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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Vince said: Hi Julix. Where are you seeing the date? The footer of the sheet will show the latest update, which currently shows 06.27.2015 but will be 07.12.2015 as soon as the server picks up the latest PR. .... to me 07.12. is the 7th of december. must have misremembered the 1 :D why would you have month day year? so counter intuitive!!! :P small to big thinking caused this error :D

Edited 1440976260
Sheet Author
There's been issues in the past with 3d dice enabled with automatic rolling enabled and multiple inline rolls.  This was supposed to have been fixed by the Devs however.  Note that you may only be seeing part of the rolls made within the macro with automatic rolling enabled.  For example, crit_confirm and crit_damage are also rolled(you'll see the 3d dice), however you only see the results in chat if it's a crit.  Try disabling automatic rolling and see if that helps.  I would submit this as a bug if it works correctly with auto rolling disabled.
Vince said: There's been issues in the past with 3d dice enabled with automatic rolling enabled and multiple inline rolls.  This was supposed to have been fixed by the Devs however.  Note that you may only be seeing part of the rolls made within the macro with automatic rolling enabled.  For example, crit_confirm and crit_damage are also rolled(you'll see the 3d dice), however you only see the results in chat if it's a crit.  Try disabling automatic rolling and see if that helps.  I would submit this as a bug if it works correctly with auto rolling disabled. You called it, it visibly rolls 2 sets of dice (d20 and damage) when I disabled automatic rolling.  No bug here, move along ;)
Goodmorning!! Great job, guys!! Really!! very useful and readable!! I play only in roll20 dev server and the pathfinder logo is not displayed on sheet (google chrome). I know that isn't a big trouble but... :) Have you a list of improvements/functions implemented during 2015? and a future improvements? because it will be more easy to tell to my players what they have the opportunity to try!! thank you in advance, and sorry for my poor english!! Marco
Sheet Author
The logo is located at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... and shows for me on the production and dev server. Does the link above show the logo for you? &nbsp;The only time that I've noticed the logo not showing up is when has been down for some reason. &nbsp;Perhaps an ad-blocker or something similar(anti-virus perhaps) could block it as well. List?... &nbsp;Well, no. &nbsp;Truthfully I am kind of the current resident "keeper" of the sheet if you will, that handles all the little issues. &nbsp;I occasionally try to implement something significant, but for the most part the sheet is fairly stable at this point. &nbsp;We do have occasional "torch bearers" that are truly appreciated(Nibrodoo, Samuel) and I welcome anyone with the skills to please contribute. Some 2015 highlights; Roll templates, additional sub-tabs(spells), color changes, sheet-wide conditions, iterative attacks for repeating items, togglable notes(attacks and saves), and some optional additional PF Unchained features (background skills and wound threshold). &nbsp;I think that's about it.&nbsp; Future? &nbsp;Well I would like an options page that would include more sheet-wide options (roll template header image, roll template color options, skill and spell sorting, etc.) &nbsp;Maybe include some selectable drop-down query usage from the sheet. Make all ability modifiers available as a selectable option for any area that wants an ability modifier. This helps cover those feats or class abilities that allow you to swap out a "traditional" ability mod for another. There are usually a million great suggestions made by the PF community.
Question: would it make sense/be possible to have an added damage block on the attack tab? Reason: I've recently had a lot of different buffs to attack & damage. &nbsp;It's easy enough to throw on an attack buff under "Attack and Combat Maneuver Bonuses" up top, but to buff the damage I have to edit each individual weapon entry. &nbsp;I don't know about anyone else, but I've got a lot of entries... i.e. single attack action with power attack, single attack action without power attack, full attack action with PA, full attack w/o PA, ranged attack single action, full attack ranged, etc. &nbsp;It irks a GM (who prefers using Mythweavers sheets for some reason) sometimes when I hit the button and have to say, "Oh, and add 5 damage b/c of bard song, this spell, this thing, etc. &nbsp;No, the attack roll is accurate, we just have to add the additional damage." &nbsp; Another reason I'd prefer to have a separate block: if I've already had to adjust the damage block for things like Deadly Aim/Power Attack, a fighter's weapon group, etc. I'd rather not add a temporary buff to that mix then risk having that number wrong when I remove the buff later. &nbsp; If this is a ridiculous concern or there's already a fix I'm unaware of, let me know. &nbsp;

Edited 1441166283
So the people in my group have recently encountered a strange bug where when we have a character sheet open and go to select a tab it will bounce us back to the previous tab and we have to again select the tab we were trying to go to. And it's different for ever person, yesterday for me it wanted to jump back to the items tab, but today it's wanting to jump to the defense tab, another party members is going to the feats page. Any idea what could be causing this? It's not a major issue just a little annoying. A thing I just tried, if I select to go to the items page it will bounce me back to defense but if I try to go to say the feats page it will again bounce me back to defense. So the only way off of the defense page is to select the same page twice.

