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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
Just thought I would share a post from Julix that shows how you can insert a images into your roll template macros. Very cool! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1435510191
My attack macros are not reporting iterative attacks, but when I click the button in the character sheet it is. Am I missing something? I'm just copying the auto-attack button text into the macro field like always, but it doesn't show any of the iterative attacks unless I click on the button next to the attack in the character sheet. EDIT Oh I see, the pre-set attack buttons don't report iterative attacks. Is that gonna be a thing later?
Sheet Author
Hi Stephen. Repeating items are a boon for the character sheets, but unfortunately they lack some of the basic features that we have with normal attributes. For now, toggling iterative attacks are a repeating item only feature. You can manually include iterative attacks as a token/ability macro (see example above). If we can get some improvements to repeating items, then including iterative attacks with the button bar will probably become a "thing". :-) Please add a comment/vote if you can to Official support for repeating sections in character sheets Cheers
Woah nelly. Okydoke, my players can just click the button in the character sheet for now. haha. Thanks, Vince
Thank you all so much for this, every time I log on, there is something new and unexpected to discover!!! Any chance of having "Flat-Footed" be added as a settable Condition in the Conditions area?
Sheet Author
Sarjenka A said: Thank you all so much for this, every time I log on, there is something new and unexpected to discover!!! Any chance of having "Flat-Footed" be added as a settable Condition in the Conditions area? Interesting. How was that overlooked...? My knee jerk reaction is I think that can happen. :-)
Forum Champion
I may have missed this in several variations of the thread. Is there a reason that the weapon macros don't have a default setting of 0 instead of requiring players to add it in themselves? I've had basically every player not familiar with the sheet make that mistake and wonder why they aren't getting bonuses to hit and damage. (note: I have no idea how to create sheets, just basic macros. Sorry if this is a noob question or if its already been answered.)
Um, from what I understand the default value of any attribute in roll20's character sheet is 'null', meaning you must enter something into the value. Even if the attribute has a default value it is still considered empty by default. The reason for this is to reduce the load on the database I expect, but I could be wrong. Its inconvenient and annoying but its better than every field having a value from the start. Which would cause everything to run as slow as molasses in an Alaskan winter.
Sorry for making a second post in a row, the new PF template is vastly improved to the old but, I still have to say there is just something off about having everything laid out vertically. Just strikes me as unnatural, perhaps its just psychological. What with typing normally represented L-R horizontal. That being said, I was wondering, if I might ask for some assistance. I have a version of the character sheet that I'm using based on the previous (beginning of the month) version of the sheet. I have created a non-repeating version of that character sheet. I've tried to convert that layout character sheet layout to work and I've had too many difficulties. Is there any suggestions that might be helpful, it would be very much appreciated. I know, its a lot of extra work and extra lines to have non-repeating sections for spells but I prefer them and my players do as well. I try and keep my version of the sheet up to date with the current to make sure its compatible, any assistance would be appreciated. If you think you might be able to assist you can pm me or even reply here and I'll send you a link to it.

Edited 1435732934
Sheet Author
Franky H. said: I may have missed this in several variations of the thread. Is there a reason that the weapon macros don't have a default setting of 0 instead of requiring players to add it in themselves? I've had basically every player not familiar with the sheet make that mistake and wonder why they aren't getting bonuses to hit and damage. (note: I have no idea how to create sheets, just basic macros. Sorry if this is a noob question or if its already been answered.) Hi Franky . Repeating items must have something done to the attribute in or for it to be created. I agree that whatever default value is assigned to repeating item should be it's value. Unfortunately that's not case. This is one of repeating items limitations. Hopefully roll20's devs will find a way to improve upon repeating items shortcomings. Cheers Obligatory link: Official support for repeating sections in character sheets :-)

