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[PF] Pathfinder sheet thread 4: Life after Sam

The recalc option in my sheets is not working. I've noticed that some sheets actually did some calculations, but others did not. I believe that the old sheets are the ones with issues. For instance, this sheet bellow: The bonus field for buffs is showing Not a Number (NaN) and this sheet is older than the buff section. There are several wrong calcs, like the initiative bonus. If I create a generic buff, this issue is solved. Maybe some buff's attributes should be created automatically to solve this issue on old sheets. However, there is still some problems involving NPC HP and others.
Courtney R. said: Riley D. said: @Magik @Courtney R. @Vince Actually, on the repeating attacks section bug -- I had another thought. We did have an issue early in the day yesterday where repeating section-related sheet worker code was getting run when it shouldn't. We fixed it but we noticed that there were some sheets that were having issues if they were used during the time when the bug existed. If you make a new Character in the same game, are you able to trigger the repeating section bugs (where they disappear, etc.)? If so, then it's not related but if it's only happening on existing characters that were probably modified yesterday morning/early afternoon then it might just be happening on those characters (and I can manually fix it for you). It is only happening on those pre-existing characters. One player just recreated his character sheet and is having nor problems with it. Would the fix then be just to move our character information to a new sheet? Yeah that would probably be the quickest/easiest way to fix it, if that's not too much trouble. If you think it would take more than a couple of hours let me know and I can probably come up with something to do it for you (but it would likely take me a couple of hours to write it haha). Glad we got it figured out, at least, and sorry for the trouble!
Fallyrion said: The recalc option in my sheets is not working. Just a heads up, I believe the recalc happens automatically now the first time you open the sheet (might want to update the instructions on that Chris/Vince). So if it says "0.1" in the version box (which it does in that screenshot) then the recalc did execute.
Sheet Author
Simon said: Vince said: Simon, was this an existing macro that pulled from the pre-set button bar(0-26)?  We have removed the preset buttons since repeating sections can now be used by their name and you can drag/drop them to the quick bar. If you drag a repeating attack to the quick bar, you can learn it's unique name/ID and update your macro with their new button macro names. Thanks to your help, I was able to figure out that the reason the macro was not working was because the name changed FROM: repeating_weapon_0_attack TO: repeating_weapon_0_attack-roll Actually,  repeating_weapon_0_attack was the old pre-set button bar name for an attack.  Repeating attack buttons did not have a name since it wasn't a supported feature prior to the new update.  I would suggest using the name/id learned from drag/drop vs the generic  repeating_weapon_0_attack-roll (which just rolls whatever is on row 0).   I believe that re-ordering/re-arrange repeating rows was hinted at by Riley.  If your macro uses the unique name/id, it will not matter how you arrange your attacks/weapons, you will always trigger the macro you expect.  This will also apply to other repeating sections as well.  Re-arranging repeating items will be a nice feature for organizing sheet details. 

Edited 1450305590
Sheet Author
Riley D. said: Fallyrion said: The recalc option in my sheets is not working. Just a heads up, I believe the recalc happens automatically now the first time you open the sheet (might want to update the instructions on that Chris/Vince). So if it says "0.1" in the version box (which it does in that screenshot) then the recalc did execute. Will do.
Sheet Author
I had a new/fresh character created by my GM in the game I'm in and added an attack entry. After, I went to the Core tab to give myself some fun numbers and then Classes tab to add a class. When I got back to the Attacks tab, I now had 20 attack entries, 2 of which looked like the one that I created and the rest were blank. I'll try to reproduce this in another game with a fresh character. Magik
I am picking up a bug where @{buff_Ref-Total} is not getting picked up in save calculations. That is, the column total is correct in the buffs section under the Core tab, but the field shows up as a zero inside the autocalced buffs field in the saves section of the Defenses tab. Recalcing the sheet does not fix the issue; the corresponding calculations for Fort and Will seem to be working fine.
Sheet Author
Glenn H. said: I am picking up a bug where @{buff_Ref-Total} is not getting picked up in save calculations. That is, the column total is correct in the buffs section under the Core tab, but the field shows up as a zero inside the autocalced buffs field in the saves section of the Defenses tab. Recalcing the sheet does not fix the issue; the corresponding calculations for Fort and Will seem to be working fine. Confirmed.  I think I see the culprit. name="attr_buff_Ref-total-display" should be name="attr_buff_Ref-total" Will add to fixes.  Thank you.
Riley D. said: Yeah that would probably be the quickest/easiest way to fix it, if that's not too much trouble. If you think it would take more than a couple of hours let me know and I can probably come up with something to do it for you (but it would likely take me a couple of hours to write it haha). Glad we got it figured out, at least, and sorry for the trouble! Considering I run a Living Campaign and the majority of people were online, I would very much like a simpler fix then having to re-transfer everyone to a new sheet.

