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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

Sheet Author
Pete said: I love the new buff feature - makes it so much easier for Barbarian rage. I've found a little issue when i miss typed a value. (inserted 01 instead of 1) Now it looks like this and i have no idea how to erase or to reset the value. \ You should be able to click into the field directly below "-9999", select all and input "0".  Click out of the field to re-populate the attribute.  You can also check your Abilities and Attributes tab and look for "@{buff4_Will_macro-text}" either delete it or adjust it manually.
Sheet Author
JLeeBly said: Did you see the blog post, Vince? ;) Is it in regards to the new update (lmited javascript, repeating items, and more...)?  Yes, if that's what you're referring to.  Those should help sheet performance on roll20 immensely.
Not sure If I screwed up somewhere, but it doesn't seem that Pre-set attack button macros don't work properly anymore. No more iterative attacks, doesn't seem to add up damage from buffs (but seems to add attack and damage effects properly) and criticals work rather wonky, seem to only add damage from DMG ability modifier, nothing else. Same thing with the iterative attacks macros I copied from beta test. Works fine when pressing the dice roll icon next to weapon. 

Edited 1447451094
Sheet Author
Sadly, iterative attacks never worked from the pre-set attack button bar, only from the repeating attack itself. DMG buffs are missing from the pre-set attack macro text for regular and crit damage. Damage Effects are missing from crit damage.  ;-(   Appologies.  Will fix asap. until the next PR hits, this should work. includes buff damage and damage effects. &{template:pf_attack} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_attack-melee}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{repeating_weapon_0_name}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total} ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability} + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total}) ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_0_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_0_notes}}} @{macro_options} The iterative macro examples on the beta are old and need to be updated.  Use caution with any macros on the beta since everyone has access to them.  I'll have a look those as well.  [ UPDATE/EDIT ] Iterative example macros should be fixed now. The good news is that we won't have to deal with duplicating code due to repeating section shortcomings.  I believe we'll be able to get rid of the button bars all together.
Sheet Author
The good news is that we won't have to deal with duplicating code due to repeating section shortcomings. I believe we'll be able to get rid of the button bars all together. Yup, according to the new email from Stephanie repeating sections are finally getting some love. They will support default values, drag and drop roll buttons and more soon.  Also character sheets will also support JavaScript yay! I feel with javascript at the disposal large pieces of the sheet should be refactored especially the css. But that should make it much faster to run.

Edited 1447359905
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have written and tested the javascript for the abilities and some conditions (that affect abilties). I submitted the pull request to vince (it's forked from his repository) so now i just have to work on buffs cause i had to hardcode them to 0 (auto-calced fields are not a number) so that should be next we can keep testing buffs. But yes, it will hopefully be a lot faster, since with so many characters and NPCs and monsters, the game I GM is so slow for me it is almost unusable. 

Edited 1447359738
Sheet Author
Potentially it will be possible to get rid of all of the CSS selectors that apply the state changes to the tabs on click. Those were used because there wasn't the ability to call the js onClick() event. But hopefully now that will be a possibility. @Vince:  The global buff section is VERY nice. Way to go implementing that. Is there room to get a column for affecting the spell stats like caster level and concentration? As a summoner being near my eidolon gives me a bonus to AC, saves and concentration and it would be awesome to be able to do that all from there. Also it's probably time to start a new thread.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
We don't have an onClick, we do have "on change" for input fields, so .. we could use a checkbox to fake an arrow button for collapsing / expanding sections. That is the sort of stuff I am not so great at, I have always been more middleware/ back end development. So for now I'm focused on the calculations since we have only 2-3 weeks.

