd just set a field of "uses" on the spells for NPCs. But I don't think that's really a good solution as it only works for single NPCs. Brian B. said: An unrelated question I have is whether anyone else has run into a problem using the multiattack option on the NPC sheet? On some of the newer monsters I've put in, the multiattack is only tacking on the damage modifier and is no longer rolling the damage dice. When you look at the output, it returns "Rolling 0+3+(0)+(0)+0d0=0+3+(0)+(0)+()". I'm using %{selected|meleeattack1} in the multiattack section. That same code works fine with previous monsters I've used. The attack itself works fine as well when rolled off the sheet so it's only something happening with the multiattack. I'd have to see a screenshot to verify what is going on here. That doesn't make sense as the multiattack just rolls the attacks directly. There may be some itneraction with the output bug above, but I dobut it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Good news on the settings front: Aaron says there is a way to loop through all sheets (filterObjs). The documentation seems to agree. I'll have to test it out later tonight.
Mark, continued good work. Thanks! I see postings here and in the NPC topic about multiattack. Is that just for NPCs or does the PC also have these tags in the template? Would you be able to add it via something that Actoba did since it seems you have done so for NPCs anyway? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... thanks H
Mark said: Good news on the settings front: Aaron says there is a way to loop through all sheets (filterObjs). The documentation seems to agree. I'll have to test it out later tonight. Awesome! Thanks Mark.

Edited 1435583603
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have done some refactoring to the settings tab. All of the settings at the top (initiative to tracker, rolling to GM, etc) will be lost. I've done this to fix the bug mentioned above and to ensure that things can be changed in the future. Which means I've had to change names and set hidden input names as the values so I can change those values in the future. I will commit this code in about 2-2.5 hrs. You will be able to use my API to change all of these settings for npcs, pcs, or all. I will commit this code at the same time. Some Examples: !shaped-settings pcs output_option show !shaped-settings pcs output_option hide !shaped-settings all death_save_output_option show !shaped-settings all death_save_output_option hide !shaped-settings npcs initiative_output_option show !shaped-settings npcs initiative_output_option hide !shaped-settings pcs initiative_to_tracker yes !shaped-settings pcs initiative_to_tracker no !shaped-settings all initiative_tie_breaker yes !shaped-settings all initiative_tie_breaker no !shaped-settings npcs show_character_name yes !shaped-settings npcs show_character_name no !shaped-settings all attacks_vs_target_ac yes !shaped-settings all attacks_vs_target_ac no I've tested them all so they should work. There are some good error messages in both the chat and the log if you do not format it correctly. This should solve the issue immediately for all Mentors. Non-mentors are screwed, but in most cases they would simply only have to change the settings a few times for their PCs. New feature is to always hide initiative - I'll, personally, always use it for NPCs so the PCs don't know how many there are. @Greg: You'll notice that I've also set the thing for showing name on roll templates. On both import and in this settings adjuster.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
H said: I see postings here and in the NPC topic about multiattack. Is that just for NPCs or does the PC also have these tags in the template? Would you be able to add it via something that Actoba did since it seems you have done so for NPCs anyway? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... You've seen my comments on multiple attacks for PCs: Mark said: Multiple attacks in 1 macro: I think these are bad by design. For example if you have hunter's mark you need to add it to each. If you have colossus slayer you need to add it to only 1. Other issues occur in that a target may use shield if they see that the attacker is making multiple attacks or that those multiple attacks rolled well. Whereas if you roll them individually they do not have this other metagame info. I actually don't use multiattack for NPCs now due to the same reasons. Often the PC will shield, or the NPC will switch targets, etc. The other concern is adding it to the UI would be quite difficult as you'd have to add it for every weapon individually - lots of work and I wouldn't prioritize it over other things. That said I can support it via the roll template. It's still a fair amount of work (~2-3 hrs). I'll add it to my TODO.
Mark said: I have done some refactoring to the settings tab. All of the settings at the top (initiative to tracker, rolling to GM, etc) will be lost. I've done this to fix the bug mentioned above and to ensure that things can be changed in the future. Which means I've had to change names and set hidden input names as the values so I can change those values in the future. I will commit this code in about 2-2.5 hrs. You will be able to use my API to change all of these settings for npcs, pcs, or all. I will commit this code at the same time. Some Examples: !shaped-settings pcs output_option show !shaped-settings pcs output_option hide !shaped-settings all death_save_output_option show !shaped-settings all death_save_output_option hide !shaped-settings npcs initiative_output_option show !shaped-settings npcs initiative_output_option hide !shaped-settings pcs initiative_to_tracker yes !shaped-settings pcs initiative_to_tracker no !shaped-settings all initiative_tie_breaker yes !shaped-settings all initiative_tie_breaker no !shaped-settings npcs show_character_name yes !shaped-settings npcs show_character_name no !shaped-settings all attacks_vs_target_ac yes !shaped-settings all attacks_vs_target_ac no I've tested them all so they should work. There are some good error messages in both the chat and the log if you do not format it correctly. This should solve the issue immediately for all Mentors. Non-mentors are screwed, but in most cases they would simply only have to change the settings a few times for their PCs. New feature is to always hide initiative - I'll, personally, always use it for NPCs so the PCs don't know how many there are. @Greg: You'll notice that I've also set the thing for showing name on roll templates. On both import and in this settings adjuster. Amazing work Mark... I look forward to testing it later, this is going to save me so many headaches. The hide initiative for NPCs that puts it in so only the DM sees where they are in the initiative? If so GENIUS! :)
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API Scripter
Ya, if you could test it that'd be great. I pulled back my pull request from the main sheet until I'm sure this bug can be fixed with this. Hopefully this works so I can update the sheet for everyone. Hide initiative hides the initiative macro roll to the GM, same as death saves or the normal "output_option" does. It doesn't hide their position on the tracker - the only way for that to happen is if the monster is on the GM layer.

