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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
John S. said: Hello, I am just starting to use your sheet... it looks great. Quick question: When I edit the macro text for an attack, the change effects the button there at the attack, but does not seem to effect the pre-set attack buttons macro. Is that normal, or am I doing something wrong? Hi John.  You're not doing anything wrong. Pre-set attacks are "hard-coded" into the sheet (no macro-text). You can use their sheet roll names in other macros and drag/drop their buttons to the macro quickbar.  Although they use the attributes from the repeating weapons, they cannot use the macro text inside the repeating attack.  It's currently one of the limitations of repeating items...  The repeating items can be added as needed and allow for custom macros using the macro text field and include per-weapon note toggling and iterative attacks.  As you have figured out, if you edit the macro text from within a repeating attack, it will only affect the actual repeating attack sheet roll button.  Hopefully we will get an update to repeating items that will eleminate the need for the pre-set button bars.
Vince said: EDIT:  Thanks Mark.  I guess I still didn't understand.  ;-P Oh, I was just manually adding each sense to the macro text without attributes or anything. :) For something that specific, that only comes up when using perception anyway, sometimes just doing it manually one time makes sense.
Thanks Vince, for the info (and all of the hard work, of course). I will continue to tinker, and dig info out of this thread (and its predecessors)....

Edited 1444110965
Sheet Author
Update to  PF beta sheet v10.04.15 we now have a "Buffs Array™".  You can now toggle on/off 10 separate buffs that can modify 14 different attributes per buff sheet-wide.  Debating on pulling the  Attack and Damage Status Effects section (it enables adding up 4 attack and damage modifiers to all attacks)  May not be necessary with the "Buffs Array™" fixed Fly and Stealth not accounting for size.
Wow!!! Can't tell you how excited I am about this. My groups will love you for that! Thank you so much for your time and efforts, Vince! /K
Vince said: Update to  PF beta sheet v10.04.15 we now have a "Buffs Array™".  You can now toggle on/off 10 separate buffs that can modify 14 different attributes per buff sheet-wide.  Debating on pulling the  Attack and Damage Status Effects section (it enables adding up 4 attack and damage modifiers to all attacks)  May not be necessary with the "Buffs Array™" fixed Fly and Stealth not accounting for size. Shut up and take my money! go live with this!  Very nice, man!  This is a much better fix than I'd envisioned!
Cannot wait for the next live push. the buff area will make things sooooooooooo much easier for the barbarian in my group. I have been using a combo of API's and macros to handle his rage. This will make it simple. Thanks Vince!

Edited 1444147120
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Wow the buffs is fantastic! I will help test it out with my group in the dev server, now that I upgraded. Especially the barbarian has a hard time, he made separate attacks for "with rage" but the other day he had lots of other skill and strength checks to do, and while it's not hard to remember to mentally add +2 to things, it is great for a way to not forget as well.
Great work Vince
I'm trying to figure out how to account for a Cavalier with Spirited Charge and a Lance. Using a lance with the spirited charge feat gives you triple damage on a charge. As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to put a 3X mod in the sheet for a "standard" attack. The easiest fix to this would be to add a 3X STR option in the Damage Ability dropdown menu. The second issue I'm less certain how to fix: the lance is a 3X crit weapon, which means that when said cavalier charges and crits, he does 5X damage. I have no idea how to work that into the attack macro. Otherwise, my whole group LOVES the sheet, so that thanks for all the work put into it.
Erren said: I'm trying to figure out how to account for a Cavalier with Spirited Charge and a Lance. Using a lance with the spirited charge feat gives you triple damage on a charge. As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to put a 3X mod in the sheet for a "standard" attack. The easiest fix to this would be to add a 3X STR option in the Damage Ability dropdown menu. The second issue I'm less certain how to fix: the lance is a 3X crit weapon, which means that when said cavalier charges and crits, he does 5X damage. I have no idea how to work that into the attack macro. Otherwise, my whole group LOVES the sheet, so that thanks for all the work put into it. It's rather inelegant, but a fix my party's paladin started doing is putting "+ [[ 2d8 + (@{STR-mod} * 2) ]] damage on charge" in the weapon notes.  Obviously you don't get that added automatically, but it solves the problem and keeps play moving.  

