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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
Zanthrax, the @{notes} field is input type="text"(which is meant for a single line of text) rather than a textarea field(multi-lines of text), so I don't think line breaks will be recognized. That said, maybe we should change it into a textarea field to accommodate line breaks if there is a need... You could add your additional notes to the macro text if you are using the repeating attack button.  {{more notes=some additional info}} {{even more notes=some additional info}}
I may do that Vince. I've been trying to avoid altering the default macros though, so that as the sheet evolves, I don't wind up with a bunch of macros based on outdated versions. I don't know if it's worth changing the @{notes} to a textarea, but if there's a way to get a line break between it and the notes fields, that would improve the layout on its own. (Although that's easy enough to work around by just starting all the attack notes fields with a blank line.)
Sheet Author
I'll have a look at changing the weapon notes to be a textarea field.  I think all the macro text as well as other note-based attributes are textarea fields.  I really don't see a downside.

Edited 1438758627
Sheet Author
On the beta sheet (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) I have removed some padding, reduced margins and min-width for the inlines. &nbsp;I have also changed weapon notes to a textarea that allows for line breaks. &nbsp;Please test.
Ahhh... Much improved! Thank you Vince, it's amazing the difference a space or two makes :)

Edited 1439081959
I don't know if anyone has requested this, but could we perhaps get some options (I'd suggest on the "Spellbook" tab) for some alternate magic systems? &nbsp;Dreamscarred Press' Psionics and Akasha in particular come to mind, as does Drop Dead Studios' Spheres of Power. &nbsp;DSP's Initiator maneuvers isn't spellcasting per se , but it is mechanically similar enough to warrant it. Something for powers known, maximum level for known Powers, and Power Points per day for Psionics, Maneuvers known and readied and Stances known for Initiators, and something else for magic systems like Akasha or Spheres of Power where you don't have different "levels" of spell-equivalents, but stuff instead scales with, say character level or point expenditure.
Sheet Author
Hi Kip. Expanding the PF sheet beyond core has been brought up before. &nbsp;Speaking for myself, it would be awesome to have a single sheet that could include every PF variant and/or addition, but it's probably not a realistic goal. &nbsp;Perhaps there's someone in the community that's familiar with all the PF additions and has the mad skills to accomplish it, but I haven't seen any volunteers... &nbsp;Other than the recent Unchained additions (skills and wound threshold, which can both be easily ignored) this version of the PF sheet remains squarely focused on core and I suspect that it will remain that way. That said, Pro accounts can customize a community sheet's source or create their own sheet entirely, so skies the limit for customization in that regard.
Is there a way to create a macro to pull only the Trained Skills & Skills that can be used without training from the Character Sheet?&nbsp; I have Generic macros for all my Knowledge checks and normal adventuring type skills but since they are generic some of my players still have to pull up their&nbsp; character sheets to see if they have the skill trained or not.

