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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam


Edited 1442940594
Just a personal thanks from me for all the effort. Great character sheet :)
Seriously, thank you for all the hard work you spend on this sheet! 

Edited 1442985877
Just noticed you did manage to get the gear symbol take up less space! that's sweet! I'd like to see the same for the NPC tab, since I rarely go there, but maybe my GM would prefer it the way it is ;) Good work on getting the unchained things optional and the minimize the entire button with one click thing is amazing! I kept finding myself minimizing options, macro, etc. to be able to scroll easier and then having to open it all up again more often than I wanted to. This way it's easy :) One more idea: The field in the Details tab for Character Name is redundant, as the name is at the top of the sheet as well. I would like for there to be a "detail" version of that field though. That way I'd put the name that the party calls the character by in the field at the top (character name) and then have the full name with any titles in the Details section would be cool. -- Anyone else into having the full name stored somewhere, while not having to write for example @{Gregor Johanson of Valentia|Cha-modifier} whenever you want to pull something statically / not @{selected|...} ?  Great work! Looking forward to getting to use all of this in my normal game :) Edit: Also just stumbled over the lack of multiple armor slots today. Piecemeal is an additional rule set in Pathfinder, but even without that some people carry two sets of armor, and it sucks to have to re-put in everything every time I switch. So it would be nice to be able to add armor, it could be made to toggle (i.e. chose which armor is worn) rather than with check marks (i.e. could have multiple armors), so that you don't have to tell the sheet how to stack the things. I could imagine some people owning multiple shields (say a throwing shield and a tower shield, or just with different enchantments...), so maybe the same goes there. Of course if such an addition is made it would have to be in such a way, that it's as little as possible in the way for the normal users.
Another request is the ability to choose what ability mod is added to AC, Saves and Initiative. The reason I ask is that there are multiple classes/feats in pathfinder that instead of  a) adding a specific ability mod to determine something, instead  b) replaces that mod with another mod. An example of item a) would be the monks bonus to ac. An example of item b) would the feat Noble Scion (replaces Dex with Cha for Initiative), or an oracle with the lore mystery: sidestep secret (replaces Dex with Cha for AC and Reflex Saves). There are actually alot of different replacers, even those for skills, but I would just use the blank skills slots to add modified versions of the skill. 
Sheet Author
Simon said: Another request is the ability to choose what ability mod is added to AC, Saves and Initiative. The reason I ask is that there are multiple classes/feats in pathfinder that instead of  a) adding a specific ability mod to determine something, instead  b) replaces that mod with another mod. An example of item a) would be the monks bonus to ac. An example of item b) would the feat Noble Scion (replaces Dex with Cha for Initiative), or an oracle with the lore mystery: sidestep secret (replaces Dex with Cha for AC and Reflex Saves). There are actually alot of different replacers, even those for skills, but I would just use the blank skills slots to add modified versions of the skill.  This has actually been on my list Simon. Stay tuned.  ;-)

Edited 1443068029
Sheet Author
Julix said: One more idea: The field in the Details tab for Character Name is redundant, as the name is at the top of the sheet as well. I would like for there to be a "detail" version of that field though. That way I'd put the name that the party calls the character by in the field at the top (character name) and then have the full name with any titles in the Details section would be cool. -- Anyone else into having the full name stored somewhere, while not having to write for example @{Gregor Johanson of Valentia|Cha-modifier} whenever you want to pull something statically / not @{selected|...} ?  How about adding a "Title" attribute (@{character_title}) and field to the Details Tab?  It could be used for the obvious title. whatever that may be, but it could also be used as a nickname, military rank, status, etc. Julix said: Edit: Also just stumbled over the lack of multiple armor slots today Interesting.  It's common for characters to hop in/out of armor, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone switch armor and or shields in-game.  I think I could add additional armor and shield rows and include them in the acp-source selector as well as AC and FF.
Hi, How can i rename "Attack" "Attack 2" etc? And how can i do a space between the attacks? one free row It would be  Bite Damage free row Claw 1 Damage free row Claw 2 Damage free row Tailslap Damage free row

Edited 1443147118
Sheet Author
Attack=Cool Attack... Attack2=Another Cool Attack... The roll templates are designed around specific propeties, so only change things to the right of the = otherwise the roll template has no clue what you want.  There are no rows between attacks.  Its just the design of the template.  ;-(  There may be a way to include a line break in the macro.  Anyone with a trick to add?