Edited 1444184703
Sheet Author
It sounds like a Cavalier with Spirited Charge deals some damage.  :-) Haven't given this too much thought.   Could you just modify the damage property of the macro for 3x regular damage? {{damage=[[ 3 * ( @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + [[ @{total-damage} ]] ) ]]}} {{damage=[[ (3 * @{damage-dice-num})d@{damage-die} + (3 * @{total-damage}) ]]}} And then by using x6 as the multiplier the crit handles itself... since 6x actually reduces to a x5 multiplier given the crit_damage macro. {{crit_damage=[[ (@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1))d@{damage-die} + (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]]}}

Edited 1444212260
Joshua F. said: Erren said: I'm trying to figure out how to account for a Cavalier with Spirited Charge and a Lance. Using a lance with the spirited charge feat gives you triple damage on a charge. As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to put a 3X mod in the sheet for a "standard" attack. The easiest fix to this would be to add a 3X STR option in the Damage Ability dropdown menu. The second issue I'm less certain how to fix: the lance is a 3X crit weapon, which means that when said cavalier charges and crits, he does 5X damage. I have no idea how to work that into the attack macro. Otherwise, my whole group LOVES the sheet, so that thanks for all the work put into it. It's rather inelegant, but a fix my party's paladin started doing is putting "+ [[ 2d8 + (@{STR-mod} * 2) ]] damage on charge" in the weapon notes. &nbsp;Obviously you don't get that added automatically, but it solves the problem and keeps play moving. &nbsp; I thought that would work too, then I found out the multiplier includes bonuses from buffs! (see here&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... ) Actually rolling 3 attacks and adding them together gives you a distribution more slanted towards the middle (more predictable high damage) while straight up multiplying the result makes the range include more extreme failures and extreme successes. Still seems to be the easiest way I see to use it in play... take the result, then write [[(your result here)*3]] and done. Of course yours is perfectly fine if you're not benefitting from any buffs, but I'm looking at devine favor and smiting and other things... would get messy. Alternatively you could just hit the attack button 3 times, and ignore any crits that come up after the first one and add them all together... just more math (and screen space) on an unrelated note: Vince said: ... Here's a PF Skills macro that might be of interest to you Julix. Customize it to make it however you like(or make a couple of variations). All Skills Query: &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=Skill Check}} {{?{Choose a Skill&lt;br&gt;(* training not required)| *Acrobatics, Acrobatics = [[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Acrobatics} ]] ]] | *Appraise, Appraise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Appraise} ]] ]] | *Artistry, Artistry=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Artistry} ]] ]] | *Bluff, Bluff=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Bluff} ]] ]] | *Climb, Climb=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Climb} ]] ]] | *Craft, Craft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Craft} ]] ]] | *Diplomacy, Diplomacy=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Diplomacy} ]] ]] | Disable Device, Disable Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disable-Device} ]] ]] | *Disguise, Disguise=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Disguise} ]] ]] | *Escape Artist, Escape Artist=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Escape-Artist} ]] ]] | *Fly, Fly=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Fly} ]] ]] | Handle Animal, Handle Animal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Handle-Animal} ]] ]] | *Heal, Heal=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Heal} ]] ]] | *Intimidate, Intimidate=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Intimidate} ]] ]] | Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Arcana=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Arcana} ]] ]] | Knowledge Dungeoneering, Knowledge Dungeoneering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Dungeoneering} ]] ]] | Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Engineering=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Engineering} ]] ]] | Knowledge Geography, Knowledge Geography=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Geography} ]] ]] | Knowledge History, Knowledge History=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-History} ]] ]] | Knowledge Local, Knowledge Local=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Local} ]] ]] | Knowledge Nature, Knowledge Nature=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nature} ]] ]] | Knowledge Nobility, Knowledge Nobility=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Nobility} ]] ]] | Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Planes=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Planes} ]] ]] | Knowledge Religion, Knowledge Religion=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Knowledge-Religion} ]] ]] | Linguistics, Linguistics=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Linguistics} ]] ]] | Lore, Lore=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Lore} ]] ]] | *Perception, Perception=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perception} ]] ]] | *Perform, Perform=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Perform} ]] ]] | Profession, Profession=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Profession} ]] ]] | *Ride, Ride=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Ride} ]] ]] | *Sense Motive, Sense Motive=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sense-Motive} ]] ]] | Sleight of Hand, Sleight of Hand=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Sleight-of-Hand} ]] ]] | Spellcraft, Spellcraft=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Spellcraft} ]] ]] | *Stealth, Stealth=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Stealth} ]] ]] | *Survival, Survival=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Survival} ]] ]] | *Swim, Swim=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Swim} ]] ]] | Use Magic Device, Use Magic Device=[[ 1d20+ [[ @{selected|Use-Magic-Device} ]] ]]}}} ... Wow! I must have missed this. Just tested it, and it's amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. I spent so much time trying to design a multiple query system with categories (say chose between categories, say social -&gt; then chose between skills, say diplo, or sense motive) -- but then I'd change it for the particular character as not to include non-options, and have popular ones at the top, and no reference to "selected" so I can roll it anytime. It works, but it's so much work! This generic solution is really quite nice. I suggest including it somewhere in your charactersheet (maybe in a way that doesn't require the "selected" part, just like repeating buttons for weapons), perhaps at the top of the skill section as a button that you can use directly from there or drag to the macro bar (like a repeatable one). Do others think this would be useful to somehow include in the default sheet? Again unrelated:&nbsp;As a member of said group I can say this is very much true: Karankwan said: Wow!!! Can't tell you how excited I am about this. My groups will love you for that! Thank you so much for your time and efforts, Vince! /K Looking forward to all of this so much. Please go live asap. I get that we have yet to betatest a bunch of things (like the buffs) but you're so productive we'll never stop having brand new features that need testing and never get to go live if we keep this up! :D &nbsp; On the other hand, maybe I should just beta test faster/harder to find the mistakes that might be there to be more comfortable when I say "it'll all be okay, just go live". ---- I was thinking maybe make the armor selectors instead of check boxes, but then realized the potential this had for the alternative rules of piecemealarmor... and then realized there's only 2 slots and they're static, so there's no point. So the only case in which I could see two slots being useful as check-boxes by normal pathfinder rules is when using an armored kilt (which I happen to do, but I also have two separate sets of armors that I use it on, so the stats for either would be including the armored kilt, thus again selector. Same goes for shields. While you can wear two, you only get the advantage from the one that provides the higher AC bonus, so selector makes more sense than checkmark. Strange to find myself arguing for less freedom, but I think it will avoid some confusion for some people later on when people wear two plates for 18 ac bonus :D&nbsp; Also most people won't be using these, and it does take up two good lines of character sheet space, maybe make them an optional setting? Have a section in the settings page that's just about visuals, what to show and hide (like Hero points, unchained skills, ...) - Sorry to be first requesting this feature and then asking about hiding it away in the settings, but looking at it seeing those static slots rather than repeatable items (i.e. the option to add an armor slot if I feel like it) felt kinda odd, and I think others might feel the same way. Perhaps from what we're used to from other character sheets... Same for the buffs. If it was possible to press a "add buff" (up to 10) instead of having 10 already there, I'd appreciate it. -- See this is what I'm talking about! Trying to beta test and just keep thinking up new stuff that means new work. :-O --- See how the number 0 at Mod for CMD is kinda squished? Not sure if you had noticed. Even happens when I extend the window to full screen. There. That's a real beta test thing. :D Yay. &nbsp; ---- Stopped searching for tonight. Getting late... seriously looking forward to having all these things in our game! :) ---&nbsp; I did find another thing! The mods would be so much more useful if they had a second field where they the various bonuses would pre-calculate. I'm thinking a little field that you can slide open like those with the repeating attacks. Static ones would work but take up too much space, or have too little space to work in visually, but that would still be okay as long as you can copy into them.. --- Reason this is needed, is because so so so many buffs are dependent on things. Having Smite be included as a buff (using it interchangably with mod here) is awesome, because then I can have it active or not before I make rolls. However if I could type in a formula and it would just know how much of what to add depending on my level and my charisma - that would save me so so so much work! It goes that way with Devine Favor and many other sources of buff.&nbsp; --- Shouldn't there be a field for FC alt? Alternate favored class bonuses should be tracked somewhere, even if you don't write down what exactly they do.&nbsp; --- Now good night for now ---- and thanks again for your amazing work! I just can't believe how fast you keep implementing these suggestions!
Wow. &nbsp;That Skills macro, though. &nbsp;I'd been trying to write something like that for a bit and hadn't figured it out yet. &nbsp;Thank you Vince, and thank you Julix for bringing it back up!
Sheet Author
All credit to Morbidsoul for the Skills Query. Awesome stuff. Posted here&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> .
Vince said: It sounds like a Cavalier with Spirited Charge deals some damage. &nbsp;:-) Haven't given this too much thought. &nbsp; Could you just modify the damage property of the macro for 3x regular damage? {{damage=[[ 3 * ( @{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die} + [[ @{total-damage} ]] ) ]]}} {{damage=[[ (3 * @{damage-dice-num})d@{damage-die} + (3 * @{total-damage}) ]]}} And then by using x6 as the multiplier the crit handles itself... since 6x actually&nbsp;reduces to a x5 multiplier given the crit_damage macro. {{crit_damage=[[ (@{damage-dice-num} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1))d@{damage-die} + (@{total-damage} * (@{crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]]}} This looks like it'll work perfectly, thanks. I can also just leave the crit multiplier as x3 and my player can add that to his "normal" damage same as he otherwise would.
Sheet Author
Update&nbsp; PF Beta v.10.08.15 Improved the Buffs Array. &nbsp;Added a second row of macro text access to each Buffed attribute, so you can include a formulas if needed or just enter a modifier. &nbsp; Also bisected the Buffs section into "Buffs 1-5" and "Buffs 6-10". &nbsp;Hide what you don't need. &nbsp;
Vince said: All credit to Morbidsoul for the Skills Query. Awesome stuff. Posted here&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . WOOT! I'm famous! :P My pleasure guys. Anything to make life easier for our players.