Edited 1447362282
Sheet Author
If we have on change then that would be good enough. All of the tabs are checkboxes which support the onChange event. I've been fiddling with some js to parse an attack roll with multiple iterative attacks and give a summary of damage. Do you think something like that could happen here with the new js?
Hi guys, No question this time just something I wanted to share. Since it's possible to individualize the macros for the pre-set attack buttons since this update I put some time into it in implementing Queries for Power Attacks and Furious Focus for one of my characters (Brawler). Feel free to use it and adept it to your needs by adding more options to the Query like uncommon Attack combinations or even combat maneuvers. Standard Attack Action: &{template:pf_attack} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_attack-melee}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{repeating_weapon_0_name}}} {{subtitle= ?{What are you doing?|Normal Attack, **Normal Attack**|Power Attack, **Power Attack**|Furious Focus,**Furious Focus**}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Attack|Normal,0|Power Attack,-1|Furious Focus,0}]] ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) + @{dmg-effect-total} ]] +[[?{Type of Damage|Normal,0|Power Attack,+2|Furious Focus,+2}]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Attack|Normal,0|Power Attack,-1|Furious Focus,0}]] ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability}) +[[?{Type of Damage|Normal,0|Power Attack,+2|Furious Focus,+2}]] ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_0_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_0_notes}}} {{Type of Attack = ?{What are you doing?|Normal Attack, **Normal Attack**|Power Attack, **Power Attack**|Furious Focus,**Furious Focus**}}} @{macro_options} Full-Attack-Action (Brawler's Flurry): &{template:pf_attack} {{header_image=@{header_image-pf_attack-melee}}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name=@{repeating_weapon_3_name}}} {{subtitle= ?{What are you doing?|Two Normal Attacks, **Two Normal Attacks**|Two Power Attacks, **Two Power Attacks**|Furious Focus + Power Attack,**Furious Focus + Power Attack**}}} {{attack=[[ 1d20cs>@{repeating_weapon_3_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Attack1|Normal,0|Power Attack,-1|Furious Focus,0}]] ]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_3_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-ability}) + @{dmg-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Damage1|Normal,0|Power Attack,+2|Furious Focus,+2}]] ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Attack1|Normal,0|Power Attack,-1|Furious Focus,0}]] ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_3_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_3_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-ability}) ]] + [[?{Type of Damage1|Normal,0|Power Attack,+2|Furious Focus,+2}]] * (@{repeating_weapon_3_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_3_type}}} {{attack2=[[ 1d20cs>@{repeating_weapon_3_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Attack2|Normal,0|Power Attack,-1}]] ]] ]]}} {{damage2=[[ @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_3_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-ability}) + @{dmg-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Damage2|Normal,0|Power Attack,+2}]] ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm2=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_3_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_3_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency}) + @{attk-effect-total} +[[?{Type of Attack2|Normal,0|Power Attack,-1|}]] ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage2=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_3_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_3_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_3_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_3_damage-ability}) ]] + [[?{Type of Damage2|Normal,0|Power Attack,+2}]] * (@{repeating_weapon_3_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_3_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_3_notes}}} {{Type of Attacks = ?{What are you doing?|Two Normal Attacks, **Two Normal Attacks**|Two Power Attacks, **Two Power Attacks**|Furious Focus + Power Attack,**Furious Focus + Power Attack**}}} @{macro_options} /K

Edited 1447366744
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Started a new discussion here&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> though I think it would be best if we keep the new discussion for the new sheet. I already ran into a problem i think, here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
When you go to the Config tab and "Enable Background Skills", the Skills tab doesn't have the 3 separate tabs that it used to. When you also "Display Unchained Skills" then the 3 tabs for background skills appear, but has the extra section for Unchained Skills. Is this a requirement to have both displayed or a small bug? Thanks, Magik
Sheet Author
Magik said: When you go to the Config tab and "Enable Background Skills", the Skills tab doesn't have the 3 separate tabs that it used to. When you also "Display Unchained Skills" then the 3 tabs for background skills appear, but has the extra section for Unchained Skills. Is this a requirement to have both displayed or a small bug? Thanks, Magik Background skills are from PF Unchained, so that is why they are displayed with Unchained skills. &nbsp;They were grouped for simplicity. &nbsp;Enable Background skills only affects the calculations of skill points. &nbsp;If you want to use background skills, just check both and select the background skills tab. &nbsp;Again, tabs had to be created using some css trickery and do not have the functionality of js. &nbsp;That said, I foresee lot's changes on the sheet using js. &nbsp;Many of the workarounds that have been used in the past will be corrected.
Sheet Author
Karankwan said: Cool stuff Karaankwan. &nbsp;Thank you for sharing. &nbsp;Glad you're getting mileage out of the pre-set attack macro text. &nbsp;Don't get too used to it though, I think the entire button bar is going to become depricated with the latest updates...