Edited 1450314867
Courtney R. said: Riley D. said: Yeah that would probably be the quickest/easiest way to fix it, if that's not too much trouble. If you think it would take more than a couple of hours let me know and I can probably come up with something to do it for you (but it would likely take me a couple of hours to write it haha). Glad we got it figured out, at least, and sorry for the trouble! Considering I run a Living Campaign and the majority of people were online, I would very much like a simpler fix then having to re-transfer everyone to a new sheet. If you have to rewrite all of your NPC's.... Which is my case... Still, thanks for the wok guys, wish I could help...but my main skill is extrapolating macros you made so....
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
vince if you're wroking on it now, line 1864(ish): the ranged mod defaults to 3 when it should be 0 or blank: name="attr_ranged-ability-mod" value="" Magik i can't replicate that errors on a brand new pc. im still trying to force it to happen in an existing pc

Edited 1450317504
Sheet Author
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... fixed buffs column for Ref save not being applied updated Attention text partial/temp solution for Buffs indicator(top of the sheet) showing "NaN" for new characters. Just uncheck buff 1 from array to auto-calc indicator. ranged-ability-mod value corrected to "0"
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
maybe there is a way we could use the API to just delete and recreate the repeating weapons? instead of creating all new pcs.... Courtney if you clone your campaign to dev and make me , vince, riley and whoever else GMs, we could look at possibly solutions, also identify the some of the PCs having the issue. since apparently if everything is working now, i can't seem to recreate the error anymore.

Edited 1450317482
Sheet Author
chris b. said: vince if you're wroking on it now, line 1864(ish): the ranged mod defaults to 3 when it should be 0 or blank: name="attr_ranged-ability-mod" value="" Magik i can't replicate that errors on a brand new pc. im still trying to force it to happen in an existing pc will add update: done
So, essentially, I have to recreate every NPC in my Journal or at least put a new value in every field and then put the old value back in to get anything to come out correctly? Or is there some fix I haven't seen to get the HP, Initiative, and Attacks for about 80 NPCs to come out right? I don't mean to sound standoffish, and I understand that you guys are trying your best to fix this, but I'm wondering if I should just strap in and start working, or if there's some sort of fix on the way for this.

Edited 1450322236
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Re:the repeating section error: At worst I believe &nbsp;you should only have to recreate characters edited during the time of the error, where Riley says : We fixed it but we noticed that there were some sheets that were having issues if they were used during the time when the bug existed. my preexisting chars that I didn't touch don't seem to have a problem with attack repeating sections, but since I can't recreate the problem I can't solve it, We'd need people with the issue to clone their games or else let roll20 know and maybe they can clone them. could write something to copy attributes but not sure if that would just copy the problem. Either that, or maybe deleting all attacks and re-adding them, if someone wants to try that. Edit:re: buff "nan", correct me.if I'm wrong but this is more of a cosmetic error, buffs are not being applied incorrectly (except ref to save as above), I have not touched prod and just am copying the campaign over and over and using the recalc. So far everything works except the buff says nan.
Sheet Author
Anthony C. said: So, essentially, I have to recreate every NPC in my Journal or at least put a new value in every field and then put the old value back in to get anything to come out correctly? Or is there some fix I haven't seen to get the HP, Initiative, and Attacks for about 80 NPCs to come out right? I don't mean to sound standoffish, and I understand that you guys are trying your best to fix this, but I'm wondering if I should just strap in and start working, or if there's some sort of fix on the way for this. As a quick test I just copied a campaign that I haven't used in nearly 6mo. &nbsp;The only thing that didn't automatically work was Buffs. &nbsp;I had to check a buff and toggle 4 attributes in the array to get the Buffs to calc.(remove Nan status from the active Buffs box at the top of the sheet). &nbsp;With the update I just pushed this can be accomplished by un-checking buff 1, no need to toggle 4+ attributes.&nbsp; I have a crap-ton of NPC's as well and I don't want to have to go thru even un-checking one box to get things working. &nbsp;I'm sure we'll get an automated solution for this working. Nearly every auto-calculated attribute on the sheet has been changed over to sheet worker javascript and the Buffs array touch 14 base attributes that touch who knows how many other attributes. &nbsp;This has been a HUGE undertaking, but I'm very optimistic that we can work out any issues. Please list any issues you are having and be as explicit as possible describing the problem and how to replicate it if possible. &nbsp;This will help us focus our efforts to solve the problem and get back to gaming.