Edited 1444595821
Not sure if this has been reported before, but whenever I click to another tab (like to go from "Core" to "Classes", etc.), it automatically switches back to the first tab. And I need to click on the other tab again to access it. Then I realized this issue only existed on my sheet, and not on the other players, so I made it again from scratch. The new sheet was working fine for two sessions, but now I'm having the same issue. It's not a game-breaking thing, but definitely very annoying.
see here
Sheet Author
There's currently a bug on roll20 that's causing some issues with the tabs in some sheets. &nbsp;Check the attributes & abilities tab from the journal and delete any attributes called "tab". &nbsp;See if that helps. &nbsp;Some people think the dupes can happen if the GM and players are manipulating the sheet at the same time. &nbsp;Can't confirm this is the cause though. &nbsp;Cheers
Sheet Author
Thanks for the character sheet. It's wonderful. Here is a descrepency I found on the documentation. From <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... : " Damage Ability - normally this is either STR for melee or DEX for ranged, however there may be Feats\Traits\other that may allow another ability modifier." Normally, only the use of the STR bonus to weapon damage applies to melee and to ranged. Using DEX for weapon damage is not normal. Ref:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... There is a minor issue with the Attacks and probably other repeated values. When you create a macro or drag the button from the sheet to the macro bar, the launching of button does not observe the Options for which type of "notes" to display. You may want to add that to the documentation like you did for iterative attacks. One recommendation that I'd like to make is that you offer APIs for those that have mentor status, but not make it a requirement. An example of a useful API would be to automatically sum the weight of items for you. Offering APIs and the instructions on how to implement them would take the sheet to another level and provide incentive for additional monetary suppot for Roll20. Magik
Sheet Author
Magik said: Thanks for the character sheet. It's wonderful. Here is a descrepency I found on the documentation. From <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... : " Damage Ability - normally this is either STR for melee or DEX for ranged, however there may be Feats\Traits\other that may allow another ability modifier." Normally, only the use of the STR bonus to weapon damage applies to melee and to ranged. Using DEX for weapon damage is not normal. Ref:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... There is a minor issue with the Attacks and probably other repeated values. When you create a macro or drag the button from the sheet to the macro bar, the launching of button does not observe the Options for which type of "notes" to display. You may want to add that to the documentation like you did for iterative attacks. One recommendation that I'd like to make is that you offer APIs for those that have mentor status, but not make it a requirement. An example of a useful API would be to automatically sum the weight of items for you. Offering APIs and the instructions on how to implement them would take the sheet to another level and provide incentive for additional monetary suppot for Roll20. Magik Hi Magik. &nbsp;Thanks for the feedback. &nbsp; Damage Ability on the wiki has been updated to "Damage Ability - normally this is STR for melee attacks, however there may be Feats\Traits\other that may substitute another ability modifier." There's probably more than one discrepancy on the Pathfinder Character Sheet wiki... Most of that wiki was done after midnight. &nbsp;. Feel free to make any appropriate changes. &nbsp;BTW : anyone can update/add to the wiki. &nbsp;Please do. &nbsp;We all benefit. I'll add a note as to the limitation of the sheet's pre-set attacks vs the repeating item attack. &nbsp;This is due to some limitations of repeating items. &nbsp;We're all hoping the repeating items will get an update. &nbsp;Fingers crossed. API in the community sheet: Must be optional and I like the idea. &nbsp;Do you use, or can your reccomend a script that adds up repeating item attributes like weights?