Edited 1447395341
Sheet Author
Samuel T. said: Potentially it will be possible to get rid of all of the CSS selectors that apply the state changes to the tabs on click. Those were used because there wasn't the ability to call the js onClick() event. But hopefully now that will be a possibility. @Vince:&nbsp; The global buff section is VERY nice. Way to go implementing that. Is there room to get a column for affecting the spell stats like caster level and concentration? As a summoner being near my eidolon gives me a bonus to AC, saves and concentration and it would be awesome to be able to do that all from there. Also it's probably time to start a new thread. Samuel it's nice "reading" from you again. &nbsp;;-) Feel like lending a hand on the sheet again? &nbsp;This js stuff is going to be beyond my wheelhouse. &nbsp;Chris is jumping in with both feet and I'm sure he would appreciate your skills. &nbsp;Plus you get the added bonus of changing the Buffs array to fit your needs. &nbsp;:-) &nbsp;Which sounds like a good suggestion BTW.
Sheet Author
I would but money is tight right now so I can't easily pony up to the Pro subscription in order to test changes :(.
Sincere thanks to all those have have contributed to the Pathfinder character sheet. It is a massive enhancement to the game for many of us. I have a question: Since the recent update I am having a problem with Conditions. A few characters have a negative value. However, they have not Buffs, No conditions, and the negative value remains even if I adjust current hit points to the maximum value. What am I overlooking that would cause a negative condition?
Hello there! Just noticed something wonky going on with CMD. &nbsp;Currently have Masterwork Full Plate, and thus a Max +1 Dex mod to my AC. &nbsp;However, it appears that this Max +1 ceiling is applying to my CMD as well, along with STR bonus being limited to +1, when armor dex limits shouldn't have any affect on CMD. For example, I have +4 BAB, +4 STR mod, +2 DEX mod, and +1 dodge for a total of 21 CMD. &nbsp;However, with my armor on in-sheet I'm limited to +1 STR and +1 DEX for a total of only 17 CMD.
Sheet Author
Mark H. said: Sincere thanks to all those have have contributed to the Pathfinder character sheet. It is a massive enhancement to the game for many of us. I have a question: Since the recent update I am having a problem with Conditions. A few characters have a negative value. However, they have not Buffs, No conditions, and the negative value remains even if I adjust current hit points to the maximum value. What am I overlooking that would cause a negative condition? Hi Mark. The formula on the sheet used to show you a total of all Conditions in effect (top right corner of the sheet): (0 - abs(@{condition-Blinded}) - abs(@{condition-Cowering}) - abs(@{condition-Dazzled}) - abs(@{condition-Deafened}) - abs(@{condition-Entangled}) - abs(@{condition-Fatigued}) - abs(@{condition-Fear}) - abs(@{condition-Flat-Footed}) - abs(@{condition-Grappled}) - abs(@{condition-Invisible}) - abs(@{condition-Pinned}) - abs(@{condition-Prone}) - abs(@{condition-Sickened}) - abs(@{condition-Stunned}) - abs(@{condition-Drained}) - abs(@{condition-Wounds}) ) If all those attributes are unchecked? &nbsp; "Fatigued" by chance?
Hi Vince, Thanks for the super-quick response. We have have the "Neither" radio button selected. All the other conditions are unchecked. There used to be categores like wounded under the Health & Wounds section. I assume that stuff is auto-calculated now. But, it doesn't seem to respond to changing current hit points. &nbsp; We're gaming tonight, so we'll compensate with some Buffs for now. Let me know if you think of anything.

Edited 1447474149
Sheet Author
Adam F. said: Hello there! Just noticed something wonky going on with CMD. &nbsp;Currently have Masterwork Full Plate, and thus a Max +1 Dex mod to my AC. &nbsp;However, it appears that this Max +1 ceiling is applying to my CMD as well, along with STR bonus being limited to +1, when armor dex limits shouldn't have any affect on CMD. For example, I have +4 BAB, +4 STR mod, +2 DEX mod, and +1 dodge for a total of 21 CMD. &nbsp;However, with my armor on in-sheet I'm limited to +1 STR and +1 DEX for a total of only 17 CMD. You found an error Adam. &nbsp;You're correct, max dex doesn't apply to CMD. &nbsp;STR-mod should not be affected by max dex either. &nbsp;Both ability selector's formula are incorrect. &nbsp;I'll fix asap. &nbsp;Thank you. UPDATE: &nbsp;Fix included with&nbsp; Pathfinder - (tabbed) Neceros#1136
Sheet Author
Mark H. said: Hi Vince, Thanks for the super-quick response. We have have the "Neither" radio button selected. All the other conditions are unchecked. There used to be categores like wounded under the Health & Wounds section. I assume that stuff is auto-calculated now. But, it doesn't seem to respond to changing current hit points. &nbsp; We're gaming tonight, so we'll compensate with some Buffs for now. Let me know if you think of anything. You can toggle the display of Wound Thresholds using the Configuration tab. &nbsp;Grazed would give you a -1 condition.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This could be a long shot but, in addition to checking the config tab, there could be an attribute on the attributes & abilities tab with the same name as an auto calculated field. I found that if I have one, the other calculations will use the attribute and not the field you see on the sheet, and when that happened it would take me forever to find. that just happened to me the other day
The display Wound Thresholds fixed my problem! Thank you very much.
Sheet Author
Mark H. said: The display Wound Thresholds fixed my problem! Thank you very much. Cool beans.
Hi ya, Just wondering if there is a known issue with the only 3d dice that you can see being rolled are the crit dmg dice when you attack?
Sheet Author
Sadly, this is a problem outside of the sheet. &nbsp;There seems to be issues with the 3d dice, roll templates, and macros with lots of rolls.