Edited 1441170282
Sheet Author
Nathan B. said: So the people in my group have recently encountered a strange bug where when we have a character sheet open and go to select a tab it will bounce us back to the previous tab and we have to again select the tab we were trying to go to. And it's different for ever person, yesterday for me it wanted to jump back to the items tab, but today it's wanting to jump to the defense tab, another party members is going to the feats page. Any idea what could be causing this? It's not a major issue just a little annoying. This has been brought up with the 5e sheet and I believe there may be other sheets that use tab navigation that are also experiencing the same problem. &nbsp; [General] Character Sheet switches on me , Char sheets keep changing page It appears that something may have changed either in the browser or roll20's servers... &nbsp;Anyhow, anyone with the weird tab issue can try deleting any " tab " attribute listed under the Abilities & Attributes tab of the journal for the character in question. &nbsp; May be caused by GM and player accessing sheet at the same time. (will test) &nbsp;Hopefully a cause and solution will be found soon. EDIT/Update : &nbsp;I couldn't get an additional "tab" attribute to be created by gm and player. &nbsp;So, not sure what the root cause is...?

Edited 1441168293
Vince said: This has been brought up with the 5e sheet and I believe there may be other sheets that use tab navigation that are also experiencing the same problem. &nbsp; [General] Character Sheet switches on me , Char sheets keep changing page It appears that something may have changed either in the browser or roll20's servers... &nbsp;Anyhow, anyone with the weird tab issue can try deleting any " tab " attribute listed under the Abilities & Attributes tab of the journal for the character in question. &nbsp;May be caused by GM and player accessing sheet at the same time. (will test) &nbsp;Hopefully a cause and solution will be found soon. This occurs when only one person is online not just by the GM selecting a tab while we are trying to navigate (This is what we thought it was at first). But I've tried your mentioned deleting the tab attribute and it is now working as intended! Thanks!
Sheet Author
Joshua F. said: Question: would it make sense/be possible to have an added damage block on the attack tab? Reason: I've recently had a lot of different buffs to attack & damage. &nbsp;It's easy enough to throw on an attack buff under "Attack and Combat Maneuver Bonuses" up top, but to buff the damage I have to edit each individual weapon entry. &nbsp;I don't know about anyone else, but I've got a lot of entries... i.e. single attack action with power attack, single attack action without power attack, full attack action with PA, full attack w/o PA, ranged attack single action, full attack ranged, etc. &nbsp;It irks a GM (who prefers using Mythweavers sheets for some reason) sometimes when I hit the button and have to say, "Oh, and add 5 damage b/c of bard song, this spell, this thing, etc. &nbsp;No, the attack roll is accurate, we just have to add the additional damage." &nbsp; Another reason I'd prefer to have a separate block: if I've already had to adjust the damage block for things like Deadly Aim/Power Attack, a fighter's weapon group, etc. I'd rather not add a temporary buff to that mix then risk having that number wrong when I remove the buff later. &nbsp; If this is a ridiculous concern or there's already a fix I'm unaware of, let me know. &nbsp; Not a ridiculous concern. &nbsp;:-) What do you think should be included on a separate damage block and would this be more beneficial than having additional damage fields within the repeating weapon/attack? &nbsp; Maybe add both? &nbsp;Global damage block(a la buffing) and additional damage(per repeating weapon/attack)? Not as elegant as a global damage block, but here's a couple other options; add a roll query or multiple queries if you need to keep them separated&nbsp;for additional damage in your macros. " ...+&nbsp;?{additional damage?|0} ]][?{for?|n/a}]&nbsp;" You can also use the various notes to include additional damage info as well. &nbsp;" Point Blank:+1 attack and damage on targets within 30 feet "&nbsp;

Edited 1441170385
Sheet Author
Nathan B. said: Vince said: This has been brought up with the 5e sheet and I believe there may be other sheets that use tab navigation that are also experiencing the same problem. &nbsp; [General] Character Sheet switches on me , Char sheets keep changing page It appears that something may have changed either in the browser or roll20's servers... &nbsp;Anyhow, anyone with the weird tab issue can try deleting any " tab " attribute listed under the Abilities & Attributes tab of the journal for the character in question. &nbsp;May be caused by GM and player accessing sheet at the same time. (will test) &nbsp;Hopefully a cause and solution will be found soon. This occurs when only one person is online not just by the GM selecting a tab while we are trying to navigate (This is what we thought it was at first). But I've tried your mentioned deleting the tab attribute and it is now working as intended! Thanks! I couldn't cause the issue by accessing the sheet simultaneously as gm and player either. &nbsp;Did you have multiple "tab" attributes by chance?