Edited 1444942054
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I think a useful one would be to add auto-calculated fields to the attribute sheet. For instance, GroupInitiative can't look at @{init} since it's autocalculated, but I can easily create an attribute on the Attributes & Abilities tab that sums up init-misc and init-trait and (another attribute to sum up everything that goes into DEX-mod), and use that in GroupInitiative. But that can easily become a whole lot of attributes to paste in that I can get wrong. But a&nbsp;script to run against TokenMod or something, that either is run when a character is created, or run on the selected character, would add those "duplicate" auto-calced fields correctly as Attributes. (The only problem I found is I can't have an attribute that is the same name as a calculated field or it causes scripts to blow up. For instance, I tried adding an "init" attribute, and that breaks not only GroupInitiative but also even the initiative roll button on the character sheet. ) But since I'm about to add some attributes against all 6 of my players, maybe that is something I'll look into and upload. Another idea, basically the same thing: a script to set the groups on GroupInitative. Maybe after the above is run, that will setup GroupInititaive to be used with the Pathfinder values needed. Obviously that's only a couple lines long, unless combined with the above idea. Because the first time I used Group Initiative, even with all the help, i had to do a lot of testing until I figured it out. (And I have to re-run it every time I copy the campaign to the dev server, so I end up keeping a script of calls to the API to re-run ). Basically it looks like what I'm thinking about are "best practice" scripts, that can help GMs setup their macros and the pathfinder sheet interact with other APIs that already exist. The last thing is I just noticed cgen (character generator) is not supported anymore. If the original author doesn't mind that can be something the Pathfinder community takes over. And name the Attributes so that they use the same names as the Pathfinder sheet, causing it to be populated, etc. or something else along those lines.
It's possible that I missed it looking through this thread but is there any way to drag & drop your Attacks from the character sheet down to your Taskbar at the bottom of the Roll20 Interface? &nbsp;I can do so with other items with the D20 icon (such as saving throws & skills) but it doesn't work with the attacks. &nbsp;Thanks!
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Rob you can drag the small buttons at the top of the list. For all the variable-length lists, there are small buttons at top that you can drag, or else hovering over them will give you the string to type into a macro : %{selected|repeating_weapon_0_Attack} %{selected|repeating_weapon_1_Attack} %{selected|repeating_weapon_2_Attack} and so on
Not very familiar with getting too deeply into the macros... some of the small buttons you mentioned seem to correspond to the attack macros I set up below (but only partially). &nbsp;Is there a way to anchor them to do the same thing as hitting the d20 icon for the Attack Macros on the sheet I set up below...?
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I made this for my players it may help you&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1444942651
Sheet Author
All non-repeating sheet roll macro buttons can use drag and drop and can be used in other macros by the button roll's name as Chris mentioned. &nbsp; Here's the rub; repeating items and their attributes do not exist until they are created. &nbsp;Roll20 currently does not have a method to make this work and so sheet authors have had to work around some of the pitfalls of using repeating items. &nbsp;The button bars found throughout the sheet were added so that you can drag and drop and use the macro from within other macros. The downside is that the button bar macros are not repeating items and are "hard coded" into the sheet using predetermined attributes that are required in order to prevent errors. Try Pre-set attack 26 and you'll see what happens if any part of a repeating item attribute does not exist. &nbsp;Iterative attacks, Optional Notes, and Macro text are all examples of per-attack/weapon settings that only work within the repeating item itself due to their dynamic nature and must be rolled directly from the sheet. You can create custom ability/token macros that include a set number of iterative attacks as&nbsp; mentioned and exampled previously . There's a suggestion to try and get an update to repeating items that could help sheet authors immensely. &nbsp; Official support for repeating sections in character sheets Please comment and/or add a vote.
Sheet Author
@Chris Cool ideas. &nbsp;I would be interested in your script that creates all the auto-calculated and populates the abilities & attributes tab. &nbsp;I have ran into the same issues when trying to implement API scripts that do not function with auto-calculated attributes, which the PF sheet is riddled with. &nbsp;One problem I see is that you would have to run the script often to ensure that the "static" attributes it creates are accurate. Adding any API functionality to the sheet has to be done with caution. &nbsp;The community sheet needs to work for all accounts and should never require access to a given script. &nbsp;I have had more than one game disrupted by API inconsistencies as well... As far as the cgen script goes. Best to ask in the API forum. &nbsp;I doubt anyone would mind improving upon a script that has been deprecated. Maybe even take the code and create a new version that works with the PF sheet. &nbsp;I know I would like to see that.