Edited 1443155911
I've found it useful to add a "vs AC" after the attack rolls  to push the attacks into a different pseudo-column from the Damage.  Makes it easier to add up damage+crit damage+misc stuff later. You can insert any words in front or after the attack/damage rolls as long as it's to the right of the = in the macro.  You don't have a lot of room though; only about 10 characters or so before you start pushing the Inline Roll off the page. &{template:pf_attack} {{name=Natural Attacks}} {{attack=Claw[[1d20+5]] vs AC}}{{damage=Claw[[1d4+1]]}}{{crit_confirm=Claw[[1d20+5]] vs AC}}{{crit_damage=Claw[[1d4+1]]}}{{attack2=Claw[[1d20+5]] vs AC}}{{damage2=Claw[[1d4+1]]}}{{crit_confirm2=Claw[[1d20+5]] vs AC}}{{crit_damage2=Claw[[1d4+1]]}}{{attack3=Bite[[1d20+5]] vs AC}}{{damage3=Bite[[1d6+1]]}}{{crit_confirm3=Bite[[1d20+5]] vs AC}}{{crit_damage3=Bite[[1d6+1]]}}
Sheet Author
Mark G. said: I've found it useful to add a "vs AC" after the attack rolls  to push the attacks into a different pseudo-column from the Damage.  Makes it easier to add up damage+crit damage+misc stuff later. That's a nice trick Mark.
Thanks. That helps alot!
Mark G. said: You can insert any words in front or after the attack/damage rolls as long as it's to the right of the = in the macro.  You don't have a lot of room though; only about 10 characters or so before you start pushing the Inline Roll off the page. Nice!   For the sake of keeping things moving in my game, my players and I throw in  {{@{target|token_name} AC= [[@{target|AC}]]}} on our attack macros. Throwing in "vs. [[@{target|AC}]]" on the attack roll instead of at the bottom would make that much neater for me. Note: I know some GMs wouldn't want the players to know the AC of what they're fighting. I figure my players would crunch the numbers and at least figure out the neighborhood of the actual # given a long fight, and for a short fight I don't think their knowing makes a lot of difference, soo... yes. I do this to keep my fights running quickly because I don't always remember the AC of every NPC I've got in the fight.
Sheet Author
I have the stats (hp, ac's,cmd) of the npc/monster whispered to me on every player attack.
I am having an issue with the atk page. the bar that says Attacks, and numbers them off is what I need to use to move the macro to my macro bar on Roll20, first off that button wont even work unless i switch Mwk on and off, and damage time to something else and back, and THEN it only works for my first atk, ignoring all "iterative Attacks" I have a game tomorrow and want to get this transfer of data and macros done, any help?
I didn't happen to see anything on this, but I've noticed that in the pf_generic templates, the description argument doesn't work as it does in other templates. Is this intended, or is it something that has been overlooked?
Sheet Author
Rose said: I am having an issue with the atk page. the bar that says Attacks, and numbers them off is what I need to use to move the macro to my macro bar on Roll20, first off that button wont even work unless i switch Mwk on and off, and damage time to something else and back, and THEN it only works for my first atk, ignoring all "iterative Attacks" I have a game tomorrow and want to get this transfer of data and macros done, any help? Hi Rose, would have posted back earlier but I took a night off... :-) The way the attacks work on the sheet require that ALL fields in the repeating attack must be filled in and/or toggled on/off in order for the attribute to be created by roll20. It's just the way repeating items are handled by roll20. Repeating items are very powerful, but they have some limitations as well. The pre-set attack buttons are "hard-coded" into the sheet, meaning the macros cannot be modified. Repeating attacks have a macro text field that you use to customize the repeating attack roll. Unfortunately, the Iterative attacks only exist within the repeating attack itself, so using the pre-set attack button bar will not include the iterative attacks. If you don't want to roll directly from the repeating attack and require iterative attacks, you can create an ability/token macro for each number of iterative attacks needed. I have given examples in the Pathfinder thread on how to do it. Hope this helps clear up any confusion. Feel free to inquire if you have any issues. Cheers

Edited 1443297043
Sheet Author
Skeleton Jester said: I didn't happen to see anything on this, but I've noticed that in the pf_generic templates, the description argument doesn't work as it does in other templates. Is this intended, or is it something that has been overlooked? There aren't any specific properties defined for pf_generic.  Meaning that you can use  {{anything = something}}.  Much like &{template:default} The other templates used in the sheet have formatting and/or behavior defined for specific properties, such as "description" as defined in pf_attack and pf_spell.