Edited 1450322886
For Vince, Riley, Chris, and whoever is willing to help:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I checked and the error is still occurring on the PCs listed here: Ziara, Milia Featherblade, Oriyis, I could list them all but... It is safe to assume almost everyone of the PCs here is affected still. However, Ziara's sheet is different than most of the others as it instantly pops the broken ones back where as the others you have to switch tabs first. There are several others where this effect occurs but the easiest examples were given. Edit: Also I created a new sheet and it began with 3 attack macros which have stayed deleted.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks, I joined, if you promote me to gm I can do some debugging tomorrow (I'm eastern sorry)
Sheet Author
chris b. said: Thanks, I joined, if you promote me to gm I can do some debugging tomorrow (I'm eastern sorry) Ditto... except I'm western &nbsp;;-)
Sheet Author
Looks like there's a common error when trying to delete the repeating attacks from two different sheets on Courteny's camapign. &nbsp;Posted to the Pro forum as well to get some more eyes on this.
Hi all, I cannot seem to adjust the maximum hit points of any of the character sheets. &nbsp;I run a mythic campaign and since mythic paths grant additional bonuses to hit points, it is necessary for me to adjust the maximum hit points to include these extra hit points. &nbsp;I could add them to the temporary HP miscellaneous field or even in the Buffs, but neither of those options really show the adjustment in the Max HP field. &nbsp;Is there a way to fix this or is the issue already noted and the remedy is already in progress? &nbsp;I have a game to run this Sunday so I appreciate any advice. Thank you kindly.

Edited 1450329682
Sheet Author
What happens when you use the Max HP Modifier field? &nbsp;If there's formula there, remove it and enter a numeric mod instead. &nbsp;The sheet used to use a user editable formula, but now a standard formula is used in sheet workers(javascript) and you just enter a flat modifier if needed.
Yes, before I had a formula:&nbsp;((@{CON-mod} * @{level}) + @{total-hp} + (5 * @{Mythic-Tier}) + 5). Since the mythic tiers can add a variable modifier to any game mechanic (depends on the mythic path abilities selected), I created an attribute, @{Mythic-Tier}, for each pc. &nbsp;That way, each time the pcs gained a mythic tier, I only had to change one attribute, and it would automatically make all the necessary adjustments to HP, initiative, and other mechanics (sometimes AC, others had bonuses to skills, attacks, and so forth). I suppose I could just add a flat modifier at this point, but I have to remember to re-calculate that for each HP of every pc (and the modifier would be different for each pc) each time they gain a mythic tier. &nbsp;Adding a flat modifier works, I suppose, but I guess I am just trying to keep the amount of "updating" I have to do to a minimum. &nbsp;And yes, I do this for each pc because my players are unable to grasp how to modify the character sheets and create token actions (much to my chagrin). Thank you kindly for the quick response.
Sheet Author
I would have to confer with Chris, but I don't see why we couldn't add a macro-text field that could be used to calculate the Max HP Mod field.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes we can change it back to a macro field, I think I just didn't want it to double the hp, maybe changing the name will stop that
Sheet Author
Nice badge Chris &nbsp;Well earned!

Edited 1450343946
Im not sure if this has been asked before but is it possible through a macro to tick on/off a buff in the buff section? If so, what would be command be? I saw the "@{buff1_Toggle}" but entering it in the chat gives me this "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined"
I also wanted to point out that if a GM was using an undead monster (which uses Charisma modifier to determine bonuses to HP) or a creature that uses a stat other than Constitution (off the top of my head, I could only remember a few unique or rare creatures that uses Charisma as well) to determine bonus hit points, currently the new sheet would not track any changes to HP if the stat (if it was not Constitution) was increased or decreased (unless I missed the option to utilize a different stat other than Constitution to determine HP in the new sheet). Cheers.