Edited 1447696735
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
edit: deleted my comment, spoke too soon
Ok, time for a give-and-take post. &nbsp; Some of the regular posters on this thread have really helped improve my macro writing, especially by making me aware of the possibilities of queries. &nbsp;For my "give," here's a rapid shot macro I cooked up for my party's archery ranger. &nbsp;It's based on the iterative attack macro Vince gave us and queries whether one is or isn't using Deadly Aim, then whether Point Blank Shot applies. &nbsp; &{template:pf_attack} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{character_id=@{character_id}}} {{name= @{repeating_weapon_0_name} }}} {{attack= [[ 1d20cs&gt;@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency} + @{attk-effect-total} - ?{Deadly Aim?| Yes, (floor(@{bab}/4)+1)| No, 0} + ?{Point Blank?| Yes, 1| No, 0}) -2]] ]]}} {{damage=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability} + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total} + (2*?{Deadly Aim?}) + ?{Point Blank?}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm=[[ 1d20 + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency} + @{attk-effect-total} - ?{Deadly Aim?} + ?{Point Blank?}) -2]] ]]}} {{crit_damage=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability} + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total} + (2*?{Deadly Aim?}) + ?{Point Blank?}) ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} {{type=@{repeating_weapon_0_type}}} {{description=@{repeating_weapon_0_notes}}} @{macro_options} {{attack2= [[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} ]] + [[ ( (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency} + @{attk-effect-total} - ?{Deadly Aim?} + ?{Point Blank?} -2) ) ]] ]]}} {{damage2=[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num}d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability} + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total} + (2*?{Deadly Aim?}) + ?{Point Blank?}) ]] ]]}} {{crit_confirm2=[[ 1d20cs&gt;[[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-target} ]] + [[ ( (@{repeating_weapon_0_proficiency} + (((@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork}) + abs(@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} - @{repeating_weapon_0_masterwork})) / 2) + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack} + @{repeating_weapon_0_attack-type} + @{armor-proficiency} + @{attk-effect-total} - ?{Deadly Aim?} + ?{Point Blank?} -2) ) ]] ]]}} {{crit_damage2=[[ [[ ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-dice-num} ]] * ([[ @{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} ]] - 1)) ]]d@{repeating_weapon_0_damage-die} + [[ ([[ (@{repeating_weapon_0_enhance} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage} + @{repeating_weapon_0_damage-ability} + @{dmg-effect-total} + @{buff_DMG-total} + (2*?{Deadly Aim?}) + ?{Point Blank?}) ]] * (@{repeating_weapon_0_crit-multiplier} - 1)) ]] ]]}} For the "take" portion, I've got a request: can anyone think of a way to write a single query for a Paladin's smite ability? I could do it with two, but I worry about an accidental mix-and-match error where someone applies the smite to attack but not to damage. Is it possible to make a query that would return different results in different places?