Edited 1440047101
Sheet Author
Kuthulu, I believe you would have to manually create a macro with all qualified skills included. &nbsp;Useable untrained skills are denoted on the sheet by an asterisk next to their name while trained skills would have at least 1+ rank. &nbsp;Maybe you could use a Skill query ( Thanks to&nbsp;Morbidsoul ) Mod/improve it by adding an *asterisk next to the useable untrained skills(Edit:DONE) and maybe each player could customize their macro by using **bold** for the trained ones... &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=Skill Check}} {{?{Choose a Skill&lt;br&gt;(* training not required)|&nbsp;*Acrobatics, Acrobatics = [[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Acrobatics} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Appraise, Appraise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Appraise} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Artistry, Artistry=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Artistry} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Bluff, Bluff=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Bluff} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Climb, Climb=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Climb} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Craft, Craft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Craft} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Diplomacy, Diplomacy=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Diplomacy} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Disable Device, Disable Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disable-Device} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Disguise, Disguise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disguise} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Escape Artist, Escape Artist=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Escape-Artist} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Fly, Fly=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Fly} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Handle Animal, Handle Animal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Handle-Animal} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Heal, Heal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Heal} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Intimidate, Intimidate=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Intimidate} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Arcana=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Arcana} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Dungeoneering, Knowledge Dungeoneering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Dungeoneering} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Engineering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Engineering} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Geography, Knowledge Geography=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Geography} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge History, Knowledge History=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-History} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Local, Knowledge Local=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Local} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Nature, Knowledge Nature=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nature} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Nobility, Knowledge Nobility=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nobility} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Planes=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Planes} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Religion, Knowledge Religion=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Religion} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Linguistics, Linguistics=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Linguistics} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Lore, Lore=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Lore} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Perception, Perception=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perception} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Perform, Perform=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perform} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Profession, Profession=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Profession} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Ride, Ride=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Ride} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Sense Motive, Sense Motive=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sense-Motive} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Sleight of Hand, Sleight of Hand=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sleight-of-Hand} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Spellcraft, Spellcraft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Spellcraft} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Stealth, Stealth=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Stealth} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Survival, Survival=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Survival} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Swim, Swim=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Swim} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Use Magic Device, Use Magic Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Use-Magic-Device} ]] ]]}}}
Thanks Vince!&nbsp; I'll give it a shot.&nbsp; I just didn't know if I was missing something on the character sheet.
Hello and thank you to all who have contributed efforts to this wonderful sheet. I'm running into a bit of a problem though. I'm trying to use the repeating_weapon_0_attack, yet it always seems to roll THREE d12 when it rolls damage, despite being very clearly tasked with rolling only 1. It also always seems to pick the best roll out of the 3, and ignore the rest. Additionally, as you may notice, the total DMG tab remains blank. One last thing, I'm trying to refer to the total attack tab in my macro, but it does not seem to work. It is certainly a user error on my part as I am only dabbling in macros. [[1d20cs2 + @{Daphnes|repeating_weapon_0_total-attack}]] What is wrong with this line? Ignore the cs2, I was testing the critical display feature, which did not seem to work.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jeremie D. said: [[1d20cs2 + @{Daphnes|repeating_weapon_0_total-attack}]] What is wrong with this line? Ignore the cs2, I was testing the critical display feature, which did not seem to work. I don't use the sheet so can't help with the rest but if you are testing the critical success to guarantee a green outline you want to insert a '&gt;' in there otherwise it will only consider it a critical success on a 2 rather than a 2+ [[1d20cs&gt;2]] Here is the&nbsp; wiki link for reference.
Jeremie D. said: I can see a something immediately: &nbsp; You should take the plus sign out of damage mods, only use the numeral if the mod is positive.&nbsp; Not sure if you've done it, but make sure you change the damage ability to something, anything, then back to "None," otherwise it returns a null set. &nbsp;You may have done this, in which case ignore this part. &nbsp; Not sure about why it's rolling 3 times and keeping the best result. &nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1439475236
Sheet Author
Jeremie, are you using the iterative attacks? &nbsp;If you are still having an issue with multiple damage, can you post the entire macro text for the repeating attack in question? &nbsp; Also, you cannot refer to the auto-calc fields that are within a repeating item. &nbsp;Sadly it's a limitation of repeating items(fieldset). &nbsp;You have to include the entire formula used for that repeating item instead. here's an example of how you can make your own attack macro using repeating items for attack 0 (note how totals are subsituted by including all attributes required for total-attack and total-damage) &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{repeating_weapon_0_name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_0_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_0_notes}}} @{macro_options}
Something I've noticed that would be nice: Let the NPC hp total automatically bump up for CON increases. &nbsp;One of my players recently picked up Augment Summon so we're going through ALL the summoned creatures we'd plugged on to sheets using the NPC tab. &nbsp;Having a field that automatically throws the CON bonus into the hp calculation would save a good bit of time there. &nbsp;
Joshua F. said: I can see a something immediately: &nbsp; You should take the plus sign out of damage mods, only use the numeral if the mod is positive.&nbsp; Not sure if you've done it, but make sure you change the damage ability to something, anything, then back to "None," otherwise it returns a null set. &nbsp;You may have done this, in which case ignore this part. &nbsp; Not sure about why it's rolling 3 times and keeping the best result. Taking out the plus seemed to help a bit. The total damage now displays correctly. Vince said: Jeremie, are you using the iterative attacks? &nbsp;If you are still having an issue with multiple damage, can you post the entire macro text for the repeating attack in question? &nbsp; Also, you cannot refer to the auto-calc fields that are within a repeating item. &nbsp;Sadly it's a limitation of repeating items(fieldset). &nbsp;You have to include the entire formula used for that repeating item instead. here's an example of how you can make your own attack macro using repeating items for attack 0 (note how totals are subsituted by including all attributes required for total-attack and total-damage) &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{repeating_weapon_0_name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_0_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_0_notes}}} @{macro_options} That is a shame, it would really cut down on the length of macros. Here is the macro text for the screenshot I posted above, now with a fixed damage mod (no more +) and an iterative attack at -5. &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{crit-target} ]] + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + [[ @{total-damage} ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ (@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]]d@{damage-die} + [[ (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{description=@{notes}}} @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} While the built-in macro is very nice, I would rather make my own, as I can add "misc modifier" queries while using the macro, for circumstancial things like charging, haste, point-blank, etc.
Sheet Author
Joshua F. said: Something I've noticed that would be nice: Let the NPC hp total automatically bump up for CON increases. &nbsp;One of my players recently picked up Augment Summon so we're going through ALL the summoned creatures we'd plugged on to sheets using the NPC tab. &nbsp;Having a field that automatically throws the CON bonus into the hp calculation would save a good bit of time there. &nbsp; You can modify the NPC HP formula to include CON-mod if you want. &nbsp;Maybe use something like (floor(((@{npc-hd}+1)/2) * @{npc-hd-num}) + [[ @{npc-hd-misc} + (@{CON-mod} * @{npc-hd-num})]])