Edited 1445266771
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
One way to get the auto-calculated fields without needing the API would be to make the calculations available in a text field (such as with the skills). The user can then go to that text field and just type a space at the end, that would pop the calculation macro into the Attributes. These calcs would have to be careful to only reference other textboxes (not other calculated fields).&nbsp;Obviously, the problem with this idea (though a similar problem exists using an API to create them) is 1. duplicate copies of the calculation that have to be kept in sync and 2. actually a different calculation since it can't rely on calculated fields.&nbsp; Update 10/18 2:40 eastern: for some reason GroupInitiative is picky about where the [[ and ]] went. The following worked to pass init2 to GroupInitiative:&nbsp; Update 10/29 11am eastern: fixed typo in DEX-mod2 DEX-mod2: &nbsp;(had to change DEX to &nbsp;DEX-base plus DEX-enchance,).&nbsp; [[[[floor([[@{DEX-base}+@{DEX-enhance}]]/2)]]-5+[[floor(@{DEX-temp}/2)]]-[[abs(floor(@{DEX-damage}/2))]]-[[abs(floor(@{DEX-penalty}/2))]]- @{condition-Entangled} - @{condition-grappled} - @{condition-Fatigued}]] init2: use DEX-mod2 [[@{init-misc}+@{init-trait}+[[@{DEX-mod2}]]]] GroupInitiative : the group is very easy now: !group-init --add-group --Bare init2 --Tie-Breaker init2

Edited 1445011645
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
One more post: I updated Morbidsoul's skill macro to force a zero result if the character does not have ranks in a skill that requires training. This way I don't need to customize the macro per character (removing or adding trained skills). Nor do i have to check if a character has ranks before rolling ,etc <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
chris b. said: One more post: I updated Morbidsoul's skill macro to force a zero result if the character does not have ranks in a skill that requires training. This way I don't need to customize the macro per character (removing or adding trained skills). Nor do i have to check if a character has ranks before rolling ,etc <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Just wanted to say that there are several traits, feats, spells, and classes that allow for trained only skills to be used untrained.