Edited 1450354184
Well, I have all monsters and NPC of about 10 Paizo Adventures done on roll20. In a wild guess it's almost 300 NPC sheets. No way to manually redo/adjust all of them. I also have a lot of macros that use the repeating&nbsp;section attributes, but I'll eventually recreate a scrypt to rewrite all of them, so no worry. I'm trying the buff-cheking and attributes changes in some sheets, this solve most of my problems. The melee Attack is ignoring the STR Mod. The same goes for saves: Also, the NPC Max HP was not being calculated. To solve this one, I modified all attributes enoght to change the mod, changed the number of hit dices, and create a buff. Other problem is that a new empty&nbsp;repeating weapon is being added to my sheets. If someone wishs to use one of my campaing as a testbed, be my guest. I've cloned it, so you guys can test and experiment without fear of break the game. Link for the campaing is here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Most of the characters have problems, but try&nbsp; Wraith, Dread, &nbsp;one which I haven't done any manual correction.

Edited 1450364595
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Mal said: Im not sure if this has been asked before but is it possible through a macro to tick on/off a buff in the buff section? If so, what would be command be? I saw the "@{buff1_Toggle}" but entering it in the chat gives me this "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined" You can read them but you can only SET them via the API, so as a pro subscriber you can take advantage of a js api script that sets values. There is also a hidden field:&nbsp;PFSheet_forcesync &nbsp; You can set that to 1 via API, and then if you close and open a sheet, it will force a recalculation of fields (since setting manually on the Attributes tab, or via API, will not update dependent fields)
Fallyrion said: Well, I have all monsters and NPC of about 10 Paizo Adventures done on roll20. In a wild guess it's almost 300 NPC sheets. No way to manually redo/adjust all of them. I also have a lot of macros that use the repeating&nbsp;section attributes, but I'll eventually recreate a scrypt to rewrite all of them, so no worry. I'm trying the buff-cheking and attributes changes in some sheets, this solve most of my problems. The melee Attack is ignoring the STR Mod. The same goes for saves: Also, the NPC Max HP was not being calculated. I have the same problems. Basically, the sheet is ignoring every modifier until you change that modifier. Is going in and changing every single value currently the only solution to this problem? I thought this was exactly what the re-calc box was supposed to fix?

Edited 1450369997
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
New update&nbsp;fixes the following: buffs set to 0 on recalc (no more NaN) then recalculated AC (& variations) forced to 10 if blank on recalc & any update.&nbsp; Dropdown values reset on recalc (so STR to melee, Dex to ranged, or whatever will be set on open of sheet instead of 0) this is non-repeating dropdown values Ability dropdown added to HP so you can choose None or other than CON Added macro-text field to HP to add/subtract additional HP Updated Announcement text to remind users to also add "-roll" at end of macro calls, as well as adding the $X updated version to 0.12 (so stealth/fly/acrobatics fix won't keep being re-applied. second pull request added (they updated too fast for me! :) )&nbsp; made sure to check Fly and Acrobatics as well as Stealth fixed if needed. Outstanding issues: ensure repeating item dropdowns must be set on recalc determine source of extra blank repeating items ensure repeating items can be deleted. So Simon, Fallyrion, everyone, I was missing the dropdowns in the "recalculate all" , they are in now. Actually the switch from disabled auto-calculated fields to javascript is what is introducing the "only update on change" , the update doesn't fix that it actually introduces the error, the update just speeds up sheets for GMs with massive #s of NPCs (like, well, us) because now they are not constantly kept up to date, which is why the "recalc all on open" functionality is needed. Every sheet has to have that function if they are going to use javascript to update.&nbsp;
@Chris and @Vince I just merged in your various changes. There were some merge conflicts between them but I did my best to merge them. So take a look and make sure I didn't screw it up (and if I did, submit a new Pull Request with whatever needs to be fixed).
@Courtney R. I believe I have fixed the issue. Go ahead and give it a try now and you should be able to delete those attack rows correctly.
Sheet Author
chris b. said: New update fixes the following: 6. Updated Announcement text to remind users to also add "-roll" at end of macro calls, as well as adding the $X This only applies to the macro button rolls, not to macros that include repeating attributes.
Thanks for the fast update, awesome job! However, only some things appear to be fixed. Most fields seem to work for all of the NPCs I checked but the NPC HP max field is still not correct.
Sheet Author
Riley D. said: @Courtney R. I believe I have fixed the issue. Go ahead and give it a try now and you should be able to delete those attack rows correctly. Is this an anomaly or something other users are going to have issues with? &nbsp;Thanks Riley
Sheet Author
Simon said: Thanks for the fast update, awesome job! However, only some things appear to be fixed. Most fields seem to work for all of the NPCs I checked but the NPC HP max field is still not correct. I believe it has the same issue as the PC side of the sheet. &nbsp;NPC HP max was previously an editable(textarea) attribute. &nbsp;We should be able to do the same for it. &nbsp;Fix coming.
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Vince said: chris b. said: New update fixes the following: 6. Updated Announcement text to remind users to also add "-roll" at end of macro calls, as well as adding the $X This only applies to the macro button rolls, not to macros that include repeating attributes. fixed and sent new PR in,
Vince said: Riley D. said: @Courtney R. I believe I have fixed the issue. Go ahead and give it a try now and you should be able to delete those attack rows correctly. Is this an anomaly or something other users are going to have issues with? &nbsp;Thanks Riley It was only affecting characters that were used during that small window the day the update came out. So most people weren't affected. Everyone who was affected should now be able to delete those rows, though.