Edited 1435725111
Sheet Author
Toby, I'm working out of town this week and next(hotel wifi and an antiquated laptop), so it's probably not the best time for me to try taking on a side project... ;-( Appologies. Since the PF sheets entire spell system uses repeating items you are going to have to come up with a completely static set of attributes. Seems like a huge undertaking. Repeating items offer a very powerful function for handling lots of repeating attributes. Limitations aside.
My apologies, I mis-typed. I am trying adapt iterative attacks to work with static attacks. The code is rather long and complicated. I have my own version of the iterative attacks myself but they use greater than compare equations to activate show/hide mechanics in the roll templates. Which means, Four attacks maxed based on the BAB of the character.... Which also means that every single roll is made, but not displayed. From click to display in chat it takes about 2 seconds to process every roll... Not very efficient. As for non-repeating for spells, yeah... thats not possible, not possible at all. Although, I did make some modifications to the repeating sections to add spell school selection drop box, attack roll calc and damage calc on my sheet. The spell school calc, displays the school and allows me to have 7 fields dedicated to spell-focus modifiers so I dont need to change modifiers to EVERY single spell of that school if I gain the feat. Attack rolls just have fields that simplify spell attack and damage macros, which display in the description tab.

Edited 1436138601
Sheet Author
Updates coming I've made a few more additions to the PF sheet. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> added Flat-Footed as a condition that can be toggled from the conditions area (affects AC, Touch, and CMD) changed Skill macro text fields to be &lt;textarea&gt;. This now matches other macro text fields on the sheet and will allow line breaks for API usage. added optional note toggles to the NPC section for attacks and saves. various formatting fixes/tweaks, including adding a light border around repeating items and removing the &lt;hr&gt; between the rows of repeats toying around with the idea of adding a small icon to the header of pf_attack, pf_spell, and pf_defense. Maybe pf_generic and pf_block as well...? If you like the image idea, any suggestions for pf_generic and pf_block template headers? I grabbed the images from the awesome site <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thoughts/comments in general ? Thanks, Vince
If you could make the attack icon change depending on the attack type: i.e. Melee, Ranged, and Combat Maneuver, I would appreciate it.

Edited 1436168100
I really like the icon idea! For generic templates it might be worth considering one of the "book" tagged icons? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Also the 2nd – 8th attacks are fantastic! (didn't see them before, in case they are an old update)
Sheet Author
Simon I like the idea of changing the header icon depending on the attack-type... not sure how I can implement that though. The current selector for attack-type just pulls the formulas used for melee, ranged, and cmd. Maybe I can add a new radio or selector, but I would rather have this automated if possible. I'll see what I can come up with. Martin W Those were some of the icons I considered as well for the generic roll template. The iterative attacks were added recently. They only work from the repeating attacks, although you can manually create token/ability macros for them if you wish. See above . BTW If you have existing macros that you would like to include iterative attacks and/or note toggles, make sure to include the attributes @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} into your macro-text. You can just paste them in after {{description=@{notes}}} if you like. Cheers
I think the icons look fantastic! Great improvement to the overall esthetics; they fit the style of the template and tie everything neatly together. I like the idea of a book icon for the block templates (they are used for class skills and feats and the like, right?). /K
Sheet Author
Karankwan said: I think the icons look fantastic! Great improvement to the overall esthetics; they fit the style of the template and tie everything neatly together. I like the idea of a book icon for the block templates (they are used for class skills and feats and the like, right?). /K When I first saw the icons on I was blown away at the "detailed simplicity" expressed in the icons. It's hard deciding which icons are the best. There isn't a bad one in the bunch. Yes, the pf_block roll template is used for nearly all other rolls on the sheet aside from attacks and spells. pf_generic is a good catch-all for anyone that wants to make their own macros. Similar to roll20's &{template:default}