Edited 1445060159
I was just thinking of the buffs and how much I like them and then realized they're still not in the normal sheet... I thought last I checked little had changed, wonder when it goes live... - then I came here, saw the collapsing of buffs was still the newest entry... then I figured I'd do some more testing, and guess what I found? Crazy updates!&nbsp; One week ago I read&nbsp; PF Beta v.10.08.15 - and I liked it. But there's significant change! 10.11.15 has really expanded on the buffs... you can now use calculating things as part (as I asked for)! And there's small changes like there being an FC alt field -- but I also don't remember hover over explanations of what the fields are! now if you hover on the word "FC HP" the alt text says "Favored Class HP/lvl" --- I find it a little misleading as it sounds like you get this many FC HP every level (i.e. if 3 FC HP =&nbsp;Favored Class HP/lvl and the character is level 3 shouldn't he have 9 HP due to FC? - or shouldn't I just have to enter 1 and it would multiply it by level to determine what HP I have? And either of those isn't what it does or should be doing. So it's really more "Number of times HP have been chosen as&nbsp;Favored Class bonus" - that's rather long... also I just realized the "HP" hoverover says "Hit points/lvl." - which isn't true either. It's the total hitpoints added by that class! So maybe replace "/lvl." with "/class"? hm... still sounds confusing-ish. "Hit points per class" - eh. - Maybe just have it say "Hit points" and "Favored Class Skill points" - that way the short cuts are explained and nothing potentially confusing is added... Assuming some pathfinder rule familiarity should allow people to figure out that when you level up you add the FC bonuses in the field for the class you levelled up in (that you also have chosen as a favored Class)... Anyway, that's minor. Buff update is major! I can actually add smite as a thing with level dependent variables so that once this goes out I can set it up once and for all. I tried figuring out how to add Powerattack here and found a way that worked: one buff called 2-H PA and one called 1-H PA, that way I could catch the different effects on different weapons, though it would mean a lot of switching. Currently most people I know just create one Attack per Style of attacking per weapon. My way also doesn't catch the 1/2 bonus damage on secondary natural or offhand attacks, so I guess including those bonuses directly in the weapon attack section is currently the best way to do it.&nbsp; Still, buffs are amazing, and will be much appreciated I'm sure. I noticed there's a "note" field, but I didn't see anywhere that it get's called upon. It is however callable (i.e. there's a @{...} way of referencing the cell), so I guess you could make that note part of a button (if any) that caused the buff. i.e. if I have a macro set up for activating smite (it should be under class -&gt; abilities) I could reference the cell of the buff and write in there something like /w Julix (i.e. me) remember to turn on the buff now! &nbsp;--- or in case of enlargement whisper to the GM to increase the size of my token, etc. What would be amazing is to have a way to toggle the buffs from within macros, but I guess that would take API too, wouldn't it? :(&nbsp; Someone in the beta made a button for "/talkingtomyself" which is wonderful cause you can toggle it on and off, but I guess to do that with buffs you'd need to be able to change the sheet from within a macro, and that's API stuff... Guess describing manually how he gets angry to stall for time and clicking on the buff (if the sheet/game/internet/pc isn't being particularly slow that day) before rolling wouldn't be too bad. --- Also before you could make a bunch of modifiers in your attacks or what not for various combinations of powerattacking and raging and what not - but none of that could add the HP to your character! Now you can actually do that within the buff! :-O&nbsp; So good work! Very impressed. Edit: another thing though: size calculations seem off. I just tested size small and it's adding a +1 to stealth and fly, rather than more...&nbsp; see here Edit: Just tested it again with other sizes, same problem with other sizes. Wrong amount and same amount for stealth and fly. Maybe that's a bug, maybe he's still working on it and that's why he didn't share the news of the update in here yet, come to think of it that seems rather plausible :D&nbsp; Either way, here's the table for the size effects.&nbsp;

Edited 1445187566
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Simon said: Just wanted to say that there are several traits, feats, spells, and classes that allow for trained only skills to be used untrained. Ah, i forgot since none of my players are using any. (they were obsessed with Rich Parents). The best way would be to add a checkbox for "use untrained?" on each row, then we could build more powerful macros for skills. Though not sure if there's much of a need. I guess since i'm a mentor/pro now i can look into contributing more.