Edited 1450373652
Sheet Author
chris b. said: Vince said: chris b. said: New update fixes the following: 6. Updated Announcement text to remind users to also add "-roll" at end of macro calls, as well as adding the $X This only applies to the macro button rolls, not to macros that include repeating attributes. fixed and sent new PR in, This is like a race to PR Chris. Every time I go to submit a change, you already have a new PR. lol :-P Don't stop.

Edited 1450374108
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
1. so this should be the NPC HP calculation? (all i did was move the floor to after the multiply by HD): 2. do we need a macro field for users to add their own or maybe change the misc to a macro field 3. heading out for 6 hours(have to work and also some other stuff) var hp = Math.floor(((parseInt(v["npc-hd"],10)||0)+1)/2 * (parseInt(v["npc-hd-num"],10)||0)) + parseInt(v["npc-hd-misc"],10)||0 )
Sheet Author
chris b. said: 1. so this should be the NPC HP calculation? (all i did was move the floor to after the multiply by HD): 2. do we need a macro field for users to add their own or maybe change the misc to a macro field var hp = Math.floor(((parseInt(v["npc-hd"],10)||0)+1)/2 * (parseInt(v["npc-hd-num"],10)||0)) + parseInt(v["npc-hd-misc"],10)||0 ) The calc looks fine and I think allowing macro text for misc &nbsp;should solve any needed flexability.
Sheet Author
Should we add a line to the Attention text about NPC HP Formula as well?
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
i did not update the formula yet, you can or else i can wait until your latest updates are merged, then i will put in the update. i am still doing tons of errands so runnng around the line above just replaces the similar line in update NPC HP (forget name) and make sure to put a comma at the end
Sheet Author
Request: Support for max skill ranks calculation when using consolidated skills. When I first made the consolidated skill section with the skills I did not know that the skills ranks per level changed in addition to grouping the skills together. The request is for a "Using Consolidated Skills" checkbox be placed in the unchained config section and for the max skill ranks formula be updated to include the consolidated skills formula of 1/2 class skill ranks per level and 1/2 int bonus.&nbsp;
chris b.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Does the same rule apply that there is a min of 1 rank per level even if you have negative int?

Edited 1450394754
Sheet Author
chris b. said: i did not update the formula yet, you can or else i can wait until your latest updates are merged, then i will put in the update. i am still doing tons of errands so runnng around the line above just replaces the similar line in update NPC HP (forget name) and make sure to put a comma at the end Actually if I change this var hp = Math.floor((((parseInt(v["npc-hd"],10)||0)+1)/2) * (parseInt(v["npc-hd-num"],10)||0) + parseInt(v["npc-hd-misc"],10)||0 ), to var hp = Math.floor(((parseInt(v["npc-hd"],10)||0)+1)/2 * (parseInt(v["npc-hd-num"],10)||0)) + parseInt(v["npc-hd-misc"],10)||0 ), the sheet stops auto-calculating...? &nbsp; I'm guessing that the floor needs to be done before HD is multiplied. &nbsp;I'll let you play with that. I don't want to break anything(again...) UPDATE: &nbsp;Just needed another left parenthesis. &nbsp;Seems to be fine. &nbsp;Commit added.