Edited 1441189379
Hello there, I might have a suggestion that would be worth considering to be implemented in the sheet. The ever-growing field of Pathfinder classes and archetypes paired with the various favored class options of the different races for these classes/archetypes, has left us with a sizeable amount of skill checks where the player is allowed to add 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 of his/her level as a bonus. Again I am not good with code, so I don't know how easy/hard it would be to implement a let's say "class" column into the skill section where you could chose for instance to add 1/2 your rogue level to perception checks for locating traps and disable device checks against those traps; so you don't have to manually adjust your bonuses to certain skills each time you gain a level. It's not an issue at all, just something that I thought would be an improvement. I'm super happy with the sheet as it is right now :) /K
Karankwan said: Hello there, I might have a suggestion that would be worth considering to be implemented in the sheet. The ever-growing field of Pathfinder classes and archetypes paired with the various favored class options of the different races for these classes/archetypes, has left us with a sizeable amount of skill checks where the player is allowed to add 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 of his/her level as a bonus. Again I am not good with code, so I don't know how easy/hard it would be to implement a let's say "class" column into the skill section where you could chose for instance to add 1/2 your rogue level to perception checks for locating traps and disable device checks against those traps; so you don't have to manually adjust your bonuses to certain skills each time you gain a level. It's not an issue at all, just something that I thought would be an improvement. I'm super happy with the sheet as it is right now :) /K I've run into this before, so here's the solution I'm currently using: I'll write up a macro under Abilities for the modified skill that looks like this:&nbsp; &{template:pf_generic}{{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name= Perception }}{{Check = [[1d20 + @{Perception} + floor(@{class-0-level}/2) ]] }} In this case it's for a cleric with the Feather domain so he gets to add half his level to Perception checks. &nbsp;I only have to make this string of code once for the character as it'll always pull the current cleric level. &nbsp;If the bonus to the check goes up based on total level, you could always substitute @{level} for&nbsp;@{class-0-level}, and you could change the divisor as needed as well. &nbsp;
That's a great solution! Thank you!
The parser is still trying to drive me mad. I tried to update a spell macro to hide the math for the level-based bonus damage a character gets on her evocation spells. And now it won't actually roll the damage. It'll roll the critical damage, but not the regular damage. Despite the crit_damage entry literally being copy & pasted from the damage entry. &{template:pf_spell} {{name=@{name}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} @{spell_options} {{attack=[[1d20 + [[@{attk-ranged}]]]] vs touch}} {{damage= [[ 1d3+ [[ floor(@{class-0-level}/2) ]] ]] }} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{attk-ranged} ]] ]] vs touch}} {{crit_damage= [[ 1d3+ [[ floor(@{class-0-level}/2) ]] ]] }}
Hi all, I'm another newbie getting into pathfinder and Roll20 for the first time. Why is the ability modifier box (or any blue highlighted area) impossible type in? Is the sheet supposed to do this you, or am I doing something wrong? &nbsp; I'm a big fat noob, apologies for the simple problem, the rest of you look like you are dealing with super complicated macros that make me jealous. If&nbsp;there is a tutorial for this character sheet I'd read the sh*t out of it. Thanks
You modify the column labled base.

Edited 1441246893
Sheet Author
Zan Thrax said: The parser is still trying to drive me mad. I tried to update a spell macro to hide the math for the level-based bonus damage a character gets on her evocation spells. And now it won't actually roll the damage. It'll roll the critical damage, but not the regular damage. Despite the crit_damage entry literally being copy & pasted from the damage entry. &{template:pf_spell} {{name=@{name}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} @{spell_options} {{attack=[[1d20 + [[@{attk-ranged}]]]] vs touch}} {{damage= [[ 1d3+ [[ floor(@{class-0-level}/2) ]] ]] }} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{attk-ranged} ]] ]] vs touch}} {{crit_damage= [[ 1d3+ [[ floor(@{class-0-level}/2) ]] ]] }} Try adding spaces around(before and after) all inline roll double brackets, " [[ " and " ]] " in your macros. &nbsp;For some reason there's a glitch with multiple inline rolls and roll templates where on occasion it will post the math instead of the roll when your inlines are void of whitespace.