Edited 1445317976
Sheet Author
Julix said: Sorry, been away with real life stuff. I wanted things to get get tested out before going live to make sure there weren't any bugs... Adding size for Fly and Stealth needs to be fixed. &nbsp;Size on the sheet currently is made only for AC/Attack and CMB/CMD. &nbsp;Those values do not convert using a single formula for the Fly and Stealth mods/penalties. &nbsp;At least I can't make a straight conversion... &nbsp; Table: Size Bonuses and Penalties Size AC/Attack CMB/CMD Fly Skill Stealth Skill Fine +8 –8 +8 +16 Diminutive +4 –4 +6 +12 Tiny +2 –2 +4 +8 Small +1 –1 +2 +4 Medium +0 +0 +0 +0 Large –1 +1 –2 –4 Huge –2 +2 –4 –8 Gargantuan –4 +4 –6 –12 Colossal –8 +8 –8 –16 Two options, either add a size column for Fly and Stealth(tight fit on the sheet) or simply update the macro to include a drop-down query for the size mode(my preferred method). &nbsp;I've added this to the beta sheet for now. #Fly &{template:pf_generic} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Fly}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Fly} ]] + [[ ?{Size|Fine +8,8 |Diminutive +6,6 |Tiny +4,4 |Small +2,2 |Medium 0,0 |Large -2,-2 |Huge -4,-4 |Gargantuan -6,-6 |Colossal -8,-8} ]][size] ]]}} #Stealth &{template:pf_generic} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_generic}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Stealth}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Stealth} ]] + [[ ?{Size|Fine +16,16 |Diminutive +12,12 |Tiny +8,8 |Small +4,4 |Medium 0,0 |Large -4,-4 |Huge -8,-8 |Gargantuan -12,-12 |Colossal -16,-16} ]][size] ]]}} I'll update/change the tipsy info you mentioned as well. &nbsp;Hopefully a player will understand how alternate favored classes work and that this column is just a way to record how many times an Alternate Favored Class ability has been substituted. &nbsp;Exact abilities and their details can be added as additional class features/abilities or racial traits.
Sheet Author
chris b. said: Simon said: Just wanted to say that there are several traits, feats, spells, and classes that allow for trained only skills to be used untrained. Ah, i forgot since none of my players are using any. (they were obsessed with Rich Parents). The best way would be to add a checkbox for "use untrained?" on each row, then we could build more powerful macros for skills. Though not sure if there's much of a need. I guess since i'm a mentor/pro now i can look into contributing more. :-)

Edited 1445359830
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If we could do exponents, which we apparently can't, we could do something like this, for a start at least: Table: Size Bonuses and Penalties Size VAL AC/Attack CMB/CMD Fly Skill Stealth Skill Fine 3 2^abs(VAL) = 8 -2^abs(VAL) = –8 2*(abs(VAL)+1) = 8 4*(abs(VAL)+1) = 16 Diminutive 2 2^abs(VAL) = 4 -2^abs(VAL) = –4 2*(abs(VAL)+1) = 6 4*(abs(VAL)+1) = 12 Tiny 1 2^abs(VAL) = 2 -2^abs(VAL) = –2 2*(abs(VAL)+1) = 4 4*(abs(VAL)+1) = 8 Small 0 2^abs(VAL) = 1 -2^abs(VAL) = –1 2*(abs(VAL)+1) = 2 4*(abs(VAL)+1) = 4 Medium ? 0 0 0 0 Large ? -1 1 -2 -4 Huge -1 -2 2 -4 -8 Gargantuan -2 -4 4 -6 -12 Colossal -3 -8 8 -8 -16

Edited 1445372729
Sheet Author
If we could assign multiple values to multiple attributes using a single input select or if javascript were allowed... I think a drop-down query prompt is the easiest solution.

Edited 1445422489
Hello, I'm new to Roll20 and Pathfinder. I&nbsp;have no programming skill and i'm not a nativ englisch speaker. I have problems filling out "character hp" and "npc page" correctly. I was looking for a tutorial video to fill out that awesome charactersheet but i coulnd't find any. If someone would make or link me any tutorial on how to use that charactsheet i would be very&nbsp;grateful. If this is not the right place to ask for this kind of help then feel free to delet my post.