Edited 1439580922
Kuthulu said: Is there a way to create a macro to pull only the Trained Skills & Skills that can be used without training from the Character Sheet?&nbsp; I have Generic macros for all my Knowledge checks and normal adventuring type skills but since they are generic some of my players still have to pull up their&nbsp; character sheets to see if they have the skill trained or not. Vince I thought about this a little longer about a way to implement this (after math trickery failing sadly enough. Would have like 0/0 to return 0 but unless you can override it in your javascript code I doubt that will work. Currently it just cancels the macro). Would it maybe be a good idea to do with trained/untrained as you do with class skills. Seeing there are archetypes and class features that make certain skills allowed to be used untrained (causing the current * indication to be incorrect sort of). At which point you could set the Max value of that skill to 0 or 1. Then we could just do&nbsp;@{Acrobatics-ranks|Max}*(1d20+@{Acrobatics}). This is something you could simulate currently by adding them yourself in the "Attributes & Abilities" tab. Edit: Yeah just math solution [[(ceil(@{Acrobatics-ranks}/(@{Acrobatics-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Acrobatics})]] This will work. However this should only be added to the skills you can't use untrained. They will show up as 0's while untrained and give the normal roll result when trained. Only downside is that the macro will show all rolls. Knowledge example (currently not generic): &{template:pf_generic} {{name=Knowledge}} {{Arcane:[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Arcana-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Arcana-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Arcana})]]=**Dungeon:**[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Dungeoneering-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Dungeoneering-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Dungeoneering})]]}} {{Engineer:[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Engineering-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Engineering-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Engineering})]]=**Geogphy:**[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Geography-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Geography-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Geography})]]}} {{History:[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-History-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-History-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-History})]]=**Local:**[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Local-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Local-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Local})]]}} {{Nature:[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Nature-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Nature-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Nature})]]=**Nobles:**[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Nobility-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Nobility-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Nobility})]]}} {{Planes:[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Planes-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Planes-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Planes})]]=**Religion:**[[(ceil(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Religion-ranks}/(@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Religion-ranks}+1)))*(1d20+@{Skiflusle|Knowledge-Religion})]]} Output:&nbsp;
So, I'm not sure if this has been addressed &nbsp;yet, but the initiative macro button on the Pathfinder Character sheet is broken AFAICT.&nbsp; Specifically there is an issue where the misc modifier to initiative is being added to the final roll twice & it is not being noted as a decimal beside the total result. I don't know the macros well enough to know for sure why this is happening, but it appears that the miscellaneous modifier isn't where it's supposed to be.&nbsp; The NPC had a dexterity modifier of 3, and I added a misc modifier of 7. After rolling a 3, the output said that she had an initiative of 20.03 The macro text reads:&nbsp; roll1d20 + (floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 = (3)+(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7&nbsp; It looks like the miscellaneous modifier isn't being multiplied into everything else, and/or that it's only taking the dexterity modifier into consideration.
Sheet Author
Squirrel Dude said: So, I'm not sure if this has been addressed &nbsp;yet, but the initiative macro button on the Pathfinder Character sheet is broken AFAICT.&nbsp; Specifically there is an issue where the misc modifier to initiative is being added to the final roll twice & it is not being noted as a decimal beside the total result. I don't know the macros well enough to know for sure why this is happening, but it appears that the miscellaneous modifier isn't where it's supposed to be.&nbsp; The NPC had a dexterity modifier of 3, and I added a misc modifier of 7. After rolling a 3, the output said that she had an initiative of 20.03 The macro text reads:&nbsp; roll1d20 + (floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 = (3)+(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7&nbsp; It looks like the miscellaneous modifier isn't being multiplied into everything else, and/or that it's only taking the dexterity modifier into consideration. Squirrel Dude, what version of the sheet are you using(check the footer date on the sheet)? &nbsp;I ask because every since roll templates were added to the sheet(March if I recall) the formula used for Initiative on the sheet is &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Initiative}} {{check=[[ (1d20 + [[ @{init} ]][init] + [[ abs(0.01 * @{init}) ]][tie-breaker]) &{tracker} ]]}} Thanks