Edited 1447729679
Phillip G.
Sheet Author
Only read through the most recent page (12 on my screen) so please forgive and redirect if this has already been addressed. I'm liking the new sheet and can't wait to see what the new update brings, but for now my group is having issues with the "macro_options" check boxes in the repeating attack section. Basically, checking the box doesn't include the notes in the roll template. I have done some trial and error and find that if the ranged attack notes box has next and all others are empty then that box will display in the roll template output. However, no other iteration has resulted in a display on the output. I'd be happy to discuss further in campaign, just let me know. Update: &nbsp;I decided to see if I could figure out what was going on. Well, I couldn't really, but I came up with this. It seems to me (unlearned coder) that the use of the name "attr_toggle_notes" did not function within the macro_options. Now I will grant that the intention was for the code to use only one of the four checked boxes, not all of them at once, and the none checkbox to cancel out the other three. I don't know if there is something missing or not, but it just wasn't working. I made the following edit (bold text is edit) on my own campaign to test: &lt;span&gt;&lt;b title="Include these additional notes with this attack roll."&gt;Include notes?&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span style="width:13%;"&gt;&lt;label&gt;( &lt;input type="checkbox" name="attr_toggle_ melee _notes" value="@{var_melee_notes}" title="@{repeating_weapon_X_toggle_notes}" /&gt;&lt;b title="Include Melee attack notes."&gt; Melee Notes&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/label&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span style="width:14%;"&gt;&lt;label&gt;&lt;input type="checkbox" name="attr_toggle_ ranged _notes" value="@{var_ranged_notes}" title="@{repeating_weapon_X_toggle_notes}" /&gt;&lt;b title="Include Ranged attack notes."&gt; Ranged Notes&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/label&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span style="width:12%;"&gt;&lt;label&gt;&lt;input type="checkbox" name="attr_toggle_ CMB _notes" value="@{var_CMB_notes}" title="@{repeating_weapon_X_toggle_notes}" /&gt;&lt;b title="Include CMB notes."&gt; CMB Notes&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/label&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span style="width:10%;"&gt;&lt;label&gt;&lt;input type="checkbox" name="attr_toggle_ none _notes" value="@{var_none_notes}" title="@{repeating_weapon_X_toggle_notes}" checked="checked" /&gt;&lt;b title="Do not include Melee, Ranged, or CMB notes."&gt; None&lt;/b&gt; )&lt;/label&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;span&gt;&lt;label style="text-align:right;"&gt;&lt;input type="checkbox" name="attr_toggle_attack_notes" value="@{var_attack_notes}" title="@{repeating_weapon_X_toggle_attack_notes}" /&gt;&lt;b title="Include Attack notes."&gt; Attack Notes&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/label&gt;&lt;/span&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="attr_macro_options" value=" @{toggle_melee_notes} @{toggle_ranged_notes} @{toggle_CMB_notes} @{toggle_none_notes} @{toggle_attack_notes}" disabled /&gt; &lt;/div&gt; (I'm not sure how to do the fancy boxes) Anyway, this edit does allow the checked boxes to include the desired text, but of course the ability for None to cancel out the others is lost. I would love to know if I am on to something or if I missed the target completely. Thanks.
Phillip G.
Sheet Author
More interesting thoughts: it appears that if the first argument in the string&nbsp;value="@{toggle_notes} @{toggle_attack_notes}" is false then the second argument will not be addressed. By switching the string to value="@{toggle_attack_notes} @{toggle_notes}" a true can be rendered for @{attack_notes} check box even when the box does not have text entered and the other toggles will work to display their notes. However, if the first argument is false (ie @{attack_notes} checkbox is not checked) no notes will be displayed. I'm not sure if what I am saying makes sense or if I seem to be rambling. I would imagine that a true should be returned by @{toggle_notes} even if the none checkbox is checked, but the sheet doesn't seem to recognize this and no notes are displayed even when attack notes is checked.&nbsp;

Edited 1447732812
Phillip G.
Sheet Author
More info: So I just noted that the notes work perfectly as long as there are no numerical values in the text boxes. only alpha characters and symbols seem to be acceptable. Does that make sense for some reason?

Edited 1447736944
Sheet Author
Hi Phillip... needed you for beta testing. :-) Some background:&nbsp;in order to get the Option toggles to work various attribute combinations were rolled into @{macro_options} and get passed thru the roll template. If you select Melee Notes for example, only Melee Notes will be shown if they exist. Melee, Ranged, and CMB are radio selectors(actually not "true" radio buttons. &nbsp;This is a trick because these toggles are also used in the NPC tab), meaning you get to pick one. They are are also used to determine which header_image is displayed for the attack if enabled on the Configuration tab. &nbsp;So, I just did a check and Melee, Ranged, CMD, and None seem to work as expected for me... &nbsp;All notes are &lt;textarea&gt; fields which accept numbers, calculations, etc. &nbsp;That works for me as well. &nbsp;However, the Attack Notes &nbsp;toggle is not working on repeating attacks for sure. &nbsp;I'm investigating that right now with the help of your diligent sleuthing. &nbsp;I'll post back.