Edited 1445462256
Sheet Author
Hello Karim. There isn't a tutorial but there is a&nbsp; Pathfinder Character Sheet Guide on the roll20 wiki that should help. Character HP: On the Classes Tab, start by filling out row 0. HP is the amount of HP you rolled. &nbsp; FC HP is additional HP for favored class if you do not decide to take an extra skill rank or an alternate Favored class benefit. &nbsp;Your total HP for all classes is shown at the bottom and will be included in your Max HP found on the Core Tab's Health and Wounds sub-section. &nbsp;Max HP formula:&nbsp;((@{CON-mod} * @{level}) + @{total-hp} + (5 * @{condition-Drained})) &nbsp;Your Current HP and Max HP should be the same if you are at full health. &nbsp;You adjust Current HP for damage and healing. &nbsp; Don't forget to fill out the entire row for your class! The NPC section of the sheet is geared toward monster stat-block input. &nbsp;Most of the NPC attributes are shared with the PC side of the sheet (attacks, skills,feats, traits, etc.) &nbsp;Any attribute name that includes "NPC" is specific to the NPC section of the sheet, such as @{NPC-HP} &nbsp;Rolling over input fields will show the name of any given attribute. Best to ask questions here if you get confused. &nbsp;The sheets gotten big and complicated (much like PF...) &nbsp;Good luck
Hi Vince. Tanks very much, that helps alot. Still a long way for me to figuer evrything out.
Being new with both makes it a little harder, though if you have any specific questions, Karim, we'll be able to help you here. When you're familiar with pathfinder as a system most things in the sheet are quite intuitive as well. At this point, are you a player or game master?
Vince said: Julix said: I wanted things to get get tested out before going live to make sure there weren't any bugs... I do understand that, sort of the point of having a beta, right? It's not like you're merely fixing bugs we report, you're also constantly adding new requested features (which is awesome, especially the speed at which you do it! - mindboggling!) - my question is I guess how would we know it's ready to go live? How can I help? How do I transfer the newest code to my own test-campaign game so I can bug-test for interaction effects? Would that help?&nbsp; As for the size modifier thingy, I'm not a fan of the dropdown for non-options (i.e. as a player of a character with static size it would bug me enough to just change the macro of the skill to include the modifier of any) - also most people are medium, so it creates more work than it prevents... but I have an idea. Sneak and fly both have shorter skill names than the other skills - would it at all be possible to add a drop down right behind the name of the skill? &nbsp;similar to how Perform has a field (where you can name the type of Perform) as part of its name. It should default to medium so that most people won't have to worry about it. If there's ever a thing that lets you count as one size category smaller for the purposes of stealth or such this even lets you chose to do that! - Don't know that there is, but it's a magic item my halfling would consider buying... :D&nbsp; That way you have the same query drop down but you only have to use it once per character. I loved the tipsy texts by the way! In the skill section "CS" deserves one saying "Class skill", but I'm guessing they're new and most bold short cuts on the sheet will get one sooner or later, right? Might help people like Karim (i.e. new to roll20/pathfinder) to navigate. Great great work!&nbsp; Let me know what I can do to help get this hot sexy charactersheet live! :)

Edited 1445495657
Sheet Author
Thanks for the comments Julix and others. &nbsp;For now I'm leaving the drop-down query in for Fly and Stealth. &nbsp;Look over the macro examples I posted and see if there's a better way to handle the drop-down query for size. &nbsp;The macros will be included/updated with the sheet, so there's no need for anyone to change anything on their end. &nbsp;I'll look into adding a size selector for Fly and Stealth. Adding a selector is not the issue, it's really a formatting problem. &nbsp;I'll add additional tipsy info to the sheet as well. I'm holding off on making any more additions other than minor adjustments and/or omissions until this version of the beta goes live. &nbsp;I'm hesitant on posting the beta code to git. It's fine for collaborating, but when there are lot's of different people making suggestions and "poking" the code, it can become very unwieldy. Please report anything that's broken. &nbsp;I would like to make a PR this week for the sheet. &nbsp;It's been too long. &nbsp;:-) Thanks for everyone's help.
There is already a drop down for size on the details page so you can just reference that in the skill macro and multiply it by the appropriate modifier 4 for stealth and 2 for fly so no drop down needed &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Stealth}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Stealth} +[[@{size}*4]] ]] ]]}} &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Fly}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Flly} +[[@{size}*2]] ]] ]]}} I dont know if it is possible but you may be able to put that in the @{fly} and @{stealth} formulas so that the macro doesnt even need that&nbsp;

Edited 1445552008
Julix said: At this point, are you a player or game master? I am a GM atm and the Game is already running. I didn't use the Character sheet for the Players beside linking tokens and loading up pictures. Right now I'm mainly using them for the monster and to keep track of the stats and the moment of encounter. Two experienced Pathfinder helping me with roling, calculating and stuff, but it would be awesome to not rely on participants. So far i could keep my questions spoilerfree, since we are playing&nbsp; Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL) wich contains loads of information. Anyway I would like to make that the start of &nbsp;a campaign and keep playing with what i made already. PS: This characktersheet is awesome and i realy love it. Coding and stuff is like reallife magic to me btw.

Edited 1445559249
Sheet Author
Rian W. said: There is already a drop down for size on the details page so you can just reference that in the skill macro and multiply it by the appropriate modifier 4 for stealth and 2 for fly so no drop down needed &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Stealth}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Stealth} +[[@{size}*4]] ]] ]]}} &{template:pf_generic} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=Fly}} {{Check=[[ 1d20 + [[ @{Flly} +[[@{size}*2]] ]] ]]}} I dont know if it is possible but you may be able to put that in the @{fly} and @{stealth} formulas so that the macro doesnt even need that&nbsp; Have a look at the&nbsp; table above Rian. &nbsp;Multiplying by 2 or 4 only works for some of the sizes. &nbsp;;-(