An Options/Settings tab would be nice, but depending on the options required, might not be entirely possible. Javascript would make quick work of an options page but we can't use it on roll20's sheets. Currently, the only option/toggles on the sheet are for extra notes on attacks and saving throws. Hardly worthy of their own settings tab. Some options have to be done from within the repeating item itself (such as the additional attack-related notes) so they wouldn't be able to go on a settings tab. In truth, I'm also limited by my own skills. I'm more like the maintenance guy. Not sure if I can pull that off. Really depends on what kind of options would need to be included... The Skills changes were added by Samuel for Pathfinder Unchained which includes alternate rules for a Background/Adventuring Skills system. Handle Animal is listed as a Background skill and that's why it's not on the Adventuring Skill. Just use the "All Skills" tab if you don't need the Unchained skill systems. Lore and Artistry are the only additions to the original list but can be ignored as well. Here's a PF Skills macro that might be of interest to you Julix. Customize it to make it however you like(or make a couple of variations). All Skills Query: &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=Skill Check}} {{?{Choose a Skill<br>(* training not required)| *Acrobatics, Acrobatics = [[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Acrobatics} ]] ]] | *Appraise, Appraise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Appraise} ]] ]] | *Artistry, Artistry=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Artistry} ]] ]] | *Bluff, Bluff=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Bluff} ]] ]] | *Climb, Climb=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Climb} ]] ]] | *Craft, Craft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Craft} ]] ]] | *Diplomacy, Diplomacy=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Diplomacy} ]] ]] | Disable Device, Disable Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disable-Device} ]] ]] | *Disguise, Disguise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disguise} ]] ]] | *Escape Artist, Escape Artist=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Escape-Artist} ]] ]] | *Fly, Fly=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Fly} ]] ]] | Handle Animal, Handle Animal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Handle-Animal} ]] ]] | *Heal, Heal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Heal} ]] ]] | *Intimidate, Intimidate=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Intimidate} ]] ]] | Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Arcana=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Arcana} ]] ]] | Knowledge Dungeoneering, Knowledge Dungeoneering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Dungeoneering} ]] ]] | Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Engineering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Engineering} ]] ]] | Knowledge Geography, Knowledge Geography=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Geography} ]] ]] | Knowledge History, Knowledge History=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-History} ]] ]] | Knowledge Local, Knowledge Local=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Local} ]] ]] | Knowledge Nature, Knowledge Nature=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nature} ]] ]] | Knowledge Nobility, Knowledge Nobility=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nobility} ]] ]] | Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Planes=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Planes} ]] ]] | Knowledge Religion, Knowledge Religion=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Religion} ]] ]] | Linguistics, Linguistics=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Linguistics} ]] ]] | Lore, Lore=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Lore} ]] ]] | *Perception, Perception=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perception} ]] ]] | *Perform, Perform=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perform} ]] ]] | Profession, Profession=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Profession} ]] ]] | *Ride, Ride=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Ride} ]] ]] | *Sense Motive, Sense Motive=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sense-Motive} ]] ]] | Sleight of Hand, Sleight of Hand=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sleight-of-Hand} ]] ]] | Spellcraft, Spellcraft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Spellcraft} ]] ]] | *Stealth, Stealth=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Stealth} ]] ]] | *Survival, Survival=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Survival} ]] ]] | *Swim, Swim=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Swim} ]] ]] | Use Magic Device, Use Magic Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Use-Magic-Device} ]] ]]}}} Good point about the Melee/Range notes not having an option of none. Actually it used to be a checkbox option and later became a radio button to help toggle the header image "experiment". I should have reverted back the code. I'll fix that. EDIT: Added to PR: changed optional melee/ranged notes from radio to checkboxes.