Edited 1447739567
Sheet Author
Fixed the Attack Notes option not working. &nbsp;Had "disabled" attribute set on a hidden field. &nbsp;Not sure how that got there... &nbsp;;-P &nbsp;Thank you Phillip. &nbsp;I updated the&nbsp; beta sheet with the fix and will include with the next PR if Chris gives the OK. Working on getting the newly added js(Sheet Workers) and updated repeating sections implemented. &nbsp; Cool things down the road for the sheet.

Edited 1447744494
Is it possible to set buffs on/off with the @{buff1_Toggle} string in a macro?
Sheet Author
I don't think it's possible to write to attributes unless it's done thru the sheet or manually using the attributes and abilities tab. &nbsp;Maybe if it was linked to a token bar... and you used TokenMod or some similar API script.

Edited 1447790078
Sheet Author
Joshua F. said: For the "take" portion, I've got a request: can anyone think of a way to write a single query for a Paladin's smite ability? I could do it with two, but I worry about an accidental mix-and-match error where someone applies the smite to attack but not to damage. Is it possible to make a query that would return different results in different places? Joshua what I'll typically do is have three attributes: smite query, smite-atk, and smite-atk.&nbsp; I do these in attributes instead of in the actual macro so that if something changes then I only have to update it in one easy to find place instead of a bunch of places and risk not updating one or more on accident.&nbsp; Smite query is where the check happens. It's something as simple as ?{Smite?|No, 0|Yes,1}. Smite-atk then says [[&{smite-query} * &{CHA-mod}]] Then smite-dmg says [[&{smite-query} * &{class-0-level}]] Then in your macro anywhere you would use the smite attack modifier or the damage modifier you instead invoke the relevant attribute.&nbsp; This works because if two, or more, queries share the same name in this case "Smite?" they only prompt the user once and use the answer for all queries of that name. So in the case of the attacks all of the attributes get resolved first before the rolls happen so they see multiple uses of the ?{Smite?} query which allows us to leverage it to only asking the user one time and getting both attack and damage values.

Edited 1447775384
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pete said: Is it possible to set buffs on/off with the @{buff1_Toggle} string in a macro? You need the API to "set" any attributes. That will remain true even after the update in a few weeks. The main benefit of the coming update is the autocalculated attributes will become available to the API for the first time (through making them regular attributes and using Javascript to update them).
Phillip G.
Sheet Author
Vince said: Fixed the Attack Notes option not working. &nbsp;Had "disabled" attribute set on a hidden field. &nbsp;Not sure how that got there... &nbsp;;-P &nbsp;Thank you Phillip. &nbsp;I updated the&nbsp; beta sheet with the fix and will include with the next PR if Chris gives the OK. Working on getting the newly added js(Sheet Workers) and updated repeating sections implemented. &nbsp; Cool things down the road for the sheet. Vince, thanks for taking a look at this. I went to your Beta campaign and played around with the sheet fro Who Dat. I am still seeing an issue with the macro options displaying Attack notes when they contain a number as the first character. It did seem to work with a symbol followed by a number though.
Sheet Author
Phillip G. said: Vince said: Fixed the Attack Notes option not working. &nbsp;Had "disabled" attribute set on a hidden field. &nbsp;Not sure how that got there... &nbsp;;-P &nbsp;Thank you Phillip. &nbsp;I updated the&nbsp; beta sheet with the fix and will include with the next PR if Chris gives the OK. Working on getting the newly added js(Sheet Workers) and updated repeating sections implemented. &nbsp; Cool things down the road for the sheet. Vince, thanks for taking a look at this. I went to your Beta campaign and played around with the sheet fro Who Dat. I am still seeing an issue with the macro options displaying Attack notes when they contain a number as the first character. It did seem to work with a symbol followed by a number though. That's a peculiar issue. &nbsp;I'll take a deeper look into it and post back. &nbsp;Thank you.
We came along another problem - this time with the save (Fort Ref Will) buttons. Ref is working normal, but when pressing Fort or Will nothing at all happens. Any tip what Attributes we have to edit/delete to get that handy thing working again?