Edited 1436218306
What if for the individual attack options, you changed the Attack Notes, Ranged Notes, and CMB Notes into radio options instead of check marks, by clicking on the associated radio menu, you decide what icon to use, you could also include two more, one for melee touch attack and ranged touch attack. EDIT: I also think it would be nice if: o Spells had radio image options for Bursts, Blasts, Rays, Melee Touch, Ranged Touch, Buffs, Area Control, Healing, Debuffs, Curses, Enchantment School of Magic (i.e. evocation, illusion, enchantment, etc), Custom (with Blank spot for image url), or None. o specific skills had images such as Stealth and Perception.
Sheet Author
Simon said: What if for the individual attack options, you changed the Attack Notes, Ranged Notes, and CMB Notes into radio options instead of check marks, by clicking on the associated radio menu, you decide what icon to use, you could also include two more, one for melee touch attack and ranged touch attack. Great idea Simon. Consider it done. It's on the beta <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm not sold on adding the touch attack options though. ;-( What would be the benefit? - The header image for the attack roll template will now change depending on the attack-type note options you select (melee, ranged, and cmd). You will see the notes, if present, and the image will change. Here are the current roll template header images. Subject to change depending on public opinion. :-) Roll Template pf_attack melee pf_attack ranged pf_attack cmd pf_defense pf_spell pf_block pf_generic header image
Sheet Author
Simon said: What if for the individual attack options, you changed the Attack Notes, Ranged Notes, and CMB Notes into radio options instead of check marks, by clicking on the associated radio menu, you decide what icon to use, you could also include two more, one for melee touch attack and ranged touch attack. EDIT: I also think it would be nice if: o Spells had radio image options for Bursts, Blasts, Rays, Melee Touch, Ranged Touch, Buffs, Area Control, Healing, Debuffs, Curses, Enchantment School of Magic (i.e. evocation, illusion, enchantment, etc), Custom (with Blank spot for image url), or None. o specific skills had images such as Stealth and Perception. I may have opened Pandora's Box... lol
Sheet Author
Thoughts on the current beta? Do you think adding images to the roll template header is too heavy-handed? Should I make a PR for the current beta? Thanks
Vince said: Just thought I would share a post from Julix that shows how you can insert a images into your roll template macros. Very cool! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks for the mention ! I was just looking for the thread with my post in it to see if there were reactions, and found this thread first, so it was handy and made me feel good. :) To answer your question from over there (where it's locked now - sorry for the delay), they were all unmodified communitiy sheet based - which means they will work perfectly with the Pathfinder sheet that is ontopic here.

Edited 1436703894
Jason H.
KS Backer
Suggestion: Use a URL shortener for the link to this post in the foot of the character sheet template so it's not such a chore to type into the URLspace to get here. Alternately, assuming it's possible, make the URL a link.
Problem: I have a character whose attributes, if changed on the template, aren't updating the values in the "Attributes & Abilities" tab. Is there something you can suggest to fix this?
Sheet Author
Jason H. said: Suggestion: Use a URL shortener for the link to this post in the foot of the character sheet template so it's not such a chore to type into the URLspace to get here. Alternately, assuming it's possible, make the URL a link. Unfortunately IFAIK, we can't have links from the character sheet. ;-( I recently changed the footer so that you can highlight the url and copy/paste to make things easier. It's still on the beta version, but will be pushed to the community sheet with the next update. Thanks for the feedback Jason.