Edited 1439810574
Vince said: Squirrel Dude said: The NPC had a dexterity modifier of 3, and I added a misc modifier of 7. After rolling a 3, the output said that she had an initiative of 20.03 The macro text reads:&nbsp; roll1d20 + (floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 = (3)+(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7&nbsp; Squirrel Dude, what version of the sheet are you using(check the footer date on the sheet)?&nbsp; Same problem here. footer says "Last updated: 08.08.2015" also on every roll(ability, skill, ini etc) with a modificator of 4 or higher there is just added mod-1, one below the actual modificator value (8+5 =12). On any roll wich mod is less than 4 everything is fine.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
I just tested this again with a brand new character and I'm not seeing anything like what you are describing... &nbsp;Do you have a Condition in effect on the sheet perhaps? &nbsp;:-)

Edited 1439824916
Vince said: &nbsp;Do you have a Condition in effect on the sheet perhaps? &nbsp;:-) Checked it: nope. Conditions: 0&nbsp; also tried and clicked some on/off, they are correctly taken into account (plus the -1 ofc)
Sheet Author
That's very strange Chri. &nbsp;Do you get the same results for a brand new character?

Edited 1439825862
this is a &nbsp;new char. our group just switched from another sheet to this one, but havn't played yet. hm. perhaps the automatic import broke it. will check that (also a new char at my own campaign) edit: ok, this modificator bug doesnt happen with a brand new char. perhaps it was the import, have to check with the players from the campaign this evening. but the initiative bug still exists even in my own campaign
Sheet Author
chri r. said: this is a &nbsp;new char. our group just switched from another sheet to this one, but havn't played yet. hm. perhaps the automatic import broke it. will check that (also a new char at my own campaign) edit: ok, this modificator bug doesnt happen with a brand new char. perhaps it was the import, have to check with the players from the campaign this evening. but the initiative bug still exists even in my own campaign You can try deleting all(or just the ones you feel are suspect) attributes listed in Attributes & Abilities tab of the journal. &nbsp;They will be recreated as needed by the sheet. As for the Initiative issue of adding the misc value twice. &nbsp;That's another strange one since I can't seem to reproduce that one either... MIsc:0 Mod:0 (DEX 10) Rolled:5 Misc:10 Mod:0 (DEX 10) Rolled:13 Misc:10 Mod:10 (DEX 30) Rolled:3 Can you do me a favor and post a similar test?
Vince said: You can try deleting &nbsp;the ones you feel are suspect attributes listed in Attributes & Abilities tab of the journal. &nbsp;They will be recreated as needed by the sheet. that helped. perfect

Edited 1439831293
I decided to try updating my team skill check macros (They're there both for rolling for the entire group & to quickly see everyone's modifiers). And it's driving me bloody crazy. I'm getting inconsistent results from identical code. That's where I'm at after literally copying and pasting the Acrobatics macro into the Appraise macro and then replacing every instance of "Acrobatics" with "Appraise" in the macro. Trying to include an extra line after the rolls to list conditional modifiers makes the left column get completely squirrely. Although that at least I can see has something to do with the column widths. &{template:pf_generic} {{name=Acrobatics}} {{Andrios ([[[[@{Andrios|Acrobatics}]]]])= [[1d20+[[@{Andrios|Acrobatics}]] ]]}} {{Aravenia ([[[[@{Aravenia Penrose|Acrobatics}]]]])=[[1d20+[[@{Aravenia Penrose|Acrobatics}]] ]]}} {{Kror ([[[[@{Kror Brightblade|Acrobatics}]]]])=[[1d20+[[@{Kror Brightblade|Acrobatics}]] ]]}} {{Langus ([[[[@{Langus Ambrix|Acrobatics}]]]])=[[1d20+[[@{Langus Ambrix|Acrobatics}]] ]]}} {{Rinah ([[[[@{Rinah|Acrobatics}]]]])=[[ 1d20+ [[@{Rinah|Acrobatics}]] ]]}} editing to add: these all worked just fine before I added the extra layer of brackets to hide the math from the tooltips. For now, I've reverted my Appraise macro, and left all the others alone. Only for Acrobatics can I easily use the tooltips to check what was actually rolled on the dice.