Edited 1447901612
Sheet Author
Not sure Pete... I just checked on the main server with the community sheet and all saves seem to be working fine. &nbsp; Here are the calcs used for all three saves. &nbsp;As a start I would double check each of those attributes. (@{total-Fort} + @{Fort-ability} + @{Fort-trait} + @{Fort-enhance} + @{Fort-resist} + @{Fort-misc} + @{Fort-temp} + @{buff_Fort-total} - @{condition-Fear} - @{condition-sickened} + @{condition-Drained} - @{condition-Wounds}) (@{total-Ref} + @{Ref-ability} + @{Ref-trait} + @{Ref-enhance} + @{Ref-resist} + @{Ref-misc} + @{Ref-temp} + @{buff_Ref-total} - @{condition-Fear} - @{condition-sickened} + @{condition-Drained} - @{condition-Wounds}) (@{total-Will} + @{Will-ability} + @{Will-trait} + @{Will-enhance} + @{Will-resist} + @{Will-misc} + @{Will-temp} + @{buff_Will-total} - @{condition-Fear} - @{condition-sickened} + @{condition-Drained} - @{condition-Wounds})
I checked it with a new character sheet and it works fine. 2 players are effected by these. The only thing i can think of is that Reflex still works bc it isn't effected by any Buffs we use. I check that again. Any chance i can post you the char-sheet or the attributes?
Sheet Author
Hi Pete. &nbsp;If you toggle off your buffs, do your Saves function as expected? &nbsp;If they only fail to post when buffs are on, I would double-check what is entered in the buffs array for a given column(Fort, Ref, Will). &nbsp;The input fields on the array are text boxes to allow calculations(macro text) which could cause problems downstream if a macro isn't functioning properly due to syntax errors, other messed up attributes, etc.
Nope, doesn't work with or without buffs.

Edited 1447956317
Sheet Author
Pete... I see the issue. &nbsp;The Save button rolls are missing closing "}}" on the sheet. &nbsp;I will add the fix to the next PR asap. UPDATE :&nbsp; added Until then, you can try a simple workaround by adding "}}" no quotes, as the last, or only text in "Defense Notes" and make sure to toggle on "Defense Notes" from the Options(directly under the Saves Section). I'm thinking this will pass the missing "}}" to the end of all Save button macros. &nbsp;If that doesn't work, ;-( you might have to make an ability macro until the sheet gets updated. &nbsp;Appologies.
Sheet Author
Phillip G. said: Vince said: Fixed the Attack Notes option not working. &nbsp;Had "disabled" attribute set on a hidden field. &nbsp;Not sure how that got there... &nbsp;;-P &nbsp;Thank you Phillip. &nbsp;I updated the&nbsp; beta sheet with the fix and will include with the next PR if Chris gives the OK. Working on getting the newly added js(Sheet Workers) and updated repeating sections implemented. &nbsp; Cool things down the road for the sheet. Vince, thanks for taking a look at this. I went to your Beta campaign and played around with the sheet fro Who Dat. I am still seeing an issue with the macro options displaying Attack notes when they contain a number as the first character. It did seem to work with a symbol followed by a number though. I found the issue and submitted a fix (It's on the beta and is included on next sheet update) - there was a strange bug where the Attack Notes in repeating attacks would not display it's contents if a number was entered as the first character of the field. ( Thank you Phillip ) &nbsp;The hidden input would consider this a number field only and would not pass the rest of the text. Not sure why this one toggle behaved this way. All toggles for text are coded identically. &nbsp;Solved by changing the hidden input to a &lt;textarea&gt; with display:none. &nbsp;And for added benefit I changed the other Option's toggles as well. &nbsp;Cheers
Hey guys !&nbsp; I think I found a bug this morning in the Buff section of the character sheet.&nbsp; It looks like the CON part of activated buffs does apply not only to CON score, but also to the INT score, and thus you have to add a equivalent penalty to your INT score to avoid this. Default stats :&nbsp; STR 16 DEX 14 CON 20 INT 13 WIS 12 CHA 10 Buff +4 STR +4 CON Expected Stats with buff STR 20 DEX 14 CON 24 INT 13 WIS 12 CHA 10 Real stats with buff&nbsp; STR 16 DEX 14 CON 20 INT 17&nbsp; WIS 12 CHA 10 Temporary solution to get correct stats:&nbsp; * Buff: + 4STR +4CON -4INT Having tested this with a few buff lines (1, 2 and 3), I suppose the problem happens on the whole sheet. You might have forgotten to apply the CON bonus only to CON score, and not to INT score. You'd probably like to quickly take a look at this.
Hey Elicoor, that's a known issue and is solved with the next update.