Sheet Author
Austin H. said: Hi all, I'm another newbie getting into pathfinder and Roll20 for the first time. Why is the ability modifier box (or any blue highlighted area) impossible type in? Is the sheet supposed to do this you, or am I doing something wrong? If&nbsp;there is a tutorial for this character sheet I'd read the sh*t out of it. Thanks All the shaded attribute fields on the sheet are auto-calculated from other attributes that you can modify. &nbsp;As Simon mentioned, edit the base score and or other adjacent fields and you will see the ability modifier change. Link to the Pathfinder Character Sheet Guide Please read the sh*t out of it. &nbsp;XP <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Vince said: All the shaded attribute fields on the sheet are auto-calculated from other attributes that you can modify. &nbsp;As Simon mentioned, edit the base score and or other adjacent fields and you will see the ability modifier change. Link to the Pathfinder Character Sheet Guide Please read the sh*t out of it. &nbsp;XP <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks for the help! It turned out the real problem was internet explorer (a little ashamed about using that). The picture I attached in my last post showed that even if you type numbers in the base column, they won't be calculated into the shaded fields. Firefox works fine though! Thanks for the link too!
Hello, So total nub to Pathfinder, but is there a way to turn on automatic weight totals? Saw there is fields on my armor / weapons / items but the sheet does not automatically add them up. Not a huge deal but see that it does it for coins why I'm asking. Love the sheet so far though, helps a lot.
Sheet Author
Wolf said: Hello, So total nub to Pathfinder, but is there a way to turn on automatic weight totals? Saw there is fields on my armor / weapons / items but the sheet does not automatically add them up. Not a huge deal but see that it does it for coins why I'm asking. Love the sheet so far though, helps a lot. No. &nbsp; Longer answer; most of the PF sheet uses repeating items, meaning sheet authors only have to enter the code once and users can can add as many items as they want. &nbsp;Repeating items are great for repetitive code that is used often, like weapons, feats, inventory items, spells, etc. &nbsp;However, there are some downsides to repeating items.( Official support for repeating sections in character sheets ) &nbsp;A biggie is that they don't exist until a user adds them, so it's not possible, AFAIK, to perform calculations between repeating items that do not exist yet. You can create a formula to add the weights of items for a finite set of repeating attributes, but the formula would no longer work once you added another repeating item. &nbsp;If we used a hard list of 50 available items for example, we could easily tally the weights but we loose the flexibility of the repeating item and are forced to allocate sheet real estate and hard code for 50 separate items regardless if you have that many. &nbsp;And what if you have 51 items? &nbsp;;-) Anyhow, we have to do our own math for now on weights.
Vince said: Wolf said: Hello, So total nub to Pathfinder, but is there a way to turn on automatic weight totals? Saw there is fields on my armor / weapons / items but the sheet does not automatically add them up. Not a huge deal but see that it does it for coins why I'm asking. Love the sheet so far though, helps a lot. No. &nbsp; Longer answer; most of the PF sheet uses repeating items, meaning sheet authors only have to enter the code once and users can can add as many items as they want. &nbsp;Repeating items are great for repetitive code that is used often, like weapons, feats, inventory items, spells, etc. &nbsp;However, there are some downsides to repeating items.( Official support for repeating sections in character sheets ) &nbsp;A biggie is that they don't exist until a user adds them, so it's not possible, AFAIK, to perform calculations between repeating items that do not exist yet. You can create a formula to add the weights of items for a finite set of repeating attributes, but the formula would no longer work once you added another repeating item. &nbsp;If we used a hard list of 50 available items for example, we could easily tally the weights but we loose the flexibility of the repeating item and are forced to allocate sheet real estate and hard code for 50 separate items regardless if you have that many. &nbsp;And what if you have 51 items? &nbsp;;-) Anyhow, we have to do our own math for now on weights. Ok thanks for the reply.