Edited 1439832268
Sheet Author
There's an issue with roll templates and inline rolls that often cause some buggy behavior. &nbsp;This seems to be fixed by making sure you include space around the double brackets (before and after). &nbsp;Try adding a space before and after the inlines " &nbsp;[[ &nbsp;" and " ]] ". pf_generic uses two columns and they expand as the chat window is resized. pf_block spans two columns. &nbsp;You might try that and see if you like it better.
Adding more spaces seems to have fixed it. Thanks Vince. I've kludged the conditional modifier messing up the left column by adding a line break and a repeat of the&nbsp;&{template:pf_generic} tag before the {Kror=long conditional modifier text} on the couple of skills where it was causing problems. I tried doing a pf_block instead with {=**Kror** long conditional modifier text} but the left-formatted text didn't look as nice, even though it takes up fewer lines.
ok i could use some help, im having some difficulties setting up a macro for one of my monsters, ive tried alot of stuff but tbh im not that good at anything besides c++ lol basically i want to create an attack macro type thing that rolls 10d6 and then adds it to an ongoing variable(i was thinking about having it modify the age so it would be ongoing) basically it just keeps doing this until i run my second macro (which is inside an attack macro) and then it adds the total previously rolled amount to my dmg on this roll and then set the variable (age) to 0. basically im writing a macro for my monster who has antipaladin levels and this feat&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> but modified to have a longer time restriction

Edited 1440188073
Sheet Author
Mike, the issue you run into is that macros (abilities) cannot modify attributes and there is no way to create temporary variables. Since you have a pro subscription you would be able to accomplish what you're after using the javascript API but I don't know enough about it to direct you. I agree it is frustrating but currently that is how it is. If you wanted to avoid the javascript API you could approximate what you want by having one macro roll your 10d6 and then in your other macro have a query where it prompts you for the result. To do a query you type ?{What you want it to prompt[ | [Optional default value] ]} Queries are nice because as long as the prompt is the same you can have X number of queries in a macro and it will only prompt you one time and then apply that value to all the instances of the same query prompt.
Vince said: Squirrel Dude said: So, I'm not sure if this has been addressed &nbsp;yet, but the initiative macro button on the Pathfinder Character sheet is broken AFAICT.&nbsp; Specifically there is an issue where the misc modifier to initiative is being added to the final roll twice & it is not being noted as a decimal beside the total result. I don't know the macros well enough to know for sure why this is happening, but it appears that the miscellaneous modifier isn't where it's supposed to be.&nbsp; The NPC had a dexterity modifier of 3, and I added a misc modifier of 7. After rolling a 3, the output said that she had an initiative of 20.03 The macro text reads:&nbsp; roll1d20 + (floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 = (3)+(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7 + 0.01*(floor((16+0+0+0)/2)-5)+7&nbsp; It looks like the miscellaneous modifier isn't being multiplied into everything else, and/or that it's only taking the dexterity modifier into consideration. Squirrel Dude, what version of the sheet are you using(check the footer date on the sheet)? &nbsp;I ask because every since roll templates were added to the sheet(March if I recall) the formula used for Initiative on the sheet is &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Initiative}} {{check=[[ (1d20 + [[ @{init} ]][init] + [[ abs(0.01 * @{init}) ]][tie-breaker]) &{tracker} ]]}} Thanks I'm not seeing any footnote to reference for you. I'm specifically using an NPC character sheet, not a PC character sheet, if that would have any impact.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
At the bottom of every page of the sheet there is a footer that shows the version date. &nbsp;If you aren't seeing this, you are probably using a modified sheet. Is that possible?
I am getting started in Roll20 and I am using your sheet for a Pathfinder game. How come when I try to add another attack there is a -5 applied to my next attack roll? Can I enter attacks for different weapons without this minus value? Notice in the picture below that the second melee attack has a minus 5 applied to it even though I have a total melee attack of +3.