Edited 1443334106
Sheet Author
Update to  Beta v09.26.15 - AC can now use any ability (Dex is default) Please test.  The changes have started piling up and I would like to make a PR of the beta.
Okay, right off the bat. Most of the abilities that replace Dex for AC dont also replace Dex for CMD (Though there are those that do). If you could make CMD have its own independant dropbox it would be appreciated.
Sheet Author
Simon said: Okay, right off the bat. Most of the abilities that replace Dex for AC dont also replace Dex for CMD (Though there are those that do). If you could make CMD have its own independant dropbox it would be appreciated. Yea, I thought that might be the case.  That shouldn't be a problem and I'll plan on adding the same option for Initiative and Saves as well.  
I am currently having an issue with this character sheet.  On my PC the numbers will not auto populate and thus I cannot use any of the quick macros.  However when I log in on my laptop it does.  I would like to be able to play on my PC instead of my old slow laptop.  Any ideas on how to fix this?
Sheet Author
Kris H. said: I am currently having an issue with this character sheet.  On my PC the numbers will not auto populate and thus I cannot use any of the quick macros.  However when I log in on my laptop it does.  I would like to be able to play on my PC instead of my old slow laptop.  Any ideas on how to fix this? What browser are you using on the PC Kris?(Chrome and FF are the only two supported browsers)  The sheet should work exactly the same regardless of what you use to access roll20.
Vince said: Kris H. said: I am currently having an issue with this character sheet.  On my PC the numbers will not auto populate and thus I cannot use any of the quick macros.  However when I log in on my laptop it does.  I would like to be able to play on my PC instead of my old slow laptop.  Any ideas on how to fix this? What browser are you using on the PC Kris?(Chrome and FF are the only two supported browsers)  The sheet should work exactly the same regardless of what you use to access roll20. I am using the default browse of Microsoft Edge for Windows 10.  I guess I will be downloading FF later tonight after gaming

Edited 1443408430
Sheet Author
Yep.  Edge is currently not supported by roll20.  ;-(
Sheet Author
Update :  PF sheet beta v.09.27.15 AC, CMD, Saves, and Init can use any ability mod
Thankyou, in the past when I was making characters, it was kind of a hassle especially when I started donning ability enhancement items (forcing me to make and use my own macros instead). This will make it so that I wouldn't need to worry about such things anymore.
Sheet Author
Glad to hear that. If you can, please give it a thorough test Simon.  I think everything works as expected.  I forgot about the additional code for the NPC tab which caused all kinds of grief until i had the "ah-ha" moment.  Gave everyone in the house a high five after realizing my folly.

Edited 1443512118
Sheet Author
Update : PF sheet beta v.09.28.15 CMD - can substitute any ability for STR and/or DEX Added secondary armor and shield Please test the beta.  Thanks
Hi again, I have a question: How viable is it to include a custom condition section? So the players could implement the most common conditions they'll encounter due to their abilites (Barbarian Rage for instance) or spells (like Bless) and apply them by a simple click. That'd definitely be something on my wishlist, but I have no clue if it's possible to implement something like that. /K

Edited 1443576154
Sheet Author
Karankwan said: Hi again, I have a question: How viable is it to include a custom condition section? So the players could implement the most common conditions they'll encounter due to their abilites (Barbarian Rage for instance) or spells (like Bless) and apply them by a simple click. That'd definitely be something on my wishlist, but I have no clue if it's possible to implement something like that. /K I love the idea of a simple "click-to-apply" buff.  Here's the dilemma, what buffs/enhancements do you include and where do you draw the line?  The Conditions section of the sheet draws from a finite set of conditions and for the most part and only affects a small number of attributes, usually with just a simple modifier adjustment.  Buffs could be handled similarly, however, adding buffs could potentially be a never-ending process...  Maybe we could get a  Poll for the most desired buffs and then let users vote(strawpoll)?
I dunno, man.  The sheet's taking long enough to load on my poor machine as is (though I don't know, are the number of widgets on the sheet related to how long it takes to load up?  Correct me if I'm wrong, I admit my knowledge in the area is slim).  I think finally having that buff/debuff bar on the Attack tab should do it.  At least it would for me.  
Sheet Author
The PF sheet is FAT to say the least.  There are over 5,000+ attributes out of the gate and it has over 10K lines of code...
There's definitely a point where automation actually becomes *LESS* efficient than just adding a +1 to something.  I've been noticing this a bit on slower systems, too. I love the templates, and I use them for everything; but I've long since been making my own macros to handle things on the fly like that.   An Attack macro can prompt for a "misc. attack bonus" and a "misc. damage bonus"... I just throw a "1" and it's taken care of . Instead of a buff/debuff listing for each condition, if you want to include buffs on the sheet,  perhaps just a global "Attack Bonus", "Damage Bonus", "AC Bonus" that can be applied without changing the core stat.  Most of the buffs in Pathfinder are adding attributes, or one of these types of bonus'.