Edited 1441265489
There's a lot of options floating around the sheet now that can be deactivated where they are, but I don't even want the button that allows me to hide them to be there. - Finally cause for the settings tab. I would like for there to be the option to adjust which additional options you want all in one place. Also new skill options screwed up the old ones somehow. Adventuring has most of the ones I used to use, but Handle animal for example is missing. It's under Background. Consolidated is there too, but not in use. All shows the background ones that I don't want to have to scroll past to get to the old list. -- There should be an option in the settings tab where you chose which of the systems you want to use and have displayed as tabs. Of course it's not the end of the world to have to scroll past "lore" to get to what I want, but it's slightly annoying none the less... - just thinking how amazing it would be to have a customizable list. Two tabs: one for all the skills and one for the ones you actually want to use. Now we're getting out of the realm of what's feasable I'm guessing... still to have the option to hide all variant options from the sheet would be nice.&nbsp; Another thing - in the repeating section for attacks it's letting me chose between the three types of notes (melee, ranged or CMB notes), but it's not letting me chose none. Only attack notes can be checked on or off for individual attacks. Seems odd. Thanks again! Julian Also thanks again Joshua! cool stuff! :) EDIT: just tried doing it and realized a lot of boni are situational. So I don't get +1/2 lvl to the skill, but for certain uses of the skill. Since I don't want all the notes to be in one window I changed it manually such that the note was part of the macro. turns out you can actually use paragraphs in skill makros! &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Disable-Device}} {{Check = [[1d20 + [[@{Disable-Device}]] ]]}} /w gm + [[floor(@{class-1-level}/2)]] if using it on magical traps this adds a reminder to me and the GM without spamming up the chat. - On disable device it might not be as important, but that same not is on perception as well, which gets called for in a lot of contexts besides looking for magical traps. Damn&nbsp; Counterfeit Mage archetype...&nbsp;

Edited 1441271732
Sheet Author
An Options/Settings tab would be nice, but depending on the options required, might not be entirely possible. Javascript would make quick work of an options page but we can't use it on roll20's sheets. Currently, the only option/toggles on the sheet are for extra notes on attacks and saving throws. &nbsp;Hardly worthy of their own settings tab. &nbsp;Some options have to be done from within the repeating item itself (such as the additional attack-related notes) so they wouldn't be able to go on a settings tab. &nbsp;In truth, I'm also limited by my own skills. &nbsp;I'm more like the maintenance guy. &nbsp;Not sure if I can pull that off. &nbsp;Really depends on what kind of options would need to be included... The Skills changes were added by Samuel for Pathfinder Unchained which includes alternate rules for a Background/Adventuring Skills system. &nbsp;Handle Animal is listed as a Background skill and that's why it's not on the Adventuring Skill. Just use the "All Skills" tab if you don't need the Unchained skill systems. Lore and Artistry are the only additions to the original list but can be ignored as well. Here's a PF Skills macro that might be of interest to you Julix. &nbsp;Customize it to make it however you like(or make a couple of variations). All Skills Query: &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=Skill Check}} {{?{Choose a Skill&lt;br&gt;(* training not required)|&nbsp;*Acrobatics, Acrobatics = [[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Acrobatics} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Appraise, Appraise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Appraise} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Artistry, Artistry=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Artistry} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Bluff, Bluff=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Bluff} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Climb, Climb=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Climb} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Craft, Craft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Craft} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Diplomacy, Diplomacy=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Diplomacy} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Disable Device, Disable Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disable-Device} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Disguise, Disguise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disguise} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Escape Artist, Escape Artist=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Escape-Artist} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Fly, Fly=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Fly} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Handle Animal, Handle Animal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Handle-Animal} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Heal, Heal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Heal} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Intimidate, Intimidate=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Intimidate} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Arcana=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Arcana} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Dungeoneering, Knowledge Dungeoneering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Dungeoneering} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Engineering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Engineering} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Geography, Knowledge Geography=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Geography} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge History, Knowledge History=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-History} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Local, Knowledge Local=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Local} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Nature, Knowledge Nature=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nature} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Nobility, Knowledge Nobility=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nobility} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Planes=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Planes} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Knowledge Religion, Knowledge Religion=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Religion} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Linguistics, Linguistics=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Linguistics} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Lore, Lore=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Lore} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Perception, Perception=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perception} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Perform, Perform=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perform} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Profession, Profession=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Profession} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Ride, Ride=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Ride} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Sense Motive, Sense Motive=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sense-Motive} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Sleight of Hand, Sleight of Hand=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sleight-of-Hand} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Spellcraft, Spellcraft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Spellcraft} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Stealth, Stealth=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Stealth} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Survival, Survival=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Survival} ]] ]] |&nbsp;*Swim, Swim=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Swim} ]] ]] |&nbsp; Use Magic Device, Use Magic Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Use-Magic-Device} ]] ]]}}} Good point about the Melee/Range notes not having an option of none. &nbsp;Actually it used to be a checkbox option and later became a radio button to help toggle the header image "experiment". &nbsp;I should have reverted back the code. &nbsp;I'll fix that. &nbsp; EDIT: Added to PR: changed optional melee/ranged notes from radio to checkboxes.