Edited 1440273894
Jason T. said: I am getting started in Roll20 and I am using your sheet for a Pathfinder game. How come when I try to add another attack there is a -5 applied to my next attack roll? Can I enter attacks for different weapons without this minus value? Notice in the picture below that the second melee attack has a minus 5 applied to it even though I have a total melee attack of +3. [[image]] Look below the thing you have proficiency marked as no. Which gives you a -4 penalty. Also your rapier is a masterwork that adds an additional +1 that your new weapon doesn't have. So there is your -5 Also that isn't a second melee attack but an extra weapon. Those things are different from each other. Penalties for two-weapon fighting is something you will need to keep track of yourself

Edited 1440274858
Sheet Author
Look at the BAB for multi-attacks and you will see a cumulative pattern of -5 for each additional attack. &nbsp;You can override the field, but you would probably be "fudging" your other attacks by doing so. &nbsp;:-) EDIT: Oops my bad, I thought you were inquiring about the iterative attacks.
Thanks guys! Yeah I had proficiency at 'NO'.&nbsp;

Edited 1440281304
Jason T. said: I am getting started in Roll20 and I am using your sheet for a Pathfinder game. How come when I try to add another attack there is a -5 applied to my next attack roll? Can I enter attacks for different weapons without this minus value? Notice in the picture below that the second melee attack has a minus 5 applied to it even though I have a total melee attack of +3. Jason, I might be able to help you out. &nbsp;Here's an image from a sheet I'm using: Ok, so Togainu was essentially correct in saying you need to change proficiency to "Yes" with the 2nd weapon. &nbsp;If you're using 2 weapons, you can keep track of that on the sheet too, though. &nbsp;For the space labelled Attack Mods, you can do a bit of math and enter the value of any mods that aren't from weapon enhancement or masterwork quality, i.e. from using 2 weapon fighting, power attack, or weapon focus. &nbsp; The top entry is for a single attack action, not using power attack and without weapon focus; this is why there's a 0 for attack mods. &nbsp;Skipping down to the last entry: it's for a shield bash. &nbsp;This character will be 2 weapon fighting but has a fighter ability giving +1 to shield attacks; this is why there's a -1 listed. &nbsp; If you take a look at the iterative attacks menu open under the top weapon entry, that's where you'll get to add extra attacks with that weapon once you've got a high enough base attack bonus or if you're an archer using rapid shot/multishot/etc. &nbsp; I hope this helps somewhat, man. &nbsp;Best of luck! (Oh, just to note about the damage dice: the character was Enlarged when I used him last so they're a bit off. &nbsp;Not going back to take a fresh screen cap for that though.) EDIT: That's what I get for having the window open for an hour and not refreshing before answering, it looks like you only needed a short answer and I typed a book. &nbsp;&gt;.&lt;

Edited 1440283706
Sheet Author
Happens to me all the time. &nbsp;It's good practice. &nbsp;:-)
Hello everyone. I've just been looking over the sheet and I noticed that under consolidated skills it is applying an armor check penalty to spellcraft, which it should not do. Armor check penalties only apply to Str and Dex based skills.

Edited 1440702329
Sheet Author
Good catch. &nbsp;I will get that changed. &nbsp;Thanks EDIT/UPDATE: done&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I need help, i can't find "player level" anywhere on the character page, and it's needed for most of the calculations.
Sheet Author
Dustin M. said: I need help, i can't find "player level" anywhere on the character page, and it's needed for most of the calculations. Hi Dustin, you can enter levels for up to 5(0-4) classes. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
I am trying to build my character but the attack/damage rolls are blank, what am I doing wrong?
Put a zero in the ENHANCE/ATTACK MODIFIERS/DAMAGE MODIFIERS and something in the DAMAGE TYPE field
Thanks that work
Thanks, I really appreciate that

Edited 1440963229
Is it normal for the 3D dice results to not match the sheet roll results in the chat box? &nbsp;I've noticed this on NPC attack and damage rolls.
Vince said: Hi Julix. Where are you seeing the date? The footer of the sheet will show the latest update, which currently shows 06.27.2015 but will be 07.12.2015 as soon as the server picks up the latest PR. .... to me 07.12. is the 7th of december. must have misremembered the 1 :D why would you have month day year? so counter intuitive!!! :P small to big thinking caused this error :D