Edited 1436723606
Sheet Author
Jason H. said: Problem: I have a character whose attributes, if changed on the template, aren't updating the values in the "Attributes & Abilities" tab. Is there something you can suggest to fix this? Can you give the specific attributes Jason? BTW, If these are repeating item attributes or disabled input fields(auto-calculated attributes), by design or limitation..., they do not get added to the Attributes & Abilities tab, although you can still pull their value by the attribute's name.
Sheet Author
Julix said: Vince said: Just thought I would share a post from Julix that shows how you can insert a images into your roll template macros. Very cool! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks for the mention ! I was just looking for the thread with my post in it to see if there were reactions, and found this thread first, so it was handy and made me feel good. :) To answer your question from over there (where it's locked now - sorry for the delay), they were all unmodified communitiy sheet based - which means they will work perfectly with the Pathfinder sheet that is ontopic here. It's all good Julix. I thought the additions of images in your macros was inspiring and creative. I recently added a roll template header image to help indicate the roll template (and attack type) used. Hopefully this change won't bother any custom changes that users have made. I tried to make them as unintrusive as possible. Cheers
Thanks Vince. I think the icons are an awesome idea. Another wish list item (or maybe me just not understanding how the sheet works): is it possible to alphabetize stuff within the character sheet (for example, items in the inventory, feats, special abilities, etc.)?
Sheet Author
Danny S. said: Thanks Vince. I think the icons are an awesome idea. Another wish list item (or maybe me just not understanding how the sheet works): is it possible to alphabetize stuff within the character sheet (for example, items in the inventory, feats, special abilities, etc.)? That would be a great feature Danny. Unfortunately, the way repeating items currently work, it is not possible to rearrange the repeating items on character sheets. Add and Modify(Delete and Done) are the only features allowed. Please comment and/or add a vote to this suggestion. Obligatory link: Official support for repeating sections in character sheets :-)
Got it and done. Thanks. I'm pretty new to Roll20, if you haven't figured that out already :)
Sheet Author
PR submitted Pathfinder - Neceros (tabbed) update #935 Latest changes working on pf_attack (and other roll templates) to tighten up chat output. added float, min-width, and display:inline to inline rolls to add more consistency in roll results. added the Flat-Footed condition. This will affect AC, Touch AC and CMD minor footer update to allow copy/paste of url to forum thread changed Skill macro text fields to &lt;textarea&gt; &lt;/textarea&gt; to support line breaks and match existing macro text fields on the sheet. added NPC Saving Throw Options/toggles for additional "defensive" notes added NPC Attack Options/toggles for additional "attack-related" notes removed &lt;hr&gt; from repeating items and added a light grey border to help differentiate the rows. continued working on roll template formatting added some small images to the roll template header (sword, shield,magic palm, etc...)
Sheet Author
We ready for a new thread yet? lol
Vince said: PR submitted Pathfinder - Neceros (tabbed) update #935 Latest changes working on pf_attack (and other roll templates) to tighten up chat output. added float, min-width, and display:inline to inline rolls to add more consistency in roll results. added the Flat-Footed condition. This will affect AC, Touch AC and CMD minor footer update to allow copy/paste of url to forum thread changed Skill macro text fields to &lt;textarea&gt; &lt;/textarea&gt; to support line breaks and match existing macro text fields on the sheet. added NPC Saving Throw Options/toggles for additional "defensive" notes added NPC Attack Options/toggles for additional "attack-related" notes removed &lt;hr&gt; from repeating items and added a light grey border to help differentiate the rows. continued working on roll template formatting added some small images to the roll template header (sword, shield,magic palm, etc...) Okay so I have tried out the new templates, and I think that we should add the following change: Make the image header for feat be different from inventory equipment. Other than that, I absolutely approve of the changes.
Sheet Author
I really just wanted to get the ball rolling with the addition of a header image. Currently there is an image for each roll template with the exception of attacks which have 3 depending on the attack more toggled. I'll keep on it and probably add even more images and possibly an image header url attribute for customization.
Please forgive me if I missed it in the earlier posts. I did a bit of a search: Is there a bug list and roadmap functionality list somewhere that people can vote on and discuss stuff issue by issue? I would like to help, but I have no idea if there is a good list of bugs or additions somewhere that I could go through and try to pick up a few small things and then generate a PR. Thanks,
Sheet Author
Hi Chris. Nothing near that organized. Lol Usually the current pathfinder thread is where you can discuss the sheet. If anyone finds a bug and makes a post it becomes poriority one. Sam used to handle everything in regards to the sheet. Life has pulled Sam away and a few of us have contributed since, mainly Nibrodooh, Samuel, and myself. If there's anything you would like to contribute, it's best to mention it publicly here or you can PM me as well. Help is always appreciated.
Sheet Author
Proposal for enhancing the newly added roll template header images; I was going to create a template property for {{header_image}} and include it in all roll templates. This would allow you to enter your own images for the header. ie {{header_image=[foo](URL)}} The default header_image used for each roll template would be displayed unless a custom one is provided. I could also add {{header_image=[foo](default URL)}} to each of the sheet's macro-text fields so that all you would have to change would be the URL. This would allow you to customize any macro on/off the sheet to include your own header_image. Thoughts?
I think I only slightly prefer the second over the first option presented. Another recommendation is that you take a look at the 3.5 character sheet if you have not done so and scroll down to the bottom. They have a block hidden which if I recall correctly is called roll templates. It there has each of the roll templates and a short description for each aswell as their properties. If such could be added to the Pathfinder Sheet, I would appreciate it. It would allow creating macros much easier as it means I dont have to go to and from the wiki.
The update that is currently running claims to have last been updated on the 17th of December 2015 - just fyi in case no one mentioned it. The reason I'm actually writing, is because I like the idea of a character sheet option tab among the other ones on the sheet. There aren't many things (yet) that need to be toggled for the entire sheet, but having a tab like that might be nice for including advanced options like turning off or customizing the images used for the icons above. I'm sure other uses for it would come up... I'd like to hide all the automatic roll buttons for example, the repeating buttons never quite work for me as they don't seem to be considering the content of the macro associated with the thing they're rolling, and I mostly customize the makro heavily. (Man would it be awesome if we could make the button next to the ability a token makro, currently I copy the makros and edit them for being reference specific and then put that into a ability that is shown on token) -- but others like them a lot. Actually while playing with the skill list I just found that while I can edit the makro the icons are now really in the templates themselves, and thus can not be edited without mentor access (and even then only while losing access to automatic updates of the sheet when I understand correctly). There needs to be an option to toggle on or off the use of images. I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement... maybe have more templates available? And it would be much more useful to me if there was a way to externalize the image source such that the template calls upon something that can be edited by the user... Actually all things considered, I'd prefer not to have the icons over not having the option of not having them. That is to say if I can't deactivate or change them, I'd rather not have them at all, as they're messing with my ability to place other images in that space (see the dog attack in the thread we talked about earlier) while still using the template that I find most useful for displaying the content. It makes for a great optional feature. And I think we'll come up with many more. We should have an options tab. :)
Sheet Author
Hi Julix. Where are you seeing the date? The footer of the sheet will show the latest update, which currently shows 06.27.2015 but will be 07.12.2015 as soon as the server picks up the latest PR. I'm working on adding a new roll template property {{header_image}} which allows anyone to modify their macro to include a custom image. Right now, it will default to an image provided "in-sheet" if one isn't provided within the macro. ie {{header_image=[something(URL)]}} will override the default. I would like to implement a way to toggle the header images off as well and I'll work on that. I also like the idea of a "Configuration" page, which we actually do have in a tab(currently hidden from the public), but we had too little options to warrant the use. I have to admit that my limited coding skills would be the biggest hurdle in fully implementing a dedicated page. The PF sheet is huge (9700+ lines of code) and has become rather complicated/complex. Anyone that has the skills and is willing to stick some time in to help is more than welcome. I'll also work on updating the wiki for roll templates as well as work a "roll template info" section into the sheet to help with the templates. Got to run.
I'm having an issue with using caster level on the sheet. I have caster level of 1 filled in, and a misc of 2. No matter what I do to roll the dice, even making my own listed macro under pathfinder help, it rolls a d20+1. It never rolls a d20+3. Am I doing something wrong?