Sheet Author
Any interest in adding macro text access to the attack button bar? &nbsp;This would allow you to customize your button bar macros like you can with the repeating weapon/attack macro text and Skills macro text.
Vince said: Any interest in adding macro text access to the attack button bar? &nbsp;This would allow you to customize your button bar macros like you can with the repeating weapon/attack macro text and Skills macro text. I'd be all about it. &nbsp; Returning to the earlier question about damage blocks, I think a global one would be most convenient. &nbsp;My primary concern is with buffs like Inspire Courage or Prayer that add global bonus damage; having that block would allow a player to add the bonus quickly to all attacks and keep on playing without taking up precious play time. &nbsp; I suppose a global damage block would also help for debuffs like the enemy using Prayer and so forth. &nbsp;
Sheet Author
Working on an "Attack and Damage Status Effect" block that can be used to buff/debuff all attacks. &nbsp;Up to 4 separate modifiers (4 attack and 4 damage) could be applied to all attacks in addition to any local attack/damage modifiers included with the repeating weapon/attack. &nbsp;Once I add in a couple fields on the repeating attacks, I'll post the code to the beta sheet. &nbsp;I may have to change the repeating attack block slightly to fit things in. &nbsp; Of course, the Attack and Damage Status Effect block can be safely ignored and hidden. &nbsp;
Vince said: Working on an "Attack and Damage Status Effect" block that can be used to buff/debuff all attacks. &nbsp;Up to 4 separate modifiers (4 attack and 4 damage) could be applied to all attacks in addition to any local attack/damage modifiers included with the repeating weapon/attack.&nbsp; Vince, that looks great. &nbsp;I like that there's a spot to put what each buff is from. &nbsp;Great stuff. &nbsp;
Sheet Author
- added editable macro text for the pre-set attack button bar (0-26) - added&nbsp;an Attack and Damage Status Effects section for adding attack/damage modifiers to all attacks. &nbsp;(buff/debuff) these mods are shown as "other" in the repeating attack/damage rows are included in total-attack and total-damage. - few small changes on repeating attack layout. Give the beta a whirl. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Hey, I'm looking for a few bits of functionality. Not sure if they're possible yet, but I've not been having much luck getting them to work. I love the iterative attacks macro, but my player is playing on a tablet, and it's very slow for them to load up the character sheet. How would I go about creating a macro for them to have in their quick bar that calls a certain attack repeating-block's "roll" button? I can call the respective roll button from the 0-12 bar above the repeating section, but those don't perform the iterative attacks. Additionally, we've got plenty of Holy/Flaming/etc. attributes on weapons. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. What's the best way to handle adding these additional dice of damage to the macro?