Edited 1435588871
Mark said: Gerwin B. said: Would it be possible to add Class DC's to the Class Actions Output options? (Much like Dave DC for spells) Class actions are open ended. You can put whatever you want in there. Here is the list of spell DCs if you want to reference them. @{arcane_trickster_spell_dc} @{bard_spell_dc} @{cleric_spell_dc} @{druid_spell_dc} @{eldritch_knight_spell_dc} @{monk_spell_dc} @{paladin_spell_dc} @{ranger_spell_dc} @{sorcerer_spell_dc} @{warlock_spell_dc} @{wizard_spell_dc} Is there a possibility to make the DC look better, like the spelcasting Saving Throw when using a spell? My ability of coding is quite limited.

Edited 1435589720
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API Scripter
I would do it like such: • DC [[@{monk_spell_dc}]] Str or be knocked prone • DC [[@{monk_spell_dc}]] Dex or be pushed 15 feet away • It can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn.
Mark said: That said I can support it via the roll template. It's still a fair amount of work (~2-3 hrs). I'll add it to my TODO. This is greatly appreciated and all I really want anyway. Sorry it took me so long to get to the actual request. One last question. When I add template tags like {{attack...}} and {{attack_adv...} they immediately go to the top of the template. Maybe {{outputall=1}} will fix this but our version has not been updated to the latest so I can not check it. If not, is there a way to suppress the attacks to the a particular place in the template? If not, I can live with it. I am just asking though. Here is the macro I am using where I want the attack to be at the end, before {{effect}}. &{template:5eDefault} {{attack_roll=1}} {{character_name=@{Lander Calben|character_name}}} @{Lander Calben|show_character_name} {{title=@{Lander Calben|repeating_weapons_melee_0_name}}} {{subheader2=Sentinel Feat}} {{Required = an attack on an ally within 5 ft of Lander and from an enemy within Lander's melee reach}} {{ = or an enemy **disengages** and leaves Lander's melee reach}} {{Action = Reaction Melee Attack}} @{Lander Calben|repeating_weapons_melee_0_macro_options} @{Lander Calben|classactionmeleeweapon}} @{Lander Calben|repeating_weapons_melee_0_macro} {{Effect = if the attack is successful, the enemy's speed becomes [[0]] for the rest of its turn}} H
Mark said: I would do it like such: • DC [[@{monk_spell_dc}]] Str or be knocked prone • DC [[@{monk_spell_dc}]] Dex or be pushed 15 feet away • It can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn. Ah, thank you very kindly! It works like a charm.
Sheet Author
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H said: One last question. When I add template tags like {{attack...}} and {{attack_adv...} they immediately go to the top of the template. Maybe {{outputall=1}} will fix this but our version has not been updated to the latest so I can not check it. If not, is there a way to suppress the attacks to the a particular place in the template? If not, I can live with it. I am just asking though. This is due to how roll templates work. I have to choose an order for them to display and that order cannot be adjusted on the fly or via any parameters that I know of. Unfortunately they will appear in the same order as the code: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... You could avoid this with outputall only if you use fields that are not already defined. If there is some reordering that needs to happen please let me know.
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Gerwin B. said: Ah, thank you very kindly! It works like a charm. :) Glad I could help. I need to eventually revamp the class resources to allow for cool stuff like saves and effects, but not sure it would be able to handle multiple things like this.

Edited 1435591715
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API Scripter
29th June 2015 Added a setting to always hide initiative Refactored the settings page completely. See <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Removed from my TODO. Api is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... if you're unaware of it. I would highly recommend using it to change settings. @Greg: If you could test it within the next 24hrs I'd appreciate it.