Edited 1437345731
Sheet Author
Andrew P. said: I'm having an issue with using caster level on the sheet. I have caster level of 1 filled in, and a misc of 2. No matter what I do to roll the dice, even making my own listed macro under pathfinder help, it rolls a d20+1. It never rolls a d20+3. Am I doing something wrong? That's a bug. {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{spellclass-1-level} ]] ]]}} should be {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{spellclass-1-level- total } ]] ]]}} I'll get it fixed. Thank you. UPDATE: Done. PR submitted. Pathfinder (tabbed) #948
When testing the sheet out in the new interface I noticed that the background coloring on class features and ability rolls is missing and can give some weird results:
Sheet Author
Togainu said: When testing the sheet out in the new interface I noticed that the background coloring on class features and ability rolls is missing and can give some weird results: That's not good...&nbsp; Strange, I'm not seeing any issues on my campaigns... &nbsp;Anyone else noticing this?

Edited 1437518113
Both me and a fellow player are having that issue currently. Also this is only with the class feature and abilities section under class and feats. You seem to be currently using a spell
Can we get a legacy character sheet of the old version? You've managed to destroy every custom attack macro in two campaigns.
Detoxicity said: Can we get a legacy character sheet of the old version? You've managed to destroy every custom attack macro in two campaigns. I agree with Detoxicity, I would like a legacy template. With the old version, I could have multiple roll results in the same line which takes up WAY less lines in the chat than the current setup, especially for full attacks.

Edited 1437520164
Sheet Author
Togainu said: Both me and a fellow player are having that issue currently. Also this is only with the class feature and abilities section under class and feats. You seem to be currently using a spell You're correct Togainu. &nbsp;The inline roll background is set to transparent but should be black like the other roll templates. &nbsp;I'll get it changed with the next PR. Thank you. submitted:&nbsp; Pathfinder - Neceros(tabbed) #955
Sheet Author
Detoxicity said: Can we get a legacy character sheet of the old version? You've managed to destroy every custom attack macro in two campaigns. Can you please elaborate on how your macros are broken so that we can figure out the exact problem and a solution? &nbsp;Thanks