Edited 1441592909
Sheet Author
Sadly, until repeating items get an upgrade( Official support for repeating sections in character sheets ), you can't drag/drop or reference a repeating item from another macro by it's name. &nbsp;You have to use the sheet's button. &nbsp;We've included the pre-set button bars(0-26) as an alternative. &nbsp;The downside with the button bars is that their macros are coded into the sheet and can't be edited like the repeating item's macro text. &nbsp;I've recently added the ability to edit the preset button bar attacks(currently still in beta: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) but soon to be included with the community verison of the sheet. As for including additional damage(s). &nbsp;You can add them directly in the macro using the macro text or use the weapon's notes. &nbsp;You don't get to include the additional damages when you crit. &nbsp;The crit only rolls an additional damage die or more(x2, x3, etc.), plus any bonuses that apply. &nbsp;They get added to the original damage(that included the "augmented" damages, like elemental damage). Attack Macro example (additional fire damage) &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs&gt;@{crit-target} + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + [[ @{total-damage} ]] + [[ 1d6 ]][FIRE] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{total-attack} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ (@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1))d@{damage-die} + (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]]}} {{type=@{type}}} {{description=@{notes}}} @{iterative_attacks} @{macro_options} Notes example: + [[ 1d6 ]] Fire damage You can create an token/ability macros to represent different iterative attacks. &nbsp;It makes for some huge macros, but it can be done, See this post for more info:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1441642717
Sheet Author
Some new additions to the&nbsp; PF Beta sheet Please have a look and report back. &nbsp;Thanks added editable macro text for the pre-set attack button bar (0-26) Now you can customize the button bar macros.&nbsp; added an Attack and Damage Status Effects block. Use for adding attack/damage modifiers to all attacks. (buff/debuff) They are shown on the repeating attack as "other" and are added into the total-attack and total-damage. added an "Options/Config" &nbsp;tab (includes settings for header_images, unchained, and some roll template samples). more to come header_images are back and each roll template can be toggled as none, default, or use a custom url for your own image. &nbsp;You can also insert your own image within any given macro using the format {{header_image=[image name](URL)}} &nbsp;Attack images for melee, ranged, and cmd, are toggled by choosing one of the 3 options&gt;melee/ranged/cmd notes within the&nbsp;repeating&nbsp;attack. &nbsp;
Nice work Vince

Edited 1441782468
I cannot believe we'll be able to edit the button's macros! Awesome! :) -- great workaround! Edit: just tested it! I managed to move the button to the macro bar, as I should be able to :) -- however I forgot how to change the name of it while it's on the macrobar... Whodat: Repeatingweapon0-etc is in need of being manually renamed to "short sword of staring" - but I don't know how. Is it currently something that can be done? Edit2: You know how all tabs have the same size? I think NPC should be slightly smaller and Settings just small. Both together about the width of a normal tab. That way the settings are in the corner somewhere not in the way while not in use but always findable when used, cause it's the very corner. Can't miss it.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
Julix said: I cannot believe we'll be able to edit the button's macros! Awesome! :) -- great workaround! Edit: just tested it! I managed to move the button to the macro bar, as I should be able to :) -- however I forgot how to change the name of it while it's on the macrobar... Whodat: Repeatingweapon0-etc is in need of being manually renamed to "short sword of staring" - but I don't know how. Is it currently something that can be done? Edit2: You know how all tabs have the same size? I think NPC should be slightly smaller and Settings just small. Both together about the width of a normal tab. That way the settings are in the corner somewhere not in the way while not in use but always findable when used, cause it's the very corner. Can't miss it.&nbsp; You can't rename the drag/drop button's to the macro bar (there's a suggestion on the forums). You can make a macro that has the button's name in it and call it whatever you like. ie make a macro called "Short Sword of Staring" and use the button roll's title as the command&nbsp;%{Who Dat|repeating_weapon_0_Attack} The tabs use some cleverly styled radioboxes that make them difficult to maneuver. &nbsp;I'll have to "experiment" with them to see what's possible.
Great update Vince.&nbsp; Loving it.&nbsp; I was hoping someone mgiht be able to help me a bit with something.&nbsp; I am trying to get a token that represents a character in the journal, to pull an atribute from a different character in the journal for a token macro. In specifics, I want to create spell tokens for my players that they can pull out and put on the board for AoE spells like fireball and such.&nbsp; I want the fireball token to have its own token macros for its damage and whatnot.&nbsp; I would like to be able to have it pull some info from the casters character however in the macro (for example... Save DC).&nbsp; Is this even possible?

Edited 1441931721
Sheet Author
Thanks Joel. &nbsp;More to come. What problems are you specifically running into? &nbsp;Thought process: Create a "spells" character controlled by the player. &nbsp;Add a token and link it to the "spells" character. &nbsp;The token/ability macros for "spells" will need to reference the character's actual sheet attributes. &nbsp;So instead of the "spells" macro using; &{template:pf_spell}{{dc=[[ @{spellclass-0-level-0-savedc} + [[ @{DC-mod} ]] ]]}} it would need to be&nbsp; &{template:pf_spell}{{dc=[[ @{PLAYERNAME|spellclass-0-level-0-savedc} + [[ @{PLAYERNAME|repeating_lvl-0-spells_0_DC-mod} ]] ]]}} ... Note that if the attribute resides inside a repeating item, you need to include the longer repeating_blah_blah_blah in your macro. Hope this helps.