Edited 1443584871
Sheet Author
Mark G. said: There's definitely a point where automation actually becomes *LESS* efficient than just adding a +1 to something.  I've been noticing this a bit on slower systems, too. I love the templates, and I use them for everything; but I've long since been making my own macros to handle things on the fly like that.   An Attack macro can prompt for a "misc. attack bonus" and a "misc. damage bonus"... I just throw a "1" and it's taken care of . Instead of a buff/debuff listing for each condition, if you want to include buffs on the sheet,  perhaps just a global "Attack Bonus", "Damage Bonus", "AC Bonus" that can be applied without changing the core stat.  Most of the buffs in Pathfinder are adding attributes, or one of these types of bonus'. I agree Mark. I use attack and damage queries on my own game.  I've thought about adding them to the community sheet as a "catch-all".  Since you can easily add a query to your own macros, I'm not sure if people would like it being forced on them thru the sheet... BTW: The Beta now has an "Attack and Damage Status Effects" Section to apply up to 4 attack and damage modifiers to all attacks that get rolled into total-attack and total-damage.
Mark G. said: Instead of a buff/debuff listing for each condition, if you want to include buffs on the sheet,  perhaps just a global "Attack Bonus", "Damage Bonus", "AC Bonus" that can be applied without changing the core stat.  Most of the buffs in Pathfinder are adding attributes, or one of these types of bonus'. That's actually closer to what I meant, sorry if that wasn't quite clear. I was imagining something like an "Add Condition" button similar to the the Attack section where useres could name the condition "Barbarian Rage" for instance and then select +4 STR, +4 CON, +2 Will Saves, -2 AC. I agree that it would be less efficient to scroll through a drop down menu to find your buff amongst a gazillion others. I'm not having a perfect overview of ALL the buffs and abilities that enhance/alter core stats, but I think having 2 ability slots, 1 save slot, 1 ac slot, 1 attack and 1 damage slot to plug in values the vast majority of possible buffs should be covered. By keeping it customizeable like this each group could adjust to the spell list of their caster, while applications could go much further. Just think about the Martial Flexibility ability of the Brawler. Still, this is just a suggestion if the people working on the sheet think it's not viable or the sheet gets too fat I'm okay with that. I was just looking for some places for improvement. /K

Edited 1443891772
Sheet Author
This is what I'm working on.  Never mind the "10" values.  Just wanted a placeholder for testing.  Defaults to "0". How many Buffs rows should I include?  My plan is to total each column and include that in the appropriate auto-calculated attribute.
Vince said: This is what I'm working on.  Never mind the "10" values.  Just wanted a placeholder for testing.  Defaults to "0". How many Buffs rows should I include?  My plan is to total each column and include that in the appropriate auto-calculated attribute. I would say 5 to 10. I dont see anyone constantly using more than 10 buffs at a time, but I know that at mid levels I have often had 5 buffs constantly active. But if you could add one more column at the end for notes, that might be helpful. 
Sheet Author
Notes would probably have to go on a second line.  I've maxed out the sheet's default width realestate. ;-(
This will make a great addition to the sheet. I can't tell you what lengths I have to go to to remind players "did you remember haste? bless?  flank? did you remember you have Heroism up?"
Vince said: This is what I'm working on.  Never mind the "10" values.  Just wanted a placeholder for testing.  Defaults to "0". How many Buffs rows should I include?  My plan is to total each column and include that in the appropriate auto-calculated attribute. This looks so promising! Thank you, Vince! /K

Edited 1443981888
Sheet Author
The cool thing will be that you can have multiple buffs setup and then just toggle when needed, like the conditions section.  Wish I could create repeating item Buffs, add them as needed, but it just won't work unless repeating items get an update... Another question, where should I put the Buffs section?  I kind of feel it should go directly below the Conditions on the Core tab since both sections affect the entire sheet.  Thoughts?
I apologize if any of these ideas/requests have already been made. Would it be possible to automatically add the size modifier to skills? &nbsp;Specifically for stealth and fly. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... and&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Is there a way to set the INT modifier to 0 for creatures with animal intelligence? &nbsp; Is it possible to add some senses radio buttons/checkboxes? &nbsp;Say one for darkvision, low-light, blindsense, tremorsense, scent (if this is checked, can it also populate the appropriate skills too?), and any others I'm forgetting. Is there a way to set a spell-per-day use to unlimited? &nbsp;I've set my lv0 spells to 999 for now. Don't take these as a personal hit or anything, this is far better than the excel sheet I was using. &nbsp;Awesome job!

Edited 1444204341
(Sorry, double post)

Edited 1443996243
Merlin H. said: I apologize if any of these ideas/requests have already been made. Would it be possible to automatically add the size modifier to skills? Specifically for stealth and fly. See <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... and <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Is there a way to set the INT modifier to 0 for creatures with animal intelligence? Is it possible to add some senses radio buttons/checkboxes? Say one for darkvision, low-light, blindsense, tremorsense, scent (if this is checked, can it also populate the appropriate skills too?), and any others I'm forgetting. Is there a way to set a spell-per-day use to unlimited? I've set my lv0 spells to 999 for now. Don't take these as a personal hit or anything, this is far better than the excel sheet I was using. Awesome job! What a coincidence! I literally re-opened the thread to ask about the size mods. I had been wondering how our rogue keeps doing so poorly when sneaking (few bad rolls), and then I went on the modifier and saw +10, ah well... he really rolled a 4. But it still left that taste of "shouldn't even a 1 be better than 14?" - and then we did the math and found small was missing. Given that size is selected in a drop-down menu fashion and that the size bonuses to skills *always* apply no matter how you get the size change I'd say make that one auto-calculate. -- Only risk I see is for the NPC skill checks if ranks and such are entered there as misc instead of properly on the skill page, that size bonus might be counted twice... still I play small races a lot and changing fly and stealth every time... I also change intimidate (add a note saying -4 if the enemy is a category larger).
Sheet Author
Merlin H. said: I apologize if any of these ideas/requests have already been made. Would it be possible to automatically add the size modifier to skills? Specifically for stealth and fly. See <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... and <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Yes @{size} should be included in the Fly and Stealth. &nbsp;Intimidate also uses size, however the mod/penalty is based off of the opponent's size... &nbsp;I'll fix Fly and Stealth for sure. &nbsp;Good catch. Is there a way to set the INT modifier to 0 for creatures with animal intelligence? Obviously the sheet is geared more toward PC's..., but you could set INT base to 1 or 2 and use the Temp column to adjust the modifier to "0".&nbsp; Is it possible to add some senses radio buttons/checkboxes? Say one for darkvision, low-light, blindsense, tremorsense, scent (if this is checked, can it also populate the appropriate skills too?), and any others I'm forgetting. Not sure I follow. Can you elaborate? Is there a way to set a spell-per-day use to unlimited? I've set my lv0 spells to 999 for now. Setting the field to "999" should be sufficient till the "Advanced Mythic" rules come out. &nbsp;;-) Don't take these as a personal hit or anything, this is far better than the excel sheet I was using. Awesome job! NP and thanks. &nbsp;Lot's of people have contributed to this sheet. &nbsp;Cheers
For the senses: Every creature has some sort of way of sensing the outside world. &nbsp;Therefore, instead of spending an area in the description for "Darkvision 60ft", just having a checkbox or something of that ilk to indicate that ability, or the other similar abilities. &nbsp;Does that make any more sense?
Merlin, you can modify the Macro formula next to the Perception Skill ( which is where this would apply in the game, as far as any checks are concerned ). &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Perception}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Perception} ]] ]]}} {{*◄Darkvision►*= ***◄Scent►***}}

Edited 1444005382
Sheet Author
Merlin H. said: For the senses: Every creature has some sort of way of sensing the outside world. &nbsp;Therefore, instead of spending an area in the description for "Darkvision 60ft", just having a checkbox or something of that ilk to indicate that ability, or the other similar abilities. &nbsp;Does that make any more sense? While I like the idea of seeing all the available options, it's probably more "practical" to just type in the senses as they are listed on the monster's statblock. A selector would be nice, however you could only choose a single option which wouldn't work for creature's that have multiple senses. &nbsp;Changing Senses to use checkboxes would require that each type of sense would need to be displayed on the sheet(how many?) vs using a single text box. EDIT: &nbsp;Thanks Mark. &nbsp;I guess I still didn't understand. &nbsp;;-P
Sheet Author
&{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Perception}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Perception} ]] ]]}} {{*◄Senses►*= @{npc-senses}}}
Hello, I am just starting to use your sheet... it looks great. Quick question: When I edit the macro text for an attack, the change effects the button there at the attack, but does not seem to effect the pre-set attack buttons macro. Is that normal, or am I doing something wrong?