Edited 1442909017
Sheet Author
Latest changes on&nbsp; PF Beta Sheet added a counter to repeating items to make it easier to see what the row/item actually is without having to count. Helps with the button bar and macro creation. made the repeating items collapsible down to a single row(top row of the repeating item is shown). Helps tighten things up so you can see more items per page. changed "[show] or [hide]" to just "[+] or [-]".
Thanks for the info, Vince. You're doing a great job here.
Sheet Author
So Vince, has anyone ever told you lately how awesome you are? Just making sure you hear that at least once.
Sheet Author
Lol thanks Samuel. &nbsp;Don't forget your talents are always welcome. Hint, Hint.
I seem to be having a minor problem with my Pre-Set attack buttons this morning (although I would not be surprised to discover that it is just a user error on my part).&nbsp; I have an Iterative attack set up for Attack 0 on one of my characters.&nbsp; It goes of just fine when I click the attacks button,&nbsp; but it does not proc when I use the Pre-Set attack button.&nbsp; Only the first attack goes off.&nbsp; Any advice on what I might be doing wrong?
Sheet Author
Joel W. said: I seem to be having a minor problem with my Pre-Set attack buttons this morning (although I would not be surprised to discover that it is just a user error on my part).&nbsp; I have an Iterative attack set up for Attack 0 on one of my characters.&nbsp; It goes of just fine when I click the attacks button,&nbsp; but it does not proc when I use the Pre-Set attack button.&nbsp; Only the first attack goes off.&nbsp; Any advice on what I might be doing wrong? Hi Joel. &nbsp;Unfortunately the iterative attacks option only works from within the repeating attacks. It's a current limitation of repeating items and the sheet authors coding skills... There is a workaround however. &nbsp;You can make a macro for each number of iterative attacks, see here( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) &nbsp;Use that example as the pattern needed and add additional iterative attacks(snippet of code) for the number desired. Here's another example that includes a query for attack and damage modifiers:( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) Cheers

Edited 1442909095
Sheet Author
Update to&nbsp; Beta Sheet v09.20.15 Unchained Skills are now toggled from the Config tab. (hidden by default) Unless there are objections, I'm planning to submit a PR for what's currently on the beta tomorrow night.(09/21)
Hello, I was thinking about some adjustments to the NPC section of the sheet. Not sure if that's just my personal "problem" or if more GMs have encountered that. I'd like to see the ability scores of the NPCs further up since so many calculations in the sheet depend on it. I'm aware of the fact that the order in which the sheet is presented follows the entries in the bestiaries and the like and I wouldn't mind filling in the NPC section from top to botton without any calculations going on, but since there are calculated fields in the sheet that depend on the abilities it would save a bit of scrolling up and down (which can be tedious on small screens) by being able to put in the abilities say right before the DEFENSE section starts. Maybe one could split the STATISTICS section and put Abilities, BAB, CMB and CMD in the beginning of the sheet while leave the rest where it's at? I don't know, I was traveling a bit lately and was prepping my campaigns on a laptop and touchpad only and this felt a bit inconvenient so I thought why not put this up for discussion. Something else I thought of. What about implementing a "Template" section for the NPC sheet that could work similar to the "Condition" section of the regular sheet. GMs could quickly beef up their creatures by applying the Advanced template or soften up an encounter by making all the monsters young with just one click. No idea if that's doable, though. /K
Sheet Author
I've often felt the same way about NPC stats Karankwan. &nbsp;I've gotten in the habit of filling in the stats first to help with the auto-calc fields. &nbsp;:-) I wouldn't mind moving it closer to the top. Interesting suggestion to implement a monster template to help adjust the CR of an NPC/monster more easily. &nbsp;I like the idea. &nbsp;I would have to do some investigating...
Something else I thought of. What about implementing a "Template" section for the NPC sheet that could work similar to the "Condition" section of the regular sheet. GMs could quickly beef up their creatures by applying the Advanced template or soften up an encounter by making all the monsters young with just one click. No idea if that's doable, though. Oh man, yeah. &nbsp;Having the Stats and BAB higher up would make for much less scrolling, but throwing in the templates would be amazing. &nbsp;I've got so many monster entries I've duplicated for "giant" or "advanced" lately. &nbsp;
Sheet Author
Update to&nbsp; Beta v09.22.15 : &nbsp; Added a "Quick Stats" section to the NPC tab to help expedite statblock entry. &nbsp;Less scrolling. (the normal Statistics section is still fully in-tact)
This is great! Thank you Vince! /K